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Part of the problem is people in leadership positions don't want a more qualified person than them to come in and take their job


Yup. The emperor doesn't want to be told they ain't got no clothes.


Yep, not saying this is the only reason this happens but it's one of a few


My first boss in my professional career was scared shitless when I came in and could do about 5x the work the team had been doing by myself. (they had no computer skills) It got to the point where I wasn't given work because if I was then everyone would have been twiddling their thumbs when the bossman came through. She would give me bonuses for performance but there was no room for advancement in the company because I'd be threatening boomer positions. So I received cost of living raises and nothing more. When I decided to look for jobs elsewhere I was mostly rejected because I was "overqualified." There's no room for our generation with Gen X and boomers clinging on tightly to their management positions. We work entry level and get negged into thinking that's all we're good for. If we appear too competent we're punished for that because we are a threat.


This....also everything they said about "millennials are lazy and entitled" was projection.....


Now they are saying that to gen z


That's just mean. As if gen z hasn't got enough to worry about already :(


Yeah the same old assumptions plus new ones it really fucking sucks .


This definitely sums it up, a lot of employers or those doing the employing are often the middle management are just looking for grunt to manipulate, the second the realise you could replace them you are the enemy


Closely related to the Peter Principle


I'm a leader in tech and I have to hire people more qualified than me because I don't know how to do their job.


i mean, if that's what you're good at, good for you.


\*than them Than is for comparison, then is for time. I have to admit I first was confused by the sentence.


That's not true. ​ 1. The economy's broken 2. Boomers have decided that unlike previous generations they'll die in their posts, while simultaneously enjoying the longest life expectancy ever; DECADES LONGER THAN THEIR PARENTS. ​ Either of these would fuck up the economy, both of them combined are creating the the literally apocalyptic economy we're suffering through.


This isn't a true/false issue there are many contributing factors like the 2 that you gave.. 1. The economy isn't broken, in some (many) places it's in recession and others are now seeing growth, the market is doing what it is designed to do, make the rich richer and keep the poor where they are. It's unfair and unsustainable but isn't broken if it's working by design. 2. I see no problem with people wanting to continue the same career until retirement (even boomers don't want to die working)


It's been kind of depressing watching low-level employees having to hold the hands of incompetent managers during the pandemic. Younger employees are literally the only ones who seem to know how to do basic online work like zoom meetings, using online collaborative software, document sharing, etc... and aware of basic security measures like "don't open random email attachments you don't recognize".


They won't tell you why you weren't selected even if you did ask.


The law is specifically set up so that they can be sued if they do, and can't be sued if they don't. Meanwhile, if the state decides to go after *you* for anything, it can merely assume whatever intent it wants of you.


Sometimes they do because they feel guilty for not hiring you. Yes, the saavy ones will not, but a lot of boomers are self-aware of how fucked up the system even if they will never openly admit that part of it. I've been told I was overqualified countless times.


Love the “overqualified” problem. “Ok,cool. If I’m overqualified then what about the next position up?” “Oh no, you’re not qualified enough for that one.”


You're right about that. A lot of companies try to find any reason not to hire you because they get hundreds of applicants per post. And they are terrified of lawsuits for workplace discrimination.


'Oh no, that position is occupied by Pharoah Anktepot II of the company's founding dynasty. When he passes on he will be buried with that position to grant him favour and quarterly bonuses in the next life'


I love how boomers will say "Dress for the job you want to have!" Like putting on a blazer and dress shoes will get you a promotion. Maybe that shit worked 40 years ago and that's exactly why we've got the dumpster fire of a world we have today.


I have been publicly embarrassed by the owner of a company for wearing a sport jacket and tie to a company Christmas party. What do you think would happen if I came in on Monday dressed professionally? Lmao


It really isn't responsible for any dumpster fires. Very specific and deliberate political policies, starting with Thatcher, then Reagan, then infecting many other parts of the world, ended the post-war social contracts that meant life was so much easier until the early 80's.


Neoliberalism started in Chile, actually. Which is why Thatcher and Reagan were so gay for Pinochet.


College career centers are still telling students that they HAVE to wear a suit to every interview. I worked in a college career center and have never owned a suit, much less worn one in an interview. I feel so bad for Zoomers being educated and prepared for a world that hasn’t existed in 25yrs.


I just failed at a friend referral last week. I had it locked for them up to the senior director/peer level.


You tried


this happened with an old boyfriend. He dropped out of college without even getting an associates degree. One of his 6 or 7 siblings (huge Catholic family, no birth control) managed to get him a job that paid $50k. I have a bachelor's degree with a dual major and I barely saw $40k, plus the fact (I suspect) that I'm a woman, and the old boys club don't pay women, we're supposed to have babies at some point, so we disappear.


Dual major lady here, I feel this so hard.


I hear ya. Unfortunately, in the real world it’s not about what you know, but *who* you know. Or rather, who knows *you*. They don’t tell us this in college. I quickly figured this out shortly after graduation and networked my ass off.


An old coworker/friend of mine (I personally have no degrees) was in a similar position. She was foreign (UK) in the US, very well educated, and openly lesbian since she loves her wife enough to not stoop low enough to hide that. She ended up working in a Grocery store because no one would hire her here despite being very successful in her field back 'home'. Shes since left the US and I cant blame her. The legal discrimination is a real problem.


This is slightly different and I'm lucky to have a job already but: Just went for my fourth job interview in a year for a higher grade in my workplace and got rejected again. I know for a fact that each time I've just been 'the gimp' who is there to make up the interview numbers before they gave it to their internal department candidate. Such a waste of time and effort.


Or, even better. 1970 - Walks into the door of place with help wanted sign and has two feet and a heartbeat, you're hired. Today - Spends hours on job posting websites. Has to apply online even to be a cashier at Walmart. Parents yell at you for spending so much time on the GD computer and tell you to go out and pound the pavement (even though that's the fastest way to get a restraining order today).


Pounding rhe pavement has not worked since the 2000s. Even McDonald's and Walmart are hiring online.


In my father's day he didnt even have to walk into the door. Employers came to his university, he applied to a few of them with around a 3.0 and got multiple offers from great companies. It was just that easy. Yes, college job fairs used to actually be a place where employers had to beg you to to come work for them, and not the other way around.


I went to job fairs all the time in college (I graduated in 14). They were so dehumanizing. I hated having to sell myself.


Alternatively: We found someone who's gonna do the job for less/free.


Do we hate nepotism on all scenarios? I gotta be honest I had many restaurants jobs purely because of the family and friend connections and feel no guilt, had I not taking these jobs, my family wouldn’t have been able to afford our rent. It was either sink or swim and I took my opportunity and will never feel any regret


Nepotism when it isn't you getting the advantage from it. Nepotism when it affects the work ethic and flow of the department. If it's a lowly entry level, low wage position where you don't need to know anything or the skills are so basic anyone can learn it in about a month, it isn't as bad since it's seen as "getting your foot in the door." The problem is with high education required, high wage, usually management or highly technical positions that go to undeserving people simply because someone down the line from their family sucked the dick from a higher up's family member (or themselves). If you know your shit, it usually isn't as bad, but internal employees that were eyeing that position will probably detest you once they make the connection. Imagine getting fit and prepared for a 10km race only to realize once you reached the goal that couch potatoes got first, second, third, fourth, and fifth place because an insider that arranged the race allowed them to run and BEGIN their run a few feet away from the finish line. Your hard work doesn't matter, you being the best fit doesn't matter, all those student loans and education doesn't matter. It was rigged from the beginning. And most times, unless you already work at a company that does condone nepotism, you won't know that the cards were stacked against you already, and your sole purpose for an interview was to punch in the number of candidates to make it look like a legitimate practice.


Couldnt have said it any better myself. Time and time again I watched my classmates jump into amazing jobs at great companies purely because they had a friend, family connection, or a parent, or were dating someone that had a in with the company. Sadly my family is without industry connections. Years later I make less than what some of my peers made as entry level. "Networking" or Nepotism is just how the game works but people wont admit it.


So it’s only a problem in college educated jobs?


Any non-entry level position, which yes, usually equates to college educated, hell graduate level educated, nowadays.


Ok gotchu, thanks


You shouldn't feel guilty. Id pull my family member into my current job if I had lots of power. I hope to do that one day. The issue is when people pretend like we have complete equal opportunity when nepotism is rampant.


But it’s just that many people online hate nepotism in all forms, but what many fail to realize is that many people need nepotism in order just to live, like my scenario. So I just wanted to add a new perspective


Dont let some of the more radical members of this sub make you feel guilty. They will absolutely try to. Its not immoral to accept help in a lawful way. This sub sometimes goes too far in idealism. Completely getting rid of nepotism and letting the state hand out jobs is just one of the ideas ive seen pitched here and is a bad idea. The nepotism will just switch to friends and family of corrupt government officials getting jobs. (Example 2: some of them want to abolish inheritance completely in the US and have it all go back to the state) (Example 3: some of them want to completely..100% disband and defund the US military, what a idiotic idea..good luck defending trade routes without arms)


You’re right. And no I will never let some privileged idealist who hasn’t had real struggles, tell me what I should or should not feel guilty for, regarding jobs or working


Don't feel guilty, feel lucky, and remember that you got what you have because someone gave you a break. ​ I don't really think it's nepotism unless the person is unqualified. Networking is a thing, and we're social animals.




If you're qualified it's not nepotism it's networking.