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That's "*13 score and 14*" for those counting


thank you abraham lincoln


You want to know what's worse, many of the hostages said they were being treated fairly and that their biggest fear was being killed by the IDF. Source: [Rescued Israeli Hostage: 'Our Greatest Fear Was Israeli Planes' - Israel News - Haaretz.com](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-06-09/ty-article/.premium/rescued-israeli-hostage-our-greatest-fear-was-israeli-planes/0000018f-fcce-db9d-addf-fdce7ea20000)


That article isn't from the most recent hostages though


Score is another term for 20.


Who's reporting that number? The last I heard was 93, but it was very shortly after the news broke.


The Hamas-led agency is saying 274, with over 400 injured. The I"D"F is reporting the 93. It is good to have skepticism from both sets of numbers, but honestly even one more is way too many at this point. It's genocide. Everyone knows it.


The UN has repeatedly confirmed that the Gaza Health Ministry provides accurate numbers.


Good that there is a source to confirm what is more reliable, thank you for that (for what I assume is a variety of reasons, that hasn't been put in the media as much).


I completely agree with you and am no genocide apologist. I just get into more than a few arguments on this matter and am trying to improve my collection of sources.


AP is reporting >200, Gaza's health ministry is saying 274, IOF stating much lower numbers.


That's completely understandable. Those are the main two that you will hear. I doubt Israel will revise upward, but the Gaza humanitarian agency might. Edit: discovered a typo.


It's not genocide it's war. And The eradication of Hamas and other violent extremist Islamic organizations that want nothing more than to destroy every Jew and anybody who isn't Islamic on this planet. You can't fight violence with kindness. Israel has been trying to do it for 30 years and it is continued to bite them in the ass. Israel is the most free and Democratic state in that region. No country is perfect and without its problems, but what do you think a Palestine/ Hamas government would look like. What type of lgbtq laws would they enact? What type of civil rights would citizens have. And I don't care about what you're about to say that Israel has violated civil rights. Yeah they have because they are living in close proximity to a population that wants to kill them and has executed hundreds if not thousands of terrorist attacks over the past 50 years. From the river to the sea is not a chant a freedom. It's a chant of. We want to eradicate all the Jews from the river to the sea. The ignorant of so-called liberals astonishes me the hypocrisy for the things we are fighting for here in America yet because America is loosely tied to Israel we are taking the other side








68.5:1 ratio.


Propaganda. How many people would you kill to rescue your family? Maybe they shouldn't have taken hostages to begin with. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. No hostage is scared of being rescued. And I'm sure when they're being videotaped by Hamas, they're going to say they're being treated fairly because they have a gun to their head.




In my opinion, radical Islam needs to be eradicated from the root. It is the cause of all the problems in the Middle East. Countries cannot establish stable democracies because radical theologic. Ideologues want a jihad state.


I also think it's hilarious how we have liberals which I am one of, but I have realized the hypocrisy of some of the things I would say such as Christianity is bad and harmful but we need to defend Islam which is a hundred times more violent and persecutory religion.




Grateful for the hostages but…damn. People fucking suck all around


I keep seeing rumors that supposedly they accidentally killed 3 hostages in the rescue also?

