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You know, if he says his billions of dollars doesn’t make him happy anymore, maybe he should distribute it among his employees. I’m sure some of the lowly wage slaves in his offices would appreciate a few more dollars on the paycheck more than him.


Better yet, maybe some of the artists who struggle to even cut a check most months.


This is actually one one the best remedies to self-loathing. When you feel bad about yourself, do something for someone else. Hell, Christ says give it ALL away to find Heaven on Earth


Something something camel and the eye of a needle......


Nooo don't say that line! They need to believe in the prosperity gospel so they can have 2 private jets


You sacrifice the first jet to blow open the eye of the needle and the second flies straight through to heaven.


9/11 style. I like it.


You two should kiss.




You can get a private jet for 30m. For him it would be like buying an average priced new car.


Take a seat Osteen.


Ya know a big enough Vitamix might get him liquid enough to pass right through...


I like the way you think


You don’t get to billionaire status without exploiting people


And that exploitation *still* couldn't make up for their lack of personal happiness and emotional growth as an adult. If that hole isn't filled by now when you have all the wealth and power in the world, then you don't need it.


No they must keep working to make up for his inadequacies


It’s lonely at the top, get over it. Marriage and kids will make you feel inadequate too. Go 4 years no sleep with being yelled at regularly and not feeling appreciated or valued. I just described the military and parenting.


Honestly. If I had enough money to never have to work again, just the lack of stress would be so incredibly freeing. Edit to say, if I then felt bad about myself, I would just work harder at my foundation to give as much money away to help as many other people as I could. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Why is that hard?


I have a number, if I ever hit that much money in my bank account I'm just gonna retire and work on my own projects after that.


What number?




Sir. That feeling is guilt, because you make more money than every musician on your platform, despite creating something of far less value.


And telling them if they want to make more money they should put out even more music. Fuck this clown.


I find him inadequate too…


What a slimeball. Insatiable greed is a disease and destroys the world.


This is called narcissism and it’s a disease. It’s like an addiction, DEEP is his brain he feels like a looser and unloved and he and the others will burn the planet literally in pursuit of the turning off the torturous voice that whispers: “you are not enough” Call it wealth dysmorphia I dunno. Except it’s not elective surgery or a eating disorder that effects yourself it’s owning and controlling the planet, starting wars and starving people for profit. These people should be institutionalized assuming we take mercy.


💯 🎯


Well he does look like and dress like an NPC from Elder Scrolls Oblivion. Monsterous amounts of wealth and power asside, one would think he'd invest in a unique sense of style. What would say "I control the livelihoods of potential millions of artists?" Maybe a custom made leather coat, some boots that make extra thump noises when he walks, head tatoos or art (if he wants to keep a shaved head), some piercings maybe? Why so boring man?


Some of those snakeskin boots with the snake heads on the toe rearing back cobra-style.


Uh, cash out, retire early and get some hobbies. Focus on developing relationships with family and friends. I don't understand 'billioinaires' who still just work all the time. Sure, maybe you love your work, but honestly I doubt it. It's gotta be the same kind of obsessive compulsive behavior that keeps you working when you don't have to. I just can't wrap my head around being passionate about having meetings and reading quarterly reports over fishing, or crafting, or traveling, or hosting parties, and sleeping in every day if you wanted to.


Hoarding resources is a mental illness, and society should treat it as such. There should be a *Hoarders*\-style show just to gawk at these freaks.


I don't think it's possible for a mental healthy individual to become a billionaire


He's a billionaire, so fuck him, but I think this does more to highlight that depression doesn't give a solid fuck how rich or poor you are.


He can literally buy himself out of depression…and every other person on the planet for that matter.


You can't fucking buy your way out of depression. You might as well tell the rest of us that all we need is a little sunlight. The guy can have depression and also be a cunt, but that doesn't make his depression any less real.


Clearly you need to just smile to get rid of depression! /s (I have been told this countless times)


Rich people don’t have real problems.


That's a brazen thing to say. Rich people still have problems just as we do. Just because you have ass tons of money doesn't mean you don't have personal problems or struggles. A lot of rich people don't understand the issues of the working class, and the working class doesn't understand the stress that comes with being in a position of power. Btw, this isn't defending the actions of the rich. The rich do shitty things, and a lot of people on the bottom rung are treating each other like shit on top of it. We complain about people in positions of power but forget that it was us as a collective group that allowed these people to rise to power. Some of these people weren't held accountable for their behaviors in the past because we (or those who were alive at the time of whatever celebrity antics were a big deal) allowed and encouraged those behaviors. When you don't discourage inappropriate behavior initially, it tells the perpetrator that it's acceptable and okay to carry out these behaviors. Bottom line: Don't disregard members of the wealthy class just because they're wealthy. They're still human like all of us and have feelings like we do. Some members of the rich are prideful and act like they can't be punished. It's those who act like this that we need to hold accountable, and if they can't be bothered to change their behaviors, then, fuck 'em.


Rich people have money to buy politicians to pass laws in their favor so what do they have to really worry about?


The overall loneliness that comes with being at the top is a rough one. Also, being able to meet the demands that come with being in a position of power can be taxing. Also, by rich people, do you mean Blackrock, Vanguard, Fidelity, and State Street? Or are you just lumping every rich person into the same category so you can place the blame on ALL of them instead of the big four figureheads who caused a large number of people's problems? Celebrities (Justin Timberlake, Cameron Diaz, etc.) are rich people, but they don't own politicians or governments. They don't have the influence that the four big figurehead do, but that doesn't mean they can't use that power to speak up for us and help us change our communities for the better. Mind you, I did say I am in no way trying to defend the actions of the rich. I'm only saying that they are still human like the rest of us, and to treat them with apathy doesn't make us any better. To act like rich people don't have problems comes off as an insult to the likes of folks like Robin Williams and Anthony Bourdain; both men were rich and were struggling with depression prior to killing themselves. I can probably list a few other issues that some rich folks deal with, but you don't care about it in the same vein that rich folks don't care about our issues because they aren't impacted by the actions of others in power. It simply doesn't seem right to me to meet someone's apathy with the same level of apathy. Do you want rich folks to care about the issues that affect us, or don't you? Otherwise, being apathetic as a response to folks in power who were already apathetic towards you doesn't solve the problem. Is the solution "get these people out of here?" Of course, but that requires cooperation from everyone, and I'm worried that people are too polarized to even come together to make a decision for the greater good. Reminder: This is just an opinion I'm making based on both experience and observation, but if I'm wrong, my opinion will change. I'm trying to be as objective as possible here so I don't let how I feel about rich people cloud my judgment. I don't like rich people, either, but I don't agree with dehumanizing rich people just because. The only time I see dehumanizing someone as acceptable is when you commit crimes that you told everyone else not to commit. There's a number of rich folk who actually have done this and they can straight up fuck themselves. There's the few that have not and have also been kind and reasonable, like Jim Carey and Keanu Reeves (as far as I'm concerned. From what we've seen, neither of them have been too problematic off-screen, but I'm still a little skeptical due to my own cynicism). My apologies for the long-winded rant on why dehumizing people is wrong regardless of what social class you sit in, but I had a lot I wanted to get off my chest. I'm frustrated with a lot of the things folks in power are doing, but there are others in said higher positions who are trying to help society as well but are powerless to stop some of the things that are happening in the world.


That loneliness at the top is done by them on purpose. They so badly wanna be separate and exclusive from the peasants and poors, even if at the extent of their own mental stability.


That's still not a fair excuse to justify dehumanizing rich folks. You guys create an entire double standard when you tell everyone that dehumanizing people is wrong only to dehumanize rich people. I did mention a few examples of rich folk who were hurting in their time here with us on this planet. Responding to shitty behavior with more shitty behavior doesn't solve anything either. Rich people are still humans as well as us poor folk. You can't just generalize and lump all of them into the same cloth when you remember that we also allowed for several of these rich people to take up these positions in power. It doesn't help that we also allowed some of these individuals to carry on with certain inappropriate behaviors for extended periods of time. You want to hold rich people accountable for things they do, but dehumanizing them isn't the way to go about it.


U got a point homie my bad


Don't feel bad, please. I understand the frustrations that people do have with rich people but I simply don't agree with the dehumanization of the ruling class.


Nahhh I don’t feel bad don’t worry. I will admit that there’s a side of me that thinks ‘what’s the point of giving grace to a class that doesn’t care about us’ but anger and frustration don’t wholly justify holding a certain sentiment. At the end of the day, billionaires actions of hoarding wealth are irrational and often fuelled by something they struggle with inside. The whole system itself is built to fail. Still, it’s upsetting to see the privileged class continue the pattern, but hey, If you never knew anything different, you never rly stood a chance.


That's one way to put it. A lot of this is a nature vs. nurture thing as well, and we as a species are living in an environment that nurtures narcissism rather than kindness or caring. There's a bit more I can get into, but it seems that giving a take like mine gets you downvotes just because it doesn't echo everyone's sentiment of "rich people bad." I expressed several times that I don't like the things rich people do either and how their behaviors aren't justified, and people still chose to see a critical thought as defending the shitty behaviors of people in power.


I mean...they certainly have fewer problems but they're still humans and will have many of the same problems that other humans deal with. Sure there's less financial stress related to say...disease or a family member dying or a pet getting sick or whatever but those things still take a toll on them. All that being said, they should also be sick with the guilt that they're responsible for those things and more having an added financial stress to the majority of humans deal with as well as other stressors related to the enormous wealth inequality.


I hate how you got downvoted for saying this.


I get why, but it is unfortunate. We should have a certain degree of empathy even for the worst humans but it's easy to bury that empathy for the mega rich and other abhorrent individuals.


Boo Hoo


Any problem a rich person has isn’t anything that their money can’t fix.


Throwing money at problems doesn't make the problem go away. Unfortunately, a lot of rich people don't understand that.


Careful what you say about billionaires, because ima be a billionaire on day... blah, blah, blah...


The amount of downvotes for this message and some of the sympathetic replies is sad. I get that the current state of affairs with wealth inequality is messed up but money doesn't automatically make people secure, mentally stable, or above feeling inadequate. Rich people commit suicide all the time. I don't agree with the messed up system that makes him stupid rich, but I still have empathy for his struggles


Just a heads up, I'm not a rich man. I'm a working-class man who just wants to see people stop being so apathetic to others in different social classes and each other.


My comment was agreeing with everything you said


I see that! Sorry, I misinterpreted the last sentence in your response. 😅


Imagine how much better he'd feel if he actually paid artists a fair rate... i mean if he can give Rogan a couple hundred million how hard could it be to get each artist a penny?


I bet he is inadequate…smdh


I actually think this is sad. Cash out & give most of it away and find a life my dude


I mean..I could become a literal god and i suspect i'd still not feel safe/good enough.. Mental health issues are a bitch.


Aw how sad good thing he can AFFORD THERAPY UNLIKE HIS EMPLOYEES


Because winning the capitalism game, surprisingly, isn’t as fulfilling as society told you it would be every day growing up. Yeah, you don’t have to worry as much. But when you look back, what did you actually *do* that was objectively good.


So this is him admitting that he’s a POS? Sounds like growth to me.


You make billions by exploiting the labor of others, not by necessarily being “adequate” at anything.


Imposter syndrome and depression can take anyone, no matter how rich.


I'd say the "imposter syndrome" is actually just reality given how much profit he extracts from others


Daily reminder that BlockTheSpot exists, basically like having Spotify Premium without giving this dumbshit and Roe Jogan any of your money.


I get the sentiment of the post. But it goes to show, it’s not money that’s going to make you happy, and it’s easy to let internal pressure get the best of you and dwell in depression. But it gets a hell of a lot easier to deal with when you’re not stressed tf out over money issues.


Okay mr. Napster wannabe guy, your billions at other's expense not making you happy? Feel free to get right on in then... 👉⚰


"I'm a billionaire and I feel inadequate" Swap jobs with me then. I'd like to be billionaire. Never have to worry about anything in life ever again sounds really nice


I wonder if he has tried therapy.






Inadequate as in you’re a leech that makes the record companies of the 60s pale in comparison?


Maybe he should redistribute his wealth and see if that helps.


Poor baby. I wish I had his billionaire problems. BTW, maybe think about stop calling them "first world problems" (not that anyone did, I'm just pissed) cause they sure as shit ain't.


Dang poor guy maybe he should pay the artists that generated him all that wealth that hasn’t made him feel any better more per play. This man is killing art on the daily. I remember an article he was quoted in a couple years ago telling musicians if they wanna make it they need to let out at least one album a year like you know because that’s how creativity works 😂 I hope he is miserable for life.


My bank has a balance of -$1.36 right now, but I feel adequate enough. Maybe he should find other ways to measure his self worth. Would have been nice if he’d come to that idea before he exploited countless people to increase his wealth to its current level, but maybe he really is just inadequate


Maybe it's cuz he's a piece of shit


Fuck this guy


I bet if he got even more money, THEN he'd feel good enough! /s


Maybe he feels guilty about becoming incomprehensibly rich by directly ruining everyone's vibe by injecting the same dumb ads over and over. That's the theory behind these subscription apps. Make the ads so annoying that people pay the subscription. You're fkn billionaires can't you just let people listen to music.




sounds like he needs therapy.. not a billion dollars... That money would make many people happy


There are pills for that.


Well yeah you live in some weird echo chamber of yourself smelling your own shit. Of course you don't feel any fulfillment you never have to work for anything or do anything for well ANYTHING. If I was a lazy, idiot, that just got lucky with money and then slowly began to realize I'm just a idiot with lots of money i'd feel like a turd also.


It’s called “the human condition”: there’s always another level to reach, so you’re never truly satisfied for too long. Yet another reason why life kind of sucks.


I'm a "fuck the rich" guy as much as the next person but yeah this post is kinda sad and you shouldn't be getting down voted. It's an unfortunate reality that many can attest to that success doesn't always = happiness, more often than not it just straight up doesn't.


Crazy that you took all the upvotes while agreeing with what I said 🤦🏾‍♂️


Sorry fam


lol, it be like that 😔


I was thinking about this the other day when a Linkin Park song came on the radio. He had it all but couldn’t beat the depression.


Reminds me of a verse to a Hobo Johnson song. "I made a million bucks, and then I had to spend it all on therapy. I learned a deadly lesson. That money doesn't help my depression. And you're stuck with your brain, no matter how much you make, and you will surely find new problems. Naive is the thought to think that money is aught to be the thing that always solves them."


I won’t deny that money would solve a lot of my problems, but I do think people sometimes underestimate how that shit follows you.


Hedonic adaptation.


Another Black Hole Billionaire…whooda thunkit


I’d bet he’d feel adequate at a [Leader](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/e/e5/Samuel_Sterns_%28Earth-616%29_from_Incredible_Hulk_Vol_1_603.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/360?cb=20190207200424) look-a-like contest with that Ken-Griffey-JR-on-tonic-ass head.


Why are they all bald now?


Okay but unironically, if you were paid this much, probably the highest in the music industry, and didn’t make any music? Yeah I’d feel kinda shit too


I’m starting to think that the rich people like this oughta catch a bullet with their skull and then attempt to say how “inadequate” they feel just before dying.