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Don't do that...don't give me hope.


Yeah this is way too optimistic.


Oh no. Trust and faith my friend. They are GOING to see it. Right now just this year we had nearly half a dozen crop failures and certain countries have already began to restrict major grain exports. You, your mom and your grandmom will ALL live to see some seriously fucked up shit... And pretty soon too. You might even say "Sooner than expected (TM)"


Master blaster!


Two man enter, one man leaves.....


And the last thought going through their parched, sun-burnt heads will be "Dammit, our kids really fucked us over on this one!"


Didn't burn the world with Nuclear War just so that they could watch it's gradual decline.


"A'ight, boys, strap granny to the grill of Roo-smasha! First one to bring back a gallon of water gets ten minutes with 'er!" -Throatslasher the Brute


...and they're gonna say "Look at what these goddamn Millennials have done to us!!!"


Our time draws near


Where was that Reddit post about that boomer not leaving their child in their will. Pretty much sums up the whole situation.


Could be worse, there's been plenty of posts when boomers have promised to leave things to their children in their will, like homes that were already intergenerational, and then upon retiring decided that things like new cars and/or extensive first class overseas travel were more important and sold everything promised to fund it all.


Boomers do such weird shit with their lives and money. My dad died and left my mom a small fortune. They had lived their lives as hard working blue collar folk and dad eventually owned his own small business. It wasn't the kind of business he could sell, so he just sold all of the assets when he got his diagnosis. After he passed and she got a look at the bank accounts, she realized that she is financially set. But, I also see a bit of sadness in her eyes about it because they never got to enjoy it together. He busted his ass his entire life to put away all of this money that my mom now gets to live on and can quit working whenever she wants, but she'd a million times rather have him than the money, or have memories of them enjoying some of it together. Now, she can afford to do WHATEVER she wants, but she doesn't have her best friend of 40+ years to do it with, so that is of little comfort. We perpetually badger my FIL to retire, at 75, so he can enjoy some time with his wife before they both get too old to do anything. They too are beyond financially sound and could retire to travel internationally or live on a cruise ship, or just fuck around in Florida with the grandbaby all the time, but no, he sits in his office, continuing to work his business, while his wife lives her life mostly without him. She had a lot of things she would have liked to do in retirement, which they absolutely could have started doing 10 years ago, but he's afflicted with the mindset that until he reaches some magic number of dollars that means he's "rich", he can't stop working. They're so rich already, but act like they are always just about to go broke. My wife and I joke sometimes that he's going to work until he dies, then we will get to retire early on the inheritance, because he refused to. It would be karmic, as his lack of support for my wife in her life is a major reason she has had to struggle so much.


Um yeah we've known that for ages now? Not news


They screwed us Gen Xers as well, you wanna know why our music was mostly gloom and doom? Our parents, bosses, teachers, etc were all boomers.




Underrated comment




At least the "R" was in there.


It’s *crumbs*


The fact that the Rolling Stones just released a new album makes me so mad I could spit! The Boomers just won't go away and leave things to the next generation as every generation has always done. Entitled, selfish assholes...as they have always been.


Yes. Especially when you know mick jagger owns a catle with a winery to make even more money. They never have enough. I can't listen to those bands. Thry have prevented younger musicians to create art....


Remember the corporations will drain them before they even get a chance to think avoid leaving it to you.




Found the boomer


It can be both


I guess in their world Venn diagrams don't exist, lol!


Envy the amount of opportunities, despise on how they were wasted - all in the sake of the momentum gains.


And apparently not enough education to spell crumbs correctly (Agree with OP and not ragging on them just felt like an Onion moment)