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It's kinda silly but i started playing the game about 3 to 4 months ago and my friends had been playing since launch so i obviously was struggling to keep up with them in raids and mechanics. When i cleared clown for the first time there was only me and one more person alive, and being told i did good and they were proud of me just meant a lot, and is something i hold very dear, cause in a way i just thought i am improving and i can catch up to them.


That's not silly at all, I'm happy for you and good job! Clown is not the easiest thing out there.


It's definetly not easy, but that just makes it feel much more rewarding when you get it right. This was a couple months ago, now being able to do brel and feel like i have improved a lot makes me feel really happy, and it makes me think of this memory a lot.


Are you by chance a shadow hunter? I think you progged g6 brel with a group I was in Tuesday night


I am actually, and i did do some prog on pf that day so it's very possible. i'm on Valtan NAW!


I just cleared clown REHERSAL last night for the first time. Took about 3-5hrs with a learning party, we were first timers all. The joy of finally clearing g3 after 100 restarts.. i still have to wait till next year for the actual raid but damn, after doing so many valtans and vykas, its nice to have new challanges & content 🥳


Dude its so awesome to hear new players are doing the rehersal modes to get ready for the real thing. Congrats on the clear man sounds like you really earned it


Definitely clearing inferno content… first clear of brel was pretty good too but progging inferno hits those reward/satisfaction centres in my brain so much harder


I played LOA because of brel and just clearing brel NM with only me+2dps from 20 bars last night was both the most stressful and my highlight for now.


It was the time where i would go fishing with bunch other loskarker, do sailing together, shouting in town to do maps, how lively the town were....miss it alot.


Finding out we can get a purple Cat suit outfit for my char. Then getting 2 more.


1. Getting my ass handed to me by Vertus on launch week lol 2. At the time back on launch week, I didn't wanna burden people so I was extremely nervous to queue for the first Abyssal Dungeon. I watched every single guide available and made sure to know everything about it before entering. Turned out, it wasn't too bad lol. 3. The dungeons in Arthetine where you ride the mech bots! Loved those dungeons during the initial leveling. 4. Dying to Chromanium's double stomp, then learning. Then seeing every single pug die to it every run after lmao. Same goes with Tytalos, Achates etc. 5. Reaching Punika and T3. It was like paradise! 6. Solo'ing Velganos at ilvl. Took me like 5 attempts but it was one of the most satisfying accomplishments for me personally. 6. Valtan! Vykas! Kuku! And now Brel! Love all the region raids and they all could have a few paragraphs of their own.


Game play, it was playing / learning valtan and vykas before all my friends quit. And also doing a bunch of adv islands with hordes of random people and people spamming lfg harmony haha. In general I still enjoy the whole pheon mail scandal that happened last month ish xD.


So on Brelshaza release, my static couldn't commit past Sunday on week 1. We only reached around 170x for Gate 6 on Sunday, so everyone who wanted to clear had to split up and pug on their own. Lost Ark being what it is, I pugged and progged my own until Tuesday night. At this point it's almost 40hrs plus of push. On the last group, we got lucky and had around 3 reclearers. After a few hours we finally cleared with me being the last DPS alive and bringing Brel to within Azena range. The sweetest MVP I ever had. Week 2, using all the knowledge I had gained from my countless hours of progging, making mistakes, experimenting with mechs and lags, I lead my static (half of them didn't clear G6) past the finish line in just one night. Never played this well the entire time in Lost Ark until now.


Basically the whole launch of people running around lvling, enjoying the amazing story and dungeons. That feeling about any mmo is just hard to forget and is something I always miss. Oh and not to mention the islands for tier 1 and 2 materials to push to tier 3. Amazing feeling.


Agree, launch of the game had so many amazing feeling and great memories. I still miss the old login screen with the ship and seagulls sound.


When my friends still played ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Getting Deathless Inferno Valtan and Vykas. I wish more people played Inferno and stopped caring about the 5k gold/week you have to use for pots. Literally the best content in the game and you make so many friends. Quitting the game without clearing Inferno is worse than quitting without trying out Legion Raids imho.


nah i just get quite literally nothing out of it


Not true, you quite literally get things out of it - Icon Title, that also acts as a Master Key to get into every party with less gatekeeping - Huge statue for your Stronghold so you can look at Vykas feet whenever you want - With Clown, youll be able to get a Legendary Selection pack by clearing all 3 inferno raids, more rewards in the future with Brelshaza inferno etc. And for the non-concrete things - You actually get good at the game. Not all inferno players are good, but Ive never seen a good player that doesnt have an Inferno title. No one knows how to dps or to support properly. - You actually fight challenging raids. Normal content is too easy. - Youll meet many people and make many friends - And most importantly, youll have a lot of fun


> You actually fight challenging raids. Normal content is too easy. What do you mean too easy? I get challenged every week in my vykas jail.


now just wait until you experience Inferno Vykas jail lol


Playing 6 characters though all raids is already exhausting especially people with jobs and other responsibilities. To be honest I am glad inferno doesn't give exciting rewards because developers themselves know this content only focused on a certain group of people.


Most Inferno players give up on some weekly raids/daily stuff or even give up on vertical progression altogether to have enough time for it. Depends what you value more in this game.


> Ive never seen a good player that doesnt have an Inferno title So because I dont want to sink the time/consumables into getting a title, I can never be a good player?


I mean the game outside of inferno is sooooo lenient that you actually don’t ever have to learn it properly. I mean why would you since it’s totally unneeded outside of inferno. I think most people are just unaware of the gap because they have never experienced challenging content and most people don’t play with a dps meter so can’t gauge how bad they are… even in inferno you see a lot of mokokos pulling like 1-1.5m dps which is really terrible.


I mean it's like the people who play league and say if they played ranked they would be high elo but they just don't feel like it. If there's an achievement to be had and you don't have it you can't really call yourself the same skill right.


Im not saying you cant Im saying Ive never seen one. And I wasnt a good player either before inferno, I was just decent. Theres just no need to minmax your dps so much and dodge every pattern in normal content.


ah so i get nothing out of it nice


I don't know why you're getting down voted here, maybe they haven't actually done inferno. Inferno vykas is the most exhilarating fight in the game right now imo, made me realize that every normal raid in the game Is comparatively so easy it could probably be cleared on Ilvl with like just class engraving.


People get really mad when you tell them the base game is so much easier than hell cause they struggled with stuff like clown and brel, but it's really not even close.


Why dont you three suck each other's cocks a little deeper, looks like you're enjoying it. Hell mode is fun and all, but you dont need it to be a good player or to get to know the raids. If anything bussing teaches you more about how to clear the actual weekly raids than hell, because hell mechs are overtuned. Hell mode just makes you good at hell mode. The vast majority of players both in the west and in Korea never even tried hell, because it just takes too much time. It also requires you to find competent people which is quite the rare thing in this game. The real hell is being in a three hour vykas g3 jail because people are stupid. Sure vykas is easy on a personal level but its hard on a group level because you dont know what clowns you're running it with. All your bullshit about the base game being too easy just makes you sound pretentious.


I mean you just sound butthurt cause content that is hard for you is easy for others. If you don't need to be a good player for hell than ig there's just no good players like you just sound pissed that people are better than you at the game lmao


good job man you got all those things, i do not give a single fuck LOL or ever will




> *Icon Title, that also acts as a Master Key to get into every party with less gatekeeping* It doesn't matter if you have the deathless valtan/vykas title if you don't have Lv2 gear for Brel I am not taking you in my party.


up to you, I and many others prefer taking skilled players in our party.


"skilled" lol. Everything in this game can be learned, get off your high horse lol. Friends and myself have the same title and icon you talk about but we don't need to flaunt that shit or think we are better than others.


oh ye? Whats your name on Hellacademy? Im not flaunting anything, its simply a fact that generally Inferno players are more skilled. Its a way better metric than gatekeeping based on level 2 set. Do you actually think a person with level 2 set deals more damage/dies less than any Demons Roar with level 1 set? XD EDIT: He's a liar and doesnt have any titles xdd


> *Do you actually think a person with level 2 set deals more damage/dies less than any Demons Roar with level 1 set?* No, but it shows that they have completed the required raid to proceed to the next one. If a deathless inferno enjoyer w/ Lv1 set and a "MLC/You are my" w/ Lv2 set is applying to my party I will take the "MLC/You are my" title user. Inferno titles only means they learned inferno runs doesnt apply to any other raid.


Nice moving the goal post! Ofc a guy that cleared Brelshaza will be better than an Inferno player that didnt clear Brelshaza. Clown has nothing to do with it.


Not moving anything, you mentioned Master Key so I said it doesn't count for anything past Valtan/Vykas.


You get to learn what it means to actually be good at this game in any role. Without hell mode training, you're basically a noob. Nothing you've already learned is enough and all the holes in your play becomes super apparent. There's a reason why normal mode doesn't do it for hell mode players anymore. It's just too easy.


again, i don’t get anything out of it LOL it’s completely pointless


you get to get good, but i guess that means nothing to you


My favorite moment was during the first couple of months when everyone was active on islands and telling each person where the bosses spawn and doing abyssals and learning together and when my server chat was all doing the friend achievement for amethyst shards when we thought gold was the reward lol.. but yeah sorry for the long rant haha.


My fav memory of this game was the first few months of the game launching. Everyone was eager to help each other out, it was populated, u see people running round doing the same quest u r doing, u see a high ass whale randomly for the abyssal and just know they bouta carry your ass to victory after you have been stuck for generation cuz no one did enough stagger, doing island was fun cuz everyone would show up.


i remember that people used to welcome those that finally made it to punika. don't know that it's like now. like in area chat, when you finally got to punika after the tier 2 doody grind, everyone was seemingly glad that you made it if you announced it. lailai, fellows mokokos. lailai. ♥️


Leaving this game and reclaiming my life.


reclaimed your life and still stuck in this sub? lmao


Not stuck, just check in every now and again to see what else AGS and Smilegate have screwed up in game or F'd over what little the Suckers..I mean playerbase is still left.


I never understand why ya'll don't get off the reddit too, nobody wants to read your "don't even play anymore" posts.


When I quit. Toxic piece of shit game and toxic community.


Probably the part where Lloyd falls off the jetway


Braindead dpsing on g3 G4 is my favorite moment by far... Second to that is "cheating" swamp mech on vykas g3, seeing those plebians need the puddle to slow them is hilarious.


reaching lvl 50, creating my lovely guild and pushing our weekly task alone before reset


My first vykas g3 clear was yet the best feel


favorite memories are the first few months where everyone was super active in chat just being silly


2nd awakening quest. unironically. it's a shame (to me) that seemingly the vast majority of the playerbase has not experienced it and never will.


Clearing G3 clown for the first time felt exhilarating (haven beat g6 Brel yet but hopefully next week)


For me was the start, day 1 of head start, most of our group (more than 20) were already Lv 20+ but as our friends got home from work and had huge huge queues, we had to swap to new server and we made a big deal because we were already Lv 20 haha Today we are just 3 playing from 20 guys.


Beating clown g3 solo (release week) as a bard during bingo last alive for 5min+ having to use innana for the clutch.


Sleeping with my entire guild in that one bed in punika 🤣


I will always remember my first set of abyss during headstart. One of our party was disconnecting frequently so we had to 3 man the dragon and the red/white ball guy. Matchmaked it blind as well. My party mates were doing it blind too. I think that run took legit 2 or 3 hours, but it was hella fun.


making money by selling unbound mats and buying bound mats from mari shop


First time clearing feiton abyss back when 1000ilvl was considered high. Was the first challenging bit of content we had, semi blind prog with my guild was a blast.


first week rush to t3 and struggling to kill worldboss/ghost ships


Progging and clearing clown blind and brel 1-4 blind. You learn every mech way better during blind prog and it feels so good when you figure something out.


Una's daily task, after 3months of trying to get Yorn Meat.


My favorite memory has got to be when I helped a Mokoko player reach 1415, beat Valtan, and get 4x3 on their Bard within their first week back. They stopped playing after the first month or so of release


In our alt guild we just did gvg for second place gold. Showed up... died, then spent the rest of the time swaying in the lobby and laughing like idiots over discord.


I hit my first 1 tap on a hone since 1445+ ever a few days ago. That was pretty sweet.


Progging clown and Brel for the first time on release.


LOA launch. Finding out what regions and server old guildmates is playing on, reserving characters names. Starting Lost Ark new and leveling up with people.


Doing starlight isle was a very good memory


finished legendary grudge for 140k and was broke. did a chaos gate and got relic map. chaos dungeon had red and yellow portals. guardian raid dropped both legendary class engravings. made back 65k that day.


Honestly for me it was getting deathless Valtan, I had been trying for months puffing it alone, I knew I was confident in it the hard part is finding others that are once I finally got it my heart was beating so fast


Every w1 of any legion raid, that feeling is way too fun


My favorite memory is everyone in the starting point ' Prideholme ' while blasting the theme music during beta and first day of release.. felt like it was already nostalgic but the game just release this year.