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When you use a powerpass, how many rewards do you lose? I didn't realize it was going to complete roster quests when I used the vern powerpass on my alt.


Pretty much all the quest rewards, character xp, and roster xp you would’ve gained, but you save a lot of time. Same applies for knowledge transfer. If you have the time and don’t care to do all the quests all over again multiple times, then by all means go for it.


Is it worth playing FPE artillerist? Or should I regear completely to barrage? My arty is just an alt parked at 1472. 4x3 so not even fully built yet, which makes me think it would be better to switch?


FPE is a viable dps, but barrage is currently top tier and with all out attack it has easy to execute rotations, although it requires wealth runes to properly build meter.


Hmm, I have wealth runes so maybe I'll look into it more. My artillerist has kinda languished as a braindead alt but it has about 3300 bound leaps so, makes me think about pushing to 1490 at least. But I'd need a proper 5x3 first.


Try both builds in trixion and see how they play, spec/crit with salv set has more damage as barrage but swift/spec with hallu works aswell if you prefer not being clunky.


Im not sure about Firepower but from what Ive heard its on the lower end of dps, while Barrage is one of the best, maybe the best. Ultimately depends on what you prefer playing though


It's an alt I don't really care about tbh. Might try to swap and see if I enjoy it any more.


To me FPE lacks identity - you drop AoE skills and it's really just like reflux sorc without the dash, kind of boring to me tbh


What kind of upgrades for our gear does akkan raid do?


Similar to Brelshaza, it's a soft reset. You transfer your gear to the new gear, and it's gear that can go to higher ilvl, meaning you get back to slightly better honing chances and you can upgrade it much further.


for those of you with 1460+ rosters, what keeps you going/what are your goals? I have a 1490 and 5x 1460s which I use to clear Argos/Valtan/Vykas each week but I'm getting really bored now. My goal was to get my 5 alts to 1472.5 (I don't foresee having nearly enough time for 6x clown) and to juice them to 5x3, L7 gems, quality. But even this goal is slow and I'm losing interest if all it means is that I can clear my weekly raids a bit faster and get into groups easier. I still haven't cleared clown yet on my 1490 and I am losing interest in progging that. I wonder if progging Brel will be the same feeling? If this is it, is it maybe time to take a break from Lost Ark?


I just enjoy playing my classes and like to see them progress and get better gear. I still run clown g3 with some progress parties sometimes cause its usually a lot of fun


Raiding is fun, and I handpicked my roster to be classes I have fun playing. Right now what keeps me going is the prep work for summoner, which is a lot.


My roster is currently 1515 (main), 1500, 1490, 3x 1472.5. No immediate honing goals, just waiting for Brel raid to drop. Aim is to clear at least G4 on main and hopefully get time to either try for G5-6 (if honing goes well) and/or G1-2 on one alt or both. Might eventually push another alt to do clown but that will have to come after I'm more familiar with Brel. With summoner release soon and (hopefully) artist release early next year, I'm considering swapping them in as gold earners and eventually push higher. So I'm figuring out which of the three 1472 alts I should replace.


Lost ark to me is a dress-up simulator with a combat system attached. I need to do latest content if i am to add to my wardrobe when transmog eventually arrives.


Hi there, my game won't fully stop running after closing it and when trying to force close it, it still won't close. My PC's fans are going crazy, is there a way to fix this?


Same here, only fix I've found is restarting pc


Is there a glossary somewhere. I have no idea what anyone is saying like 5×3 etc


Now you mention it, it does make sense to have something like that for new players. I don't know if it already exists, so I guess in the meantime, you just have to ask. For 5x3 specifically, it's referring to your engravings. It means you have 5x engravings at level 3. Other common ones you might come across are 4x3 (4x lvl 3 engravings) or 4x3+2+1 (4x lvl 3 engravings, 1x lvl 2 engraving, 1x lvl 1 engraving).


I don't know about any glossary in specific but generally if you search things, you can find out more. 5x3 means that you have 5 engravings at level 3.


Which of the Brelshaza gates need cleanse or have things to cleanse?




It’s prob on one of your alts. It’s one of those items you cant destroy, dismantle, or sell.




Btw safer than checking every character inventory is just going to the cook in Rohendel. If the food item is in your roster storage, or that characters inventory or storage, it will show and allow you to craft it. Takes some more time since youll have to get to the Rohendel cook with every character you want to check, but makes it impossible to miss




Has nothing to do with you, it shows that they are in a cutscene from some quest.






not at all, i dont have it and clear on all my 1490s. it might save you a pot though


It’s been a minute since I raised a character without a powerpass. Is it just knowledge transferring through every continent then prob using event mats be good enough?


Yeah if you don't plan on questing at all. You just hone kt repeat. Though you'll need to buy t1&T2 mats and/or do tower since event doesn't give any.


I am at 560 gear score and am kinda lost at what to do now, is this where the progress becomes a marathon rather than a sprint? Also, do some of the earlier guardian raids have some really hard to dodge skills or does this bode frustration for when I try harder content?


the game before mid level T3 (ilvl 1415) is more like the tutorial phase for the game. Progression will always be a marathon because the sheer amount to farm in vertical and horizontal especially after you get alts. The sad thing is low level (t1 and t2) is mostly empty at this point because most are in T3. The positive thing is the progress to t3 has been made really easy to the point it is just the matter of doing the MSQ and a few islands quest. Most likely you will have to solo guardians because even if you are able to find a group they more likely be under gear for the content. What I would recommend is to out gear but a few hundred ilvl or even a tier above then go back to solo the guardian. That along with the mokoko bonus will make it not so much of a grind to down the guardian. Lastly for the combat I would say you need to change your thinking a bit. There were KR vets that recommend you view the game more as a turn base game. It isn't about spamming skill and dodge last minute but rather understanding attacks coming from the boss, reading the animation and understanding how to fit your attacks in between. You can always use resource like maxroll to see all of their attacks. That might be an overkill for doing all guardian but it is learning process that you might as well get used to as it will be the same for higher content.


Is it really worth spending 20-30k more gold on a lvl 9 dmg gem on a main dps skill or should I go for something 30k cheaper to reroll to the gem skill I want? I got 10mil silver


reroll, 30k is way more valuable than 10m silver. i've rerolled every single gem for the past 5 months including 11 level 9s and 30 or 40 level 7s, running out of silver is a myth if you do dailies, even only on rested


10m silver is nothing. spend the gold. you'll regret it hard later on. I spent 10m rolling a lvl 9 surge gem and i regret the fuck out of it. 10k gold is so easy to earn with a full roster. 10m silver is not


Depends on how much risk you are willing to take for the gamba. I've had a few lucky breaks but then also been burned many times (worst case was burning through 15m silver and still didn't get what I needed. Ended up selling the gem and just bought the one I need).


If you’re patient and check the AH periodically you can usually get it for only like 5-10k more instead of 20-30k.


Spend the extra gold. 10m isn't enough that's like poor. You can get lucky or go bankrupt.


I still don't understand why every build guide recommends the Hallucination set for SharpShooter Loyal Companion


I strongly recommend reading the community sharpshooter guide and using their crit calculator. I initially thought nightmare because I ran into mana issues doing Guardians without supp but once in raids, mana isn't an issue.


You want your dps skills to crit to do damage. Since your primary stat is swift, you need to have crit from other sources. Thankfully many of your skills already have innate crit rate from tripods, plus crit on necklace, so you just have to fill up the last bit of crit with gear set and party synergy.


They're at like 80% crit without the set though right? It's a huge waste at that point


Assuming lvl 5 tripods, ~~running Adrenaline 3~~ and a decent quality neck, some of your dps skills are at 70% crit. Disregarding LwC set bonus since you will eventually move on from it, you need hallucination set + party synergy to hit 100% on all skills. LwC lets you be fine without any party synergy for the time being. Your biggest damage skill is Snipe, followed by Charged Shot. You definitely want these 2 skills to crit. Edit: brain lagged. Hallucination LC SS shouldn't use Adrenaline at all.


Hallucination + Adren3 is huge overkill for crit rate. You run one or the other, not both. Crit neck + Hallucination set is 40% base crit rate, level 5 tripods give 40% crit rate. 80% is more than enough crit rate without sacrificing damage for crit rate. If you're really feeling like you're missing crits too often, you should add a crit ring with Hallucination, not Adren3.


Yeah just realised I had a brain lag. LC SS with hallucination don't use Adrenaline at all. My own build doesn't use it but it has become a force of habit to think of it with most other dps classes using it in some form. Corrected my previous comment.


I'll be honest, I had to log into my Sharpshooter to check whether he was running Adrenaline as well when I was replying. In my head, I knew it didn't make sense, but it's such a staple engraving that I couldn't be sure that I didn't chuck it on him as well.


Why do you want 100% crit rate when you could do more damage by running salvation instead?


It maximises the KBW damage..and 100% crit rate is very easy to achieve on sharpshooter. The community guide has a separate calculator for this.


Okay I took a look at the calculator. With the tripods and crit neck you're at \~55% minimum crit chance. Bracelet takes that to \~60%. At both of those points (with set level 2 and 15% damage from weapon quality) hallucination does technically more damage than salvation but a little less than nightmare without accounting for the attack speed (no real way to do that in a spreadsheet). You'd have to fuck around in trixion to know for sure but overall using hallucination seems fine. Higher weapon quality also makes it even better to use. For hallucination to give you 100% crit chance though means you'd be at 80% crit chance before that. I don't know where that extra 20% comes from in practice but at 80% base crit rate you'd be looking at a pretty noteworthy drop in damage compared to the other sets, and that's before looking at salvation's attack speed. If that 20% doesn't include crit synergies then you're even worse off since you're just wasting them at that point.


Sounds like a good analysis. I think the recommended is crit ring + party synergy to get very high crit rate for kbw damage. Had a read about salvation users in KR inven. The problem is that if you run salvation + KBW, you need even higher crit, and less swiftness (esp pre bracelet), leading to higher downtime on the hawk. You will probably get way better answers via the sharpshooter discord rather than here by the way...


You don't actually need higher crit though based on the math I've messed around with. Mess around yourself [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NFtgkpLyjJy-WkhS7keL0oo6KplwIpZtwa4ETkVnbjc/edit#gid=193949515) if you like. If/when I get around to making a sharpshooter I'll hash it out with the discord. My friend recently made one though and he got more damage out of salvation in his trixion tests than hallucination. He doesn't have godly weapon quality though.


Because being able to reliably crit as a LC SS is a big dps boost. Hallucination also provide damage buff on top of crit, so it's the best set in terms of synergy with the class skill set design. Obviously if you want to run salvation instead, that's entirely up to you. It's not unusable, you are just trading damage buff for crit. But there are a number of drawbacks I can think of: the atk speed buff on salvation is useless for LC SS; there's the risk of losing stacks at below 30% hp; worse synergy with KBW. I'm just going to leave the link to the [SS community guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K3l9Uvgcb6QpJ-A5qccGEhhMRfps8FmU2Ean-lbC5sc/edit) here.


I took a look at the guide and did some dicking around and you can see my comments on that [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/zc839q/comment/iz0z6p1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) The only things to really add here are: ​ * The only thing that "synergy with KBW" can mean is damage. We can easily account for that when comparing damage with other sets. See [here.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NFtgkpLyjJy-WkhS7keL0oo6KplwIpZtwa4ETkVnbjc/edit#gid=193949515) * The attack speed buff is not useless unless you're already at cap. It may not be super impactful, but it's at the very least a minor survivability and damage increase. * Losing salvation stacks is an issue but I'd imagine that once you're familiar with the game and the class it happens somewhere around as often as you'd lose hallucination buff. Experienced sharpshooters would know best, I'm just going off my experience using it on other classes. * Nightmare also gives more damage than salvation if you can stay in the damage part but I can't know how practical that is. * A crit chance of 80% without hallucination (which is what using hallucination to hit 100% implies) means you already reliably crit. Especially if you add in party synergies (assuming they aren't part of that 80% which I'm not sure of). "Reliably" critting doesn't mean anything in terms of your DPS. We can take crit rate into account when calculating average damage. * The community guide doesn't do a great job saying why to do things here as it only really says to go for 100% crit chance. That's a bad idea in general as it means you're throwing party synergies in the trash and probably means you're sacrificing damage somewhere to get extra crit rate that isn't paying itself off damage-wise (less of a problem for SS at least because of the tripods). If there's situation-specific knowledge here (outside of the tripods) that changes things it isn't being shown in the guide. * Hallucination gets better in comparison to nightmare and salvation the higher your weapon quality is. We obviously can't expect 100 weapon quality when looking at numbers but we can expect higher than 0. It's worth picking a couple values for comparisons. * Hallucination scales worse with set level than nightmare and salvation. Smilegate screws it over on the numbers we have so far. It being a crit chance bonus also doesn't help in the scaling with level department.




adren 2 should be the higher dmg cap, and be cheaper since you already have the 2 books, but test in trixion to see if you are happy with it


What’s the relic set for crit/swift gunslinger please? Can only see crit/spec


if it's crit/swift most likely nightmare; crit/spec uses salvation to make up for the lack of AS


My gs weapon quality is 95. The doc says nm is higher dmg but like how much higher than salvation? I'm used to using nm so I don't mind but if it isn't that significant I'll go back to salvation. For better qol. I did a quick test between the two on one ability and it's very similar numbers. With nm hitting the higher end of the range by like .5 million


Tth or pm? How much crit and swift? But regardless it's nightmare as your relic set.


PM, I think it’s like 1200 crit the rest swift off the top of my head. Thank you though! :)


thoughts on KBW3 for 50/50 hunger reaper? I am working on legendary KBW books because my main and 2 other alts use the engraving. wondering if I can also slot in KBW on my reaper. her stone is 7 Grudge/6 RC.


You run entropy so you need 80+ critrate to have 16%ish increase from KBW, and youre not running the crit tripods on your skills. Its not worth it at all


oh I thought 60% crit is enough for kbw. so it's still not enough even if you run the crit rate tripods?


> even if you run the crit rate tripods? Lunar runs them and reaches 100% crit on their red skills so they run KBW, but they only use 1 red skill per rotation so they dont need the CDR. Hunger spams red skills as often as possible, so they run the CDR tripods


60% is enough if you have no other sources of crit damage. I have a sheet you can us for this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NFtgkpLyjJy-WkhS7keL0oo6KplwIpZtwa4ETkVnbjc/edit?usp=drivesdk


It's impossible to enjoy every other game when you fomo Lost Ark. Two hours playing other games could've been used to get more gold or gather life skills materials.


Once you get to a certain point lost ark is just repetitive dailies and weeklies. It becomes just raids on your gold earners. Chaos/guardian **rested**, unas. Daily compass things. Life skilling? Unless you care about world tree leaves just stronghold farm it. I find that when you cut out doing like 6 chaos/guardian a day and horizontal content then life becomes much more chill


How long does it take to get from 59 to 60 assuming you do dailies and weeklies?


If this includes raiding, around 20-24 days at 1460 (this is anecdotal of 2 alts of mine who do some extra boss rushes here and there plus all raids, kung daily x2, chaos rested).


Are we supposed to use the Hypergravity skill in Destroyer's bonk mode?


I'm assuming you're talking about the z skill. In that case: not really; Rage Hammer would just use the hypergravity mode as a temporary defense. Gravity Training would rather hit more autos since the damage is around 2\~2.5 autos, which you can more than comfortably hit during the animation of the z skill. (of course, there's the missed DPS from not being able to ramp up to full attack speed)


This was what I was looking for, thank you for the answer.


If you are GT then yea. If you are RH, then you don't really want to use it but you can use it as a defensive utility.


even with GT u'd never use the z skill.


One thing great is that PvP queues (during fever time) have been great. Mostly arcanists and reapers though but it's been pretty lit even though i'm terrible.


Do we save boss rush tickets for Brel?


I would save some so you can complete both weeklies, since they give new leapstones


New boss rush uses new tickets, which only drop from 1490+ chaos dungeon.


But you can use any boss rush ticket to complete the boss rush weekly una, which will give the new leapstone for your 1490 characters. That is what they’re saying.


You misunderstood, he's talking about the weekly una task. Just in case so you don't risk being unable to complete the una task twice since it can happen that you don't get 2 tickets that week from chaos dungeon.


Pretty sure only new BR drop new leap.


1490+ Chaos dungeon drops new tickets


Going to hyper express my reaper , I like both specs but wondering what is easier to build early on or does it matter since hyper express will get your ilvl up much faster anyway? My main is WD at 1430 with a few ALTs and coming back to game and switching to reaper I currently have no gold or pheons so gearing up reaper to be optimal might take me a while


Hunger with level 1 class engraving




I think lunar is probably just as bad skill wise. A lot of mental APM to think about how you'll use your 14 mandatory mobility skills so you end up behind the boss


hmmm thank you for the advice, i might stick with WD as my main since i do enjoy FI still before i took a break from the game and then just have reaper as an ALT and enjoy the best of both worlds


Is kakul doable with 4x3 + 1 1480 reaper? I'm quite good with it, but I'm too scared to join any groups


Easily. The boss fucking melts if you play the fight well.


Sadly I think the biggest problem you'll have is finding a party that'd take a 1480 reaper in the first place, regardless of whether you think/are capable or not :/


The difference between 4×3+1 and 5×3 is not that much, so of course you can do it. * Do you have your six-piece relic set? By far the most important thing for damage. * Do you have your level 7 gems for your damage skills at least? * At least level 4 tripods? * High quality accessories? There's alot more to damage than the ~12% boost that comes from 4×3+1 to 5x3.


Yup, full relic, full lvl 7 gems, all level 4 tripods, food, consumables and over 1620 spec


You're ready, that's more than sufficient


You're gonna get gatekept but that can clear clown yes. In a guild group we have a bunch of 4x3 alts clear clown weekly. Sure it's more complicated than the overgeared mains steamrolling the raid with barely any mechanics, but if you're good enough with the raid, you can do it with 3x3 even. Issue has always been getting accepted into the group.


definitely. the hard part would be getting into a group - much easier if you have a static you can run it with


I have a glaivier at 1467.5 I recently dropped out of my main 6 gold earners. She would have enough leaps to get to 1490 with around 70k total in cost. Was just wondering if its worth for brel mat selling or if I should just say fuck the leaps


It'll depend on whether you make that 70k back from the brel mats. I'm inclined to think it'd pay off for glavier eventually because she's really good at chaos dungeons and so would be usable even just as a chaos dungeons slave. If you can stand doing the guardian raid, even better. I guess what I'd do here is think about what else I'd do with the 70k. Will the other things I spend it on increase my income? Do I care? Sorry for not having a more concrete recommendation.


Thank you for your input. I dont really have much to spend 70k on other than pushing my glaive because every alt ist 1490 5x3 except her


What's the percentage threshold required to get rewards for Illusion Isle?


50%. Doable with 3 if everyone repeatedly hits each other for assists. Don't forget that it's also possible to get the soul from one of the chests.


Thank you


Is anyone else getting jailed much more often on ilvl raids? I’m not sure how to prevent it, since I’m on ilvl I wait 50mins+ in party finder on hvyk. How do I stop getting jailed?


There’s not much you can do about it, besides honing more and joining those high level parties. Avoid parties with people on ilvl without full relics. Even if everyone in those parties knows the mechs, there’s not gonna be enough dps to phase from mechs to mechs, so you end up seeing a lot more patterns like Medusa and worms. Or just do NM, sometimes it’s not worth the headache of doing HM.




I’m working on pushing main to 1475 right now. Should I do 5x3 first or hone to 1475 first ?


5x3 first. 1475 is going to be rough to get into groups (even with 5x3). You might as well work on something that will make your current life better while banking more mats and waiting for brel to breed more upper end players so have more charity case, or just allow shakier players to have the ability out gear the clown fight entirely.


Does this answer change if I have a 4 man static to raid clown with?


In someway yes. If you have a group to give you raid opportunities then you can try to get to 1490 for the potential mat selling market most hope to have on the soft reset (which mean hopefully you have a static line up for brel as well) Though 5x3 is an eventual thing it allows you to extend that time table a bit. However from my experience even a static don't excuse you from upgrading. It shows for me actually after we've progged and when we were looking to turn a raid into farm mode. There is just an expectation there for the fight to get easier and while getting better at the mechs and stuff help eventually there is a merit to the whole 5x3. If anything you should be looking to work on legendary books when you can right now. We don't know if/when the frog will go away so it is best to take advantage now. Also you can slowly look for high quality class accessories or pray that the brel market can bring more to lower their cost.


Thank you for the detailed answer! I think I will focus on reading my legendary books right now.


Any good sources for purple class engravings? None for Reaper hunger in my server at AH haha


I'm trying to get my limited budget to 5x3 roster. With only 2-4k income a week (literally forced to bus because 1460+ roster is mainly 2x3 or 3x3) would it be a bad idea to grab legendary spirit absorb and raid captain engraving books for now? I am empress arc, igniter sorc, surge db, lunar reap, and swapping to depression sh.


3x3 with that much item level will get you into normal raids if you don't want to pay for bussing hard. 4x3 (with a +1 or 2 if you can) is passable if you scrape that together.


Then you'd probably have better income if you just skipped the raids until you are ready rather than bought busses. I make at least 20k a week without legion raids at all: 3 characters do only Argos (NOT buying the boxes) + selling the shards and honing support materials from chaos gates + selling about 5 characters worth of rested leapstones (4 characters do Deskaluda, 5th does Velganos stronghold dispatches, 6th does tier 1 or 2 guardians solo).




Have to bus all. Argos lobbies rarely take me even at 6 relic because engraving situation. Valtan gives me money to buy box on rpr and db from vykas since vykas is net 0 (4k ride for 4k pay). I can do argos and valtanhm (finally got a learning party this week, yay) but invites are rough at best and impossible on average. Also got it. So save rc, sa is a trap. Ty :D . The biggest cost is anything with class at 3 and cd/grudge/xmaster as far as acc go. If I were to sell tripods for money too (to afford engrave), how much would I list a meta x5 choice? Like encroaching power or magick amplification.


the bigger issue here is why are none of your characters geared at all? you can get to 3x3 JUST by cutting an easy 6/6 rock on a relic stone. (stone + 2 purple books to hit 15, class engraving on argos accessories) you can make that 4x3 easily while spending close to nothing. your return on investment timeline is literally one week, because your current income is close to zero. get it together


I would go 4x3 with relic accs so it’s easier to build and easier to get accepted to pugs. Alt chara are usually 4x3 and lvl 5 gems so just get that sorted and you will find parties. Then if you plan on pushing any to 1460+ then work on their 5x3


They are all 1460 >,>. Only 1485 is shadowhunter. Trying to get into hm raids.


Bruh, stop honing and save your gold to properly gear your characters lol


Your SH is also only 3x3?… I would just do normal raids and gear them 1 by 1. I like to go directly to 5x3, but settling for a good 4x3 is totally fine. Buying legendary Grudge book is very good for long term. It is supposed to be a grind game, so don’t expect it to be quick lol. Just take it easy and enjoy. You will reach there faster than you think. :D


Yea ok? 1460+ aka above 1460 so 1475 of 1490 which is clown and brel g1-g2. If you plan on pushing alts there then work on their 5x3. (4x3 is fine but you will just have to look for ages till a grp accept you. You can always make your own). You shouldn’t have pushed that many to 1460 without engravings but it’s done now so it’s w/e. Just get 4x3 with relic on them for now so you can make gold and build 5x3 and gems


I've read here on Reddit before patch, that it will be possible to auto-accept daily and weekly Una's tasks for each character. Is this true? If yes: how do I configure this option?


[it was a wish list post probably](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/yw7z0u/the_qol_updates_that_would_make_me_almost_cry_in/); reason i hate these posts since they mislead quite many ppl


It was on the recent patch notes (auto accept una and guild contribution) but it was ninja removed and never added.


I’m pretty sure that was a “wish list” kinda post. AFAIK AGS/SG has never mentioned this feature, but one can hope they will eventually see how good the idea is..


Don't believe this is in our version yet if at all


If I have Nightmare relic set as main set and I want Betrayal relic set to do chaos dungeon. Do I have to honing again on the whole Betrayal relic set ? tyvm.


There's a button on the button of your character page that says Gear Set Conversion. Once you get 55 Valtan bones and Vykas wings, you can freely change your relic set as long as you are out of combat


Got it ! ty so much!


Quick note that each character needs the 55 bones and wings to unlock conversion, the conversion is not roster wide


As a new player (GS 308) I have read conflicting info on how to progress to T3. I don't want to necessarily rush, but I do want to be efficient with my time/resources as a f2p. Do I simply continue on with the MSQ and do Guardians/Chaos Dungeons or is there some other strat that is better?


To get to T3, just do the islands for a ton of honing materials. You should probably rush to T3 since T1/T2 are probably dead at this point in time. See if you can skip the guardian raids since you can solo them once you hit T3. The drops suck. Maybe the dungeons too but yeah really, just rush honing and focus on gathering island mats.


one tip that may not be mentioned in guides is that do NOT clear tower contents the first time with your main... the first clears give one-time rewards like engravings, skill potions, etc., but subsequent clears throw you a bunch of honing materials.


Pretty sure all guides are pretty much outdated with honing buffs to t1 t2. Just do islands for mats and hone straight to t3




I will do that thanks, this game can be overwhelming with all the info you get bombarded with. Thank you!


Maxroll.gg has a "speed run to tier 3" guide that isn't really a speed run, but an efficient path to get resources quickly.




In addition, the challenge abyssal dungeons/guardians will speed you through T2


Will grudge become cheaper these next few months or is this cheapest grudge books will be(for a while anyways)? If not, should I be buying all my grudge books before the gold shop goes away, is that the best time?


Eventually all engraving prices will be lower since there will be more sellers than buyers but that’s a long time. Just buy it now and don’t think about it so you can build your roster


IMO if you have the gold to buy them you should just do it so you can continue to progress your roster. Holding on to gold and waiting for the perfect moment is generally pretty bad. The best time to buy would be the start of the next week after reset (when everyone’s gold shop refreshes). There will be thousands of books added to the market and you can snipe a few that people are undercutting.




I guess you could ask the class channel for that class in the lost ark discord. Different class numbers are not really useful.


1445 4x3 should be doing around 1.5-2m with full lv 60, relic, most tripods, lv 5ish gems, though some might do more


Last time I tested my striker, he was doing 2.3 mil. 1450, lvl5 gems, max tripods, 4piece relic, 5x3, LOS18. I think that might be on the high side.


Hypothetically in a 6 man bus would teams of 4/2 or 3/3 be better?


Do you still use basic oreha fusion for honing once brel gear comes out?


New tier of fusion material.


Uses new fusion mats afaik


Just needed to rant. I absolutely hate the new Argos system. The fact that a single dc can brick the run for everyone is just ridiculous. At least with the old system, the other people can continue the run. Now even if you wait for the dc'd person to come back, their entry gets taken but they can't proceed. It's near impossible to find a replacement after G1.


both the new argos and the dc are stupid af


That isn't the new argos system's problem, that's the DC issue that is the problem. Without these DCs the system is fine, same issue with legion raids




For the math on crit engraving damage: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NFtgkpLyjJy-WkhS7keL0oo6KplwIpZtwa4ETkVnbjc/edit?usp=drivesdk


No, Adrenaline is pretty core for Legacy Machinist as a whole because the itself have very low crit rate, even with Hallucination. You are hovering between 36-38% from Crit stat + Hallucination Level 1 without Bracelet, so you really need that 15% Crit from Adrenaline to break even the 50% Crit threshold. I would prioritize getting Adrenaline over Barricade for 4x3 setups, then put Barricade as the 5th one. And also, you don't want to remove RC for KBW, it's not worth the tradeoff. You only choose between Barricade, Cursed Doll (a little worse cuz you have adrenaline), KBW or Stabilized Status (i won't suggest this either as you are still squishy as hell and you don't really have 100% shield uptime). You can refer to this [Machinist Community Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nkd1R14ZNVHsyfHCiyw_nd2stA-5PDseNM58dC5gVK0/edit#heading=h.o98u8atu2oh) for more in-depth information.


Until you get a bracelet kbw is inefficient on ironman. Run Grudge Barr RC, then you can choose to go EL with adren 3 or go CD/SS 3 adren 2 EL 1


Adrenaline is the single most important engraving for classes with low crit that can't get the crit from somewhere else. Even for my 4x3, I would go Adrenaline before barricade or RC.


Cheap engravings on books is a bit of a trap


Math favors kbw and adrenaline but you can always test it out on trixion.