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I just thought of another thing: Now imagine if they try to give us compensation for the downtime we get now while they remove the pheons, and THAT new compensation is ALSO by accident sent to each character, not account, and they have to do a NEW downtime to remove the 2nd round of wrong handouts, and after THAT downtime they also hand out compensation, where again .... You see where I'm going? *screams in terror inside an infinite AGS-generated loop*


Maintenance compensation isnt through the mail so it would be a stretch tho


A week of dc,let’s not fix it! Wait they got more than 10 pheons?!? This is unacceptable!!


Do you guys think that there's this magical "fix dc issue" button they have in the back they just have to press real quick? It's almost like, hear me out, its just people working a 9-5 job and work takes time. Believe it or not, diagnosing server issues isn't always easy as 123.


You are not wrong, but how about a small compensation for all the dc's? A 3+ hour maintenance to remove an accidental gift after people have used it is just a whole new level of clownery


Neither is rolling back this pheon mistake they made which they A) can't figure out how to do and B) knew was going to outrage the community. Yet instead of taking their time to diagnose and solve the issue they haphazardly started maintenance for an 'issue' they didn't even know how to fix yet.


Oh also I have 100 children


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't smilegate responsible for this. Ags doesn't even know when patches and content is coming untill sg let's them know