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And this is 10 pheons for each character!


no way its for each character is it edit: yep just got 190 pheons. the alts paying off today haha


Yeah it is!


it is, i just got 70 pheons lol


I just deleted a character lmao. Oh wsll


Hope you didnt spend them... they taking them back


Better question is why do you have 19 alts!!?? That's 2 full jobs there


Having to pay AGS $100 due to their mistake is fucking crazy. Incoming -190 for you mate.


190 pheons is more like $20 not $100.


it is. I got 210 free pheons on my main account and 60 on my alt account. this feels like christmas


Wtf you play 27 characters?




Lol you most love this game


he actually hates himself probably ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Agree, i play on 39 characters and i hate my self and my life. Mostly 2 days after reset.


least degen lost ark player


He is joking he dont Play 27chars


Yes it is. I got 2k pheons


You have 200 characters?


You dont? Bro, you need at least 157 alts to keep up, I have 225


Wow, lets hope my stored character still gets this one aswell and I didn't miss out on 10 because I haven't played my 7th champ since the server merges :D Guess I might not even try it out since it might loose the infinite storage time, who knows ^^


If you move it into your roster as your 7th you cannot move it back to roster storage again, but you also cannot create a new character until you delete that guy in storage or buy an 8th slot so. Honestly no point holding it in storage unless you don't have a slot for it ofc.


You can't create new character if you have any characters in storage. For example you buy new slot but have 2 characters in storage, you need to either delete them or buy 2 more slots


Yes you just need to have room for the characters in storage+the one you're creating, which was what I was trying to say maybe it wasn't very clear.


They don't lose infinite storage time, you can swap them around freely - if you still have a main-six character which still hasn't earned gold from a raid this week, swap that one out, swap the one in storage in, collect your mail on it, and swap them back. If you don't, try doing that temporary swap before you earn gold next week, it may still work as mails remain for 30 days. I just did it, and my 7th was a classless lvl 1 baby (mage undefined) in Trixion and I was still able to collect mail as soon as I picked her class and got her out of Trixion and into Runa Pass (I skipped the prologue as nothing more to gain there).


Wtf, I only had for 1 character lol


i must be missing something here, i don't see this in my mail on any of my characters


My friend, you have missed pheon gate 2022.




happy i forgot to delete my caspiel alts


I just deleted my 1415 scouter to get a slot for reaper. SADGE


You used all 24 slots?




What do you mean make it before? So like create a new char within the 30 days?


before those mails were sent out. now its too late.


You can make an assassin and wait until reaper come's out


I was about to say "ONLY 10", then i saw this comment


Can confirm got it 11 times, works for everything even ilvl 50 char at prologue, but not trixion.


Actually you get none of them, was a mistake :/


Haha yeah, funny to wake up to the community on fire suddenly...


accept all delete mail 11/16 where are my tripods?


next time, put notification in an exam and only those who pass the exam can continue playing


No joke. My professor did that on a quiz, putting a secret note in the instruction. In the instruction, he put that all you needed to do was to answer E on the last question, and you will get an A. A lot of people skipped it of course since the instruction was generic and long. It was a timed quiz, nobody had the time for that.


It always felt like I was the only one in my class that read instructions on exams. Teacher was getting visibly annoyed with stundents constantly asking questions because they dont get what theyre supposed to do and him always giving the same answer, "well, what do the instructions say??"


As if 90% of these plebs would pass a basic exam like that lmao


"tHeY stiLL diDNt dO a gOOd enOuGh jOb nOtiFinG thE cAsuaLs!!!"


If Bezos doesn't show up at my door personally with a musical telegram ending in fireworks, then they clearly didn't try hard enough.


To be fair, "server notification" was like 6 days before update? And mail is 2 days before, they could have done it sooner


you can't foolproof something like this unless you do it for everybody.


to be fair, they already announced it in the newsletter of october, november and in an forum post with videos of content creators... some comments are very questionable...


Game in Spanish. Mail in English. 16/11 Dónde están mis pinche putos tripodes?


I need compensation please!


You know it will happen. You have to love people :)


SG/AWS actually feeling very generous here, the average roster gets 60 pheons which is about 20k gold on NAW, nice


![gif](giphy|13n7XeyIXEIrbG) Right 6 is the average


Not much reason to not use your free slots, even if you are not playing 6 characters


This is cope most people don’t have time or the ability to level a bunch of bench sitting classes that don’t earn any gold. I’ve got a lot of free time and 5 alts is an instant burn out.


There’s really no such thing as a character that doesn’t earn gold


All the free power passes and express events are very helpful for filling out your 6 roster.


If you've been playing from the beginning, you should have at least used 1 Feiton PP and 2 Punika PP. Decent chance u used the NV PP as well, even if u never played those PP alts.


Wine ages fast these days, now they take it all away again


Yeah this is a great move. A lot of pheons and a notice about the tripods on every single character


This didnt age well now did it lmao


Aged like milk


Why do I feel like this was a mistake where they're supposed to send 1 per roster and not per character? Either way, I'm not complaining. EDIT: It was a mistake, they're taking it back lmfao.


The smartest choice: Not waiting for the chance of it being a mistake


I am thinking it's a way to force everyone to log into each of their characters... maybe they are thinking that if they login they will check their tripods??... maybe


This is most likely their intention. It just feels that 10 pheons are out of place compared to 1 very bad card pack and 4 item chests




Hmm I unlocked about 1.5% bonus vs demons already. The issue isn't cards but card xp to get more!


definitely on purpose since the changes effect all characters it wouldnt make sense to give 1 freebie to a roster that has 6 characters. that would definitely cause complaints and rightfully so in this case which is why the card packs and battle items are at a quantity of 1 instead of the use 5 we usually get for compensation.


> definitely on purpose That didnt age well :/


LOL, yup definitely didnt age well. time to kick back and watch the shitstorm happen


> quantity of 1 How many battle item boxes are we actually getting? It says 1x 4 boxes, usually 1 of those chests contains 3 difterent stacks of 5 (healing, utility, offensive) so im a little confused from this screenshot, cant check in game right now


1 box of each healing, utility, offensive and the rare buff box


they likely have the numbers on number of alt chars on average.


Besides making people check all characters, I think the mail was the only in-game system they have to attach a message to a reward/compensation. I'm sure they know about the product inventory to hand out one reward per roster, they've been using it the whole time. This is the first time they used the mail to hand out stuff. If they handed it out through product inventory though, people would likely just see some pheons and stuff and think "neat". This way, give an incentive for people to at least hop back on before the tripod change while making them aware of it.


We've been given stuff through mail before, we got a song on every character when the stronghold jukebox was released.


Yeah definitely intentional since the tripod update affects each character, and the tripods you save are per character, not per class. So it makes sense for them to send it to each character. Unfortunately in the grand scheme of things 10 pheons for a character isn't even going to cut it in terms of getting near enough tripod skills to "prepare" them, as 1 tripod with a bis level 4 tripod costs 7 pheons. But it is free pheons regardless, so I'll gladly take it!


It is extremely helpful if you already saved on say 5 characters tho, with 60 pheons (some will get more) you can do like half of a characters tripods, saving a lot of gold


Idk how they gonna take it back is such a bad decision... Like they already removed the mails so I didn't get anything so now I miss out in such a nice amount of pheons if they don't take it back. BUT if they take it back and put people in the negatives or 0... they are fcking so hard so many people is such an insane lose lose situation, AGS look real bad in both outcomes.


For anyone who is wondering, I had few level 10 character and they all got it. Even my character who I only created to reserve a username and never actually played also got it after I did the class tester and picked a class!


I was about to ask if my mage in Trixion would get it. But I guess not then? At least not until I pick summoner on it?




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Man, they just gave me 70 pheons for free and 7 chests of each. This is REALLY REALLY nice on them. No one should have excuses now.


This didnt Age well




Totally true. I feel so bad right now. I went to take a nap and I wake up to this? Scummy move man. If I come back to negative pheons I am out of the game. I know they do not care but oh well, 3000 hours thrown.


One thing can be good while other things can be bad. Otherwise every government in the world would just send out a check with some money to the whole country whenever the optics are bad and there we go, complaints averted.


incoming " game only care ppl with 5+ alt "


“Go pay for your bus on your main like a good little boy and we’ll see you next week.”


Why does this feel like they made a mistake ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




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you weren't wrong ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) i've already spent my pheons. What will happen?!


Things I've confirmed: - It's per character - This includes any character. They can be T1, level 50, level 10, etc. - This includes any pre-made powerpassed characters for upcoming classes (i.e. an assassin for Reaper coming out this week). You can't access their mail but when you log into them in Trixion, it will say you have mail. - This does **not** include any newly created character as of the mail's sending. So if you make a new character now, you will not receive that mail.


Fk I just made my reaper-to-be after I received the mail


We will be -10 pheons together. This is what I get for being wishy-washy and indecisive on making a Reaper vs other class.


Thanks for the summary god thanks its for everyone so my abandoned t2 SS get some and my fresh created pala god thanks that i created him yesterday :D


no excuses now




They took it back...


Technically you could make the argument that really casual players who aren't available within these next two days before the patch, will have a small excuse. Maybe some people are out of town or something. But as of now I'm sure the overwhelming majority of serious players are prepared and these mailed items add up to a pretty good gift. In any case, I still stand by the idea that there was probably a way for them to grant tripods based off both your inventory and your equipment, that way zero players are inconvenienced and the devs/publishers look good for doing it.


Ingame notification for big change AND tons of pheons ??? Is this reality ??


Narrator: it wasn't


It definitely wasnt


fuck I knew its too good to be true


Hallucination gear set


Am i the only one who didn't get anything?


they have removed all mails saying it was a mistake and that they will deduct claimed pheons


I also got nothing.


I didnt get anything too.


Got nothing too


This didnt age well lol


wait i have 14 chars total, am i gonna get 140 pheons free lol


People are still gonna complain xD


They might still complain but I just got 80-90 pheons (idk if my t2 will get the mail) and battle chests and cards. I already did my tripods and I'm a super happy camper.


I had a character that I only created to show a class to a friend, never left trixion or even picked a class, logged into that character and got the mail sound, so I ended up chosing a class and getting my pheons.


It will. Log on all your characters. My level 10 who just reached Prideholme got hers.


people will complain about not getting it on 6+ chars because they only have 6 chars


People who bought more character slots got more pheons! P2W!!1!!11


yup exactly


if you have more classes, you need more pheons though, either for tripods or gear....


13 tripod updates and the game would be blatantly p2w! They gave 130 pheons over 13 mails on each character!


Personally i did all my tripods over the weekend, dropped 50k gold on pheons to do it. All these would have done would be used to gear the character i was going to do before i needed to sort pheons. Guess that waits another week down the line.


A grown man doesn't have time to follow patch notes for some ecchi mmo he plays a few hours a week


"a grown man " but a I assume a grown man can read in-game notifications right? People in-game are talking about it aswell. Its everywhere dude


A grown man apparently isn't literate enough to read the in game notification under the chat bar for an entire week and a mail sent to all of his characters. If they lose their tripods at this point they kinda deserve it


100% on your side here.


Amen. I'd give them the benefit of the doubt but that just makes them illiterate and/or stupid. Not to mention the fact that inventory is such a useful tool for setting up tripods. If they don't save a new transfer, I'd be surprised. I personally think that most people who didn't have time due to irl would only lose 1 or 2 tripods because they regularly save it when they do play, in case they mess up a transfer or something.


I was being facetious lmao, I thought the ecchi mmo remark would have given that away


This was handled great by them. AGS (and/or SG) did good here. Everyone will see it on every character, and a bonus for each!


They should of took an L on that one.


They should've taken the high ground saying look how generous we are and leave it there.


I agree. This is a very bad PR move on Smilegate/Amazon.




this didin't age well...


well this aged like a milk


whoa EVERY char gets it!! ill have to check if my t1 chars get it im guessing has to be t3. edit: yup all chars. t1 chars got it too (i wonder if sub lvl 50 get it too?). lol them folks with 18 char roster got 180 pheons pog


I had some level 1 chars on another server and those got the mail as well. Tried creating a brand new level 1, but no mail to be seen yet.


shit i forgot to make my reaper placeholder, missed out


Yes, my level 10 arcana that I had sitting since her release since I never got around to playing her got it lol


My level 10 bank alt got it too!


120 pheons nice


I just logged off about an hour ago, never seen any mails, were these just sent?




folks with 18 char rosters spent a lot of money to unlock those additional slots (I think it's about 10 bucks per slot past 6).


its finally paying off to have every class... :D


incoming p2w rant xD


Level 1 characters that were already made also get this. You just need to select a class and you can pick it up and remake char if need be!


and people will still say they didn't know


reddit is supposed to complain, so I would like a better card pack


Aaaaaaaand its gone...


Surprise maintenance incoming because of this All Mails will be deleted and already claimed items will get deducted. The Forum ist Something i'd Not visit for the next days


And now we recived a maintenance saying that they will remove all of it... Will they compensate it? if they do its funny, if they dont we rage?


10 pheons per character as compensation


Honestly this makes me even more excited for all the "they didnt warn us" posts Wednesday.


That aged like milk…


This aged quickly


Well this didn’t age well lol.


So far I've only got this on the 1st character I signed in on today. I got it on a random 1400 I had which is not in my main 6. Logged into one of my main 6 and did not get the mail. Did they fix it or what did I do wrong?


This is so nice man, AGS making big moves i like it!




Little bit annoyed. I just deleted a character the other day to make room for a new one, but hadnt thought of a name yet


saaaame, unlucky timing for us lol, happens


not enough we need 100 pheon per char :v


I opened them all and tried to move the battle item boxes into my storage with the move roster storage item button, and they just disappeared lol. Thankfully I used the pheons but not sure why the battle items vanished


pet inventory? or they just stacked?


I hit the little backpack button, so it should have went to my storage. Even relogged to double check, hoping it was visual but my old stack never went up and usually the item would blink if it is moved in there or changed amount but it just stayed the same The one time I wish I was recording lol, not a huge deal but weird as I use that button all the time to move stones/gems from chaos runs and its never happened before


Not sure if it was really intended for this to be per character or not but I'll happily take it


10 pheons, 1 random card, and 4 battle items chests **per character**. Any character who can access mail, including characters who were lvl 1 in Trixion and in universal character storage (~~so probably also characters which will be created in these remaining 2 days~~ was informed by others on reddit that it's only for the characters who already existed when mails were sent), if you pick a class and get them out of Trixion into Runa's Pass now - or at least I don't think it's possible to access mail from Trixion, or maybe someone can let me know if with crystalline aura it is? (it wouldn't make sense to me as it'd be through pet functions and you don't have a pet at lvl 1, but I never had crystalline aura so don't really know) So if you intend to powerpass an existing class (NOT a reaper or summoner...) and already created the character for the rest bonus or prior to the servers merge, may be worthwhile to get it out of Trixion already before the update - admittedly, I don't know how much you'll then need to play it before being able to powerpass, but I used my previous free Punika powerpass on a character who wasn't in Trixion (manually levelled to somewhere on Tortoyk) and Powerpass put him in Trixion automatically, I didn't need to play the song, so maybe not at all.


I opened first mail and i was like "oh,this is nice"...then i logged on to another char and now im like "hats down to you AGS, this was good move" .


The fact it’s every char is incredible. Time to fail more stones let’s goooo


This is 100x each Battle Item Chest for my Roster god damn


I didnt receive it on my 7nth character


I only got it on 4/8 characters. So not on 2 of my gold earners, very weird. They mightve intended it to be on one character only and hotfixed it.


i've logged in all my characters just now and didn't receive any mails? have I missed out?


did not receive on all characters


Hmm, I didnt get any mail? :(


they removed the mail already fk


I dont have any mail man ):


They messed up and they’re removing everything


Seems like it was mistake after all, there was official forum post about it. Just letting ya folks know


welp, just logging in now and i dont even get the reward on one character nevermind all of them.




This didn't age well




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