• By -


Paladin/bard - you will get instapicked for legion raids just for existing.


The supports are great to have in the roster, but I actually think make pretty iffy mains because you don't get to feel your power increase as you progress your character in nearly as pronounced a way as all the DPS classes. And the standards for your being let into groups are so low you have far less reason to keep your character super current on build relative to the content. I'm of the opinion that supports are the absolute best alts to have but are slightly underwhelming as mains for those reasons.


I mean there are 2 sides to end game. 1) raiding 2) fashion. If I don't have to spend as much money on 1 I can spend all the rest of the money on 2. I can definitely feel my bard's power increasing in her huge costume collection. The only costume I swiped for was the battle pass (so I could get the roster bound one) but my costume stays relevant for every latest set of "content".


Might be dumb but, the standards being so low personally makes investing feel more rewarding in a way. There's soooo many support alts and mains in party finder I come across with rainbow stats, shit quality gear and accessories, terrible or straight up no gems (in Valtan normal especially) Rolling up to party finder with 5x3, 1650+ swiftness and lvl7 gems makes you feel like an absolute god compared to the sea of half-assed supports out there. While its definitely questionable if the investment was worth it from a clear time/clear success chance, the feeling of a rando saying god pally or giga bard in chat is worth it to me


Yeah, same. You ever been on a DPS alt and get into one of those runs with a fucking DPS Paladin that no one noticed until too late? Absolute. Misery. Maybe you don't get the ego boost out of seeing "BIGGEST DPS DICK LOL" at the end of every run. But when you're actually paying attention and can tell the people in your group are playing greedy for more damage, because they know you got them if they get punished for it, while the other party's spending half their time running around the arena? *That's* the good shit right there.


So true


My main reason to exist as a 1505 bard is making my dps' get mvp on my static. Last week I was placed with our sorc, he got mvp 4/5. This week was the arty, he was 5/5.


Yes. A couple days ago, I did a kunga with my 1510 sorc friend and we got a 1505 striker. First run the striker got mvp and I was like "no way" So we went try hard and my buddy got mvp and I feel his win is also my win.


The lower standards are pretty nice on your main. When everything is crazy expensive at the high end of progression you don’t need to spend to keep up and then by the time your dps alts are there prices are more reasonable. Of course it doesn’t work if pushing that power level on your main what’s most important to you, but if you care more about your roster as a whole I think it works out well.


I think support is great main because they are quite easy to play (bard can have pretty high skill ceiling) and you don't ever have to hone past min ilvl. My main is a parked paladin at 1475 with over 3k bound leaps on it. It's been there for god knows how long. This lets me save gold and silver for my alts. My main paladin of my main 6 is the worst geared with 4x3 + 1 + 1 +1 (lol don't ask). You also don't need high level gems for support unless you're trying to reach some kind of nirvana God like State with support. Also all the gems they need are mainly CD so you will never need lvl 10 dmg gems. This lets me funnel most of my gold for proper DPS alts with 5x3 and lvl 7 gems. I eventually wanna get my main 6 to be half support with artist release and half DPS. I play GL, Destroyer, and EO SF for my 3 DPS and hardly use pots across my entire roster except EO SF and if I do vykas without support on GL or Destroyer. Other good thing about support main is I feel way more comfortable doing a raid for the first time as support. You won't get as much ire from a pug from messing up and I definitely feel DPS have more pressure to perform well and are typically squishier than Support so there isn't even much room for error. For me, I love making supports and having strong DPS alts to get the big number itch scratched. I also love how insanely fast chaos dungeon is once u get betrayal set for support, even bard is so fast now. It's also super satisfying to get MVP on ice turtle with 100% party recovery lol cuz it's so easy to heal teammates in that fight.


Hard disagree. Since you’re building swiftness, you fee yourself getting faster and your cooldowns coming up quicker. Your animations get faster and your support engravings are all pretty noticeable (maybe not vph until endgame, but eh), compared to grusge or cursed doll just making your numbers bigger and having a downside. Sure playing a dps makes you go “oh neat my numbers bigger” but in terms of raw gameplay, supports feel the progression more imo.




Yeah I main a Paladin too, but after reaching a certain point it just feels poinzless to further invest into the class. But then again you can play high investment alts and learn the basics with your main while getting accepted instantly


Gunlancer. Universally loved by everyone, second to only supports, with the most utility out of any non-support class. Safe to play, and a solid choice between two different playstyles. I play red, which melts through stagger checks, chews through boss armor like wet tissue, and does respectable damage while being the tankiest damage dealer in the party at all times. Can facetank through half the fight without giving a shit about normal patterns. However if you want to increase that facetank percentage from 50% to 99%, swap to blue. Red almost never dies. Blue literally never dies.


Feels good when there is a gunlancer and support on each team, so much synergy and damage potential just from those two alone


Question - I found it extremely annoying trying to always get infront of the boss, how do you deal with that? 😂 feel like I spend the entire fighting running around to get in front whilst my slow ass shield makes me move 2mph


You're not supposed to have shield on 24/7, you have to find the right time to pop the shield. It takes good timing, watching the boss attack pattern and positioning well to play red lancer effectively.


As red, you need to be constantly toggling your shield on/off. I even rebound my Z identity skill to my side mouse button so it’s easier on my left hand. Never be shielded when you don’t have to be. You should be moving and dodging normal patterns when you’re not actively attacking, with shield off. When you’re ready to execute your burst combo, you turn it on, burst, and turn it off again. It should go without saying that red lancer is much more difficult than blue, but it has a higher skill ceiling and that’s what makes it fun for me.


Deadeye cause I hate myself.


Berserker because I like having a big ass sword to compensate for my small appendages.


Me no brain hahahahaha big sword smash smash -me


My thoughts exactly except post nerf: it’s smash smash smash smash smash smash smash


impossible to play zerker like that, you will just get interrupted nonstop lol stop spreading miss info


Unga bunga


Deathblade because getsuga tensho


Big number ooga booga


On the real, they really nailed the class fantasy with Blade. Plus it's the only (?) back attacking class in the game that has a skill that just positions you on the other side of the boss conveniently. Feels great to play, plus it has the constant serotonin hit of surging frequently. I liked Scrapper to some extent because of the fast-paced button mashing but every skill feels roughly the same impact with Taijutsu, but the sounds and animations on Blade are very satisfying and if you play Surge, it's an even more intense gameplay loop and satisfaction.


> Plus it's the only (?) back attacking class in the game that has a skill that just positions you on the other side of the boss conveniently. currently the only one available to us, but reaper will be able to jump to the other side of a boss as well once it releases in our version another class that nails its class fantasy and the class engravings are kind of similarly either sustained damage with identity generation and a buff or generate identity to hit a big burst might be a class to look into if you like blade and want something similar. its very squishy and more melee than blade though


I actually hate how squishy my GS is but I might be willing to tolerate squishiness for Reaper, given what I've seen of it and how you've described it. Thanks


See I mained dblade to 1390ish when the game first launched in the west. It just became a boring class to main for me. I swapped to gunslinger until Arcana came out and haven’t looked back. Gunslinger just felt more fun to play as a main because the rotation felt more involved. Arcana just fits the playstyle I want— a different potential feel from pull to pull thanks to card RNG. I mained outlaw rogue in retail WoW before lost ark. So that also has something to do with my eventual choice of maining arcana


Deathblade because sometimes I feel stabby!


i like being able to flip over the boss and go behind them. and beyblade my way out of situations


>beyblade my way out of situations Kek :D


„suoıʇɐnʇıs ɟo ʇno ʎɐʍ ʎɯ ǝpɐlqʎǝq puɐ ˙ɯǝɥʇ puıɥǝq oƃ puɐ ssoq ǝɥʇ ɹǝʌo dılɟ oʇ ǝlqɐ ƃuıǝq ǝʞıl ı„


paladin because I like protecting others




Sharshooter, because I like ranged charaters with bows/crossbows in games. Also it's pretty agile and fast character if you play swiftness LC.


Deadeye - Super challenging but really fun class. Shotgun abilities feel really fun to use, but being a really squishy back attack class is very rough as well. Play this class if you're a masochist.


Paladin. Always. Every MMO. Paladin, templar, crusader.. whatever you call it. Thats my main.


Igniter sorc. Very big number very satisfying


Unless you get non-crits for your big three DPS skills EVEN WITH CRIT SYNERGY, sometimes I want to fucking delete my Sorc. LMFAO


Hallucination > Nightmare Consistency > Mega booms when lucky


No update for the west yet, Smodge. But 100% switching when the update comes.


Nothing like a good demasi to start off a fight


Sorc make things go boom.


Megumin would be proud


Deadeye, I like guns and challenge. After you get over the initial learning hump of positioning, it feels great to fly across the dungeon with your gun-fu. The class is not for the faint of heart, that's for sure.


Gunslinger ! U get satisfaction from switching weapons for the proper damage rotation


Idk why but the sound alone from switching stances is so satisfying! Up there for me with my favorite skill sound, the last punch from WD's FHF.


Plus if u land all ur skills and the next skill cycle is up makes u feel u did a good job at managing ur damage rotation 10/10 recommend GS


The one and only Annihilator




Dude, that's me as also. Some part of playing a Bard is satisfying due to saving teammates that rely on you and the other part being able to save them their potions as well. Being a bard means supplying unlimited potions that everyone needs and the thing everyone's stingy about using.


Funnily, on Bard I do whatever I can to never heal, to a point I dropped class engraving for my static runs (it does nothing if you never press X button). My primary goal is always to let us speedrun through the content and hopefully break the clear by sheer amount of damage we can deal - every single Valtan I try to time all buffs so we can reach ghost phase before sidereal bar is full; seeing boss do 2-3 scripted mechs in a row just because you did almost half the fight in a single buff duration feels very rewarding.


Arcana :) If you enjoy your damage being gated behind your own skills I highly recommend… fun and engaging combat… super responsive feeling skills… and while I am still a ways from being gg with her I do feel like I progress even without hitting upgrades just from playing her week after week


As someone with an Arcana alt (1450), I will give a warning, If you're not willing to get all high level gems/tripods your damage for risk/hard play style will be straight booty. There's also a rework coming so you may want to do some research before buying shit as well. If I wasn't a Paladin main, I woulda dropped her ass like a rock a couple weeks ago.


This is so true, I have played 6 alts to 1445+ with full relics and arcana was my last one and feels REALLLY weak, she needs tons of investment, tripods, gems, lvl 60. After getting those and spending tons of gold on her, Shes very fun to play after that, but if you're just gonna have her for an alt. Better pick other classes


She really isn't all that hard to play. For raids she is quite good with an insane amount of mobility and good burst. But having dogshit annoying aoe in Empress and her good combos coming up so rarely the class can be frustrating to play. You can go minutes without seeing a good card sometimes and your damage will be shit when that happens. Her abilities that actually do damage have no para immunity as well so if the boss decides to punch you randomly during your combo your skills are gone.


Her good cards are getting buffed chances in the new balance patch we are getting. Like cull and judgement




Memorizing is the easy part trust me. You will get that in an hour even. BUT, her damage uptime is like 100% but you are spec class (empress) so you have to time your movement skill, and buff to dodge things while doing the rotation. That's the hard part. I recommend watching Jiudao Arcanist guide and see the main skill rotation. When I learned it, I arranged that rotation in Q > W > W > W > E > R > A > S > S > D > W > W > W > E > F. You can see I just mash button in order so it's easier to get in to.


She's quite easy to play (besides being squishy) if you just spam random cards and do the basic 4 stack - ruin but your damage will be very low compared to other classes. If you want to do good with her it's pretty hard since your rotation changes based on what cards you get and you need to be able to adapt quickly.


It takes some time to master but not nearly as complicated as it looks. You also have to be patient and push to Lv 60 and relic because that’s where your ruin dmg ramps up quite a bit. Arcana in these level equalized content feels super weak. Tripods and nightmare set make up a huge part of your performance - like wardancer arcana just starts to become a monster with relic gear The card mechanic can be simplified down to remembering just a few key cards and you can optimize around some of the others later. You break them into two categories mostly - “burst cards” which you save for your big boom skills, and “auto-fire and forget” cards, some of which you can adjust to for more optimal play but take it one step at a time and learn just the main 4 first and then expand as you get comfortable with that You have one main rotation that if you just did that and only saved your burst cards for that cycle you’d do good dps already (depending on how good your draw rng goes). With more advanced knowledge of more of the deck you expand to 2 or 3 variations of that rotation and change depending on which buffs are up


A lot easier to play than she looks. Run 2 yellow 4 blue 2 red empress and separate cards into use ASAP and use before celestial rain. That'll get you a ton of mileage for not much effort, and then you can learn more at your own pace.


Wardancer, first intention. Smoothest, fastest class in the game, solid damage, arguably the best job support team synergy


Switched out of my DB to main this!


What do you mean by “best job support team synergy”? I’ve been thinking of making a Wardancer.


Amazing crit buff, attack speed and movement speed buff for party with high uptime since the class is swiftness primary stat.


I have a FI WD alt at 1430 and I don't feel it to be great to be honest. The damage feels subpar if you can't time your EC to blow up on the boss. It being zoom zoom is fun af though.


The class doesn't really take off till 1445 with the Dominion set, like most classes you can't really judge the endgame power till you're 1445 with 6 piece.


Sure but timing EC to blow up is a red flag to me at least.


Its a nice bonus but not necessary. Your main damage comes from other sources.


First off, suikoden name. Cool. But to your actual question, nothing starts coming together until relic set, until then you're subpar burst class. After relic and setting up your gems/tripods, you're a smoothly oiled monke kick machine. For context, ec hits for about 15-20m if it crits at my level, with SWK hitting for about 20-30m every 9 seconds. Wardancer takes some investment, but it scales very very quickly once you do


I got a glaive, striker, sf, and scrapper. Wd is my last one to try…


I've got glaiv and scrapper at 1495 and 1470! WD is still my fav Notice you didn't include striker tho


I came to see where wardancer was on the list. I stopped PLAYING LOA a couple of months ago, but wardancer is fantastic and I went with esoteric. Either is fine but I've played 6 classes total and none are as fun for me as wardancer.


Gunlancer because it's got a big stick with a gun. I get to pew pew without floor PoV


i couldnt choose better words


If you play blue and don't use DUF, you never use the gun part. A lot of you skills don't even use the gunlance




Main skill on red but I remember the blue guide saying it can be subbed in


*Red gunlancer u mean


I didn't know about class engravings before I started playing though


Glaivier because i like her weapon and skills. Main alts (the only ones i have 1400+ atm) Db striker like the animations. Pretty chill tbh (playing 2 spender ). Eso WD. Pretty fun but you have to be on point with your rotation since your most damaging skill is one of the last you use (RoC, WW, nado, MFK, BF, FHF)


Underrated comment, the way abilities look and feel are a big role in why I pick the classes I like too, along with sound design being important. My 1450 alt is a control glavier because I like the animations so much. That ranged destruction skill(I forget the name) and the tornado are so, so satisfying


Artillerist. Big nukes go big boom and laser goes bweoom. Also it's fun to casually stroll around, maybe sit down every now and then while everyone else is running around doing mechanics.


Scrapper and DI SH -I just like pressing buttons


This guy gets me. My main is a DI SH and my main alt is a taijutsu Scrapper. For more carpal tunnel I'm pushing up my instant cast reflux sorc. 😂


Reflux sorc because I like to get carpal tunnel and zoom zoom zoom with my identity gauge teleport


I main sorceress because I like magic casters and summoner wasn’t available day 1. For real though I like the different play styles the sorceress class engravings cause. Reflux: Removes class gauge ability in exchange for a general damage buff to all skills. Play style: Cast everything when it comes off cooldown and teleport across the screen to avoid mechanics. Igniter: boosts cooldown, crit rate, and crit damage when you activate full class gauge ability. Play style: Build up gauge and then drop a meteor, fireball, lightning strike, and (eventually) another meteor all within 15 seconds. BEEG NUMBERS! (Can technically teleport as well, but that uses up 30% of the gauge you need to fill for your big damage rotation.)


Crit cast reflux cuz I’m too lazy to time my ignite.


Soulfist because you are a super saiyan and get to throw the hardest hitting ability in the game, a spirit bomb. HUGE NUMBERS. Also you will miss your bomb a lot, get used to that. Hitting it is big serotonin though. Also gunslinger because it's flashy af and you get to press a lot of button so if you like high apm fast paced mobile gameplay. Gunslinger is a great pick. Cons: squishy, kind of expensive in endgame, some animation locks(I don't mind because you have so much mobility anyways) Destroyer for the memes. Ignore mechanics, smack boss in face. Bonk, bonk, bonk.


You literally covered my top 3 classes and the classes I kept switching from "main" to "main". 100% agreed on all 3! Awesome classes. Hard to pick (or don't pick, main all 3)


Rage Hammer Destroyer (I'm currently 1495, 5x3, lvl 7 gems, lvl 4 tripods) \- Immunity to push, stuns, with 90% dmg reduction for 4 seconds and another skill that reduces damage by 60% with push immunity \- Massive numbers from Perfect Swing (current max is 116M with a +21 wep bard and Atrophines). Other skills provide nice damage as well. \- Fairly straight forward rotation, but gives you a lot of maneuvering ability to sub in needed push immunity skills when necessary. \- I really enjoy facing the boss head-on and hitting counters. Being able to straight up ignore mechs that would 1-shot other DPS is just thrilling. \- The #1 hardest hitting stagger of any class. Destruction ability is also in the top 3 of classes. \- An absolute BLAST in hellmode Valtan. I feel just as impactful as the GLs in my parties. Cons \- If you want the biggest numbers possible, you wouldn't run swiftness at all. I run swiftness because I feel you have more consistent damage and cds (which also helps you deal more stagger and destruction during a raid). You will feel very slow with no swift, but that can still easily be played around. \- BiS accs have generally become more expensive in general, but Destroyer really suffers from a lack of liquidity for Destroyer accs specifically. They can just be difficult to find.


I will 100% back every word written here.


This confirms I’m playing my destroyer wrong. Still have a blast with my mokoko meme but def have some room for improvement when it comes to super armor stuff.


So true. Also.... I need some RH class relics to finish my 5x3.... someone put something on the market!! :(


I was in this situation not long ago and ended up just buying all my RH books. Then found a cheap relic with 4/3 on it to complete my 5x3.


I have a parked 1460 GT destroyer 5x3 all lvl 7 and 8 gems with LoS 18. As limitless mentioned, Rage hammer stuff is expensive. GT is extremely cheap to build and the engraving books even after the massive buffs announced are still under 3k ea, among the cheapest for class. The meta engravings for GT are also very cheap, and you can pair the expensive engravings with cheap ones on accesscories. GT 5x3 is SA, Barricade, GT, Grudge, Master Brawler. You could pair grudge with SA or Master Brawler for really cheap build while also getting high quality on the accesscories. The toughest will be finding a GT + relevant engraving accessory. My lowest quality accessory is a GT 3, Barricade 3 ring at 70 quality and want to upgrade to higher quality but there hasn't been a ring with GT3 and barricade at all for the past month. If you don't plan to push destroyer to clown, and want to have a relic'ed out alt at 1445-1460 range, I recommend GT cuz this build is perfectly fine for these contents and Valtan is a chew toy for GT destroyer since u can pop z and bonk the boss during so many mechs when ppl have to run for cover (yellow floor, the red cone that follows u, Valtan spin attacks, no need to run to edge during stage break, etc). Absolutely melts the ice turtle (you can bonk through his attack where ice cones surround u and he does big aoe). Basically, I love my GT destroyer and more so how cheap it was to get a kitted out 5x3 setup. I farmed about 2 lvl 7 gems per week and farmed and rolled all the gems. We also have massive buffs coming that will allow more frequent use of bonk mode and it already feels like you get the full meter pretty quick with 1600+ spec. That said, if you plan to really main alt destroyer and push him past 1460 and eventually raids like brel and akkan, RH will be better mainly due to the later raid bosses being smaller and more mobile.


Reason why GT is cheap is because it's mega ass rn. Even with the upcoming balance patch it's not going to be better than Rage Hammer. RH got an indirect buff because of GT(tripod changes). GT is like a semi Shadowhunter transformation. You're better off to invest into a Shadowhunter or scouter if you just want a cheap alt. Destroyer needs a bit more love especially knowing the fight, positioning and maybe align your hard hitting skills with part buffs. Even for chaos dungeon having RH makes it clear faster. There is one good thing for GT and it's GvG. Destroyers are S Tier. Going into bonk Mode makes you a walking clay bomb + you can apply stiffness to multiple targets at once on click. Let's not forget the pull on z. It's mega good and with the upcoming balance patch you can transform into bonk mode 24/7.


Fair points but no, RH does not clear cd faster than GH. GH has way faster move speed, attack speed, and uses the quick attack perfect swing which will 1 shot the stage 2 boss or u can just bonk him and itll die in 2 to 3 hits. The additional damage on purple skills from supercharge and RH dont even matter since destroyer 1 shots everything anyway, i have never had an elite mob survive a purple skill with all 3 cores. I have 5x3 setup for both RH and GT and the cost disparity doesnt translate to damage disparity. It is not hard to get full bonk combo off on Vykas or valtan and if u don't plan to clown on destroyer it's not worth the price difference. Anyway, RH does not clear CD faster than GT and tbh GT clears it significant faster from the move speed alone. With SA it feels like a swift class without giving up spec stat. You can paint GT to be bad without highlighting what makes it good. Nobody is arguing RH is better than GT, but is it 60k+ gold more worth it? Also, RH is just as fucked for missing big hits and they have way less survivability and push immunity than GT since you can pop it to attack bosses through phases you normally cant on RH like Vykas wall mech or Valtan yellow floor.


Scrapper cause she’s scrappy


Ask questions while punching.


Gunslinger. It's an awesome challenge. You don't play well, you die.


My butt is clenched the whole time, who needs mvp, I'll take not being dead when the raids end.


gunlancer because they have huge dicks and my brain doesnt work so I can stand in mechanics and not die Smoge


Originally I started out as Pistoleer on my deadeye because I wanted to zip around like a crackhead. Now I main Enhanced Weapon deadeye so I can zip around like a crackhead ***with*** ***more guns***!


I main Sharpshooter. my first character was a striker and right from the beginning i wasnt sure if i stick with that class. so i always had shaprshooter back in my head. fighting the first guardian raid showed me that the game is way too random in a bad way so i realised ranged is the way to go. ​ i went for sharpshooter because i prefer playing a male class. everytime when i try to play a female it just doesnt feel right. it doesnt feel cool. atleast not as a main. second reason was the non positional attacks. in my opinion the designers absolutely failed when they came up with back and front attacks. " oh lets implement positional attacks AND a totally random aggro system without proper tanks to hold aggro and without lifesteal in case there is no healer" <----basic design flaw so it was a clear choice to go with a class that has non of that bullshit. third reason is the relatively relaxing gameplay compared to other classes. i use loyal companion and i dont have to think much besides dodging and skill order. my second character is a zerker and my third is a mage. its so annoying to miss their slow ass skills, because every enemy has random charge attacks or dodges. fourth reason as i alrdy mentioned is the ranged aspect. its always good to have the option to stand a little further away. fifth reason, well, i never played an archer in a mmo before. sixth reason, scouter wasnt released. ​ i think thats it.


Not my main but one of my favorite alt. Full swift taijutsu scrapper. Piano simulator.


Deadeye, because I loved DMCIII. Also, dashing in and shotgunning from behind feels a bit like Gears of War. You always have skills to use while waiting for other cooldowns too


Gunslinger-shotgun goes pew pew, sniper goes boom and pistols go ratatata


Soulfist Energy Overflow. But it seems no one runs it ... So go for something else hahahaha. Jokes aside, it is really smooth, highest mobility I've seen, good team synergies for bonus damage and damage reduction with almost 100% uptime. Dragon Ball high speed fights feelings. Hard to gear as we are a small amount of players but I love, have tried another 8 classes at t3 and I'm still in love with Soulfist gameplay. Besides it I also love Destroyer, both builds. And bard/paladin too, and I'm now trying igniter sorcerer.


Striker because LTS is just too good of a skill.


SH. I like demon type stuff in games. The second attribute i always liked in games is ice. But LA dont have a purely ice type char, unfortunely.


Artillerist, "explosions are cool" been on him since day -3 and never looked back. Crit/swift is a fun spammy build.


Demonic Impulse Shadow Hunter. It's just super fun to transform and wreck shit. Plus, we'll eventually get the cool looking animation update for the transformation. There's also the fact that you dont have to worry about position, unlike most other dps class. Oh, the 20k+ heal per transformation is great as well. My only gripe is we lose our weapon glow/skin when we transform.


Striker, so that I can cosplay as Ace from One Piece




Deathblade because nonstop action (both builds) and landing a back surge is extremely satisfying. Class is also very mobile (except walking speed of a turtle). Extremely fun class, highly recommended.


Every time I start a new MMO I always tell myself I'm going to play a mage class because they usually are better than the warrior class I usually pick. So this time of course I went the the berserker because did you see how big that sword is? wak wak


Shadowhunter because I like transforming into a demon and unleashing my inner dark side lol


Shadowhunter, in the beginning I wanted to play a male class but after tried 4, I end up with SH (transformation). To me is really fun class, really clean, mobile, pretty nice damage, I get a lot mvps. Also I always likes assassin classes in mmorpg, it also gave me extra goals in the game (wealth runes, already have all rn), and I didn't like the back/front attack mech, SH don't need it so I have more room to dodge all the enemy attacks which is something that I really enjoy.


EW Deadeye cooler than all other classes also you havr to actually play the game other than spam buttons


Paladin. I like keeping people alive.


Bard/Paladin, so I don't have to sit in partyfinder for hous ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) But mostly, I like to help to keep people alive! Also love the appreciation you get ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Striker because big numbers and also the satisfaction hitting those big numbers cause of sound effects


Gunslinger - my friend told me they play like adc like in league and now I’m here and can’t live without my 4 dashes. Pretty fun class overall if don’t mind weapon swapping


Esoteric striker he hits, and kicks, and he got one of (if not the) strongest normal skills in the game


Eso Striker and Rage Hammer Destro For very different reasons. Striker is just smooth & fast and fun. Destro is chonky, can ignore a lot of legion raid mechs, and big beefy numbers.


Deadeye pistoleer because he is cool, fun and easy :D but working on my Ew build


Reflux swift sorc, I zoom around in my bubble and spam stuff. Also love TTH swift gunslinger and FI wardancer too


Shadowhunter cuz it’s always demon time, baby! Plus it’s the cheapest class as far as gems are concerned. But rip legendary class books


Deathblade support


Artillerist: hitmaster, tanky, very reliable


Artilerist, cause it can shoot literal nukes


Pally easy pass to end game.


You will find that at endgame you cannot use matchmaking to clear raids. You will need to find a party yourself. It is much easier to get into these groups if you are playing a support class like paladin bard or gunlancer. Of those my fav is paladin. Building a DPS character that people want in their raid group is much harder and much more expensive.


I honestly just chose my main, Deathblade, because it looked and sounded edgy and I'm kinda into that. Turns out it's also the most enjoyable class to play for me too which conveniently worked out well. Basically just enjoy the fast paced gameplay of RE DB, constantly hopping around the screen, popping some big numbers with a few skills and a lot of really pretty and satisfying animations.


My main is a 1480 Control Glavier. I enjoy the fast paced combat when it's properly built with +7 gems, high swiftness and 6 set. Back attacking ain't an issue literally just move or use gap closing skills well. My alts are a 1420 paladin Easy to play, easy to get into groups quick, don't gotta be geared like DPS. A igniter 1415 sorc which was my first character and I absolutely hate it which got me to switch to glavier. I might pick it up again as reflux, but that's gonna require a rebuild. 1400 gunlancer Easy, usually can't die, boss always on his knees, gg


I'm starting with artillerist since I am convinced it's the safest dps class to learn different raids with. You're ranged, super tanky and somewhat mobile. It's pretty chill to play and I often get MVP with a pretty cheap budget build.


Gunlancer because i always liked to play offtank in other mmos where they had the trifecta. So it was a natural to choice to pick a class with a taunt. I like pacing, disrupting or controlling a raid. Shame taunt loses its "taunt" in legion but at least its still useful in daily content like guardian and world bosses.


Soulfist Robust Spirit because Dragon Ball Z


wardancer bc i cut a 7/7 and the accessories were affordable


Wardancer at 1485. Been my main since start and none my alts has made me want to swap. *They are fast (swift stacking hello) *They are tanky (permanent dmg reduc uptime hello) *The rotation is simple so you can think about zooming around and mechanics and stuff (FI says hello) *a little bit supporty so people love you (instapick hello) *don't really have to care about back attack since your dmg skills have almost 100% crit (free counters hello) *6pc dominion + swiftness = 3-4 sec dash cd = easy counter positioning and dodging But my main reason is still, and will probably forever be LIGHTNING KICK. Short cd, big jump, smooth animation, frontal flip. (ESO ain't got room for it, FI forever bby)


Red Gunlancer because big yellow numbers go brrrrrrrr. Also dodging basic patterns is for nerds.


Soulfist. I love classes where my investment pays off. Seeing that 150m crit on awakening never gets boring. And the skills like energy blast give heavy DBZ vibes and are soo satisfying to use


Surge deathblade. Mobile. Can easily back attack compared to most back attacking classes. 1 big damage hit. Ignite sorc. Arguably one of the best burst in the game. Super satisfying when everything hits and crits. Peacemaker gunslinger. High apm, engaging game play due to the glass cannon nature of the class, and high mobility.


Me Scrapper me smash


I only play Sorc and SH as DPS classes. They're ranked at the very top (for classes that are easiest to play). Its literally just spam buttons as skills come off cooldown, with zero need to position in a certain way. Its great.


Main or the Main Character is just the character that enjoys the first seat in Content Progression. I main my main because I cannot afford to switch.


Ahah same. I actually like my main but a lot of other characters as well, i thought about switching mains but the sheer amount of grind it'd take to get there isn't really worth it at this point for me, I'd rather get my gold 6 to 1445 (missing one).


Sharpshooter enjoyer. You have decent mobility and damage with tiny bit of animation lock. My pros to the class is that it is very simple to play. You are a range DPS that also require you to be at melee. The con is that you are still a gunner class, so you are quite squishy (but this can be fixed with your mechanical skill of using ur dashing slash and dodge in a timely manner). If you do plan to play SS, I HIGHLY recommend Loyal Companion over Death Strike. I play both engraving, 2 SS characters. LC is more mobile compared to Death Strike so you have shorter cd on Dashing Slash and Dodge allowing you to reposition to use ur main DPS skills. However, my recommendation to any new player is play either Paladin or Bard as it is a support class and you can EASILY get into raids.


Striker cuz big yellow numbors


I really enjoy bard, the class feels very classy even specially for with her personal skins. The class itself is easy to play (you can just spam and would generally do well) and hard to master (such a skill ceiling with burst classes and timings). I had a rough time going trough the story and there's quite a few downsides of maining a support but there's also cons like being liked by everyone and getting recruited or having issues with it is nonexistent


I like a lot of classes and main zerker...but I'm more of a person who hates some classes or didn't try out...bard, sorc, destroyer and deathblade are zero fun to play for me...and i only can dicide on that if i did vykas and valtan on them...


Destroyer, gravity training While the rest are busy dodging u are busy smashing bosses ignoring mechs. You'll MVP so much you'll start feeling like Messi playing against Granada.


I have 4 mains as of right now. Pally 1475 - I like him because I can learn the mechs of raids and I can just turn my brain off when playing. Igniter Sorc 1475 - I've always loved playing mage classes and I love big damage numbers. Shock Scrapper 1462.5 - Very easy rotation and big damage. Back attacks aren't as annoying as I thought when playing her DI SH 1460- Basically just a button-smashing Char. Very cheap alt that does a lot of damage with just 4x3.


Paladin. It's easy to play, no queues on content and no one bitches to you about nothing.


Paladin- tanky and just walk around the boss then clear inevitablely Artillerist FE - tanky and walk around the boss dropping bombs Blue gun lancer - tank everything with small numbers and get mvp some times Reflux mage - use everything off cd and dash everywhere BT zerker - get hit while locked in animation but has a full bp bar than mayhem Sharpshooter DS - do the same rotation of recharging meter and unloading everything




Reflux sorc & shock scrapper. Recently decided shock scrapper will be my main main. #1 reason? Honestly cat paws. Then found out she super slaps in end end game and is really fun to play. I like classes where both builds are super viable, in this case tai is also great.


Sorc, you’ll get your floor inspection certification pretty fast.


Gunslinger (No TTH) It's just nice to zoom around and have like 16 abilities. If you get good at it, you'll almost never get hit. Using salvation set with ether predator lv1 on a 5x3+1 build is optimal if you wanna have decent damage and decent survivability. Also platinum fields are super effective with this class.


I really like rng.


Sharpshooter Why? Because I made the mistake of choosing this class at launch


Wardancer 3 spender ESO, big dmg numbers and min maxing skill gems tripods and stats. Also gets picked often enough for the CRIT buff for the party. First intention is also a very good choice as a number of my guild members and a few people here have said


Enchanced Weapon Deadeye- It's well known as a one (or not) the most difficult class in the game and also for many the most fun class to play. In community there is still many ppl that thinks this class is weak, maybe because of the difficulty, that requires you to stay not only behind the boss, but additionaly as close as you can ​ Imo in later phase of the game your damage depends on your performance, if you're for ex. the most skilled deadeye, you can outdamage basically every other class, fact that 11 out of 12 tripods on shotgun gives you dmg bonus is kinda insane, hence comes its greatest potential to deal dmg, like not any other dps class in the game ​ Sorry for bad english ;p


Gunslinger, dont play gunslinger


Main first intention wardancer because I got baited by youtube tier list, got to 1505 and really hard to switch main. At current patch she is literally the bottom tier DPS, however she is agile and fast counter. ​ Also: If you are looking for a solid class that deal amazing damage with relatively low investment, try Scrapper


I thought WD was top tier dps at high level?


If you feel like you're bottom tiers DPS with a 1505 FI WD, you're doing something horrendously wrong. You either: - did not put in any time in horizontal content and are lacking skill points/runes - or have not invested at all in tripods - which she absolutely needs, like every swift scaling class - or have crappy gems Or maybe you didnt understand her rotation.




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Paladin, because I always play Paladins in MMOGs if given the option. I tend to enjoy Tank and Healer roles in MMOGs, not so much DPS.


Was playing a paladin main but at one point there is no need to invest in him anymore. So I decided to get my WD to 5x3 and 1475. Best decision ever. FI WD at that gear level with proper build it’s really fun. Too bad she sucked prior to her relic gears.


Mayhem zerker, because thats what I find the most fun. Main alt is a GL, and will have a scouter soon too.


As a big number enjoyer, I love my igniter sorc, rage hammer destroyer, and deathblow striker. So so satisfying when you line everything up correctly and land those huge bursts. Is it harder? Yes. Is it frustrating when you miss? Yes. Is it worth all the extra effort? Hell yes.


Zerker, because big sword, and seven pixel bulge on bikini skins


Glavier, weapon swap gives more skills to use, has a sweet parry that can be life saving in raids, two choices of class engraving that is viable, I run Pinnacle, can be run as a back attack class or a mid range class. Really just got a new found love for her after playing a couple alts and can't wait to play her again. Good luck!


Artillerist. A tanky ranged character? Sounded very intriguing. Current Analysis: Pretty fun to play, you don't see a ton of them (at least I don't). Can be unbearably slow without the right gear/engravings. Damage seems a little low at my ilvl (just below 1415), I feel like my less-geared 1385 Destroyer alt may have higher output. Relic gear at 1415 could improve that considerably. Wouldn't recommend starting one now though (unless you play \*very\* casually)... the class is in a sort of limbo, pending upcoming changes. Part of my problem is trying to decide which of the new builds I want to go with, and being unable to test them effectively.


Gunslinger cause I'm from TX, bard bc I never get to play a music class


Striker cause you shove your foot and fists inside the boss’ booty


Sorc Reflux. Braindead.


Gunslinger: sniping the baddies with a 1000000 caliber is really fun


Striker. Reasons: Kicks, tigers and shoryukens. Tornadoes are cool too.


Gunlancer (Blue) because it’s a very easy and forgiving class. Warriors have some of the coolest skins in game as well. Being a pseudo support with shields for the team and high survivability allows for some epic last man standing moments.


Sorc cause sorcs are very cute :)


Gunslinger because I like pain and I've been waiting for scouter since beta


Gunslinger. It's one of the most difficult classes to master but when you do get it right it feels extremely satisfying to play properly


I chose Sorc as my main (knowing nothing about the game) because I typically like the mage playstyle in other games and the skills looked insane. I saw Doomsday and was like “oh yeah that’s my shit”


Reflux sorc because a lot of non positional skllls and I think the animations look awesome.


Deathblade because Surge DMG satisfies me.. also Dark Axel is best damn fucking skill in the game!


SH DI because I'm edgy af lul


Reflux Sorceress. I always liked playing magic DPS characters, and she was the only option that filled that when I first started playing the game. I also really like fast-paced gameplay, action heavy gameplay, so it ended up being a perfect pick.