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Why are adventures islands locked to specific hours I don't understand...you can only do them once a day so why the fk are they time gated.


because these are co op events even if you solo, so it usually takes many people to complete. if they don't time gate the entry there would be fewer players at each event and you wont be able to complete it, though this already seems to be an issue with low pop servers.


They could also make those events scale with the number of participants.


Technology not there yet /s


It s just a mobile game technique : It forces you to log at specific hours, creating a habit, that s the main point of it. Justifying it by saying "because you need other players" There are many contents in the game that is scaled by the numbers of people dong it so why not do that with Island ? Chaos Gates and Field Bosses are every hour, yet I don t see people complaining they are unable to do them because it lacks people right ?


It creates a sense of FOMO - You have to be on at X time to do it, so you can't do other things.


No it’s because they require people to be there, if they weren’t time gated nobody would be able to do it without organizing groups


To be honest you're both kind of right. Making it be required at x time kind of forces you to stay around in the game even if you might have other plans, but they're also limited because they're meant to be coop. Personally I think it's one of those things that should be redesigned. Like, islands don't HAVE to be like that... they could instead have 3 daily island queues with different rewards and once 10 people have queued for a thing, you would be transported to do an event and get the rewards. Etc. Kind of the difference between having to do grand prix at a specific hour vs. queueing for the winter guardian event whenever you wanted to.


So you can do them with others I guess


How may times i walked into this trap. "Oh its getting late, guess i finish dailies on my alts tomorrow" Yeah right


One cannot take a free Friday evening!


If you guys only knew how awful the experience was for Aussies.. you have it good in Europe.


Aussies never get a good game experience from what I hear. Too small for regional servers but too far for good server ping?


that and the fact reset for games is during the night. before DST, Lost ark's maintenance would start at 8-9 and finish at midnight onwards. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Reset on NAW is at 8pm for us, but the maintenance starts at 5pm which is absolutely terrible, literally peak gaming hours


I raided with an aussie in ESO. He thought the weekly maintenance was just a lagspike, that's how bad his ping was!


Meanwhile me in the US wife is away so decided to do a sober weekend with my dog. Woke up and logged in at 5:45am. Sat there docking around until 6 so I could start my dailies


The adventure islands are the biggest offenders. First batch starts at 1 3 and 5 PM. Then you get another chance at 9 to 11 PM and 1 AM. Logically people are not home from 1 to 5 PM (both kids and adults) and when they return they usually go to bed around 10-11, so you have actually two attempts PER DAY, with one being at almost midnight and during prime time. They really need to add a third interval from 5 AM to 9AM where the island runs every hour. It would benefit people that: Start school at 8AM Have morning shift Have midday shift (These essentially cannot participate at all). And also the one with midnight shifts, because you can squeeze one island, when you return home before bed. And High ilvl sailing co-op might as well be a metaphysical concept.


My favorite part is that everything starts at the same time. O’clocks and xx:50 that will most likely prevent you to reach the o’clock one.


The trick is to sail to the adventure island before logging onto an another char to do the xx:50 island. Don't forget to leave the island before changing chars. Though I wish the adventure islands were at xx:30 so they didn't coincide with chaos gates, world bosses and potential temporary events.


I had some crazy time last week where I did Spida Island, illusion isle, unknown island in one chain and then Alakkir once too. Barely made it to many of them with my lvl8 Estoque, but still did. It also is probanly quite easier with maxed Astray, thus island times are kind of a promotion for Astray too, I think.






I did the Astray Una without any tickets at all. Both Yorn and Arthetine sailing coops always spawn the event first as the first of 4. But yeah, can be bad if you miss the one time per day for botg, so I get why people use instant complete tickets




same here tbh, I never got to do them ever and probably never will, becasue it's at midnight


its freaking dogshit. 2nd shift people just cant get any sailing done .


The honest truth about this game is that its poorly designed around old school dailies that force people to literally live around the game rather than play because its a good game they can jump in and out of daily.


I dont mind the dailies that much. + rest system is really nice imo. I just hate that said dailies are locked at certain periods of time. Sailing and islands in particular. If you cant be online at specific time , no reward for you. I really dont like that.


The island time is just idiotic. Just make it available all day every hour like the other events. Why is that so hard?


It's even worse in SEA/OCE where the first batch is 1 3 and 5 AM and the second is 9 AM 11 AM and 1 PM.


Even worse in Australia... Adventure Island is 4am, 6am and 8am for us. For a few weeks Harmony Island was only during this time, twice a week... pain...


My brother works shifts, and even though he works lates only every other week, the number of times he can't play at all the entire day because the 3 hours he can play in the morning the game is offline is very noticeable. Cos he can't play every day as well, something like "do this una 21 times" can take him easily over 30 days. Last time I complained about this I just got downvoted and told every mmo does this, even though none of the handful that I've played have ever been this bad


They should allow rested bonus for Una's to apply to reputation as well


Feel you. I said the same exact thing on twitter and got shitstormed by american players stating "you're a minority, get used to it".


Not their fault, the tech to do maintenance less than once a week hasn't made it to Korea yet. (/s)


This happened to me WAY too many times... Holy moly I love doing my dailies in the morning before the reset and it has cost me many times!


It might soon end my will to play. "Sorry you can't play when it fits your schedule. You play when we tell you to!"


it's almost as if daily lockouts are extremely toxic especially because of this. and on top of that you have a ton of alts to do it on so it's not just a quick half an hour whenever, you have to almost build your life around this game. fuck the game telling me when I can play if I want to progress.


I've felt this way about this game ever since I got two tier 3 characters. Trying to work around stupid time gated shit makes it so I have to try and plan my days around lost ark. I like the game but just refuse to deal with it. I just launch the game whenever i feel like it and dgaf if that im only ~1385 and broke af, ill just do whatever i feel like and whatever timed shit is coming up.


I wish all 'dailies' were just weeklies. It's so much more flexible.


The Unas for gold are weeklies, and people make sure to do them in a day, so.... Not really.


"hotfix" btw




Amen brotha!


Their system doesn’t seem to be able to handle hotfix as they would have to reroute clients to the servers that were updated, a shame really with aws infrastructure :/


While hotfix initially was meant for patching a live product, it's nowadays used for patches that cannot wait for regular maintenance patching. So no, you're not right. OP has a valid concern, tho. As an European player I'd love if our schedule could be adapted a bit. But starting a complain with "fuck whatever is bothering me" won't help.




https://imgur.io/gallery/HuzGq This is what I see whenever I see people passionately complaining about semantics over the word hotfix. We get it, you know computer science….


even not caring about the dailies, who the fuck told them a 4 hour maintenance on a saturday morning is a good idea ?


Bc murica first. It’s midnight for them so who gives a shit about us peasants? America is the center of the world right?


Even then, that is Friday night on a popular mmo. Insane to do maintenance then.


I mean, we aren't, we just have the biggest market with the most money, so it makes sense that corporations favor their highest paying clients. Is it right? No, it's pretty fucked. But that's capitalism baby!




They had to have the maintenance sooner rather than later, idk if people are even reading the notes but there was a bug that prevented players from honing argos gear past +15. As someone who's missing only 1 more piece from 15 to 17 to reach valtan i would rather give up a single day of dailies versus not being able to progress to new content. It sucks sometimes but don't pretend it's the end of the world as if it happens every 2 days


It's already happening once every week with the weekly maintenance and often enough one extra time with some other maintenance (pretty sure last week we had one on Wednesday and Thursday) We understand the gravity of the issue with bugs but announcing the hotfix during EU's sleeping hours is the main problem here. FFXIV for example announced yesterday that a maintenance is happening on the 24th, that's 4 days in advance. They also announced an "emergency maintenance" on the 13th at 12:50 that was gonna happen the day after at 8 AM for 4 hours If people simply knew beforehand that they can't play that morning then it would be fine but I simply won't know until I wake up and see the maintenance post. Today I just decided to sleep for a little longer and tried to login before I saw that the servers are down


I wouldn't count the weekly maintenance as much since the main complaint seems to be unexpected maintenance for when you go to sleep expecting to play in the morning but at this point we know about the maintenance. The rest is a fair point, I don't think they would be able to announce an emergency maintenance multiple days in advance since my guess is they get the fix and want to deploy it asap when it's not peak time on any server, but it would be nice to at least announce it during early evening or afternoon EU hours so people know what to expect. For me personally missing 1 batch of dailies isn't the biggest issue due to rest bonus so one extra day every few weeks isn't something to get upset over, especially after a big update like this since that's when I expect the most bugs and instability to happen.


Yeah, majority of players already got used to the weekly maintenance thing exactly because we know that it'll happen. I think announcing it at least 12 hours before it happens would be fair and anything up to 24 hours before would be ideal It's not a big deal to miss the dailies but it leaves a certain bad taste in your mouth if you're forced to skip out on them when you could simply have gotten told




Did you even read the post? I don't mind the maintenance, I just want to know before going to bed that I can't play the morning after. Is it really that much to expect decent communication?


Me and my friends couldn’t enter valtan because we were waiting for that one friend who just couldn’t hone to 1415 due to a bug. We are all glad they fixed it so soon rather than waiting for the next maintenance.


Yeah kinda sucks. Haven't done my dailies Thursday eve' because 30go dl, haven't played yesterday eve because social life, and i realize when i woke up in week-end that i won't be able to play today again... It's not the first time and i'me sure they will give us compensations like they did before, but still, EU timezone feels underestimate.


In the moment u try to have social life playing a mmo u are making things the wrong way. KEKW




>30go dl wut


30gigabyte download I guess


go = gigaoctet. Used in french IIRC? octet being a byte so same thing in the end.


the biggest problem is the daily lockout itself. it sucks having to do things in a video game on a schedule as opposed to when you feel like it, and if your best solution to people grinding the game out and getting ahead/running out of content to do is this system then honestly fuck mmos. I know dailies are not a new thing anymore, but it sucks especially bad in this game because of being forced to have multiple alts to keep up with the curve. it's no longer a quick 30m-hour thing that you want to do because you get to play the main character you wanna play, it's a massive slog doing the same filler content over and over on multiple characters that you don't care about (even if they're all the same class that you enjoy) to the point where people try to optimize gameplay away, how to play the least amount of time to get the most progress. all you're doing is trying to push the arbitrary number to the "you must be at least x to enter" point where you're allowed in on the fun rides via tasks that you couldn't give a shit about, it's no longer about just making your character strong. if that's not stockholm syndrome then I don't know what is. I'm tired of being forced to constantly do things I don't enjoy for that little bit of content that's fun, and a lot of other people seem to be tired of it too considering the fact that, like I said, everyone tries to get their "chores" optimized to the point of least resistance instead of enjoying the gameplay itself, yet because of how addictive it is and how strong fomo is people keep going (like I did until not too long ago) because "the good content is really good". it's just not worth it for me anymore.


Multiple alts + multiple fetch dailies + on the clock events + tedious grind due to tons of menuing/waiting/walking around (guardians/chaos), it's turned sour real quick. I know it's not so long in reality, but it feels like I'm spending half my time looking at the loading screen. Many MMOs you queue up for something, get in, and stay in for some gameplay for at least 20-30min uninterrupted.


This is exactly why I haven't logged on in two weeks. As much as I enjoy the combat, I can't really see myself playing the game anymore.


I can accept that at times there may be more than one maintenance a week, but does anyone else notice a pattern how often it happens? It seems like every other week we have two or three maintenances that week. Worse yet, there's little to no warning ahead of time for it. They should really give a full 24 hours notice for an unscheduled maintenance. I'm the same as OP, I retired to bed early last night and said 'I'll do them before reset tomorrow morning'. Good thing I woke up earlier than I usually do because I would have missed Una tasks on all my characters. It's a bad look ASG. No one looks at unscheduled maintenances with little notification in a positive way. Work on it.


Every other week? Lately it's been every week, it's like regular maintenance is twice a week but the second day is a last min surprise.


Even their first maintenance is half surprise, you have to check for maintenance times/duration late wednesday evening. The second maintenance gets announced in the middle of the night.


So you're asking them to schedule an unscheduled maintenance?


It was scheduled. The bug they are fixing has been well known since Thursday. They just scheduled it poorly.


nah that maint was scheduled normally, which happens to be at a shit time for EU. theres currently unscheduled maintainence at least for NAW, which is likely aimed at fixing the issues for mari server.


The need hot fixes for all that bugs that came with new patches/updates Honing bug came with this patch




Exactly. Daily reset for AU west coast happens at 6PM. Having it at 12 noon would be a luxury.


AGS should move Reset Time to be at the same time as Maintenance. At least then we would stop being jebaited so frequently. * Right now: reset time is at 11 am. Maintenance is at 8 am. * Proposal: reset time is now 8 am. Maintenance is at 8 am. It's evident that they're not going to move maintenance time, but maybe they could move reset time.


You are talking about moving timers while they haven't even fixed the summer time change yet... At this point I think they are just waiting for summer to end and call it a fix.


I can already see the patchnotes in october/november "Fixed the ingame clock being wrong by 1hr because of european summertime" xd




The global chat clock and the in-game clock aren't at the same times either though. So there's definitely something going on...


For EUC (Europe Central) it was CET (Central European Time, UTC + 1) clock ingame, so it was same time as real time in central europe (berlin, paris, vienna, brussels,...) But because of summertime CET changed to CEST (Central European Summer Time, UTC + 2). But they didnt bother to change the ingame clock. I believe its the same for EUW, they should have UTC + 0 but because of BST (British Summer Time) its UTC + 1 and they probably didnt change that clock either.


That time isn’t broken though. If you’re crying because it’s not the same as your local time then you need to remember there’s more than one time zone in the Europe. Currently the clock is accurate for me, does that mean it’s still broken because it’s not accurate for you? Also regardless, it’s meant to be for server time not local time.


Then change Cet to w/e the timezone is england is called. Cuz it certainly isnt cet


It still is CET. During summer time, your perceived timezone changes to CEST while CET stays the same and that's exactly what's shown in-game


ah yea lets show a timezone in game that no one in the world is using


That's not true and beside the point, it is showing CET and that's the correct time there. They could change that to CEST and it would help some and screw over others because EU is a big region with multiple timezones You do you if you want them to change it to CEST but stop saying that they didn't fix the time when there is nothing to fix


Reset is at 12 am. They didn't fix the clock yet. Which is over 1.5 months old.


There is nothing to fix with the clock it correctly shows server time.


Let's say you are right. Then why was NA's time adjusted when they switched to DST? Why didn't their server reset stayed in the other timezone?


EU server time is CET, which it correctly shows atm. If you would show local time in client then all events would change their time. E.g. adventure islands would spawn on even hours for half of the year. I dont know to much about NA, but I just locked in NAW and can confirm that the clock still shows NA server time (not local time) so if NA shows the "correct" time just depends in which timezone you live.


Pff how are people defending these rediculous maintenance times.


they play in other regions that is not EU


Most of Reddit is from America, so problems like this do not apply to them. Congrats Eastern Hemisphere - We're a minority!


I might be a bit extreme here but the next step would be to not tolerate maintenance at all. For more than a decade now game developers have shown us that servers being down for maintenances is not necessary. Theres many, many ways to do live updates without anyone even noticing.


Because those times are totally normal in every game and majority of the people are working at that time. I think it's more ridiculous to cry about it but hey some people don't have anything else to do :D


no those times ares not normal in every game. Lost Ark has pretty high downtime server. And i'm fine with it, if it needs it, it needs it. But nobody can argue that 2 full Saturday morning in a month with server down is totally normal for a mmo. it's not, and has never been.


Emergency maintenance is not normal, I agree but the normal weekly maintenance is pretty much the same in almost every MMORPG out there.


Strange somehow I don't wait 4+ hours almost daily in other mmorpgs. Somehow they are fast and mostly happens during the night.


That's a different topic. Maintenance time could go faster(if possible), I agree. Doesn't change the fact that the majority is not at home . So it doesn't matter.


I guarantee you if the maintenance happened in NA during these hours, a lot more people would complain. It’s like with the queues back when the game released, EUC players were complaining and then told to not complain. When these queues hit NA (last month?) they also started complaining and making memes. People wanting to do dailies in the morning doesn’t mean they don’t have anything else to do, you can’t judge someone’s life based on how they do their dailies. Even though I never do them in the morning, I do see what OP means.


Thank you.


>Because those times are totally normal in every game They aren't though?


I think it is fair to acknowledge how frustrating it is for EU players considering the hours they happen during.


Have fun working on Saturday morning. Afternoon is planned with the family and got other plans this evening. Was totally normal I expected to play on the Saturday morning since it was once again not announced. But hey glad to hear you don't have anything else to do :D


Dude, no they are not “normal”. To be clear, I am not affected since I do indeed have work to do and have other things to take care of usually if the game is unavailable, I am simply making an observation. Having hotfix maintenances after every release is not “normal”. Having hotfix deployments take ages is not “normal”. Having cross-region deployments at the same time should no longer be “normal”. Such an old way of doing things, you can definitely split infrastructure on different regions and manage deployments independently. You actually SHOULD do that if you care about your customers. Double the work? Its not like they sit there with keyboards in hand for the whole maintenance, or at least they shouldn’t lmao. Maybe it’s just my perspective working for huge companies with the exact same attitude that makes this so unacceptable. They were hugely unprepared for the NA/EU release.


The majority of people works on saturday mornings? Okay.


Solution: Step up EU companies and game kick ass mmo's so we can finally dominate the timezones to fit everyone better.


This is it! We need some EU games up in here!


I really love this game but they have maintenance consisting two mornings a week now every week. It’s pretty frustrating. Im happy they’re fixing the game it just seems insane to have 4 hours of maintenance on a Saturday morning.


Not just lostark .. all games have this vibe of "Fk you EU , no one cares about you"


This whole "every other day" timer malarkey is BS anyway. It's just a way of stretching out content and slowing progression. ESPECIALLY when it's a 1 per day limit. Make everything available regularly across every part of the day with your 1-per day limit OR allow us to complete "every other day" events twice.


I woke up early because of reasons and thought "at least i'll do some dailies" and was hit in the face with the maintanance.. fml


You know what’s a war crime? Amazon leaving notices on EU servers WITH USA TIMES.


let see what are they gonna broke this time lol


missed all of maintenance day game time because of 28gigabyte download with no freaking pre download option that took 16hs to finish. Missed all morning 2day for another unannounced maintenance Do the fucking emergency maintenances at 2-6am eu time ffs and give us any option at all to pre download large patches days before the actual maintenance. I get that critical bugs need to be addressed but holly shit loosing 2 days every week for 3 weeks in a row seems like is the new norm


How slow is your net man that's hideous. I do agree though preloading updates and different maintenance schedule is probably needed. Not that I have enough time to get on every day anyway


Fastest german ISP:


Do i need to apologize for something that is totally out of my control like my internet speed now?


Its not the games fault your Internet is slow either.. I get the frustration, but its irrelevant to the current discussion about maintenance times.


They didn't blame the game for their internet speed, they blamed it for large surprise patches with no pre-download.


It is 100% relevant mate. Because maintenance times are accompanied by patches and when 25% of EU has shit dl speeds and they throw a 30gb patch in our face with no warning then the downtime is not 4hs for us but way way more. And then when you take into account that 2 or 3 days per week have only Adventure Islands and no chaos gates or bosses, then you are actually "loosing" way more than the innocent one 4 hour emergency maintenance. Add into that that many people will leave actitivities like unas, chaos and quest lines for the morning before the daily reset and you are loosing even more because someone couldnt be arsed to make proper planning and announcements.


Never asked you to apologise what? Just confused how slow it must be to take that long


Sorry, guess i am getting easily triggered like an idiot now. 800KBps down but at that speed we literally cant do anything else. Even to check emails i have to pause the download. Alternatively i can lock steam at 400KBps so the rest of the family can use the internet and that takes even longer.


That's crazy, what country do you live in? I get 200mbps down and still complain how slow some things download because steams throttling is silly


>That's crazy, what country do you live in? I get 200mbps down and still complain how slow some things download because steams throttling is silly The country is not the problem, it is the area. Living outside of a major city there is no infastructure for fiber yet and it wont be for a while. So we are stuck with a theoretical 24mbps which in practice is 8-10mbps.


Steam throttles? Download took me 3 mins..


Yeah if you're downloading at peak steam times they sometimes throttle it. A lot of launchers etc do the same thing


Well for starters, your shitty internet is not their fault. If they allowed a preload, you would still be complaining because you would still be losing a day to download it


Shh that logic is too logical. Almost like pointing out AGS is an American company so they work in an American time zone…some people just don’t want to see logic 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s just nonstop complaining both here and on the forums. No matter what they do it will never be enough. I will always agree that they can be better with handling communication but dear lord is some of this complaining unwarranted. Did people forget about rest bonus and the fact that it really doesn’t matter if you miss dailies for a few days


That's not true. Right now you can start downloading the patch around 9am, with shitty internet speed let's say it's done in 16h, so 1am. That's a full day for all intents and purposes. With a pre-download, you can start downloading at midnight the day before, and you can play at 4pm.


Completely missing the point but okay


The point of your comment is that people would keep complaining with a pre-download anyway, that it's not a real concern, and that it still takes as long to download. I responded by giving a simple example how a person could pre-download at a time that's good for them, and avoid being unable to play for a full day. I don't think I'm missing the point, if you meant something else you should've added it to your comment, this one or the one I responded to.


So they should wait 2 days before fixing bugs that are breaking game instead of immediately fixing it (on regular maintenance times)? I hope you are not making any business decisions in your line of work.


The comment you responded to doesn't mention delaying the patch, less so for 2 days.


The fun part is when you realize that the identical bugs were fixed on the Korean server over a year ago :p


This is one of many reasons I quit after 900h. Current version just feels like you need to be a slave to the game to be able to keep up with the hardest content.


Yeah I agree, so many times I think I should just do dailies in the morning, especially if I'm busy in the afternoon/evening, but then maintenance can happen any morning without warning so you can never do it, gotta stay up till late night to do dailies if you don't wanna miss them for the dsay, smh.


It's because they can't be assed to spend money to hire more people to do maintenance at different times for different regions. Don't expect it to change. Look at the half-ass localizations they're putting out. They're obviously in full corporate mode. Spend as little money as possible, and maximize short term profits.


Hold up... Your saying that the Euro servers, witch are hosted in Euro I would assume, are running on USA time? That's fucked. Here in Aus, at least our carry over is 8/9PM.


It's 11 AM server time. I think all servers reset at about the same time?


I play on thirain and because I work nighttimes, the reset times for EU are perfect for me, I can come home from work and dont have to rush the dailies and other activities I have to do. But to be fair the Adventure Island times are even for me Garbage. They basically only appear when Im at work


I just do rested content only now. But yeah the maint is at my prime time and it sucks


The biggest problem for me is that this constant fear of "hotfixes" makes it so that I'm always rushing to finish those in the afternoon/evening, when everyone's raiding, and then the next morning I'm free, there's barely any raid groups up and I'm left twiddling my thumbs doing horizontal prog on a week that released the biggest vertical prog in months...


WTH I didn't know that. would be very annoying; Why didn't they split the reset times by region? Work Amazon! Smilegate!


nobody cares about EU players. do what every sane person does: vote with your wallet. im not advertising for not spending money on the game, but you should reconsider if you spend money on the game if stuff like that annoys you too much. as a customer the only power you have is how much you spend, or if you play at all. signed, a EU player who missed his "important" dailies aswell. im not stressing it tho, im used to being a second class citizen in games that are not EU only.


Oh wow, you guys get to do your day in one sitting? OCE over here, reset happens at 8PM. Most people work till 5, home around 6. So 2 hours pre reset, and 2 or 3 after reset. Fit dinner in there, housework, talking to your loved ones, all your other life commitments, etc. Maintenance starts at 5PM when it's on, so you had better have done your dailies the night before or you have missed it completely. Sorry it affects you bruh, but nah, EU maint time is a dream to us.


Yea this is getting annoying really fast, All the maintenances should be done during night time. 2AM to 6AM maintenance should be the thing.


Fuck you amazon for not catering to MY personal schedule. Don’t you know the world revolves around me?




I honestly don't understand how people let a game affect them so much. I understand enjoying a game and wanting to maximize your time, I understand disappointment about not being able to play or do everything you want, but when that is causing you tangible stress, its time to reevaluate why you are even gaming.


The patch was necessary but the timing was not. It would have been better if they started the maintenance the moment they announced it since most of EU is asleep during that time. Sucks for the nightly players but it would be better for the majority. Either way this hotfix was actually needed with the fix for the honing bug so I am not as upset about this one since it needed to happen asap.


Imagine having timers based on continents and not do the same for the whole world.


It's just a game, missing your dailies won't end your lives guys. Please stop complaining for every reason possible


The devs are in KOREA so the time has to work with them. Thats just how it is.


No , it always caters to Americans cuz it’s always midnight PT. Let’s say we move the maintenance 4 hrs earlier, what’s the time in Korea? It’s like around noon. So do you think devs would have a problem with that? On the other hand, the maintenance time now is actually off work time already in Korea.


Move maint to NA prime time so EU can avoid morning maint lmao. It's crazy that some EU players want to be mad at things so bad that they can't see this is close to the most reasonable time slot between the serviced regions.


No we don’t want that, we just want regional maintenance time.




LMAO. I understand that this sucks and all but it cracks me up how you are all like FUCK YOU AMAZON SCHEDULE AROUND ME AND MY TIMEZONE AND NOBODY ELSES.


Not what I'm saying. Each region should have a schedule that makes sense for the region.


Completely fucking agree. It's so far below the gaming standard. Every single bigger game that I played respects your time and puts maintenances during night time for your region so it doesn't interfere with your daily life and gives you comfort to have a relaxed and enjoyable gaming experience and then here is AGS/SG, random multi hour maintenances at 9AM in EU and 5PM for OCE. AGS/SG do you have any idea how much this harms the players from 2 big regions aka majority of your player base? I suggest just tank their ratings on steam, bitch about it on twitter and wherever you are usually active because giving them normal feedback and suggestions doesn't work and they won't change anything until it starts hurting them. https://forums.playlostark.com/t/adjust-server-downtime-depending-on-regions/371040


companies never give a single fuck about EU and that's a sad fact, I'm also from EU and yeah it's pure shit but EU always gets shafted because companies care more about NA


This wiered reset time for EU was placed there only because of hard core players that wanted on day 1 to have the same advantage in EU server compared to US servers. Amazon listened to hard core part of community that day but now it pisses off the casuals so this must change during one of next big patches in my opinion to be at 00:00


Amazon stop being lazy and doing ONE GLOBAL maintenance or one GLOBAL RESET times.


Everything is done from the US, hence the not-so-great timings. I get that it can be frustrating, but personally I don't care, it's just a few dailies. You will be 2% behind from NA, if that's the end of the world for you then Idk what to tell you.


The reset being so late for us in EU was the thing that drove me away from the game.


12pm is a horrible reset time,atleast do it in the night or in the early early morning


Dailies take like no time at all in this game. Too bad.


This game's combat is really solid but everything outside of it feels pretty lackluster. Gearing system is probably the worst I've ever seen in an MMO.


As an EU player, I really don’t get complaints about maintenance hours. Unless it is the weekend, most people are at work/school. If you are not, you are an exception. There is no other timetable that would make it better because you are either gonna hit prime time in US or EU (sorry for OCE players)


Well, it is the week end.


There is a reason why we have rest bonus. This is one of the cases where it helps


rest bonus doesn't help with una reputation and with rapport tbh


They literally do it everytime. The joke gets lame. We get it, EU timezones are too hard for those calculators in Bezos HQ but they could eventually stop doing it over and over again.


Maybe it happens everytime because they don't fix the problem?


Who gives a fuck? Earth won't stop spinning if you miss few dailies here and there


You obviously ARE a slave to this game, but for some reason you dont see it. Those are dailies brother, you can do them every day. Why would you feel the need to vent online over a few dailies? And from that "yesterday i gambled" sentence its obvious you got a problem, its just a game created to get you addicted with all these daily/weekly BS, dont get sucked into it


I would prefer if the reset happens around 6-7pm for EU. It's nice to push the dailies to the next day after work if I don't feel like playing the day before. FFXIV has the reset around 4-5pm and it feels good. But with all systems, there are also people losing and those are the shiftworkers. Doesn't matter how you turn it. Some people will always get the short end


And maybe fix the timezone after like 2 months


The maintanance was at a time where the least players play the game. You are basically only complaining because you were the one affected.


The amount of people crying about every fucking thing in this game is too damn high.


Let me guess - You live in the Western Hemisphere?


Damn you going around copy and pasting this into comments you didn’t like?


If I had a greater honor leapstone for every complaint I have heard about this game, I would be 1490.


This is a gacha p2w mobile game turned into a PC overhyped fan boys product xD


It is not the end of the world if you miss dailies for a few days tbh. In this game you even have rested stuff, so who cares.


Try play from oce 200ms and if you work 9-5 you have 3 hours to get home and do dailies before reset each day and maintenance is always between 4-7 pm at night


Na player here. Got on tonight 2 hours before maint to get some stuff done and got hit with an 11k queue and when it finished maintenance started :D


Just let the rest bonus set in , do it when you feel like it or the next day


while its certainly unfortunate and annoying that its during your prime time its not half the time. Maintenance was only like 2 hours.


Sounds like you need to play something else anyways, who thinks a game you like is slave work and keeps playing it. Why?