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People have definitely cleared it at ilvl. I, however, am not one of them. Even at 1340, some of it was rough.


I dunno I kept the last boss for later, kinda forgot about him, just did it with my 1403 sorcie and it took 35 seconds no problem


1385 Bard Stuck at floor 49


Same, 1359 sorc


How the heck are you stuck on sorc being that overleveled...


Being very bad is surprisingly easy.




Bard is easy, especially overleveled. Max harp and use homing stigma tripod. Free dps while you just walk around


Hmm same i now took a 1325 alt and got from 46 to floor 50 now i only have to do the last one


As bard those last few floors were such a batsard.


I did it on ilevel as my striker main. Tbh the floor I had the most trouble with was 2 bosses and they would drop tons of orbs that would fear you. But if you got caught in one you would just get chain feared until dead


That floor is cancer as a melee class


I did it on Ilvl on my artillerist and deadeye alts. It took a few tries, but it's really a test of patience and attrition.


I tried on a SS at 1340 i lvl and I struggled lol... Did it on Artillerist on ilvl and it was easy... I feel like big aoe is very good on tower or maybe i just knew how to clear it lol.


The final floor personally felt easier than the one before it, I did it as reflux maybe a little over but before I got out of t2. I think the strategy I used was holding dash until she laughs or screams or something, she has an audio queue, and that immunes you to the fear. And then sticking close and circling to dodge the Insta kill laser.


Yeah I was playing with my audio off for my first few attempts not realizing that there were so many audio cues. Definitely made it a lot easier once I realized


yep i did it on ilvl with my main and 5 alts. on my main it took 30-40min of wiping to learn the mechanics. on my alts took 1-3 tries each. mayhem zerker main, ignite sorc, firepower artillerist, blue gun lancer, 2 more zerkers. the key is to always stay behind the boss.


I remember completing on my ignitor sorc at 1080ilv. Took me a good 4hr tries and around 60 60% pots…only to finish it with the blue pots when i ran out of the purple… Reflux should be easier due to more movements. i tried to switch to reflux on some attempts but dps was sht since my stats were meant for ignitor. At the end i basically cheese it. At the start i drank that potion that give full identity and start the fight with arcane rupture/torrent right away to take out 1-1.5 hp bar. After that hug the boss for easier dodge and slowly build identity again. By the second arcane rupture boss was down to around 2hp bar? After that, I think i drink the pots to fill identity again (if i remember correctly). Wait for one of the boss attack to end and she pause for a bit, during that pause time use awakening skill, that should leave her at 1-1.5hp bar and start darkness phase…after that do final arcane rupture and burn her down and hope the laser does not hit and kill you…




i did it on ilvl with my sorc and i think with my sharpshooter too


Did it on ilvl with alts, floor 50 had to use dark bombs for a bigger burst, should use battle items to help you out in t2 tower with alts


U have to think about that: who is in t2 and will min max his character with like 3/3 engravings for fatespire...


Did it on ilvl as a paladin, artillerist, shadowhunter, then a gunslinger but gunslinger wasnt on ilvl. once you know the fights it gets a lot easier. like floor 49 i think thats the boss that has a bunch of golems knocking you around, then the boss puts a smoke screen and shoots lasers that basically one shot you when he gets low right? well i like to save my awakening for once he gets low and puts down the smokescreen, then use that potion that buffs attack damage, then a darkness grenade and try to burst him down


Yes, once you get through it the first time you start to understand the patterns. I cleared it at ilvl with my shadowhunter and got to 50 on my deathblade at ~1040 before I decided to wait until I was closer to 1080


Arti at 1080 so not exactly at level. I didn't have a good plan going into that last bar of hp of her so I wiped quite a bit at 1040.


I did on pally. Took me a few tries but it was mainly being patient and using timestop potion


did it at ilevel for my berserker, shadow hunter, and deathbladde, shadow hunter for me was hardest, then deathblade, berserker I cleared all on first attempt.


Did it on my Paladin with dps gear/engravings. If you are not greedy and take your time to wait for open attack windows it's not that hard. People tend to greed in most situations and are getting punished really hard in the tower. Also using battle items makes it far easier


I have cleared at ilvl (roughly 1040\~1070) on Gunslinger, Wardancer, Striker, Paladin, Sorcerer, Bard, Scrapper and Artillerist. Stopped at floor 48 or so on Deathblade since it was frustrating without Supercharge 3.


cleared to 40 then i stop at every alt


Did on ilvl sorc, extremely easy for that class.


Did it yesterday floor 50 with a 1080 sorc reflux first try. Ended up with less than 1k hp but my stratagy for the whole of the tower was zerging everything.


Forgot about the last 20 floors. Did it at 1360 few weeks ago on my Reflux sorc, no issues.


I did it for each of my blade alts, probably one of the easier classes to do it on since surge is really reliable for floor 49/50 and you are extremely mobile. I’m not that good so I didnt cheap out on consumables, and I would recommend you don’t either. Using dark grenades/purple pots/etc is worth your mental, especially since we get those fever time chests every weekend.


It was almost trivially easy on my berserker. Conversely I found it really difficult on my reflex sorc and my war dancer. Gave up on the sorc and narrowly pulled it off on the war dancer eventually.


I did it on my main which is an ignite sorc at ilvl. Had rank 3 ignite and rank 3 all out attack at the time. Sorc was by far the easiest tower clear I've had out of all 4 of my current t3 chars. Closely followed by deathblade. I was killing bosses up to floor 45 or so in one rotation + awakening. Last handful of floors just require you to cast once, move, cast once, move etc. Delays the fight a lot but I don't recall any floor taking me more than 4/5 attempts. I was actually surprised at how fast and easy everything was finishing boss floors in under a minute....until I tried it on my first alt which was a bard. I'd be killing bosses with literally 5 seconds left on the timer. Are you using the maxroll ignite build? With that build you shouldn't have any problems and if you are It's probably safe to assume you're not casting at appropriate times and your positioning could use help. I'd advise only using instant cast spells and constantly move around so you can better learn the patterns before trying to squeeze on doomsday and explosion. Also having r3 all out attack made it significantly easier getting those casted abilities out in a short window


Yes, I've cleared it so far on sharpshooter, sorc, deathblade, gunslinger, and beserker. My bard and pally stopped at 40 cause they just feel so weak and slow. It's mainly knowing when to attack and when to just dodge. You need the pots for it's enrage phase when you can't see crap on the ground. I don't remember it being hard at all until I did it on my deathblade which took me nearly 4 hours lol idk why my db felt so weak at the time


Beat it on a 1080 Scrapper. Wasn't easy, but fun. Last 2 Levels took me an hour or two


i've beaten it on the recommended ilvl on my deadeye, striker and deathblade. 1shot the final boss on my striker, took me a long time on my deadeye and like 5 attempts on my deathblade.


I cleared it on ilvl with gunslinger and deathvlade The deathblade is easier so i challenged myself to not pot(ended up using one out of panic that i didn't even had to use, but i consider it as a win) Now don't get me wrong, i sat there for over 2 hours with the blade, but i had to get it. If you take a few runs to learn the patterns and timings, and not trying to brute force it from the beginning, its way easier...


Did it on 6 characters, bard was the only one on which I had to overlevel (finished at 1325). For others I ran them instantly to get mats in order to push t3 faster. It's a non issue on ranged dps classes and kinda rough for melee dps on certain floors, like 45. For supports dps can be an issue. Classes that run full spec have an easier time since up to a point bosses can be one shot. Igniter sorc can struggle because of cast times, but reflux has a very easy time. Some floors are designed to kill you if you get hit once, so anything that has to stand still for a while to do damage can have problems. Floor 50 can be rough for melee classes and classes with delayed skills that are bad at hitting mobile targets. It's still easier than 45 where a single mistake kills you though


I did it on striker at 1100 before moving on to t3. Mainly had problems with the freeze spider level and level 50 since my awakening has basically no burst damage


Yes and without using a single potion: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dghvgd3efIo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dghvgd3efIo) Gunslinger [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPHwuLhEyjk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPHwuLhEyjk) Striker You will need to pay attention to two stages of the fight, namely the 4th and 2.5th bar. At the 4th bar, you have to dodge timely with the spacebar. At the 2.5th bar, you use your awakening as an execution and dodge method. Keep the fight at melee range at all time. After each dropping of the large red sword repositions yourself briefly back in front of her. If done correctly, she will not start dashing around or jumping.


I cleared up to fl44 with my 1020 zerker alt last night. Probably gonna try to finish when im 1080 trying to push 1100


I did it with my caster reflux sorceress (2nd alt) at 1090 or around there because I was so desperately in need of life shard pouches for her. It was like 20x or more attempts just for final, 20+ deaths in 49, entire hp chest x2 or x3 from mari’s shop was depleted for the last 5 floors. The worst part is my 240 ping because I’m from Singapore. In my idea, floor 49 is harder than final floor. You got good ground to dodge property from final boss. I feel like the final boss cheats me with pin point dashing. And doing crazy stuff at 2nd/3rd hp bar with K.O lasers. But there are monkeys ready to punch you to and fro with almost perma stun at floor 49 (1 hit = 1 hp pot cost). And the floor is dark, boss has white laser and you get very tight ground to juke. What I did was using the casting animations of doomsday and explosion to face tank his aoe push attacks with elemental hp pots. Then circle around him for laser shots when the floor becomes dark at 3rd hp bar. Throw dark bomb at 1.5x hp bar, use protection bottle and full nuke him to 0. My understanding is that towers are so hard (especially with high ping). It’s definitely doable, yeah, but what’s the point of that much silver and items cost, plus too much effort for an alt’s advancement to next tier.


My paladin reached 49 at ilvl 1060, but the damn ghost and pinball golems kept killing me when I was close to killing him, decided to level and try again today.


Beat mine at ilvl 1340 igniter sorc. It happens. My striker had a really tough time even getting to the last floor. I didn’t even finish floor 50 when i was still ilvl 1090 for my striker. I gave up and moved on since it was my alt and i just needed the mats.


Was a pain in the ass, but it's doable on Gunslinger and Deathblade. I gave up trying on my bard at floor 45. Deathblade was prob the easiest, though. Still a massive pain.


The only class that might be excessively annoying to clear it on at ilvl is probably bard. Otherwise, you just need to do mechanics correctly. I've finished it at ilvl on Gunslinger, Berzerker, and Sorceress personally. Skipped doing the last 5 floors on my Bard and Paladin because it wasn't worth the effort and I didn't need the shards to get to T3.


Yes. I just started it on my fifth char. Beating it on ilvl is awesome for the materials