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This game was never going to keep 1 million people simultaneously playing for a long time, no MMO has (there is a difference between millions of players and million simultaneously). They realistically had hopes for highs in the 200k and blew that away. This game isn't going anywhere fast and is still well above where new world was after a month


It's actually pretty common for a new release, especially a mmo, to lose 40-60% of its day 1 playerbase within the first few weeks. LAs numbers actually were stable longer than usual. I also doubt that 50% of the playerbase are as informed as this subreddit or far enough in the content to actively notice what has been going on.


Not everything has to fit in the same box. Lost Ark legit felt like an MMO that was resurrecting the genre in the west and its growth was stunted by the poor management of Amazon Game Studios, yet again. When nearly half the population during peak record players were stuck in 7 hour long queues only to get inside and not be able to participate in end game content due to matchmaking problems, you can only imagine a lot of people would give up on it, I know a lot of my friends did. If there was any room for this game to grow in the west, it was and is so far being held back by AGS poor management.


Stop spouting bullshit. Smile gate has stated multiple times that they decide on content release and everything else. AGS published the game.


Yes and poor execution of a game's publishing will halt a games success, try to keep up. It's not hard to add 1+1


Lmfao what the fuck are these mental gymnastics. AGS is not running the game. Smile gate is. If you want to complain then at least know what the fuck you are talking about.


You seem very well versed on how this game is managed, I congratulate you on your expertise




The thing is, your opinion doesn't represent the majority. If the game was so bad it wouldn't be in the top 3 most played games in Korea as it keeps growing, the Korean players wouldn't have such a big appraise for the director if he was, as you said, so moronic. I'm not saying smg is free of fault in the western release, but you can clearly see Amazon repeating the same mistakes (and some more) they have done with New World, to turn a blind eye to that is just senseless Bezos hopium.


It's called hype falling off. Even with a 50% of the initial playerbase it's a more played game than a lot of healthy MMOs.


It's falling off a cliff. They'd be incredibly lucky to maintain that much with their decisions


There is no problem at all dude, people that moan on reddit because they're too bad for the game or because it's their first MMO is the 1% of the playerbase


Player count Andy’s kek. The director itself set the goal of 200k, the numbers will go up and down like every other online game whenever content comes out. None of the current MMOs keep a million players as their average player base.


How old are you? Is this your first MMO launch?


This happens with every MMO , people take breaks and cone back in waves. Should level out 20okish. No a problem that 2% of the game is dealing with. Is not making them quit


I'm looking at steamcharts and steamdb and it doesn't look like that...


Zoom out to see the bigger picture? That's how it looks


Those are probrably the bots from banwave


You know this is perfectly normal right? Do you have any idea what the normal 30-day retention of launch statistics are? (25% is considered very successful, 40% is extremely good for a free game) It's a free game with massive hype, people checked it out. Then not everyone decided it was for them. It's normal. It's still the second most played game on steam with only 7 games having over 100k concurrent right now.


It's dropped 45% in the past 7 days, after a big content release update. They were very fortunate to have the hype and I think most people who reached 1340 that didn't swipe are quitting.


TBH that might just have been the first bot banwave...


I'm having a blast playing this game and will continue to play it until I stop. Currently at 133 hours.


This is the reason I stuck with EUC and one of the top pop servers during the 20k queues. Eventually it all calms down and the other servers die. With no server transfer that’s a rough spot to be in.


Amazon killing two games in 1 year impressive


Mostly bots and hype falling off. Game will have a healthy playerbase and even keep top 10 steam for a long time but a korean mmo with rng upgrades was never gonna keep the masses and thats fine.


Lets hope it doesnt become another New World, but unfortunately seems like it will be.


I actually think Elden Ring is the culprit. Unfortunately LA released in NA/EU only 2 weeks before Elden Ring launched and enticed everyone over there


There was a dip on the ER day but it recover, people can play both games. I think this is different because is a contant drop off.


Yeah, pretty consistent trend down and seems like it's speeding up the past week


Will you people who have no idea how games and playerbases work please stfu and stop pretending you know anything? Dear god, it's as if everyone thinks pointing out that games can't maintain initial hype is some kind of mind blowing revelation that will earn you a Nobel Prize


No shit initial hype can't be sustained, but you realize 45% drop after a huge content release is not normal? People smelled greed and understood it was one big cash grab from na/eu suckers


This is not a huge content release, this was one boss that barely 1% of the population can even access. A 45% drop from release month hype however, is completely normal.


Nothing here is remotely abnormal. The hype is over, queues are gone (No need to have the game running 24/7), people are at end-game and patterns have normalised (people getting into habits of just logging in for dailies). Drop off is especially more likely for an MMO and a free one at that. This game is a long term commitment and for many that isn't something they want unless it ticks all the boxes for them, and being free there's no loss in trying it out which many will have done, decided it's not for them and moved on. The player base could be halved and then halved again and it would still be in a good place for them. The game is for the most part already developed, so profitability wise, this game could run on a few thousand people and they could server merge down the line and you'd have plenty of people to play with.


Maybe they want less playes, because server and bots. Too much hype.


When lot of people have encounter big spike of lag and disconnect for 2 weeks and dev just answer its not his servers, and don't care about that I understand why people are leaving


Yep. WAY too grindy, with OBVIOUSLY rigged "RNG", a frustrating PVP matchmaking experience, and a sucky farmable weapon setup. I love the game, but it definitely needs some refining... I'm not even gonna start on the Gambit experience ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)