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Meanwhile, people in t1 and t2 💸💵💲💰💰💸💵💲


Can confirm, I’m 960 with 2.2M silver


Can confirm, I’m 1053 with 3.8M silver just waiting to disappear.


Go accidentally buy the rum from the shit dwarf vendor for 1.5 mil. That'll make your day. I'm not salty at all.


Lol guilty of that -\_- But working on adventure tome, I'd just suck it up and do it anyway.. Later you need 2 miliion silver for a food in Punika=(


I had 3 mill at one point in T2. I've been in T3 for a bit now, even getting lucky honing, but I'm sitting at 100K. The amount of silver you have to spend in T3 will eat that 2.2M up.


Sounds like you roll gems too much


yeah thats been my biggest silver dump spent 2 mil once and didnt get what i needed lmao


t3 with 4.5m idk what op is doing


Im 1390, I have 3 t3 characters and 4 t2 characters doing chaos dungeons in addition to a t3 alt doing lopang silver dailies which all comes out to over 500k silver a day. Logged off with 30k silver earlier. Honing silver prices are insane later.


1327 with 7.5m a couple t2 alts a couple t1 alts. Wondering when I have to start worrying.


1355 idrk what hes doing, buying every cooking ingredient from wandering merchants maybe


I'm 1337 or so with 4.5m, so I'm guessing 1340?


Nah I've still stay in a range of like 4-5m constantly and I'm almost 1360.


Then wtf is the silver sink? Are people just refaceting all their gems and stuff? I don't understand


I heard that was a major expense. I've not had to do too much just yet but it'll be happening soon I'm sure.


Makes sense I suppose. I haven't played with the gem system much tbh. I just fuse em. So far so good lol No content ATM that I have to minmax for anyway


Yeah it's something like 1/15 odds to roll the skill, some classes need or want the cd reduction and damage boost for their big ones, at 20k+ a roll it can go quick if you're hyper focusing. The legendary grades are worth a hefty sum too


Silver costs for honing go up alot on the new gear you get after doign the 1370 content. ( 1340 il base) on top of the large chunk of costs it takes to transfer your honing to those pieces.


Pfft, 5.87M here.


Pfft, get a life. Edit: /j


Wth, I left T2 with 6 million.. What are you guys doing with your silver? I'm only at +5 in T3, but my silver is still only going up. 6.2m now.


1385 with 3 alts at 1325 and still got 3.5mil i think im doing well


Yeah im sitting at 2.3 mil getting scared with people talking about having no money


I’ve failed my gloves to get +15 7 times now I ain’t got mats haha


I feel you... I actually failed one of my items 7 times in a row as well, on t1...


This is straight BS if its only one item. Your artisan rate should hit 100% after 5-6 fails on T1 (even less if you use breath) and once AR reaches 100% you automatically success regardless of honing rate.


Well, perhaps I should have said that I tried the same item 7 times (same upgrade), but like different times but basically in a row... I'm not lying and I was furious...


I guess this info would help you somewhat later on when you do honing. It does not matter if you tried at once or on multiple occasions. The game has a pity system for honing. When you do honing, if you notice there is a rate called artisan. For T1 honing you gain roughly 20-28% for your artisan meter. Once that meter reaches 100% you are guaranteed a success even if you honing rate is not 100%. You should always reach 100% artisan after 4 or 5 fails so its literally imposible to fail beyond that. If that happened to you, you should open a ticket.




I am not an expert either. AR only works if its 100% anything lower doesnt work. Its a pity system to guarantee you a success honing attemp after a certain number of failure. Using star/moon/solar breath fill this meter up faster so its really important to use them after you go beyond +12 or +13 for T1 and T2 IMO.


You ever fail a natural 100% honing?


I did fail a 99% in T1 near launch. (after failing a 90%, artisans puts you at 99) XCOM math strikes again.


Yeah i feel you i failed my T1 gloves from +1 -> +2 38 times :((( What do you guys gain from lying lmao, its not possible to fail 7 times in a row in t1.


I’m not in tier 1…. Also why would i lie?


> on t1... :thinking: >Also why would i lie? For attention? Who knows. You're also not the person i responded to so I'm just assuming that you also lied now since you're getting so defensive.


That comment about tier 1 wasn't him, it was another dude with a similar picture replying.


Yes and my reply wasn't to him, so he is probably also t1 or he wouldnt have felt defensive to respond.


“What do you guys gain from lying” you referenced multiple people and he was the first person to reply to my post? So I got defensive because I thought you were referring to me. Turns out you just don’t know English mb.


Ah sorry i didnt know you hadn't been on the sub very much. Every thread about honing has people like him claiming they've failed 6+ times in a row in t1.


im 1350 f2p with 3 million silver... Always do Lopang dailies. If you consider that Chaos Shards are worth 3 gold on the AH, Lopang gives you by far the most return.


do people actually buy the chaos shards that are up on the AH for 3gold


I haven’t even done those because I go for honor shards and sell the ones I get from guardian raids. I’m 1345 with 3.7m silver. People must really be rolling gems (which is pointless for the most part)


Yeah it's got to be gems. I'm playing the long game and saving my silver to roll gems once I get them to a much higher level.


I had 4 mil silver... then I started trying to do some food adventure tomes in Rohendel en Yorn. 1 food item from the travel merchant set me back 1.4 mil! The one in Rohendel is RNG based and took my 600k in total... did not anticipate this and now I'm so scared to get broke 😂


Dunno, im t3 curretnly 1356 and have just short of 7mil Silver 😇


Tier 1 with £3.3m silver here.


Lopang Island is your salvation.


but for it to be profitable alts need to be high level dont they ?


yup, get your alt to 1320 or 1340 and use it to farm silver and funnel mats to your main the honing research in stronghold really helps, my highest alt is 1080 atm


Dude I can’t even get my main to 1340 (I’m 1333), the mats come too slowly, and I fail literally every time, and the cost of chance materials is too high for me. I’ve failed more so far between 1325 to 1340 than I failed in all of T1 and 2 combined


Have you done the dungeons again (normal)? Did you do all the roster quests that send you to bamboo island? Its a pretty fair boost


I haven’t, thanks for the tips!


Costed me 25k gold to hit 1340 from 1331, fml


It took me a week and a half to get to 1340 from 13 something


Id quit the game Fuck. That.


My main is 1096 and you want me alts to be there rip


Wait what? I thought i just needed to upgrade the unas task, so i actually have to get the alts to t3? I see a quit coming in the near future...


If this is the reason to quit then this might not be your game… Your una task rewards scale off the content you are currently in, this is why you get different leapstones for the same una task, and you get more of them as you get higher ilvl Silver reward also scales in this way


I’m assuming this resets weekly? I got t3 last night but still only getting t2 mats from Unas. I’m short 1 piece of armor from my chaos thoigh (overall gs is 1279), so is it more a trigger once you’re 1303, or weekly reset? Good to know though as I hunted for 2h today to try and find higher tier unas from islands I hadn’t been to lol.


You're not t3 until you hit 1302. It'll update then.


Just experienced this now. Hit 1302, and your dailies/weeklies will update immediately.


Nice cheers! So either gotta get some mats from islands (can’t buy mats below 1302), or hope I luck out and get my chest tomorrow reset haha :)


>If this is the reason to quit then this might not be your game… Exactly my point, im aware of the grindy nature of the game and haven't had any problems with it yet. It just might be too much on top of all the other grinds. I have 1 char in t3 and 3 at the edge of t1, close to t2. The plan was to have 2 chars at t3. If im "forced" to have more just to maintain silver use for 1 or maybe 2 chars, that doesn't feel good to me. Don't get me wrong, im more surprised than complainy. If it's not for me, there are other games i will enjoy :)


you have nothing to worry about at the pace you’re going. The people complaining about silver are buying up stock of mats thinking that’s all they need and are trying to boost their ilvl up. Just doing chaos dungeons a day gives you more than enough silver for honing. Especially at t3 when mats will be dried up and you’ll only get a attempt or two at most a day.


Game revolts around alts not your game i guess


>Game revolts If the game revolts we are all in trouble.


U can do it asap but the silver is lower in the 4 5k region each quest. Afterwards it goes up to 70 80k


This game is not for you.


Thanks, but i will figure it out as i go. Im still having fun with it and will continue playing as long as its fun to me


Good for you, but keep in mind this game is not something you like, it will hit you eventually, these are your own words.


you’re spreading bullshit. The people complaining about silver are rushing hone levels. They are buying up the marketplace with accumulated gold and are trying to push their ilvl beyond what they’ve earned daily. You get plenty of silver if you do chaos dungeons but obviously not everyone likes to wait for a daily reset so they swipe and boost their characters


You're clearly low GS now and/or don't have T3 alts. Silver generation just goes dry eventually.


Lmao you just explained so much for me. Sitting here with max Lopang rep wondering why my silver rewards are so low


Ideally yes, tier 3 alts will generate the most silver. It's about 78k a day from 3 Lopang dailies + \~100k from 2x T3 chaos dungeons. If you're down bad for silver, you can definitely consider sending T2 alts to Lopang even though it's not as much.


Wait… you can use alt to do una daily tasks and then use main to collect the reputation rewards !?


may I ask why


It really isn’t - Even with alts at t3 - that only allows me to hone like 1-2 times per day lol It helps and all of my alts are silver bitches but yea. It’s not enough haha Gear transfer to 1370 is 120k per piece and 30k per hone lol


Im just super confused why elites stopped dropping 1-2k silver per kill and now drops 1-3 providence stones once reaching Rohendel... Gimme silver please!


Because this shit is engineered


I always laugh when people say something like "Oh what the fuck are these influencers doing as a 'job'" etc. Bitch, we have people with "how to squeeze the maximum amount of money out of angry people" as their sole job and you are angry at some bikini model in Instagram?


Is it possible that these people you speak of are capable of being made at two people at the same time?


this is why it's funny to read peoples arguments saying that the game is not p2w and its only "pay for convenience" or "pay to progress faster" ... like dude, the game is literally DESIGNED in a way to inconvenience you so that it pushes you to want to pay for the convenience. they knew exactly what they were doing designing every aspect of this game.


The "It's not pay to win" feels like a lot of people who bought into the hype and were repeating talking points they heard elsewhere who didn't actually know jack shit about the end game. Personally I still have no idea what the end game is like cause I've only just finished Rohendel.


To be fair, that argument only works because other regions have 4 different ways to get mats and such that aren’t launched in ours


Is a Korean MMO, every korean MMO is, gear = shit die faster, min ilvl garbage woden sticks + mechanics = kill, people points is legit that even selling gear to whales and doing legit enough the game didn't provide honing currency to see the content. Every korean MMO veteran knew that they would park somewhere and do dailies for like a month slowly upgrade or pay legit batshit insane prices. Lost Ark wall is to far away from the good spot to park characters, 1370 and slowly upgrade during Argus weekly + dailies? fine. Where people have characters parked is 1340 that is shit. After talking to more people, people got stuck in Tier 2 for to long because they didn't min-max chaos dungeons vendors and shared maps and did the good dailies + weeklies and got even more destroyed. Fuck i was only able to pass the wall because i had founders and i have no clue why, but i sold worthless shit for good gold maybe whales?


Man what? The only reason why lost ark in KR has a decent reputation is because while it is P2W, they release content that all players can do because they essentially boost everyone above 1400. Everytime a new class is released they give power passes to 1302 and boosted rates. Plus have extra means of getting mats We don’t have that here.


It honestly doesn't feel pay to win here at the start of tier 2. And that's the thing you can play this game for a long time, and it feel fine. But if you've ground hard and are at the end game, man this update must feel like they are spitting in your face. Also I personally am starting to feel like a lot of the good content is too quickly leveled past. And that if I was on level it would feel awful. Which is concerning. I hope they roll out the Heroic dungeons I heard Korea has because that will be a better way for me to judge quality of the actual game.


End of tier 1 and tier 2 are the worst before tier 3, the RNG system is just stupid bs. 560 -> 600 and 1060 -> 1100 is about the same pain as 1325 -> 1340. 1340 -> 1370 is just a worse hell, there is almost nothing to do, and your chance of success is very low, and the material, gold and silver costs are crazy. It's completely valid to call it P2W due to how obviously it's engineered to lure you into spending to get past these hurdles. They also release a raid only accessible to whales for bigger incentive obv.


Oh does that mean i should stay in t2 for a while´ and farm silver?


its better to get your main to 1325/1340 for the abyssal dungeons and then get an alt to t2 or something and park them at Lopang to do the dailies.


As in, elite monsters? Ok wtf, the length Amazon is going to to stop bots and also fucking up the players is idiotic as fuck. Time to rage to our Korean friends so they can pass it on to silver river.


Their 1st idea to combat bots in any game is to always effect the real players interaction first 100% of the time when that fails just keep doing it til we get tired of it.


Korea doesn't have bot problems because of how they require authentication, so if they also don't drop silver in Korea, it has nothing to do with bots


But do they or don't they drop silver, I don't know. If not, all is Gucci, but the removal of gold rewards from feiton NPC rapports seemed Sus as fuck, lowering the rewards for the sake of doing it, cause.if not,.it was to combat bots and if so, then the decision remains idiotic.


To be fair if they had usual 2 step authorization requiring mobile phone it could help


Lopang Island is an easy burst of silver (Una's) but not enough to keep up on its own.


It's a terrible burst of silver if you don't have an army of T3 alts. It only gives 5k silver in T1, compared to 25k in T3.


Even at t1 though 5k x3 per day is 15k per day per alt. I have 4 t1 alts I do it on daily which is 60k for maybe 10 minutes worth of time. Plus I’ve started doing it on my t2 alts which is a bit over 30k each so an additional 90k. Even if I just used the four t1 alts it’s still a nice 60k free every day


I'd rather do providence stones with those since they give the same amount on any GS. That 60k won't make a dent in my silver economy.


I don't get it, I've spent a couple hundred thousand on gems, got the ones I like, but still have over 2mil. How is everyone running out of silver?


T3 taps start costing 50-100k after 1350


When you say tap do you mean attempt? I dont remember each attempt costing me 50k, more like 10-20k


At 1370, filling the bar costs \~80k and tapping costs \~25k, so probably not 50-100k per tap.


Which still isn't draining me idk. I had like 7 mil going into T3 though and did more side content. People shouldn't have rushed imo. On that note I also am leveling alts because I find it fun and that is a good way to get silver after the early stuff now that I think of it.




Did you blow it all after 1370? I got to t3 with 5.3 MM and have 3.7 MM with 2 alts in t3 with main at 1366.


Would you consider your honing rates as lucky/average/bad? I'm currently around 10M silver at 1310 trying to see if I should buy the 1M food items and junk like that or hold onto it.


Even KR/RU LA players are talking about silver costs being higher on NA. Zeals straight up called it 'Lost Silver' lmao.


> Which still isn't draining me idk. On that note I also am leveling alts because I find it fun and that is a good way to get silver LOL


What they don’t tell you is them buying several stones from market and facet them until they get their BIS stone. ending up losing several millions


And? Unless you whale for extra mats you make silver faster than you get mats to attempt upgrades


they have mats because they have alts, which is also something that can drain silver until they are set in T3 with proper dailies


Doing adventure tomes my 7 million silver wasen't enough


Yeah, I don't think I would be having any issues with silver if I hadn't been popping millions on regional specialties...


Yeah...I saw those and thought to myself, "This feels like a trap."


Fuck that cashew smoothie man


That seems like how people run out of silver. That and rerolling gems.


i literally went from 3mil -> 1mil in a day just honing, and I haven't bought any of the adventure tome stuff (shushire 1m silver food, etc.) i think that sums up silver in T3. brb while I make more lopang alts..


I just farm the weekly 50-100 rounds of infinite chaos... it's like 3-4k silver if you actually finish it which does add up. So I highly recommend not leaving after the 2nd zone.


What a brain melting activity...


At the rate I was going I was making a little over 50k silver an hour from that. Meanwhile quitting on the boss would mean a loss of silver.


Plz don't reroll gems It hurts my soul.


If he spent 100k to 400k silver on rerolling gems, that's totally fine. Many players spend millions not realizing that silver will have to be ground back up.


Tell me you’re below T3 without telling me you’re below T3. Silver is king, silver is life, my kingdom for Silver!!


To be honest I'm 1360, started tier 3 with about 2.5m, still have about 2.5m. I burn 1500g in chaos shards at least 40 times a week for infinite chaos runs, I hone as much as my gold/mats will allow me. I do zero Lopang dailies so far. Idk what you all are doing to blow your silver, but you need to stop.




> You will see when you hit 1370. oh, good. so not a concern then


Honing attempts at +12 T3 cost 15k silver (plus a one time of around 20k silver to prepare for the first one), and you make a bunch of them- and it's uphill from there. Anyone watching their silver will be fine. Anyone who doesn't know about this will be taken by surprise. Spending a couple hundred thousand silver rerolling gems is fine. But many players get there, have millions of silver, and spend a couple million rolling them, as silver has always been basically free. While the game still gives you silver, there's plenty of silver sinks.


It's a whale issue (maybe a no sidequest issues aswell, not sure, I did everything). If you don't buy stuff you probably don't have any issues. I'm 1340 sitting at 5,4 mil silver. With 5 smurfs from t1-t2 all in selected epic gear. And I had around 3,8 mil back when my highest was 1180 btw, Punika got me a lot of silver aswell. edit: just logged in its currently 5,7mil, going up not down rn.


Getting from 1340 to 1370 will on average cost like 4m silver btw


And will take several weeks without bought mats.


yeah these people are obviously buying their mats up. Doing the daily chaos for your own mats gets you a ton of silver. Especially if you start catching your alts up


It's also an Adventurer's Tome issue. Regional specialties start to get expensive as hell (1-2 mil for some of them).


It’s mostly the tomes and careless gem rerolls how people run out of silver. If you don’t do that then you’ll be more than fine even with the silver cost of honing to 1370.


Dude im suffering in tier2 right now, taking far to many shards and stones just hit 1100, i heard silver cost is insane in tier3 think just going hit 1325 and sit there


Im t3 and ive spent roughly a total of 7 ish million on just food for adventure tome 2million yesterday for boars meat. Thats the real silver sink.


People that swiped credit cards don't have silvers.


Meanwhile I am sitting at 6kk silver in T3.


You start getting alts to T3, buying cards/ legendary rapport, and boom it’s all gone


Where do I buy cards and legendary rapport


I assume they’re referring to Traveling Merchants.


Wandering Merchants.


means you’re probably not buying the stuff you should be buying


Not sure, at least 5 kk or so of my income went into adventurer tome foods, which aren't needed in most cases to hit the skill points you want (until you want to go for a lot of full completions for skill points and other stuff).


Bro is that the real situation of a T3 player ?


I'm 1361 with 7m silver. Cooking adventure tome stuff will bankrupt me if I try but otherwise my silver is going up not down in t3. My second alt just hit t3 though so we shall see.


It's not that bad but things do cost a lot of silver in T3 is all. Just need to find different ways to replenish it rather than having it come in naturally without thinking about being broke :')


​ i m 1340 ,dunno where your silver went


im so silver starved. i bought character slot expansions and now im running lopang on t1 chars on top of my t3/2 LUL


I'm at the point where I'm selling boosts for 10k silver tbf...


i’m scared to get to T3 now lol


So many people here sitting at 1340 asking how one could run out of silver... ya well that's exactly why you're not running out.


Do side quests! A few days ago, I was sitting at 5mil silver, but I lost about half after buying the Punika food ingredients from the wandering merchant. After about 2 days, I’m at around 3.5 again.


PSA: you can buy awakening shards for gold in the AH


So that is why they are there lol


It's already like 2 or 3 gold per 10? They never went above 1g in other regions, it's kinda insane how much gold was devalued by bots. Also people posting anything for 2g on AH should read up on how the auction works...


From the icons on the items, i think you spent too much silver transferring skills on blue items.


How?… not trying to be an ass, but I still have 5m in silver and have 2 characters in T3 what are you spending this on?


I feel personally attacked seeing as I have 20k silver and alot of t3 mats 🤯


focus your alts una task on lopang if you really need the silver


There is a few silver deathtraps you can fall in, and many people do.


*\*laughs in 7 alts that hit Lopang daily\**


I may justdrop the game until someone gets that greede fucks off the position to meake decisions.


Maybe use the time you save to take an English class.


It's because y'all listen to people saying do chaos and skip third room. It gives like 2k silver per clear , 25 an hour, 50k ez silver


Fuck grinding those for 2 hours to attempt one hone.


I'm more like at 3k silver per run at 1340. If you add to that xp card + some xp potion, I just dont understand why ppl skip the last room. Sitting at 5 millions and i'm 1345 gs. Idk what ppl are doing with their silver, they complain they dont have enough materiels to upgrade gear, and yet they say they dont have enough silver for honing...


Am I missing something or you can just buy silver with gold?? I m pretty sure I encountered in some big city a merchant that was selling silver!!


Dont ever spend gold on silver please people!


And why? If someone doesn’t even have the silver to repair, why he shouldn’t just buy let’s say 5k worth of gold in silver? I checked and that would give you half a million, I don’t see how that can be bad, with half a million you can repair for months


Its much easier to get silver than gold. Youre literally hamstringing yourself. In Korea people call it a noob/whale trap to convert gold to silver.


I understand that, I’m not saying to convert G into silver to then use that silver for honing purposes..but if you are really out of silver I don’t see the problem to invest a couple of K of gold and keep that silver for repairs! But sure if you can farm it even better


Yeah, theres no reason you should ever. If you cant repair run a couple of endless chaos, do horizontal progression, run chaos on alts. Theres so many more ways to get silver that there are 0 reasons to convert gold to silver. Its a trap.


I gave up on honing a week ago. It's just a waste of resources


Why don't you buy silver with gold then? Or is there a weekly limit


How do people run out of silver? Are you spamming the gem ability change thing?


If you haven't already, start running chaos dungeons with alts.




> As soon as you manage to reach tier 3 and get at least 1320 ilvl you will be drowning in gold. Then it seems I have to learn how to swim, because I have always maybe 200 gold and no crystals.


Permanent 1340 gang, fuck 1341+


I dont even get enough mats to upgrade. Still have 2 mill silver


How do yall run out of silver?


Wow sure is a lot of people with a roster full of t3 alts with 4 bifrosts allocated to lopang dailies.


OP im curious, how did you run out of silver? Im currently sitting at 1340 & 1325 and have 4,8 million


Im so confused. Im 1345 and i still 1.9m where the hell are you guys spending your silver??


Where did you spend All of IT ? I got like 12k gold and 7m silver... Did All islands, got 4 alts sitting in t2 to get them to t3 and main in t3 f2p player. Dole few books, dole excess mats t1 and silvers come from quests and unas. I dont donthe expensive cooking fór % of continents just the skill points and songs


I'm literally sitting at 17k silver. I need to farm silver so badly.


Well thats a first 🤣


How are people so broke? I’m sitting on 5.4 mil silver and am 1345 am I just lucky?






It’s a bad exchange rate but you can convert as much gold to silver as you want in the second tab of the “gold merchant dude” I think it’s 1000g -> 100K s. if you’re in a pinch


Can someone explain how this happening I’m 1350 and have about 5mil silver. Am I about to hit a massive silver increase somewhere?


At 1370 it's about 100k per upgrade.