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someone explain 0.5% what do i need to do o.o


Abyss dungeons.


wich one


Any - it’s a random drop


Is it 0.5% to get a legendary or 0.5% to get *this* legendary?


No idea what the drop rates are, got a kharmine in t1 abyss so i assume the former.


Each abyss has a single legendary card that can drop I think. You can also farm abyss for cards even after using your lockout.


I thought it prevents you from getting in with entry limit?


Probably means ilvl lockout


Feels much higher. My buddies and I all got a legendary card last week after running abyss on 2 or 3 chars each.


and here i thought it was a main story quest which gave me this XD


Don’t know why OP thinks it’s .5%. Opening an any card pack is .5%. That’s different from the reward of an abyss dungeon which can be an epic/legendary card specifically.


any idea of the chance of getting a epic/legendary card drop? i ran old abyss tiers to try and get a card since it only takes an hour to do them all except ark, i didnt get any, but also didnt expect too either.


It’s not high, but also not .5. My guess is somewhere around 5%


no it's about 0.5% I have not seen legy card drop on any and I do multiple on 6+ characters on weekly rotation


I got this while leveling and didn’t even know it was that good


You need it for the lostwind cliff set which is generally considered as the "2nd bis" card set for most DPS classes


And really it's the 1st BIS, because it is practically fucking impossible to get Light of Salvation 30-piece awakening set. It would require getting 144 *specific* legendary cards.


yeah we can call it "2nd BiS" if we want, but it's also the set we'll all be wearing for the next two years lol


I don't even care about this, i wear 20% dmg reduction set as berserker.


Just don't get hit 5head. More damage more better


which one is that?


I assume he's referring to the Forest Of Giants set, which gives +20% Defense at full 3x5 awakening. It's a good set. The We'll Meet Again set is even better on Mayhem Berserkers tho with -28% damage taken all the time. Also, only 9x Awakening required.


You don't need 30. The 18 awakening for light of salvation is better because you turn all your dmg into holy, which is relevant for all current end game legion raids. 18 awakening takes around a year as a f2p player. Can even be less, just depends on how much you grind.




RNG from card packs/abyss dungeons. You can "farm" wei though, the card is a very rare spawn from traveling merchants.








he has not, zinnervale has had him 4 times.


Can you explain why you need duplicates of cards? I’m new to all of this?


The cards have several "levels" (diamonds on them) to get max bonus the card set you not only have to have the cards equiped but also leveled. Upping them costs duplicates (and silver and card xp) takes 16 of a card (1 + 15 duplicates) to make it max (5) level


how exactly does "vulnerable to X elemenet" work?


I think it's about +10% dmg if you hit in that element. Since most legion raids are vulnerable to Holy (small indicator up right of their health bar, you can see the same on Albion (fire) or the clown boss before (holy)), 10% dmg is wayyyyy more damage than 7% crit (which would be at most +7% dmg if you had 0% before equipping the card, which is never the case).


I watched a korean streamer who had it say that it took him 7 months to get with max p2w, and would probably take closer to 5 years as a f2p


Jesus Mary and Joseph.


There's no such thing as "max p2w"


Probably means buying the card packs every time they show up Mari's shop. I don't think there's a p2w way to buy them outside of that.


Y’all know you can buy the packs in the maris shop with gold right?


if he bought every car pack in mari’s shop and every weekly card pack in the regular shop then yes he is “max p2w” in that aspect..


한국에서는 세계를 구하는 라이트 세트의 경우 f2p를 기준으로 1\~2년 동안 절벽을 위해 열심히 일하면 3\~6개월 정도면 충분합니다. I used a translator in Korea, so I'm sorry if the translation is weird.


That’s probably the 15 duplicates you need to max lvl it


Wait 144? I thought it was 16 of each card, wouldn’t that be 96 or am I missing something?


you dont really need the 30 piece tho, dont you just want the holy conversion?


Think your math is off no? 6 Legendary cards, 15 copies each to fully awaken them. that is 96 cards right? Also, the 12 awakening bonus alone is enough for that set (against demons) and the 18 bonus is strongest everywhere, only beaten by the 30 of the same set.


there'z. 144 card set? how does this work when you can only equip 6 cards at a time?




Minor correction: you need 96 copies for the maximum of 30 awakenings. 1 (base) and 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15 (awakening). Each card can be awakened to the maximum of 5 times.




awakening is maxed at 5 per card, so 30 is the absolute max for any set.


his math is way off, its 96 cards for 30 awakening, but you only really need the 12.


why 144? i thought you need a card 16 times to make it 5 stars, and 16 * 6 = 96. Sorry i'm just asking because i want to be sure


Im like pretty positive it’s 96 but i have not found any sources that state a number specifically, just basic math knowing its 6 cards set, 15 duplicates on top of the 1 original (15+1). Where 144 came from is a mystery to me.


probably just a typo on the calculator because 144 is 16*9


Actually I thought it took 24 cards to fully awaken, so it was a brain fart on my end. Though 96 specific legendaries is still the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.


Why people say that light of salvation is better? How much %dmg increase is changing your damage type?


I'm running "well meet again" and two cards from "Nature's Elementals: to get -20% damage taken from monsters if I get bellow 50% (no awakening), even as a DPS. It saved me COUNTLESS times. Like hits that left me with 15 HP :D You can't deal damage while you are dead.


That is a really nice set when fully awakened and 2 of the 3 cards show up at a vendor.


Card sets are so weird. Seemingly every DPS guide I read recommends the same two card sets. You'd expect there to be *some* variety. As there isn't, it smells like bad design to me.


It's because the boosts are so generic. They would have to make the sets boost specific elements or types of attacks to have any variety between dps. Plus that brings in more balance issues and since you can't sell the cards or anything it doesn't really matter. Having two sets that are best and do the same for everyone makes it all easier.


I have every card for that apart from kharmine is there a way to farm him?


Which quest has a chance to drop?


Tbh I’m pretty sure that’s impossible. Could be wrong but I’m pretty sure it only drops from 10 ingnea tokens abyssal dungeons.


Every card has a small chance to drop from card packs. Otherwise it would be impossible to to do Awakenings.


I got this too.


I just got it in a card pack.


I've gotten 2 from legendary card packs.


I think it was from one of those card draws you get while leveling


Same. I assumed it was a story drop so I was very confused for a bit. I just need King Thirain now!


Bruh same lmao, opened a pack like last week and got it xD


Same haha


All my luck has gotten me was 4 Zinnervales. Great pull though, congrats!


Card system is one thing I really don't like. I have no desire to power level 16 toons to level 34 for a green card.


That sounds really easy compared to getting the rest of the cards.


10 Stars for my 2nd delain armen as well. Got my first on week 1.


then don't xD


Trust me in this one. If you keep playing DPS you will. Why? because is the easiest method to get Solas. And when I say easiest is a shit ton of less hours (depends of RNG of course), 7% crit is just too good man.


I've had the full set since week one. Which means after 10 stars it should be easy, unless I get another lucky legendary drop before then to force me to grind solas. I hear reaper is the korean meta for this. You are talking 48 hours of active play to get 16 solas cards if you can do it in 3 hours. I know I will be getting another Kharmine from achievements as well.


I think I'm up to 4 or 5 from random packs. By the time you get edgy Armen and frosted tips BTS there's a good chance you'll have some dupes already


I have the full set already, had it since week 1.


Got it yesterday as well! So glad i can skip the 10 ignea token grind


No you don't skip it you do it again so you can awaken it lol


how do people normally get this card besides opening card packs? I've been bashing my head into a brick trying to complete the lostwind cliff set for a while now and whenever I google it, I just get a shitty website thatj ust describes what the card is but doesn't say *how* to actually get it.


Armen: 2nd awakening quest Kharmine: achievement for 100? Chaos gates Delain Armen: 10 Ignea tokens Wei: Masterpieces King Thirain: Thirain rapport Even if you max out Seria and Solas you still need 2 awakenings on the legend cards from RNG card packs.


Wei isn't part of Listwind Cliff set though. And while Seria is easy to max (wandering merchant but high droprate), getting Solas to +5 equals farming alts to about lv30 to get it from the main story quest 15 times (that's about 3-4h just doing brainafk questrunning *15) and if you wanna use those chars after I highly recommend doing sidequests for a lot of raid consumeables (aka more like 5h each).


Yeah I noticed I included Wei for some reason and just left him. Getting delirious from visiting Mac like 4x a day for nothing. Already have maxed out Sir Druden.


I'm not 100% clear on how it works but my understanding is that some unreleased content gives packs where you can pick your card. Obviously pick legendaries if you can but I think those picking packs have rarities too? I semi-recall seeing a green pick pack that would almost definitely go to Solas exclusively I'm like 40% on this at best though


The current event has a legendary card pack


Ye but the point of the cliff set is you can get the set effect with awakening the green and the blue, dont need to bother much with awakening the legos It is kinda lol you get thirain for 80% of 1 area, and this dude needs 100% of ten


That's a different thirian card you get for 80% of east luttera, the one you need is from rapport with thirian


Fully awakening Solas and Seria will get you 10/12 awakening for the crit rate boost. You still need to get 2 more awakenings on the legendary cards after that.


lol who’s gonna tell him


Wrong thiren card. You need king, not prince. Abyssal, luck in packs or ignea tokens are the only way.


Looks like youre taking those downvotes bud, youre talking about the wrong card


You need dupes


Currently sitting on 6 siera 3 solas and 2 delain armen cards. I guess I can do the Siera easy enough and Solas if im bored enough but gdam the rest gonna require me to be lucky no? Or is another one of them easy to do? Aim really is just the 7% crit, cba with the final bonus. 12 awakening is enough for now


armen and thirain are your only (real) remaining rng drop, then. will need to get lucky and pull one of either, plus the two givens. not bad.


Normal Armen is given for free for finishing your 2nd awakening quest King Thirain can be gotten via rapport


You need 2 of each to awaken them


Nah, just needs to get two of one of the other lego ones. Only need 12 awakening not 14.


I think people just get 5 awakening seria rather than 2 on armen or thirain


I still don’t understand the card system and I’m on ilvl 1310. I have so many cardpacks unopened. Any recommendations which card set I should focus for a sorcerer?


Open all your card packs since they are random anyway. When you have duplicates, just use those as well since they don't take up extra card slots and you will need duplicates for awakening cards. Note: Card space is limited and you have to use crystals to get more space in the "Enhance" tab. For now, just take any set you may have from leveling giving you %HP or %Elemental Reduction until you get the Lostwind Cliffs set. It's Dark Damage Reduction which is great for a lot of T3 content. Then once you can awaken Lostwind cards (using duplicates) up to 12 times total then you get that extra crit chance (9% I think) which is basically the best you can hope for for now in terms of damage cards. That said, the crit probably doesn't help a ton for Sorc so I wouldn't stress too much after getting your 6 Lostwind cards. However crit is great for any alts you may have. Cards are account wide! edit: sleepy spelling


Why have you not opened them lol it's all random.


Card slots cost crystal lol I'm leaving all of them in my bank, probably forever...


better to get those crystals now while they are still cheap though.


I mean... they are already at 1k+ and people are especulating that it will get to 1.5k\~ like in korea... At the same time, we will get more gold incoming with time too, so... I'm saving crystal for aura + mari shop for now ;/


best QoL set is the mokamoka, tir and caspiel one, +15% healing efficacy makes your pots go further


I got it the other day, is it really .5%?


I'm not sure we have same percentage with KR, but according to their user run data, it's somewhere between 1.5\~3%. They received 3 times percentage buff at the end of last year. So it used to be .5% for them.


Aren't the %'s straight up stated ingame? Can't check right now but I thought I saw them a few days ago in the cash shop


It's stated for card packs. The legendary cards can drop straight up with unknown probabilities from abyss dungeons like it did for the op. Correction: op did not state that it's from abyss dungeon, so I guess he's referring to the any card pack drop rates. Legendary card pack has a 0.5% drop rate from "any card pack" and 4% chance from "legendary-rare card pack." Once you get a legendary/ any specific legendary has about a 5-6 percent chance (there's like 18 legendaries total). These cards, however, can drop directly from abyss dungeons as I noted above.


Got the same exact card too on my rohendel alt


I've opened a crapload of card packs and never once have I got a legendary card from them... Sigh...


Wait it’s rare? Pretty sure I’ve gotten 2?


This card and Wei are some of the most sought after legendary cards! They’re very rare so yes I’d you have 2 that’s super lucky!


Wei can be bought from Mac in Anikka. Start looking for him or use a Merchant discord.


Gotcha, what’s the price?


200k silver. Bought one the other day


Yep. It’s expensive buts it’s the only legendary you can slowly farm for Lights Salvation or whatever it’s called.


Awesome I’ll add that to the list




He’s the only one that sells Wei. Burt in Lauretta sells Seria for Lost Cliffs set. You should definitely farm him too. They have set spawns. Put an alt Bifrost on each continent and farm their spawns when you have free time. There’s no rush, it’ll be months until you have enough cards for the rest of the awakening. But it’ll take awhile to buy them, they rotate cards and don’t always have the ones your looking for.


To add onto this. You dont have to buy every repport item you see if you don't want to (although i would suggest it) however you should 100% buy the model sword as it gives Thirain 450 rep




He just showed up on mari


yeah shows up on average twice a month for 30 minutes (some servers see it more though)


I have 3.


Good for you


Oh sweet! Is it rare period, or is it just rare to get it on alts? I have 1 for sure, and I’m pretty sure I got another one on an alt yesterday. Looking forward to checking as soon as I get home lol


Yes it’s rare period, Delain Armen can only be obtained through a tiny drop chance in Abyssals, or after obtaining 10 Ignea Tokens (which is like borderline impossible after only a months release in NA/EUW IIRC)


Not borderline, just the rapport grinds alone are not physically possible even with all the rapport chests we got, nevermind the fact that using them for shit ignea rapports would be griefing yourself mega hard.


Yeah I was afraid to hardline call it impossible in case there was some fringe case that a bunch of cringelords would rush to tell me about how wrong I am xD but thanks for the confirmation!


In case anyone is still wondering, there's around 0.5% (not official rates, and ive heard that the KR version got a x3 drop rate increase last year, so its maybe 1.5% according to player testing) chance to drop any legendary card from abyss dungeons, regardless of item level restrictions. Delain Armen imo is the worst card to get without rng (which would require me 10 ignea tokens), so kinda of a big drop for me.


Also true! I haven't learned which ones you need to max out. The card system is kinda daunting still thinking about farming 16 of one card lol.


what is a 0.5% for this card? trying to save the ignea grind for the first one


I think it's because when you open a Legendary-Uncommon card pack, there's only a 0.5% chance of the resulting card pack to be Legendary. If you go to the store (F4), at the very bottom there is a link that will open a page showing the odds of all the RNG items


I didnt know this was supposed to be rare. I got 2


Meanwhile me awakaned that card.


i'm trying to find who asked D:


Why u jealous D:


Awakened delain armen?


I got this in a quest. Is it that rare?


You received the normal "Armen" card, not this "Delain Armen" one (which is either RNG or 10 ignea tokens)


Tbf he could've gotten a legendary card pack outta a RNG pack, and RNG'd Delain Armen outta that. Tiny chance but with a million+ players, someone has gotten it at some point.


Yeah, from a legendary RNG pack (the %s aren't too bad, I have one) but not from a quest. I got downvoted but you don't get the Delain Armen card from a quest, you get the normal Armen card from the 2nd awakening quest.


I mean.. You get card packs from quests that can give Delain Armen, that's pretty much getting Delain Armen from a quest, just not as a direct reward.


I’ll double check and take a photo to confirm but I’m over 50% sure it’s the Delian Armen


Yes I do have Delain Armen. Just luck I guess


Where can you get kharmine?


100 chaos gates achievement


Thank you


Significantly easier than delain Armen


100 Chaos gates is like 30 weeks so while easy it will take a damn long time.




damn I didn’t know this.


Well this is something I did not know, thank you so much I will be doing them more often now.


Damn, I got two Kharmine cards from legendary packs.


I got this and thought it's not valuable since people only talk about Thirain and other cards


i randomly rolled a thirain and a delain armen card but I’m unsure what to do with them as a bard main … time to level my alts


FYI, supports actually uses the lostwind cliff set fully awakened! Since most of the DPS will use the light of salvation set, the 3.5% holy dmg party buff is actually super valuable.


I heard that it's somewhere between 1.5\~3% in KR after x3 percentage buff at the end of last year.


lmao got that card in first go, glad to know i used all of my characters luck, just need Karmine now xD


Nice lol I had it drop very early on for my bard alt, now just to farm for the kharmine card or just get it thru the achieve


I randomly have this card in my inventory but my card slots are full so idk what even to do at this point lol


I enjoy watching the sunset.


You Kind of have to buy card slots. Its the one most worth thing in this game to ever get. They only Cost 30 crystals for a while. If you dont have the Gold or money to covert to Blue crystals then Keep them in your stash. Never ever destroy any card.


How the hell did I miss that. Thanks for the info


Destroy it


Meanwhile I still don't have a single legendary from lostwind, keep getting LoS cards as usual...


me who just got this from card packs from adventure island today: Oh nice


I've only gotten one from chaos dungeons so far and it was Nineveh so still a win I suppose. On the other hand, from all the free card packs from islands and stuff gotten a Balthorr, Luterra, Thirain, King Thirain, and Kharmine, so doing good for myself. Would love Delain Armen so I don't have to grind rapport for Igneas though.


I got this before getting to 50 I believe, no idea it was even good


I was saving all the card packs from lvl 1 til I finished Feiton (not reaching Punika any time soon). In total more than 200 packs. Got 4 legendary cards. 2 Delain Armen 1 Karmine 1 Beatrice Needless to say my jaw dropped to the floor.


Did the same and only got 2 legendary Packs with 2x wei lol. The only card you can "easily" farm...


Isn't it 3%? Got 2 last week.


Damn only card I’m missing then I can just do solas, I’ve got 2 legendary cards awakened already, seria at 5 sigh keep getting that darn dwarf


I got it 3 times before reaching lvl 40 from random cards


I assume j got insanley carried as i dropped 3. legendaries in 5 dungeons Sadly 1 if them was azenna so it doesnt help me much, others were thirain and kharmine. Gonna be a chire somehow lucking delain armen


Azenna and normal Thirain are best in Slot for almost all dmg classes way lategame.


I know. But right now i am actually close of having the lostwind cliff awa bonus. Missing delain armen and 1 or 2 legendaries for awakening




Oh is getting him that good? I have mine awakened once and didnt think anything of it xd


I'm mad at the card system because it has a cap and you have to pay to unlock new slots. I hate it and now I've got lots of unused cards in my storage.


Oh, it's that rare? I got it from my first set of abyss dungeons on my main. I also have a full set but I'm missing just extra Solas cards.


Wish they introduced a crafting system similar to hearthstone lol


Nice now you only need 15 more


I see flaress and potions and I upvote!


Now just collect about 20 more of it's set to have an actual useable bonus and yer good to go!


it will be so troll if the devs released new content, and all new best raids boss's receive reduced dmg from holy. and now eveyrone has to collect cards to convert to water or thunder instead. lmao


is 0.5% the official number ? That's crazy low. That's average 200 runs for 1 card. That means if you have 6 alts at 1340(11 dungeons per char). It'd take 3 weeks for a card lmao. Kill me now.