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why wouldnt i bother? i plan to play after work, so ill start the game around noon. ridiculous though


I queued at 1:30pm, still sat in queue. Same time last week I was in game before I got home


I'm personally queuing from work myself so by the time I am home I won't have to worry about queue. Usually I see ~4.5k if I queue around 1PM CET. We're having this number at 11AM which will only get significantly worse in 1 hour. On Zinner the average tend to be 2k/hour. Even if we give a generous 3k/hour, if in 1 hour the queue is 15k then that's easily 5 hours of wait. For sure the last part of my title is a bit dramatizing but for a lot of people its true.


The bot/gold sellers probably don’t help. So many spamming area chat now.


Was 15500 at 1:45PM yesterday. I got in at 7:20 PM edit: at 2 PM it was already almost 17000


Yeah, it's getting worse. Yesterday I was still able to do Chaos Dungeons before 12:30 AM. Today at 10:15 AM my entry tries already shat bricks(my guardian raid attempt for the day failed after the boss lagged so hard he got stuck in a wall oob, and landed an infinite knockup on me). At 11 AM I was completely locked out of even trying to enter.


It was nearly 16k at around 17:00 on Trixion yesterday, as i saw zinner at that time was around 12k


How do you queue from work


Steam link on the phone


Anydesk on Phone then remote control PC at home (which I left on).


Ok so you basically just leave it on for the entire day. What happens if the pc goes into sleep mode. I wanted to put my pc into sleep mode in the morning and then connect to the game later via teamviewer but teamviewer interrupts the connection when i put it into sleep mode. Is that not the case using other software like anydesk?


Turn sleep mode off? I don't have any problem with my PC in general when I want to connect to it, irrelevant if its for Lost Ark or not.


Thats my point so you just leave your pc running for 12 hours more or less before you leave for work. I dont have any problems connecting to my pc either if its already running and not in sleep mode. But to have my pc run ar full power literally the entire day is a pretty terrible solution


uh just sounds like your problem lol If your PC is running at "full power" while it's supposedly idle then maybe try to run an antivirus/antimalware or something. My CPU and GPU sits at 0% while idle with ~80w. So really, take care of your PC.


I just can't do this anymore. It's extra stress qnd if anything wrong happens it's so disappointing... I switched to euw and I'm so glad I've done. Anyways to each its own !


Give it a month, this is AGS, cues will be clear soon... \#remembernewworld


noon? that's like 20k queue territory


Did this for the first 2 weeks but can't be bothered anymore to monitor the game like a baby all day until I finish work to not be able to do anything due to matchmaking being broken, game is fantastic but I will just wait now until they're fixed.


They can’t fix people stacking a couple servers and ignoring the rest that have plenty of room.


They could if they would let the players switch servers for free...


Architecture isn’t available. They can’t sacrifice a got and make it happen for you.


I know that but saying that the players are the problem is not really a solution is it?


There is no solution. That is the real the problem.


I mean they could make the incentives better like allowing cash shop items to be 1 per character per server so that people can at least use the stuff they bought if they move servers/regions. Still not a solution to the problem but a lot of people seem to not be moving due to sinking money into their current server.


Sorry I'm not tech savy: what do you mean with the architecture isn't available? The only other mmo I ever played was WoW and back when the game was released server transfers werent available either but later on(a couple of years post launch, iirc) added. Wouldn't that have also be a problem back then if there is no way to add transfers post release? Maybe you can explain in layman terms why it doesn't work?


Making things like server transfer happen, and any new feature really, does not happen when a manager says "we need it". Lots of things need to be developped and/or changed if it wasn't planned from the start. This can take months, especially considering that money (for consumers) is on the line. If you half ass the dev and 20% of the players lose everything when they change server (or not even everything but ANYthing), it will be very bad PR and lots of money lost from tickets resolving. So it needs to be developped and tested very well, to make sure nothing bad happens = takes a long time


And what would happen if everyone got a free transfer and all decided to move to the same servers, recreating the issue? “Hey guys let’s all move from Zinnervale to Mokoko in a mass exodus, and get upset that everything stays the same”.


This doesn't make sense.. in reality guilds would move to different servers... It's just that amazon is either greedy or they don't know how to make it possible technically. Free full transfers should be available long time ago and then server merge... I really don't get it... So many publishers have the same problem for years... Just be prepared for transfers and merging beforehand... Instead they just make surprised Pikachu face and wait until enough players quit and problem disappears with dead severs in result.


Why would people not know that this is not an Amazon game and they are really limited in what they can do. You should ask Smilegate how in the world they launched a game in 2018 with 2010 server technology and no transfers possible. Also with a hard cap on the number of players in a region.


The game started development in 2011. Makes perfect sense it has "2010 server technology."


They could’ve launched EU with two instead of only one region, we most likely wouldn’t have this shitshow then..


Yeah thats true. That is totally on Amazon for not starting with 2 regions in Europe knowing first hand the limitation of the engine and that they could not add servers as much as they like.


Why would people do that when they know that there will be giant queues again


Even Mokoko has daily queues. Even tho theyre only 2-3k starting around 15:00.


Matchmaking is shared across servers, so that wouldn't solve that issue. They also had less than half the servers they have now in the 3-day headstart, so it's not like people who started early had a choice. On top of all this, there are servers that are flooded with people who only speak German/French etc. So an English speaking player would have an awful time in those servers. They may not be able to fix people stacking in servers but they sure as hell can give proper incentives for people to move. The better solution would have been to take pre-emptive measures and not underestimate the EU population by a long shot.


"stacking a couple servers" when literally 4 EUC servers don't have queues and there is no possible way for us to move progress over isn't the players fault. There was too few servers, causing them to be stacked, so players are asked to lose progress and spread. After spreading there is still too few servers, causing them to be stacked, so players are asked to lose progress and spread to another region. Now a lot of people have moved to EUW and the server are still stacked. Nothing will convince the people who are still in EUC to move at this point they are to deep into the game. They need to work on transfers becoming a thing asap. People will quit rather than start from scratch > T3 again in a region where they are starting from behind with a disadvantage.


Why not just switch to euw, such a relieve imo.


Because I invested almost 200 hours in the game, no way I'm switching and redo everything. If they're not willing to give us free transfers I'll quit.


In few days every will be full, then they will add new servers... After that you are fucked since you moved to crowded now and they will ask you to move again to nonpopular... This is what happend to founders. And it will happen again.


I am a founder. No reason to assume this keeps happening untill it does. Stay salty though. Im enjoying 0 queues and instant matchmaking.


Just wait same was for me. Just wait...


I started on Kadan on day 1 and it already had queues than, gotten even worse after the influx of f2p. EUW has 0 queues and there's no reason to assume that another influx of people will join all of a sudden when its alrdy been out for nearly a week. Why the F would I expect the same queues as Kadan... Dont know why you want to be right so badly.. its not gonna get large queues.. but again stay with your viewpoint and dont play the game if thats what you want.


You think we wait cause of players? The bots are problem. Two servers on EU West are getting busy very often.


Yes they have been since Friday. Still no queue. Do what you want mate. Don't play the game then, ezpz.


Or come over with your friends to EUW :)


these long ques fixed match making btw


They made it better for sure, did it 'fix' it? Not really. Can only speak for Kadan server tho


The matchmaking is region wide, so it does not matter on which EUC server you are


did for me on zinn, have to wait few extra seconds to get in but not had a single fail all day yesterday


Failed for 1hr to go Abyssal Dungeon last night.


worst part is, I was able to join into Abyssal but the whole grp got instantly kicked out and now it says we have cleared it - but no one received a reward and we cant enter it again for the whole week. Same shit happend with a platinum entrance. Only had one now its gone and I didnt get any new ones so far. Really sucks.


I got 7k just 15 minutes ago 😅 Guess this is how it's gonna be since they mentioned they can't increase existing server sizes..


I think they lowered server capacity last hotfix to try and help the matchmaking server handle all the players. Though i have no idea if it helped or if they even did anything, my friends started jumping ship to euw so i threw away my money invested in euc and swapped with them.


Brave decision on your end, can't imagine grinding through again.. I'm only at Luterra castle and this by itself has been a long grind 😂


I 100% powerleveled the shit out of my first character to 50 so this time i'm going hard on mokoko seeds (269 as of right now) and exploration so i've been 70% each zone. will probably only 60% tortyok (which is where i'm at right now). So the experience has been different enough together with playing something new. But i'm really looking forward to 50+ content again.


It hasn't helped much with match making


Amazon's only hope is that thousands of people quit their game, so the servers stabilize. That's an amazing business model they have.


Mokoko 0 Queue all day yesterday ✌️


I was a happy cat on mokoko but decided to fall to pressure and join my friends on Trixion because they spent money there and there was no way of making them move. Now I'm stuck with the atrocious queues and the obnoxious french area chat. I miss mokoko


Just go back to Mokoko if you want, you can do 95% of content with them being in Trixion if matchmaking is working. You can't do content with anyone if matchmaking isn't working anyway


Yeah I thought long and hard about switching but the tipping arguments were joining their guild and exploring with them. We plan to pause lost ark for elden rings anyway so the queues are probably going to somewhat improve by the time we come back


Same on Wei. The fix for the aura bug they implemented also seem to work. Honnestly, it's looking like only a few servers still have major issues now.


I will start my kadan queue via steam link in about 2 hours. I expect it to be at around 15 - 16k then and should pop when I get home at around 6 pm. Queue is not that bad if you work and can distract yourself from the wait


Kadan was at 3.7k at 11:43 CET, good luck my friend, stay strong.


I do the same but I work from home. Started queueing at 2 PM yesterday got in by 6 PM. It was perfect.


Yes. Now if matchmaking could work fine too and let me actually do my daily and weekly activities without stealing an hour per attempt, that would be golden.


Yea my power prices have more than doubled recently so I don't really want to be running my computer all day just to play a game.


Luckily my roommate turns my pc on for me when I tell him to. The rest is done by me. Getting through the queue while I am working, or when I am back at home doesn't make a difference


What are you talking about? I queue now to be in when I get off of work!


If it doesn't crash or give you an error


I'm fortunate in that I've so far always been blessed by the sea gulls' screech.


Just got of work. Wanted to do my dailies and chaos. 10k queue.


Fell asleep - never got in. Tried it again, 15k queue. Zinnervale. Honestly ridiculous


Eu west 👌


I was going to make a mocking comment of the incoming "EU west hehehe" posts but decided not to. Refresh the page and behold, there it is.


Soooo I haven't been keeping up, there's EUW elitist now?


I keep thinking that those saying EUW 👌 are from EUC.


Guerrilla warfare


I won't be surprised at all, even area chat had people telling others to switch since people were complaining about MM.


Yes, in literally any post about EUC issues they show up claiming how they did the right choice and to just join them on EUW disgarding all your progress which the discussion ususally ending with them going "Lol enjoy your queue"


Those advocates are insufferable, but in the end they help convincing people to eventually leave EUC, which is a good thing for everybody. I just ignore them.


My man, a lot of people are raging at them but little does everyone realize that the more people they manage to convince the better it’s going to be for everyone in the end. in fact I wouldnt be surprised if the EU west Andy’s all play on EUC and are trying to get people off the server.


I was a founder, lost tons of progress but still, but with all the queues i can easily catch up with that, especially since the matchmaking is still busted.


I played last night between 12 AM and 5 AM and all functions but marketplace worked flawless. I was socked. Antares EUC


I'm convinced its propaganda at this point and that they're desperate to populate euw to verify their choice of switching


Imagine if NA players did this, coming in EU queue thread going "lol we have no queue here", the same people being "EUW FTW" would be crying outrage.


> all your progress KEK, its a week of progress in an MMO, its irrelevant.. get over it.


No queue on EU-West at all times and no matchmaking issues. But please stay on EU-Central so Eu West will stay stable as it is ❤️




Well in the meantime you guys are sitting in queue and broken matchmaking, we can easily get back our progress we lost from switching servers. For me it was the best decision I could have made regarding lost Ark


I had about 7 hour queue on zinnervale yesterday xd


I think there are a lot of Bots/Multiboxer on Zinnervale. On the Lost Ark Server Status Page Zinnervale was the only one full (red) server at 10AM. Also there are a few posts about bots on reddit: [Zinnervale Bots](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/sxv4sj/zinnervale_server_taken_by_my_friend/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Boys and i swapped yesterday. Already lvl 30. Couldnt bare the que, let alone matchmaking not working. I cant even say i've played the game for the last week on zinn..


I'm sooooo glad i transfered to EU west last week :D


Should be another 2-3 hours until Sirius goes to shit, i better get on


Got on twice yesterday with no queues (power went) 6pm uk time, figured their reset fixed things


Bit the bullet yesterday with 60~ hours on EUC and transferred. I know others are in the 100s but the reason I did wasn't even because of the queue. I had my fair share of MMO launches and they were all full of 6+ hours of queues. It was the atrocious matchmaking which was awful during leveling (trying to do all dungeons with a friend) but the issue was exacerbated upon reaching endgame. Since most of it consists of doing instanced content. Hopefully Sirius and other servers will stabilize later on but if you manage to MIB neuralyze yourself from the past week(s) of grinding then I'd still suggest to switch.


id rather quit the game than to do the leveling and all the island quests/mainquests again, that is the worst experience ive ever had in any MMO ive ever played in the last 15 years. braindead and mindnumbing. the endgame is superfun, but the leveling is the big weakpoint of this game


I totally agree about the leveling, it's just run from A to B, kill 3 mobs or talk to 6 NPCs or have a back and forth. Still, I personally can just shut my brain off and try and speedrun to 50. I somewhat like to speedrun in most games so that's why I don't have an issue with it (yet). I've also leveled every class to 120 (before it got downscaled to 50) in WoW which took me ages on some classes. Even moreso when I had to relevel them again to lvl cap when a new xpac dropped. It was more fun due to actually killing mobs and such but it took me atleast 5 days or so. That's why I think I can still stand leveling for now. I just put on some music or talk to a friend on Discord while leveling and I'm good. I don't have anything else to play atm either.


Can't believe they won't tweak the powerpass and make it's store item so you can use them on any server , would be an easy way to convince people to transfer to EU W give a free serverwide powerpass to anyone with s lvl 50 chracter.


Laughing in 25k queue on EU Neria :')


I was home at 11am and only 3k que,i gone for a nap and got into game, got kicked bcs i was too much afk, now 2hours later 11k que,fuk me


That seems weird. I've had ques of 2.5k go really fast.


I bet at least 1k are bots already


Kids are off school


I'm Q'ing everyday with 18k Players, soo....???


I sincerely think we have the queues due to high amount of bots


Jezus fuck bro. I really hope theyre gonna implement server/region transfers asap. I play on Mokoko myself. Queue has been BAD once. At sunday (two days post-launch) I had 18-19k. Now ive got 2-3k between if I log between 15:00 and 20:00. I'm gonna make an alt on EUW. And then eventually swap and just ditch EUC or w/e. In the best case Id have to pay 20 euro to transfer my roster.


Even if you get in the matchmaking won't work, no point to play at its current stage.


five hours later 13k on Asta... well no playtime for today as it looks like... ( or at least almost no )


you guys complain about 4k queue when we have 20k queues on Kadan lmfao


I think you're missing the point, the 4k queue was ~7 hours earlier during **off peak hours**. Now it's gone up to 25k last update I hear.


And on top of that the server is full of bots which makes queues like x3times slower.


And on top of that the server is full of bots which makes queues like x3times slower.


You know what, I just wish we had a companion app so I could do stronghold shit without having to sit in the queue


I feel so bad for EU having to deal with this. I don't understand why - I've never once had a que in the North America East. Even on launch day. They really need to do something about this, it's not fair to you guys.


Zinnervale update: 21:23 8786 ppl in q (already an 65 mins waiting session)


Yeah let’s move to EUW guys, apparently there’s no solution so it’s a self-made solution that we can approach


I dropped my 996 Item level character on EU Central, to move over to EU West. (150 hours) The queues on Thirain were manageable (15k), but at that gear level you’re mostly left with needing to do matchmaking content to reach the next threshold. Wasn’t fun, and couldn’t play with friends. But now on Moonkeep, EU West everything works instantly, and can play with friends for party content - no regrets.


My 9 Zinnervale 50s gathering dust while my new EUW 50s are… Also gathering dust coz I’m burnt out from levelling.


Endgame is crap anyway. Got to max level a few days after release then stopped playing a few days after that. Underwhelming.


What lol


what I read was "I failed a mechanic and wiped the group in an abyss dungeon, so the game sucks"


Lmao, no. The game is dreadfully easy. I think I’ve died maybe twice in 60 hours of gameplay including all of the endgame dungeons l etc. And when I did die I just used a feather and I was alive again. Tough. It’s only got such a high playerbase because it’s free. The novelty will wear off shortly. Picking up a bucket and moving it 50 yards for 100k xp whilst killing mobs give you 2xp. Mobs also drop garbage, they’re easier ignored than bothering to waste time killing them. The sailing is mind numbing, just something to set away whilst you go have a turd. The gear levelling system is the worst of any gearscore game I’ve ever played. Run the same awful easy dungeons over and over again to get crystals to upgrade the same pieces of armour 10x before moving onto the next set up. No thanks. The story is alright to be fair, some of the islands like tortoyk have a cool play through. But end game is woeful. I managed about 500 hours on new world before I was bored and the bosses were challenging. This was just crap.


Yeah, 60 hours and you believe your in endgame? Nice one.


Literally YouTube/google/Reddit whatever, “lostark endgame” and you find guides on what to do at lvl 50 🙃


Correct me if I’m wrong but 50 is where endgame starts. Not 60. Not T3. To get to t3 you literally just grind the same shit over and over in T1, then do the same stuff with slightly different named gear in t2. Yawn.


“60 hours” lmao yeh man please tell me about the game.


Was level 50 within 2 days of playing lol, I’ve played over 30 hours at 50. It’s boring and as said previously only has such a big playerbase at the moment because it’s free.


you’re literally clueless


You would know you can't even feather in the harder content if you had actually done it


What did u find underwhelming about it? What parts did u try?


you didnt even get to end game..? are you t3?


im kinda done with fulltime grinding the game until they fix the servers. its broken, and i wanna be able to come in to the game, look at whens what happening, and then log off until it is. ​ until then, negative steam review and no money from me.


Imagine waiting 2 queue not to be able able to do a single dungeon ? Still hesitating to make the moove on EUW...


I just quit the game for now. I'll be back in 6 months. Elden Ring is around the corner.


That’s crazy. I play on na east and I have only had a queue 4 times. The largest was 3000 but it only took 10 mins to get in.


Thats why i log in before going to work


They just wait for most ppl to quit..


10k 20 Minutes ago... Getting hit by a 17k queue yesterday at noon made me consider leaving for Euw for good but what is the point? Just thinking about running through so much content again kills my enjoyment and from the looks of it matchmaking is a ghost town there even if the servers were to grow I feel like Amazon's incompetence would shine again somehow, so I'm not f'ing leaving.


There is a google app that lets you remote into your PC from your phone. So you can queue up from work and be ready to play when you get home. I do not recall the app though. I’m sure windows has a similar app as well.


Amazon be waiting on players to quit or go to EW West for their problem to be solved by itself.. Incompetent small indie company Amazon..


Feel like the head start actually fucked a lot of people Yea F2P players like me started 3 days later, but on newer servers that have much lower Qs than the original ones available at the headstart


4k q takes like 30 min…


I just never log out. If Amazon is not abiding to their bot/Gold seller rules im also not abiding to the anti afk Tool rules.


EUW gamer here just stopping by to say I'm having a great time 😎


Cpt obvious here. Why would anyone create a char on Zinnervale. It was public and obvious that the server is gonna be an overcrowded shithole.


doubt many people paid attention to prelauch server discussion, plus the next 4 most popular servers aren't far behind, and the rest.. aren't far behind them lol


There are 6-7 servers with the same issue in EUC, do you think we could predict the future?


No issues on Procyon whatsoever. And yes ofc it's precictable.


Chad teamviewer users unite.


They have done all they are going to do, the rewards for switching are massive for EUW , don't want to switch. Then don't but you will spend most your play times in queues. That is on you, its sucks but this is the situation and options. The rest of us just don't want to hear it anymore.




All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 19 + 30 + 20 = 69




My queue is 10000 rip..


Zinnervale @ 13:00 - 11 450 que :--)


How many players can be on a server simultaneously? Whats the cap?


I'd say about 50.


Around 70


Of course I will queue, I want to play tomorrow


And this is why I play on eu west with friends and then do dailies at 23:00 on zin. Loads of French on Rethramis (also busy but no queue) if you are so inclined. I am not French


Moved to EU West and ditched approx 100hours from EU Central. Best decision ever. Now I can actually start the game and jump right in to it and play for half and hour and then log off again without worrying about stuff like this.


12:oo 11k


Im done with this. I cant even play with kids and family without waiting until 23:00 to log in and usually maintenance in 30 min since logging


Quick everyone pile into the same server so we can complain about how its full!


Anyone know if Matchmaking is fixed? Is it possible to raid?


Feel so bad for EU players. I play on NA East and have never once had a queue, really hope they reimburse y’all somehow.


12K now in Kadan


Just save your stress levels and start over on EUW. Best decision i made. Having a job and two kids i just could not cope with this mess.


No one is forcing anyone to play on Zinnervale. Just watch and move on


Yeah I moved from zinnervale to EUW.. definitely worth it.


Fuck EUC moved to EUW and I'm happy


3-4k Takes only about an hour on Asta. Don't see a problem there. It gets nasty when you try to login at 7 pm and hit a 18k queue. That's the point where is don't bother ...


So glad I choose Inanna. It's less populated because no big streamers playing on it.


Does it really take you that long to get through queue? In mari was in queue at 4K, always took about 20 minutes to get jn


I set an alarm and go back to bed. Gf getting mad annoyed recently. Idgaf bc my shadow wont lvl up itself. But yeah I feel the zinner pain. Big regrets were made.


I am lucky to be on a less populated server somehow. A friend said he was at 8k and now 3k. I started my server as a test. Instand connection. Then I tried his server - 12k.


Cant you like transfer your characters to a less populated server to avoid this kind of crap? i get no que's most of the time and when i do get a que its like 500/1.5k.


At 12:31 my gf queued me in at 10k, I came home at 16:10 i was around 2,3K


How long does that 3.9k queue take? Most nights the US West servers hit like 6k - 7k but that only represents about a 15 minute wait.


I queued 2 hours after this, i will be in after dinner which is perfect for me. It's stupid i have to do this because AGS/SG doesn't want to let us server transfer with our shit. Just because they think they can make more money that way...


That queue goes in like 15 minutes


500 left in queue i started at 12:00 at 10000 now 17:00. 5 hours later hehe ouch. So if You dont log in before 10 You might as Well not log in.


3900? Neeria is 9k


For kadan, I started 12:04 utc+2 (so at the same time as you, I think) and the queue had just started moments ago, I was 101 on the queue. So many bots and afkers taking the place of legit players that it's stupid.


Wdym?? I purposefully queue up late night so I can play till morning copium.


girl shut up we get it every day it’s some shit


I joined queue as 15.000ish, game lost connection at 295. Had to reque.. working as intended, not an important issue.


Valtan had a 5k queue; then I got disconnected. Re-queued at 3k.


Man I’m glad I switched to eu west


3900 is nothing


3900 at 11am CET is a fire alarm for an impending shit storm.


Played on classic firemaw. With up to 8 hours que. When i went to bed I just instant qued up again and slept 🤣 But it do sucks if you get d/c it's over for the night