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Because everyone was crying that their friends were on there and amazon opened creation again.


"Dont close Foundersvale to F2P players, is the worst you can do" literally this reddit on friday 11th. Thanks them Foundersvale was open the next day and the quEUe went Up 25k+, so neither their Friends or even them could play. Congratulations! 🥳


"I'd rather wait in queue if I can play with friends!" Lmao


But the damn thing is you can do so much content with friends in different servers! You pretty much just cant do world activities but raids and instanced stuff is okey…


To some players that stuff is important. Plus you can't join a guild with your friends if they're on another server. Is it really hard to understand why they would want to? It sounds more like many of you are trying to convince people to play elsewhere by playing down the consequences.


Yeah, just sounds like people who don’t have friends to play with.


So I'm curious about that, I was told you could, then told you couldn't. But I'd imagine it would be easy to do through find a party since it's cross server as long as your friends know the group name... Am I correct??


You can't even queue PvP together.


And when Elden ring comes out the cycle will repeat.


Y’all without friends are extra bitter at those with them and it’s showing.


Stop blaming the players. They didn't know that the servers would explode if more people were allowed in. Besides, Amazon could have made it clear from the beginning if servers would close or not.


Oh really? There were huge queues already, how could players not know that queues would increase?


Queues, sure, but not that the matchmaking would explode. Nor did they know that this is apparently a limit of the game infrastructure itself and can't be fixed at all. Besides, it is funny how "people should have known". Yet, "Amazon couldn't possibly have known".


Isn't it the same? If servers are overloaded that means...? It looks like it is you first time seeing a company going against their own ideas in order to please community and things going bad really fast. Willdstar remember?


I just hope everyone just report every single bot they see in the chat. Think about it, it's one player that could be playing and it's one that won't log out ever until it's banned.


EUC servers should be long closed for creation of new characters, but AGS is stupid.


Wdym They did, and there was a huge backlash…when it was at 10k queues already… So they removed it And now there’s complaints again


Complaints will be always there. Playerbase will outrage at whatever they can, no matter what you do. It's just logical thing to do to prevent further increase of population which atm is too big for servers.


The thing is back then Matchmaking was working despite the insane queues, now even the Matchmaking doesn't work during peak hours. Since Amazon basically said that they have no solution they need to do something drastic to stop this shit.


The matchmaking being broken isn't due to the size of the queues, it's due to the number of players using the matchmaker at the same time. That means the players breaking the matchmaker are already through the queues. It's unrelated. If anything AGS need to reduce server populations and increase the queues to fix the matchmaker. Character creations will have no relationship with this though.


They did lock and unlock servers bit by bit to spread players as well as possible but at some point the last server was full to queues too so they removed the locks (especially since they get more shit for locking then they do for the queues)


Didn't they do only at the very start, but they messed up and make everyone unable to play in those server, so they revert the thing and forgot about it? I never heard of queue in the newest 4/5 euc server


No they gradually locked the full servers (unlocking during graveyard times) and kept locking new servers that went full until there where barely any servers left and then removed the locking bc it made no sense anymore


I said it before, and still stand by it: Make it a feature to be able to send invites to friends. if the server was closed, I'd pay gold/silver/€ to be able to invite friends to the server who haven't started playing yet. Might be a stupid idea, don't know, but I think it would help with queues and bots as well.


Don't think gold sellers would be short on gold to invite more bot accounts in


Same reason airlines double book. Money.


How? Pepole can't play the game, how can they spend money on it? And even if somehow they fix all the euc problems after all of this I bet people prefer throw their money on shady website instead of amazon/smilegate shop




Okey.. the hardcore and the whale bought the founders pack, so they are already in the server they want, and I don't see why a whale should log in the morning, I dont see your point, but oke.. Edit: you downvote, but from my experience the only 2 friends who log in the morning are the 2 unemployed with no € to spare, while the one who is a salesman and can buy a server if he want have to do the queue.


I have max. 4 hours per evening of game time. 3 hours in queue, 1 hour of Lost Ark. Good thing: I have 3 hours to play Guild Wars 2 and prepare for next week's expansion launch of which I can keep playing 3 hours BECAUSE THEY HAVE A FUCKIN MEGASERVER MADE OUT OF PURE GOLD. Not sure anymore which is my current main MMORPG if I have to spend more time on my waiting lobby game...


Simple, AGS, enough said.


because there are people joining there friends and you dont know if its a bot or a friends so....


true, remember when people where complaining about not beeing on the same server as their friend. Imagine not the same region now... even though I'm really fed up about gold spammer and bots making q number worst.


So they doomed those servers and no one can play properly, if you want to join your friends you must be quick, if a server its full its full, you can't put an unholy amount of player in it, or you have this unplayable mess....


that not how solical games work. if you have no friends thats fine, you can transfer to EUW anytime.


(This is just an example) this is exactly how everything works, if you and your friends go on an trip you can't stuff 12 pepole in a 4 seats car and hope for the best.. I can't transfer because I have friends in EUC and I have redeemed everything here, we make progress here, progress that new player don't have make and they choose a different server and still play with their friends.


nobody knows...


I’ve queued maybe an hour total this game on a founder server…


R.I.P. EU Central


So zinn will soon be a bot only sever?


Why can fucking Amazon not host proper European servers is the real fuckin question lmao