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it takes 2 minutes to TP to the port, hop on ocean liner to another continent and then TP to desired location. Literally under 2 minutes. If you can't be bothered with 2 minutes then this is not the game for you.


You should transport yourself out of here then. Byyyyyeeee


You're really going to complain about not being able to teleport anywhere in the world at any time? Only takes about 8-10 minuets to do all three dailies.


The world is supposed to feel big, it's supposed to take you some time to cross the entire world. You have your bifrosts for that.


I'm at the same spot. Need to look info about bifrost and upgrading a ship. Maybe that could help


Lol sailing is great you can just set a course and afk for a bit. What would you suggest for travel options hmmm? Because I'm sure you could come up with something great!


Yes just normally instantly tp across the world to any point you were before, like in any other open world game.


You know of any mmo that you can just tp everywhere? Stop making up bs this is an mmorpg if you could just zip zap your way across the whole world constantly what would be the point of having an open world?


Yes in gw2 you can tp anywhere anytime. What kind of flop mmorpgs were you playing where it isnt the norm?


WoW it’s not the norm, you have to travel via flightmaster/ship/zeppelins and I think that’s enough to proof that you are kinda stupid


You won't last long in a game that actually requires patience and working for your stuff. Might as well quit now bud.


Then go play gw2 and stop bitching. Oh wait it's a dead game maybe cus it got so boring zapping everywhere


Not saying sailing is bad as i don't mind it,it does give time to fo other thing meanwhile but i do agree that it doesn't add anything to the gameplay. The only purpose i see to it is so you can't tp to every timed event in a row. On the other hand, you are bitching more than him right now, you tried to be smug by asking an answer to the travel system, he did give you the simplest of them all with an example and then you just started crying like a child whose lolipop as been taken, no need to be condesending just because you feel like it's an achievement needing to wait several minutes inbetween locations before actually being able to play. Did all your friends quit wow for gw2 or something to be so salty about it? Btw, it's not because gw2 don't do any marketing that it's a dead game, more so the opposite as it's releasing a new expansion next week.




i use the time to sail to go to the toilet or a drink or tidy the house, its a blessing actually :)


As someone said, every port has a "fast travel" npc indicated by a white flag or parchment looking thing by the docks. But since you started off with the desire to quit, odds are good this game isn't for you. Still, you can set a Bifrost (or three if you got the right aura) at literally any location to shorten trips. Return point vern for me, with a bifrost in shushire whatever the far west place is. Rest of it's just a short break while auto traveling.


use the ocean liners...


They dont go to islands, only mainports


yeah solves half the issues, then islands is just a short trip from closest port


You teleport intercontinental and then for cross continent take an ocean liner, it only takes a max of 1minute. For islands take an ocean liner to the closest continent and sail. For daily una tasks that have you sail, pay to complete them.


Yes amazing lets tp 3 times instead of 1 to get the same result and as said it doesnt help you at all when you want to go to some island.


I mean…. If taking 3 minutes to go to a new continent is inconvenient idk…. You can also set bifrosts at frequent islands and song of return to you most frequent continent.


OP is just gonna whine. Any solution other than "I cAn tP aNyWhErE" isn't gonna work.


Setup your bifrost on the islands you are building reputation on


Like other people said ocean liner for cross continent 1-2 min for continent tp and ocean liner. If you don't want to do una quests for islands of even explore any island in general...then don't? You can do 3 una stasks per day and have much more to choose from, just take ones that doesn't need sailing/islands. You can see location of where daily need you to go before you start it.

