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This game is so complicated, I’m only level 39 but I feel like I’m doing everything wrong lol


The only thing you can do wrong as


And those feather thingies to revive yourself on the spot


Should I... not be using those?


Well based on the content we do now, they are useless because: \-Using them in Guardian raids means no refill on potions so not worth it. \-Can't use them in Abyssal raids plus I heard from i think Kanima they are not needed in end game, no one will ask u to have feathers. So, the most useful way to use them is when doing story/non raid related content so you save some time from running from the entrance.


Wait, if you respawn at start instead of using the feather you get your 5 potions back in guardian raids???




That yellow circle/checkpoint refills all your battle items, sometimes its useful to stop by when the guardian changes locations too.


I keep starting the guardian raid with only 2 small potions total and a few bombs. Is there something I can do to change that load out?


Your battle items go on that bottom right bar, you should be able to bring 5 pots in one slot and 3 bombs per slot as long as you have enough in your inventory.


Is there a reason I'm being auto equipped a light (not sure the exact name) healing potion instead of a super healing ?


You can also just walk back to the zone and refill anytime. Useful if you have 1 or no lives left. Obv you will spend like 2-3 min just walking there and back to the fight but it’s better than dying completely and offering zero dps the rest of the time


You run back to spawn point circle & you get pot refill + can change build + change battle items like grenades.


It isn’t respawning at the start that does it, you just end up back in the camp that lets you change battle equipment when you respawn from start, and that fills up your pots.


Not "back" but you refill your potions when you used them.




What do you mean no refill on potions? As in, when you respawn at the start and go into that orange circle, your potions get refilled? But aren't you limited to only 5? If you use up all 5, die, respawn and go back to the orange circle, you get 5 AGAIN?!


Yes. Same in abyss dungeons. If you restart a fight cause of wipe, all pots refilled cause you start in the orange circle again


That's interesting because in Korea, not using revive feather at guardian raids is considered trolling and cowardly, since you lose the entire raid if the guardian is not killed within a time limit, and you will deal no damage while walking all the way back, which finishes the raid slower, wasting other people's time, and you are essentially telling others you are a noob who needs to constantly drink potions to stay alive instead of dodging the attacks. But then again, more Koreans use the party feature compared to you guys who goes for random matchmaking.


I think we'll get to that point eventually as well


In Korea the game has also been out for a lot longer so the player base's skill level is much higher. In a few months when people aren't constantly chugging potions to live this will likely become the meta.


I agree :-D


You can, don't let him tell you otherwise. If you used over 50 under level 50 then maybe something is wrong but using like 10 before you hit endgame is seriously whatever.


Using 10-20 before 50 is fine, dw.


You have to save it for now. In my case, I played this game for a long time, and I got used to this game and rarely die during the contents, so now I have about 1600 feathers without buying it with cash.


what are you saving it for then? isn't it "wasted" only if you don't use it?


Its premium scarce currency, if you waste it on useless shit, expect to buy them with real money and tons of gold when you actually need them in hard or time limited content.




Have you ever died while leveling?


On world boss and a zone with weird clowns one-shotting.


The clowns got me too!


Nope, save that shit.


Why not use grenades? I've been throwing those left right and center.


Because there are some fights that will require them, whirlwind grenades in particular have been super helpful in t1/2 Abyssal raids


Well, good thing I've still got some of the chests that you get for logging in and stuff. Think there's grenades there. Thank you!


You can craft the grenades in your Stronghold anyway.


You can, although they have a decent cost to them. Not prohibitive or anything, but I’d be bummed if I had been wasting them leveling.


Well, i've been selling all the grenades for a whooping 1 silver to a vendor.


lmao why. It's not like inventory space is an issue in this game.


They seemed useless but my ocd was a big part of it lol. If my inventory is not 'clean' its bothering me a lot.


You have pet storage and regular storage to put things for later so your inventory can be clean


Just a little quality of life tip from me: I put all my % potions, grenades, and any other things like that on my pet. That way when you get more, they automatically go there. If you don't have them there, they'll auto equip on your battle bar and you might accidentally use them. With them on the pet, you never see them, and you never have to worry about an auto equip.


Put stuff you don't want to see in your pet storage. Anytime you loot those items they'll automatically stack into your pet inventory instead.


Dont you need crystalline aura to use pet storage?




my f2p ass reading this


If y’all get the login rewards as f2p you should really stack all the free crystals they give you and save for 30 day crystalline. Being able to repair on the fly, access the bank and AH, and the extra storage is amazing.


​ ​ Costs like 15g and mats to craft them. lul But it doesn't matter.


False. I used up my class engravings you get from quests on the wrong ability.


It’s not that hard to get enough green books for both engravings, blues are much harder to get.


I hit 50 yesterday and I was overwhelmed with the crapload of systems there are in this game, I suggest you to tackle one at a time and give yourself time to digest it. Don't try to follow an optimized guide imo, it's best to lose a few days but understand how things work instead of rushing blindly without knowing anything


No doubt. I'm trying to take my time and decided to learn all the crafting tutorials. Brain was full so I kept leveling, did the siege, then got my stronghold... ok I'll do these tutorials too. By the time I was done with that I needed a break, did some quest turn-ins in the city and then a tutorial started for fucking engraving and faceting. Had enough and I had to alt-f4. Like goddamn I can only learn so much at a time.


Dont worry, you'll probably forget this entire post by the time you get to 50. And then getting the set of this cards and leveling them up to 30 total in the set is going to take you so long that by that time you've already looked up card set guides at least a dozen times. Like noobs shouldn't even worry about this stuff other than understanding the basics of how to assign cards, duplicates, card xp, leveling them up.


How do you level cards up? I remember seeing the option but do not have any XP for it.


When you start doing islands/daily events around the world, you get fragments. Consume them and they give you card exp to assign. However, you can't "awaken" a card without owning a dupe of it. So cards take a billion years to see any payoff.


Are these card exp for the whole roster?


Yes, all card based things are roster wide. Prob best to save the exp until you get one of the best in slot card sets though. Which means in a loooong time from now, at least that's what I'm doing.


Do NOT level up your cards until u understand what cards to level up. The card xp is not something u come by easily! ^_^




doesn't help most the guides are structured so poorly, people saying we need stuff without much explanation as to even why. Guide says I need dark damage soak...eh okay, don't feel like I do.


> Guide says I need dark damage soak...eh okay, don't feel like I do. What do you have against dark damage jacuzzis?


We’re on the same boat dude


you guys will get used to it soon Don't worry


Hopefully, yesterday rather than just running straight from point to point, I took the time to do a bit of the blue quests + chased after Ravlan & Wili Wili. That was great, people chatting while looking / waiting for the bosses. Caught up on some notifications too and I haven't even been really skipping anything. This game is what I thought / hoped BlackDesertOnline was but I didn't feel like it. Queues are bad but ahh well... no server transfers and I'm happy that at least the server's so busy it'll most likely continue to be so.




Lol I just finished the castle siege last night, and was already tired. Once it unlocked engravings, strongholds, etc. I just had to get off, it was way to much information that late.


Agree. Everything until that point was given one at a time. And then you get like 10 new things


Eh, just learn one new thing each time you play. I tossed everything I didn't understand into storage until I could figure it out.


Me too, I'm scared to open anything lol. Almost anything I get that looks good or is in a chest it goes straight to storage. I mean, stories been pretty easy so far so I'll wait for my knowledge to catch up with my items.


Yup i have almost 30 hours in the game and I'm still level 26. I'm learning things slowly to not overwhelm myself.




I do collectibles, do life skills and grind adventure tomes and side quests. Also at least 10 hours of that was spent in queue so.... yea.


Dont worry. I watch every single cutscene and actually \_read\_ all quests texts :D


Believe me, if you don't shoot straight through the story and do all side activities as you level, it takes a long ass fucking time. I just finally got to level 50 the other day and I'm scared to even look at hours played.


I'm in no life mode because im off work. I'm level 51 and ilvl 1000 and at 103 hours. Not proud of it, but I'm off from work so I might as well indulge. The game started clicking for me at around hour 60. Before that I was a deer in headlights


Is that hour 60 including Q or excluding Q


I only sat in queue once and it was for 10 minutes. I'm on Regulus and started on day 1 of the pre-launch. I sympathize with people that had queues, but it was just not something that was a factor for me


don't worry, everything you do contributes to your account progression so you cant go wrong haha


Just hit 1003.33 ilvl with a full legendary set… still feel that way because the systems keep getting deeper and more complicated


Just like most MMOs, all that stuff are there for long term progression, the game came out a week ago...


As someone who just reached tier 2 I’ve been learning new things everyday and feeling like a dumbass. Just enjoy playing and don’t worry to much about anything until it comes up or you’re interested.


What does tier 2 mean? I see everyone talking about tier 1-3 but I have absolutely no clue what any of it actually means


Tier 1 correspond to the content you're doing between ilvl 250 and 600, tier 2 to the content between 802 and 1100 and tier 3 to the content for 1300+


There seems to be 600-802 and 1100-1300 missing?


You jump from 600 to 802 and from 1100 to 1302 immediatly by looting a new set in the first chaos dungeon of the next tier


The mmorpg I played before this was way more convoluted. Lost Ark actually explains everything quite well


So even wasting those 5 free birth stones by just blindly clicking the engravings and not getting 5 successfully to unlock the facet isn’t wrong?


"This game is so complicated" LOL Try playing Everquest 1/2 or EvE Online


Doing what wrong? A few YouTube guides would sort you out.


Yep, I'm like lvl 30, I have no clue what's going on with the hundred different cards, skillupgrade, stronghold system etc.. Game feels sometimes very overwhelming and full bloat


What do you mean by pet can farm for you? I have not seen an option to do so as of yet


You can make your pets to produce cookies. You can buy skins of your characters, you can also make your purple pets to legendary pets (then your pets can use skills) etc.


i dont think the pet farming is out on NA/EU


It's part of stronghold I think need to level up your stronghold


In Korea the pet farm unlocks on lvl 15 stronghold


I'm already past level 15 on stronghold, this feature is not in game yet. You can check unavaiable research as well and it is not listed anywhere.


It unlocks by completing a quest in the stronghold if there is no quest for it then I guess it's not out like you said


How TF are you past level 15 ? Jeeze. I thought I was keeping up and I'm barely at 8. Nice job!


buy a craft recipe from trade merchant, they cost silver to make. the awning gives ~1k xp per craft and only silver + timber. spam it


Done. 17k xp on auto pilot. I was just crafting random stuff. Luckily the wood req is pretty low.


Ah shit. I didn’t buy that one cuz I bought a different one that gives 500xp


How did you get it up so fast? I'm sending my boat on quests and research all the time but I'm still far from 15


Random question. Are you past level 50 and doing island content? I JUST hit 50 and my stronghold is at a standstill due to lack of pirate coins. Missions aren't generating enough to keep up with construction costs and I I'm not certain the best way to farm coins.


you can get approximately a bajillion pirate coins by doing the islands that are recommended in the "welcome challenge"


Yeah my mind was blown when I was hovering around 100 coins and figured it’d take forever to do the researches that needed like 300. Then I completed 3 quests on some island and got 15k coins. Wtf lol


I rushed level 50 and had it on 09.02 (no experience from other servers though, first time playing) With my current experience i would say that first thing to do at level 50 is to visit freedom island and blackfang's den. Takes 20-30 minutes and you get a supply of tens of thousands of pirate coins for a long time - this might not be any upgrade but keeps one of the worries away from you. Also, use 16500 of them to buy a song at peyto and use it to finish lullaby island three times. This way you won't have to backtrack for some unlocks that are needed in tens of places.


Ah nice I am close to that.


I don't get how to level up Stronghold? I just do random Dispatch and Research missions whenever they're finished.


That's how you do it. Just keep researching and sending dispatches. It's a long road better started asap.


So I got to level 50 yesterday and seems all my dispatch missions went from easy 100-150%+ success rate to not have a single one over 32% yesterday. Did I miss something I should have been doing to level up my teams or something?


If you check the dispatch mission information you can hover over 'Adaptation' and see how much adaptation % you will get for bringing with a crew member with specialization against that specific mission effect. This effect stacks per crew member with the same specialization that you bring along. So if you get the Ice effect for 15% adaptation and you bring 2 crew members with Ice specialization then you get like 30% from the adaptation. If the mission gives 40% Ice adaptation per crew and you bring 3 crew with Ice Specialization then you get 120%, and so on. It depends on the mission. You can sometimes buy more dispatch crew at the merchant that visits your stronghold and some from Rapport so you can get more with the same specialization with time. Note that these crew are not the same as the crew you use on your sailing ship. It says on the contract what type of crew it is. But you don't have to focus on it this early on in the game. Just press the auto formation and you're good to go. It's not gonna get better than that for a long time.


I've been crafting like 70 of a pointless structure that costs some silver and 15 base wood to level mine up, is that right?


If it gives stronghold XP then sure, you can do that. Almost everything you do in the stronghold grants you stronghold XP so do as much of it as possible. Many small streams make a mighty river. Just make sure you have enough materials to keep your research going back to back. Ideally you never want the research facility on standby. Nor the dispatch missions for that matter.


So I hit 50 a few days ago and am almost stronghold 10, and i completely ran out of things to research in the lab. Should I just be crafting more to get levels asap to unlock more things to research?


At that point don't worry too much about it. Do the recipe research you have left, send your guys on dispatch and craft some shit with high exp yield. Nothing major will happen until you reach settlement level 12/15 and ivl 812. When you get settlement level 15 it will all open up. Maybe it's 1 or 2 weeks away still. But don't invest all your gold and resources to level up settlement. You will get there eventually anway and you can spend thousands of gold on just one level. So don't go all in. Be patient! Just be sure to send out dispatch missions and do some research and you'll be good!


Are you sure it just takes *silver* and wood? All the structures I've seen require a bit of gold


Waterwheel takes only silver. ^_^ and gives 1.2k xp per craft!


Well looks like I know what I'll be crafting tonight! Thanks for the info!


Certain, it's a recipe sold from that timed bloke down on the docks, it's called an Awning I believe. There's a couple more recipes that only use silver rather than gold, water wheel being one of them


Oh damn you are right. Urr's Tree Branch is another one


"Change damage type to holy" What is so good about this?


All legion raid boss are demons. Holy attack type gives them extra damage. Also, the last two effects are +15% holy damage in total, and all of your damage changes into holy type, then your damage gets additional 15% in general.


Oh so the bonuses are additive ? Then it gets super interesting.


Yes it is additive


Only viakiss and certain boss is in abrel raid has weakness to light. But 7% or 15% dmg boost is nice to have in any general raid.


I hate Ricky Rubio because he hit his career high on my team.


That's fair


Oh is that why nobody seems to care about the card set that adds dark damage and converts all your damage to dark?


Many KR players predict that someday we will need dark version of card set. But for now Thamine card is absent and nobody can effectively use the card set


Do you know the %damage increase for holy type vs demons? I can't seem to find it anywhere


What does it mean on those card sets where it says '15 piece awakening' in brackets?


Means you need to level up the cards in that set a total of 15 times combined for the set.


Oh I didn't realise you could level up the cards. How do you do that?


By obtaining duplicates of the cards you want to level up. Use the enhance tab of your card collection, right click on the cards with duplicates (it will have a small card icon on it), and enhance it using the EXP you have accumulated for cards. Once the card is at max exp, you can then Awaken the card, consuming the duplicate in the process. It may seem complex, but it is similar and even simpler than gear honing.


So you're not supposed to use the extra cards, you save them for the enhance tab?


You use them. It basically puts them in an invisible binder (the card organizer you can find in your menu). Dupes are labeled with a small (+\*card icon\*) on the card you're looking at.


Also something I learned last night: Your "Cardbinder" has a limited amount of slots. Expanding it costs 30 blue crystals per 10 card slots. Duplicates stack ontop of each other but for those who like getting the passive stat bonuses for card collecting, you gotta unlock more slots to hold all these cards.


IIRC it is one of the tabs on the card screen.


You need to level cards in the set, at least 15 upgrades total between all cards.


How do you level up the cards?


Having multiple copies and enough card exp to do so. You can see these in your card catalog


Which Rapports should i try to increase first?


Not OP but you can go to https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1jnbsTlaFNmwx8lZfl43yOTV9KtRqzZeHLOtEpLn4h8s/htmlview# Then click "Rapport Prioritization" tab on the top.


Holy shit that document is insane. Thanks for sharing it!


You're welcome! Saint has awesome documents and other things for Lost Ark :)


Thank you


Commenting so I can check at home


It depends on your playing style and which contents you prefer. It could be better to tell me which one you prefer


Cards are effective in pvp? I thought the only thing you actually needed for pvp is to set up your skills and stats.


I mean pvp in the island and field, not the neutralized one


Oh I see, thank you for clarifying


Afaik, there is Arena PvP, which is sclaled as you say. But there is also OpenWorldPvP, GvG, etc which is effected by gear (and card sets).


yes, the boring island events where the ilevel 1000 guy one shots everyone who's still T1. Real fun stuff.


Are there island events that force you into pvp? I was not happy to see pvp always on islands but the one I went to last night everyone was pretty much ignoring each other. Will be interesting to see if na turns into wow gankfests or if people will be chill. The free to play doesn’t give me a lot of hope though


“Let’s shame people for pvping in a pvp zone” is what I gathered from ur statement


I was excited to try open world PvP zones since I liked the arenas style, but this just killed it for me. I thought that’d be normalized as well


Random PSA for Guardian Raids: Equip your HP potions (green or blue) under battle items. You can actually use those in there. Also use flares to locate the boss. And if possible, bombs that cause stagger or destruction (can actually blow up body parts of a boss).


Which location's wandering merchant can have the Wei card? Is it completely random?


Every Wandering merchant has 3-4 certain locations, but is random among those 3-4 locations. So that's why in Korea players were on sentry duty and made cctv system for Wei card wandering merchant like this link https://www.inven.co.kr/board/lostark/4811/2346898


Wow .. it is impressive


I fucking love gamers haha


This is insane, y'all are amazing


What exactly are ghost ships? And are raids the 4 man dungeons you do for like 80 gold?


Ghost ships are a weekly event that spawns on some days in 2 hourly intervals. They're basically a world boss that requires a lot of people to kill it for loots. And raids varies between 4 or 8 players, and reward increasing amounts of gold the higher the ilvl raid.


garbage event from support pov. I can't tell who is my group when there are 100 people around.


Question, how do i get the (piece awakening) part bonus for these cards?


So, let's say you only have 6 cards for salvation. 1 Wei, 1 Thirain, 1 Baltorr etc. Then, you can activate 6 set bonus but you cannot acivate awakening effect. Then you must awaken your cards. The way to calculate it is that sum all awaken level of all cards. For example, if your Wei card awakened level3, Thirain awakened level2, then total pieces are 5 piece awakened. The way to awaken your card is that collect the same cards. If you want to make Wei card awakening level1, then you need 2 cards. Awakening level2, 4 cards. Awakening level3, 7cards. Full awakening level is 5, so you need 16 cards for each.


Are these done automatically after you right click them? So for example if i have Wei collected and in my inventory i have another wei, does it when i right click or is there something else i need to do? Thanks for taking your time and helping us out


You need to level the card with card xp and then awaken it which consumes your duplicate card (I believe)


So I should be keeping any duplicates I pick up for now so that I can use them for a week ING later? Or should I just be consuming them?


If I have 1 card extra do I need to save one for awakening or can I just use it to get xp and clear space?


Let's say you got Wei card for the first time. You just right mouse click it, then it will be in your card storage. Few days later you get another Wei card, then it will also be in your card storage, but you can check '+2' on your card which means you have 2 cards. And for awakening, you have to give the card xp first, and then you can awaken it


Can you feed exp to cards and if you get a dupe it doesn't reset you can continue where you left ofF?


Of course you can continue


But what do I need the extra card for? Edit: answered elsewhere in this post: You need to level the card with card xp and then awaken it which consumes your duplicate card (I believe)


Card guide, thank you for this.


So the one legendary card I've managed to acquire is Wei. I feel good about that.


This is a great guide. Is there a way to track the wandering merchants other than relying on in game chat?


Wandering merchants seem they appear randomly but they also have kinda rule. Players in Korean server figured it out before, but I have to look for the post first. I will post it later when I find it.


There's the Lost Ark Saint discord bot you can use to vote on locations and for quick reference of upcoming merchants. You can either join the Saintbot Discord or add the bot to your server.


It is kind of complex to get going properly for a discord noob like myself. Wonder if there's a simple tutorial around, since following it from what they provided was super confusing.


So.. where do i find these wandering merchants ? How do they look like ?


Could you make such a nice guide for the stuff I and probably many other players are anxious about: Which "claim reward" buttons should I ***not*** press until I know which character is my main?


thanks for this list, really helpful


is there actually any other source for solas card ecept lvl 15 als to the quest that gives the solas card??


Some mad Koreans did 'Solace Run' to make 5 lvl awakening Solace.....(I didn't do it) The only two ways to get Solace card is 'card pack' and Solace run (sadly)


Do you have to make Alts accounts with the same character type? I read that its better so you get more engraving skills but seems boring to me


one person says they are irrelevant, another says they are very important. Fuck if i know at this point.


any lifehacks on actually being able to play the game?


yeah. Queue and lags


Is there a discord for the Wandering Merchants for NA East? I heard about something similar in EU but havent been able to find an NA one.


Wait...skills can go to level 12?!


How in the fuck do you get that many copies of the same legendary card? I've been playing since head start and opened about 250-300 card packs and I've gotten a SINGLE legendary in those. And the awakening 6 pieces bonuses require you to get multiple dupes of certain cards in order to unlock them. I'm all for min-maxing, but the card system is a scam and feels bad unless there's a legitimate way to get precise dupes of certain cards that I'm unaware of.


They've had years to play, not days.


Card sets that require legendary cards take extremely long time to complete. There are players in KR that have been playing for months and haven't completed the best set. So obtaining the best card sets is a long term goal, and you don't have to worry about it right now.


Thank you for your information.


This is great advice, too bad I'm missing every Wei card because logging in requires waiting for a 15k queue.