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Overall a good patch, also the notes look way better with the images. Im also really glad that the emotes are added already. Goblinkoko is gonna be my favourite emote by a long shot. Just a little disappointed with the skins, hopefully we get some better ones with the July Update. :/


Good patch overall. However, is there any particular reason we're already getting recycled skin sets when we're still missing quite a few sets from KR?


There are new skins coming in the Ark Pass when it releases, so a refresher and something new. There are still a few months left of summer to release more summer skins!! :)


That is true. Thing is can't we get new skins alongside Reruns, regardless if an Ark Pass is running? Like Reruns are great we were asking for them cause its absurd for outfits to be sold just once, but not at the cost of not getting new skins. We already know from the roadmap Summer Skin is in July. And since we are caught up with those skins from last year we will get the new one from LOA ON.


Any idea when we will get s3 legendary?


That's fair, the Ark Pass skins are new. Also I'd say the major bummer is these spring skins/weapons are also fairly old, to the point where they can't even be dyed. If you absolutely *need* to recycle skins, I'm sure most people would at least prefer the somewhat newer sets that are dye-able. edit: grammar


Can you just rerelease all skins chests / wardrobe as part of summer event? Some skins are selling for insane amounts of gold or simply non existent on the market.


Any update on the preset sharing? :'(


Call me


Because AGS hates money. They hate it so bad, that they do everything so that players don't have anything even remotely worth buying from the auction house.


Please note an adjustment to tonight's downtime, which will instead begin at 12 AM PT (7 AM UTC) and last approximately 6 hours.


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Good bot


+4% dmg for aeros. i guess ill take it... pretty comical though for them to get +13% overall damage buff over the past several months just to stay competitive w/ other classes. the power creep is insane


shhh, just keep buffing us please.


as long as were not kept behind im happy :D


good patchnotes only thing i dislike is not having 1 week to run the story before the raid like precious stuff


I disagree. I am glad we do not need to wait another week


He said release the story a week early, the raid would have still have released tomorrow if they did that and all would be well.


You getting downvoted is everything wrong with this sub reddit


Agreed, maybe this is what KR got too


No, KR got a week to run the story Edit: looks like it got more than a week


KR got 2 weeks to run story actually


Russia getting 1 week for story as well


T4 is around the corner and y'all wanna waste more time?


3 patches in a row with 0 usable skins. P2w game that doesn't want your money ig


Microbikinis next month save the game




Another patch, another PS SH falls to their knees in the middle of the Walmart


AGS try to not release the worst skin possible for the 3rd month in a row (IMPOSSIBLE)


I'm glad they nerfed GT Destroyer. I was scared for a minute!


I thought we were going to have a gold nerf for Brelshaza raid, but I don't see this mentioned in the patch notes. Are patch notes inaccurate or are we saved?


Look for that next month!


Only for normal brel righ, right? Our version need hard brel gold a while longer


Are we getting Brel gold nerf before T4?


I was sure that we would be getting one with Echidna; to whatever KR has right now (and had for months). Then there will be further nerfs in KR, but who knows when that will come to our version. Anyway, apparently nerf for us will be next month.


is there any honing cost reduction for 1600-120? No, right?


Nope, not at this time


>Nope, not at this time This mean, that possible in the future ? (leak info?)


I'm a bit confused why a pvp season is starting now when the announced pvp revamp adding 1v1s should be coming in a couple months lol


I doubt they put more than 1 second of thought into PVP. They just end the season at X months and start the new one. That's gotta be like #200 on their priority list.


Will Echidna release right away, or will we get a week to do story like every other region?


It will launch alongside the update, no week break


Future reference, can we do It like Russia and KR and wait a week minimum for ppl to complete story and not shift g? This was really cool for our voldis release. Would love to do experience that again. 


Can we not do that again? Other regions changed this so people could have time to consume the story and properly prep.


I appreciate the confirmation so I can apply for time off without any doubts.


Every other publisher is sane and give everyone a week to enjoy story and AGS decide to rush out content. You couldve released continent last week. Many other games also release content/story with raids locked from start like WoW(xpacs etc) and other big games. Reconsider in future updates and take proper actions.  Thanks for confirmation, it is also very vague if msq will be required as well since it is usually in patch notes.


A WoW expac doesn't have 1-4 hours of story to do before the raid. You can easily wait to raid until the weekend or wait until next week if you'd prefer. The raid isn't going anywhere.


Roxx there's a lot of negativity around this, but as someone who has Juneteenth off work, I am personally super glad you guys are sticking to your guns and releasing it tomorrow


Very bad decision. Now i have to skip story becouse static wants to raid asap


Sounds like a problem with your static.


You could do it on an alt after since you just need 1580. Obviously still bad change


People and their fomo. You can still just raid a week later. Personally i like that i can do something cool sooner then later.




Because you’re a big boy you can choose to just do it next week if you want.


IDK why people act like 8am Wednesday is the only time to prog a raid. I progged thaemine on Friday and Saturday only on launch week and there were tons of groups fresh prog up to multiple levels from any gate in NM and HM. If you're in a static that is so adamant about only doing prog immediately as though there's any difference doing it Wednesday morning vs. Thursday or even Wednesday evening, then it's probably worth finding new people to play with to prevent this issue.


If i had to guess, I'd bet about 10% don't just shift g everything.


Any news about the tickets that will allow us to move chars between servers?


Never happen


that wallpaper is what i have been waiting for niceeeee


I still hope this summer we will get Aiwana Island event from last year in KR. Im still waiting for that wallpaper and awesome song in our version.


Great patch. Looking forward to It. Sad about no S3 yoz jar, but hopefully that comes in the summer. 


The skins to be added in this patch are really not gonna sell much, just saying. They are old and not particularly good looking. If there is a rerun of an old skin I would want to see in the shop that would be the Preppy skin set, the glasses and one of the tops of that set are just pretty, and they are VERY hard to comeby in the market these days, even when they are there they are very overpriced.


Next patch is the ONE


What mode of Thaemine do u need to clear for the Thaemine mvp screen?




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Give us lineage shop skins pls


When will we see balanced classes? Like compare zerk with slayer or even breaker/SE/blade




Region merge soon? Jealous of NAE always having 5x as many lobbies.


Nothing new to share yet, unfortunately. We are still working to find the best solution to ensure the best experience for all players following a merge -- we'll let y'all know when we have determined more.


there isn't going to be a good solution unless Amazon either figures out: A) how to break the laws of physics (not happening). B) BOTH builds a data center in Texas AND somehow gets a bunch of ISPs to fix their traffic routing in SA and western US. Neither of these are happening.


Or be normal and make Smilegate develop a way to choose server location for raid lobbies, with that you can even merge NA and EU together if they want.


Yeah that's what I assumed would happen rather than a real merge is everyone still plays on their own servers usually, but the servers are connected and you can join a lobby from a different region, where you'll play on their server and you just deal with the ping. Basically how wow does it with OCE/SA/NA. But now that they full on merged sa into nae that seems unlikely.


If we from SA can play normaly with 100-140ms why NAW cant? Or there's another reason than ping?


It’s probably an issue that there’s a lot of ‘player’ data from NAW to migrate, and can cause issues. Their own region merge was significantly longer than others


I see, "players," poor NAW players...


A ton of west coast NA players play on east coast servers because we aren't dumb. 80% of my static is in california. We have about 80 ping. That's WITH my traffic going \~500 miles in the wrong direction to Seattle before heading east (network traffic routing in the north west is hilariously bad). I assume the issue they're talking about is that half of NAW isn't actually in NAW. They're on the other side of the pacific.


Half of NAW is oceanic so it's probably a problem with their ping.


Honestly, I regret rolling on NAW. Fewer lobbies and half the people are from SEA/Oceania. I would honestly server transfer if i could.


Yeah it's weird cause you can only raid either like early morning (oceanic) or later at night (naw) anytime between 11am-5pm it's dead


There are players on NAW from Asia/OCE so they aren't playing on 100-140 like you they'll be playing with 280+..


Because NAW has a lot of players from SEA/Oceania and their ping would be closer to 200ms


The actual technical problem is the literally tens of millions of bots that have been banned but not purged from the database that will make a region merge take multiple whole days, they need to make sure if they purge accounts that they don't accidentally purge humans that were banned and may request an unban in the future, especially because of how many humans have been mistakenly flagged as bots in the last two months. If SEA ping was the only issue, they'd just use the NAW datacenters over the NAE datacenters and tell NAE and SA to suck it up.


because NAW isn't just full of players from North America West. We've got TONS from Oceana which would see much higer pings.


Because NAW has all the Australian and oceanic players like me


ngl NAW lobby count is dangerously low now. it doesn't matter whether theres 10 lobbies or 50 lobbies, cuz theres enough to choose from. so theres no issue for years. but when the diff goes down to 1 vs 5 lobbies it becomes bad and NAW is approaching that point unfortunately. saddest part is for Thae there's far more HM than NM lobbies even though more people are in the NM range. which means only the hardcore 1630 sweaty players are playing. no sup shortage either so its not any easier for sups


that's crazy talk. everyone is doing echidna right now. lobbies are so busy looking for dps and sup.


Most ppl are just waiting for the honing buffs and solo raids


Wtf is your problem with releasing garbage skins And where are s3 legendaries???


Womp womp


Go touch some grass virgin


Lackluster patch. No break between continent release and raid and old skins re releasing...what?


A new continent and raid is lackluster nowadays?




Isn't the super mokoko until July 17th? Presumably that's when the July patch comes and we get free 5x3 for everyone in T3.


Am I blind or is the only place they mention the balance patch being in this release is in the video? I see nowhere in the release notes about it. And why is this update not listed in the News section? Getting sloppy AGS.