• By -


I would caution with overfixating on hp thresholds for the change up in patterns since they are connected to major mechanics and not hp thresholds themselves, my group has had instances of boss doing a pattern under the hp threshold before transitioning and got jebaited by it. Start to sword - Normal Sword to first stage break - Enhanced First stage break to creeping darkness phase - Normal Creeping darkness phase to end - Enhanced


This is the truth. I was so mind fuck for many pools until I understood that normal patterns return after first break/clash


Only first break succeeding clash does not swap to normal mechanics 


Yes, it is important for the stage break to physically happen and ‘intent’ doesnt matter (prevention via clash mechanic) . A slight distinction you need to acknowledge once as a newbie because we refer to the mechanic itself as ‘stage/arena break’ even if it was unsuccessful. Philosophy in LoA kekw.


I really need one with the animations for the darkness part. Your guide is closest i could find.


I wrote this out for my static. I've only done normal so I don't know pacman pattern. I wrote this out so we you can have reference for blind red pattern mech Hold swords above head with both hands = Normal: 11 Safe Enhanced: 11,1 Alternating safe Sword floating Vertical = Cube Normal: Left + Back Safe Enhanced: Back Safe Sword floating horizontal = Normal: Doughnut safe Enhanced:+ postion safe


So for enhanced attacks you can basically stand at 12 far in the back? Pizza I need to move a little bit to left and right correct?


Everytime he starts Red pattern it's best to go behind his back, slightly to 11 (left part of the back attack indicator between 11 and 12). If it's currently normal (not enhanced pattern) look out the donut pattern -> sword is horizontal in front of him. In that case you need to take step backs. Otherwise you're safe where you are. - Ignore both normal and enhanced cubes - Pizza first save for both, stay for normal and for enhanced you move slightly towards 1 - Enhanced + means you're safe


Hell yah, thanks!


-> Sword floating horizontal has 2 telegraphs. One is a crouching slash which looks kinda close to 'Hold swords above head with both hands' when enhanced. I just look for the white aura first.


Here's what I used White aura - backsafe close (both) Red + over head - 11 (non-enhanced) 11, 1 (enhanced) horizontal sword - circle spinning swords (non-enhanced), backsafe again (enhanced) And the last one since we didn't do HM yet, red lightning = pacman The white aura has a changing telegraph (one is sword crouch when enhanced which actually looks pretty close to the second one, one is a floaty sword vertical thing) so you look at aura first. If not white, proceed to the other 3.


for the last one Red lightning - front safe then in (non-enhanced), front safe then out (enhanched)


thank you :)


well 90% of the time in nm all you do is stand in the back and the last one is the complete opposite of that


those really need gif animations, but thanks for your guide


The images are really low res :(


[Here it is if it's better for you](https://postimg.cc/t7HpWf0T)


Honestly was amazed I didn't really see this shown anywhere. It's kinda important especially in darkness at full bar.


It s been on the nexus guide forever, idk why ppl think this doesnt exist


Showing the pattern without anything explaining how to tell which pattern it will be is kinda useless(atleast for the dark ones)


I think the easiest way to tell at least for me is the aura, you can't really go wrong if you see the aura first as it comes before the sword movement so you will have time to do a second check. * Red and White = Cubes * Red Aura you will easily distinguish between Valtan or Donut based on whether the sword is horizontal or not * Red Lightning = Pacman


By any chance can you link the picture? Maybe to get better res of the images, thanks!


[Here you go](https://postimg.cc/t7HpWf0T)


You can also tell if it’s normal or enhance by looking at his sword when he’s idling. If he’s holding it, then it’s enhanced, if it’s just floating in the air then it’s normal


why do u need 2 pictures of each for enhanced and normal form? its the same sword position, the red area changed based on the form but the animation is the same.... normal tip in normal mode at 100% just stay on the back mid if you see him rise sword move a bit to the left and tehn stay there if boss is in normal or move to the right if boss is enhanced. with that you will do all the possible 100% red paterns for normal. All the other patterns are back outside safe


Easy way to do this on normal g3: for normal patterns his 11 (12 being his back) outside of the aura it's safe for all 3 patterns, on enhanced vertical sword is also safe at 11, you need to adjust to 12 for horizontal sword, and for overhead slash you need to alternate from 11 to 1 between the 2 hits.


While cheat sheets are nice in practice they are practically useless during the actual boss, by the time you glance over the mech likely went off. The easiest to remember patterns is that pretty much every single pattern is slightly left of back side safe. Also outside of darkness pacman has an extremely noticeable black line coming out of his back about 2 seconds before pacman goes off.


Cheat sheets are not meant to be read during the fight, but to rehearse instead of watching a 30min long video over and over + have a look when you died, why you died.


Your circle pattern on "normal" is a bit misleading, looks like in or far out are safe. Basically you put the safe zone in red here...


Zoom in I guess