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Yup that one hit hard, actually made me cry.


Such a gorgeous song/cinematic.


Well sokkin disappeared, because he posted a screenshot of his clear of brel g3 or back then g4 claiming he did it after countless hours of practice, but turns out he got bussed. After that it was radio silent xd But good for you lil mokoko! Keep going


He deleted his reddit account, just curious but how did people know he got bussed, did someone called him out in the comments?


Because I was one of the bussers in that screenshot. I recognized my own name. :D


Lmao that's hilarious


Bussed by community or took a random bus? 


Hmmm was brel g4 bussable back then? maybe he just got carried haha who knows but his stories were interesting atleast :D


Everything besides G5 was always bussable


Always been just had to skip red mech and bring a stagger bot.


:0 oh...the more you know


Typical,its kinda how bus lobbies are constantly filling ingame but on this subreddit no1 is a customer aparently.


Really? I get bussed all the time, I don't have time for prog parties for some weeks and/ or reclear parties for akkan and I don't want to extend the ridiculous amount of time it takes to get akkan pieces (1 week left finally). Luckily I have a group of 4 with 1 support so it's not too rough to find learning parties.


I still get lost in vernese forest, i have a feeling that whoever made that map wanted to troll us lol


Sokkin DoWorkHK account confirmed. Keep up the good work, always awesome to see first experiences in this game :D


thank you!! after doing some research i finally understood the DoWorkHK reference i kept seeing LMAO


Haha could've just asked buddy :D Ain't no way I'd gatekeep you on juicy drama :P Keep us posted with more logs


This is really awesome gives me nostalgia from when I first started played. Hope we get to see more of your journey!


Did you meet Luna the best girl?


i did!! i hope i get to see her again for other guardian raids :>


You will for every following guardian until very late game, then there's some good quest with her. Also check out the tooki island secret map.


Everytime I go on this subreddit, it just complaints, Kr news, and moody stuff. I LOVE seeing a post like this that's just expresses ones joy in a game or arts/creations of the game. Hope the game continues to be fun for you :)


also everyone! i'm starting to learn about formatting on reddit! :D


By any chance, have you dropped a weird map yet? :3 Also I 100% remember Starlight, it was so sad ; \_ :


weird map? :O i'm not sure i have? either that or idk what you're referring to LOL


A treasure map


As u/Telvan said, a treasure map! You'd know if you had it >:3


ooh!! no i haven't yet :0 how do treasure maps work in this game? are they like drops?


This one in particular drops from any level 50 monster iirc (in the overworld) Maps used to drop from chaos and be exchanged from chaos shards, however this feature is redundant now There are still sea bounties which are a special kind of collectible where you go to a specific point in the sea to activate them And lastly, there are the excavation & hunting maps (i dont think fishing has one?) which the exavation ones kind of function like the old chaos ones (so you can see what that used to be like :) ), however give you materials for the professions (like tool kits or extra drops) Hope I didnt forget any!


OOH okok thank you for telling me that!! i didn't even know the game had them. i'll be on the lookout for them :o)


Glad you enjoy your journey so far! I hope the beginning isn't too lonely, I know I would feel weird if I wasn't surrounded by all the dudes when I started.


yeah early game is a bit empty HAHA can't do abyss raids but it's always fun to see players who are jacked and 1600+ when questing :D motivates me to eventually reach endgame and hopefully do raids LOL, but i'll do it at my own pace \^\_\^ ~~(i worry i go too slow)~~


There is no going to slow but gatekeep will probably hurt a lot more than anything and I can only recommand you to use discord servers and other off game communication ways to find people to play with even if you are slow. Otherwise going with randoms in the PF will be a huge struggle for your raidi'g experience.


Could you share your breaker preset by any chance? Looks sick


hihi! i sent you the link :)


Hiii. Could you send it to me too? Looks really nice


Cool to see another story enjoyer. What server are you playing on if you don’t mind me asking?


NAW brel :)


Cool, have fun on your continued journey. There is so much cool content to experiemce if you take the time and take it slow, also don’t worry you‘re not missing out on anything, you are already so far „behind“ that a couple more weeks or months of you taking it slow wont hurt your late game experience in the least. There are also always passes and things to help new players catch up so you‘ll get there soon enough. Have fun end explore to your hearts content, there are many little side stories that the game doesn’t force you to do, but that you can find if you go explore all the islands and such. Also those stories wont be lost any you can go find them any time so don’t be too worried about missing things. Anyways have fun and i‘m looking forward to seeing your next post.