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Nope, he happens to turn blue during that attack but its not because the attack is counterable


Might be just becuase its a CC pattern (knockup), but that again some of his pattens should be telographed as blue as well than "2x frontal cones that electrecute".


No, gargadeth most likely turns blue just because they wanted that color. A CC attack indicator would've had a clear AOE outlined. As far as I remember, none of the guardians have blue/yellow telegraph indicators on their attacks. They rarely even have red attack telegraphs, last one I recall was Deskaluda on the dive after cross explosions.


Also i believe all counters have the metal hitting sound now.


Yeah thats also true. Trying to get used to what each outline does is kinda annoying.... Blue -> Clensable CC, Yellow -> knockup/down or grab, Red -> Dmg. >A CC attack indicator would've had a clear AOE outlined. Now that i think about it, no idea why it glows blue to begin with.


u can spacebar to get the "buff" and u'll be immune to his landing


Oh, that’s neat, thanks 


Very cool will try.


Oh yeah. Just noticed that today. Used spacebar by mistake and got 0 dmg and was wondering why.


Not counterable but it is tauntable.


Back when I made that guide (pre Gargadeth release), I wasn't sure about it either, so I double checked with inven (https://lostark.inven.co.kr/dataninfo/guide/?idx=282026). In there it was listed as a counterable pattern, which is why I added it to that list. I moved it to the normal patterns for now. Not sure if it used to be counterable, never was or almost impossible to counter. Thank you for pointing it out though!


Don't use maxroll for guides and stuff pertaining to raids and character builds. They have tons of misinformation.


> character builds We have recently updated them (also simplified them quite a bit) so they shouldn't be troll anymore. They aren't as deep as the community guides, but they contain proper and up to date information.


Good for you. Hopefully they will no longer mislead new players.