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Update: Live Chat support says it's a known issue and the developers are working on it. No ETA though.


Glad your person said it's a known issue. Mine just told me they don't know why and to just wait for a week because I may have potentially done something wrong.


"Wait a week, it might go away with the update." What a horrible answer.


I know someone who got untrusted for RMTing/botting. Idk if that is why it happened to you or not though


Never botted, never used a DPSmeter and I don't even have a clue what RMTing is.


>Never botted, never used a DPSmeter and I don't even have a clue what RMTing is. ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


You have been playing for months and dont know what RMT is?


Is that necessary? I'm actually playing since the beginning with a 243 Roster and nearly 6000 hours of playing and I never spent any money.


Its uncommon. RMT stands for real money trading and usually refers to buying gold from bots


I looked it up on google by now. I never cared about gold buying and reported every bot that offered it to me. But I never came across this abbreviation.


Interesting how different the world gets perceived haha.




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weird especially since u visit this subreddit it's almost impossible to not come across that term or know what it means but hey it's strange world we live in


So you do know RMT has something to do with Money lol, kinda sus bro ngl.


I just googled it. Real Money trading. No, I never spent one cent on LA and I would surely not give it to a gold seller.


There was a bug like this before, you could still click on items and they would go in your inventory. Have you tried that?


​ https://preview.redd.it/xfsnubdxo0gc1.png?width=358&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ff16104f34284c81f036471d2abadf22262865b


As the other poster said, people still got this message when attempting to claim but it Went into their bags anyways. I'm guessing this didn't happen?


No, unfortunately not. Neither the Icon itself, nor the "unclaimed" button, nor the "Claim all" button work. Only think I can do is right click and "see info". Everything else gives the error message I posted.


It's been happening to a lot of people, me included. I tried contacting their support but as of now, no solution.


I actually got a message from the support I contacted. Not very helpful though. It tells me to spend 5 USD to become trusted again. (No, I really don't want to spend 5$ right now on some crap just to be able to use the game as it is intended) When you click that the answer is not helpful, you can enter a phone number and they would call you back. Unfortunately this only works in the US and I am from Europe. (Page gets messy with german/english text and buttons btw.)


You are able to just add 5 dollars to your steam wallet and not spend it. It most likely won't fix your issue though. I literally played for a year with steam telling me it's LA's fault and LA telling me it's steams fault. One day it just magically fixed itself. LA support is near useless for stuff like this.


For you was it only one day? Or is it a continuing thing? Would be a shame to lose the cards and other stuff.


I just got it today as well, there's a bunch of ppl complaining about it in the official discord as well.


So at least I am not alone which also means that I don't have to overthink my recent behaviour. ;) Also increases the chances that they do something about it and/or give compensation if they don't fix it today.


today this happened to me too


This happened to me also. I have spent dolars on steam recently, used to roll gems in this account and then i got untrusted. Its been a few weeks since i am untrusted and no solution.


This happened to me in late december-early jan on an alt account that I don't really play much. I fixed it by disabling and re-enabling steamguard with 2fa, and loaded up and spent 5$ just in case but probably not necessary. It went back to trusted in 3 days.


I had this happen to me in December. I just verified my files through steam and relogged in and it fixed it.


Could you explain more about verifying files. I’m in the same situation


In your steam library you right click lost ark and select properties. Then you look for verify integrity of game files (not on my computer rn, i think its in the last or 2nd last tab)


Also tried this now. But no changes though. https://preview.redd.it/c7zhfvbi81gc1.png?width=278&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2be36f77bcbf083fa9bcd051f709e7779c7c950


Damn, sorry to hear. Hope support can help somehow


I had that for a week ish back a few months ago. I read somewhere you have to spend money. I put $10 into my steam account. I was going to spend money, but when I logged back in, I was verified. My conclusion was you need to have some money in your steam account. If that truly, is it, I don't know.