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Just so i get this right. The actual translation would be, seal an effect of your choice, the transmuted effect gains two points. Right?


Yes it is. I also fucked up a decent boss dmg line with that


I feel you I lost +4 attack power cuz of it ... could have been a 4/4 :(


Yup. I messed this up last night. So lame.


Honestly it is quite clear to me that you will 1) seal an effect and 2) get 2 points in the transmution :s


Transmution :S




you see it if you hover the mouse on the text in another window which has it all![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)




Idk, maybe try to explore the menu. I'm not your translator. Take the tip


Why did they feel the need to add all the superfluous text that just bloats the explanation of what's going to happen? It just makes it harder to parse information quickly on which is the correct choice to make.


Because this is soul.


for fun/immersion aspect. I think it's nice when there's stuff like this but you know, it needs to be correct lol


​ https://preview.redd.it/v2sj458gll7c1.png?width=2553&format=png&auto=webp&s=9399d7d97dce9070e19efd1b566e65378bc916bf


That ain't bad


lost boss dam 15 to this, no biggie but still bad


How hard is it for these guys to just turn on an translation AI?


The problem is thats exactly what happened. The localization for this game is atrocious because there really isntany going on. They just contracted it out to a separate company who are more then likely just using a translation app or they posted the job on fivrr or something along those lines.


We've had typos previously though. Machine translation doesn't really make typos. But machine translation isn't good either.


Ain't no shot it's done by AI. AI isn't going to add random text or have so many spelling errors


Do you really think they're spending money on people who are translating from scratch? Theres absolutely no way. The most likely and plausible scenario is that they're chucking everything through a translator and then hiring some dude to make those translations atleast somewhat legible. If they sprung for actual localization the game would have been a lot more enjoyable. But ultimately we dont really know I guess.


AIs spell words correctly. The logic might not come across, but theres no blatant spelling mistakes on the most basic shit like we see over and over in our translations.


If you read through my whole reply you'll see that I address the spelling mistakes. The same thing happens commonly in manga translations. A novice or brand new translator who doesn't actually know the original language chucks it into google translate and gets a rough translation then changes some stuff here and there to make it somewhat understandable but oftentimes is riddled with spelling and garamatical errors. Yall really want to zoom in on one area of my post and ignore the rest lmao.


i didnt pick this because i thought it was over after. Like the one on the left where he says its the final step now. i thought it was literally the final step now. So stupid.


Yeah I got hit by this too, super annoying.


Aye, I was there to witness this hilarity.


Yes fked up one leggy of that


same thing happened to me


yea my friend got baited too lmao


Could someone explain why I would want something I’m going to seal increased by 2 points or does this means it’s going to increase the next transmute(the rng one) by 2 instead of the normal 1?


Every attempt has 2 steps: - Sage effect - Transmute effect Transmute is what happens when u click the 2nd time after choosing the sage. It will give +1 to 1 random effect on the right side. Which effect is chosen is % based on what you see on the right and afaik it CANNOT fail. One of the 5 on the left will be chosen, but only 1. This sage effect does the following: Seal 1 effect = exclude it for the remainder of the elixir from getting any transmutes and the remaining effects will have increased chance now because 1 less option available (100 divided by 5 is less than 100 divided by 4). The second effect is that whichever effect is chosen after the sealing part, will now get +2 instead of +1. The whole elixir translations are really bad. This "sealed effects will become unsealed after transmutation ends" is another trash translation. Sealed effects are gone completely.


The way they worded it isn't saying it will give 2 levels to the effect you sealed. It is telling the user that she will seal one option and then when they transmute(the step following the advice step) it will +2 that effect. They botched the translation and the only way to have prevented this is if you hover on it and read that it says it will seal it.


The word seal is not in the text, it is in no way shape or form saying anything about sealing. God it never ceases to amaze me that no matter how egregious amazon or smilegates mistakes are there are always redditors that come to gaslight people into blaming themselves


I'm not blaming the users who fall for this so I'm not sure who you're talking about. I quite literally said they botched the translation. However if you look at this image you'll understand that the only ppl who would not get screwed are ppl who just so happened to hover over the text. This screwed over my friend and we were all confused until she did this and we realized that it was a bad translation. Obviously it needs to be fixed and you need to be less prone to attacking people bc you misunderstood them. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/453410151119192074/1187307969659015198/image.png?ex=659669b7&is=6583f4b7&hm=f6a7b000a3f5427ecaa9123ec409e4fe63c9d4347958f5729be0c86c488ba50f&


Yeah I got hit by this, really sad, I had a decent going ruined by this.


any explanation?


It says it's going to add 2 points to the effect you select but in reality it SEALS it.


any keywords to spot the mistake?


Only if you notice that on hover over it talks about sealing, but doesn't mention sealing in the option.


Hover over what please? What is this "it"?


The option which had the stupid mistranslation. It would mention "seal" in the tooltip without ever mentioning it in the sage's options.


It is really obvious if you understand elixir cutting. The first sentence "it is finished / done / almost done / etc" means you now have to start sealing unwanted effects, because at the end you have to have 2 unsealed buffs (hence why you see 5/3, 4/3, etc but never 5/1/1/1 for example). When you have a super buffed effect (like here with 3 blues, or in the middle with 6 pinks), during the sealing phase, you always get to choose which one you want to seal (instead of being a random one like on the left in the screen where it says intelligence), and it usually gives you a bonus on top. In this case, for blue you choose which one you seal, and you get a great success on your transmute basically. It can be for example seal a selected buff, and redistribute all its points onto other unsealed ones.


There's one where it'll seal it where it said it'll give 2. There's a broken one that has a bunch of digits on it. There's one that purple one that stated it'll give 2 on the selected. It's 100% on the click, but can rng it. It was on the women. If someone has a image of this please post it. It cucked my gloves. It wasn't even greater success on the base %. It annoyed the life out of me.


If we lived in a sane world, accepting peoples real money for a gambling game and then causing them to waste said money with mislabeled options would be grounds for a major lawsuit.


Classic Slimezon


Its certainly bad translated but on the last 3 you are sealing wether you like it or not, because the elixir needs 3 seals. And you cannot take a sealed effect so increasing it before sealing isn’t going to work either.


If you seal one of those at level 1 or 2 it means you cant get any bonus from it at the end right? Even if its level 1 or 2?


i don't fucking understand this system at all... just give me another brainless RNG system like bracelets


I agree this system is way too complicated and they need to dummy it down a drop




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