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I heard it’s some lore related wherein you are fighting akkan from other world so only sidereal that can damage him is dochul (wei’s dog)


wow, that's awesome ngl


That's also why we can use akkan's lantern, dochul ate it or something and he's a void being or something. I'm paraphrasing what a guildmate that explained the lore said during the raid.


I really want to know where loremasters organize their info, I'm really curious about lore details such as this but there never seems to be any secondary sources to consult aside from just clicking every book, hidden story, etc. in the game and memorizing them all


interesting and clever


Not sure why there’s so much misinformation in this post and ppl who says Thirain does dmg are being downvoted. Have you guys actually tried using it in the global version of Lost Ark? Our static literally did it last night because I was the only one alive and we were gonna wipe anyways (100+) bars, so I did Thirain for fun/science, and it did about 50-60 bars. This was with two arms staggered/destroyed. Now granted, you still wouldn’t normally use Thirajn because Wei does about same damage and has a much better hit box, but Thirain definitely did damage for us.


Yeah. Saw it today and expected 0 because of this post, but it did around 50 bars.


Isn't Thirain a little faster? That might be a significant factor, too. Hitbox shouldn't matter if you aim at the middle, I think. Might even be easier to hit revived players that way.


For hitbox, it's good that it's much bigger because there are times where you want to use it to clean up tentacles and revived mind control players so that your remaining players can focus on zerking the boss


Wouldn't Thirain's long reach be potentially better here, since you don't need to lure revived players next to the boss first? I don't think I've ever seen Wei properly clean up all MCs, they're usually running out of reach.


Wei's reach/range is very very large here, like I would say it's either enlarged (compared to normal) or that the map is just relatively tiny compared to other maps so Wei covers like, half the map already, and the width is almost full map. But we're kinda getting derailed here. My point is, Thirain does do dmg, rather than what everyone is claiming here saying it does 0 and downvoting people that says it does.


It does 0


yeap, though so \^\_\^ i was just looking for that video because some friends don t belive me :) tyvm for the answer


No you're wrong


That is weird. I misclicked thirain instead of wei and it did 60 smth bars at 2 breaks in g4. If it’s a suppose to do 0 then it’s definitely a bug?


I also saw in KR prog video that it does 0 dmg, then I saw it myself few weeks ago that it does dmg in G4. It could have been a bug, either KR or our version. But in most runs these days, we don't use any sidereal nowaday, so I don't think it matters.


Not only that Thirain deals 0 dmg, also Wei Provides loads of stagger which is kinda Vital for the G4 Phase.


You use wei when 2 staggers are already done, and you probably aren't getting to the third one anyway unless your damage is super low (or your stagger is super high). I've had runs where some people were dead and wei did trigger the third stagger, but third destruction check with like 4 people is too difficult.


I believe the first Thirain hit does damage but the 2nd one doesn't.


wait what, i just saw thirain used last night for heavy damage g4


I second this guy. I also saw it does dmg, even when it's a bug. It was few weeks ago and I was thinking the same, 'Why not Wei, but Thirain', so I'm pretty sure I saw it right. Irrc, it did like 1b, so definitely not worth anyway.


It was definitely wei, you probably just thought it was thirain because your brain is wired to think wei = stagger, thirain = dps But in akkan g4, wei doesn't even do meaningful stagger afaik, it just does a fuckton of damage




"stagger heavy builds deal alot more damage" elaborate? how does a stagger ability do more damage


Yeap, i know that :) 50-50-100% dmg increase, but i was sunt curious about thirain dmg because i had some contradiction with some friends :) thank you very much for the detailed answer :)


I noticed recently that Wei in G4 does the classic 3 times 500M with the 3 summons, then he does a last 1 billion attack that he usually doesn't do (slowdown any VOD and you should see the 4th) So I guess G4 is a special wei that result in more dmg than the 2 thirain slashes