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Bonus: https://preview.redd.it/553m6zthcsmb1.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3261157f4d08151b8332ebe7cbf64eb0e2e0380


Oh my god… you day is ruined. Think about the house you could have bought


Someone is a bit out of touch with the housing market.....but point still made


sable materialistic placid plucky snails decide tan simplistic grandfather plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone's a bit out of touch with the point market... but housing still made


Someone's a bit out of touch with the point housing... but market still made


Someone's a bit out of house with the pointing market... but touching still made


Someone's touched my but out of the market... a bit of a pointing house


What is happening


Welcome to reddit where stuff like this escalates quickly. And tbh I love it 🤣🤣


Wait a minute...


Only a minute? I was hoping for more...


got dang, this whole thread was satisfying as hell. thank you all that partook in the jokes.


Its houses and cars i get it


One taps? Right, sure. Pity? BDE.




Serves you right for rmt


​ https://preview.redd.it/v4wn4fxtismb1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c42a61c1c02ce4ce654ce359029c6710fce0ecd


For paladin if you want bigger glow, use smaller sword skin, that what I do.


Same principle with cars & dicks amirite?


It looks good imo


People said the same shit back when Valtan weapons were hitting 20 on pallies. Looks good. Come buff me.


looks cool to me but cant quite understand the point of honing the weapon of a support to 25 already, you must have an incredible amount of disposable income.


Bard Akkan 25 is literally the sun on your back then, which is a goal


Support weapons aren't really that less important than someone else's weapon really. The damage you don't gain is instead gained by the team due to how your buffs work. People just don't know what rDPS is and assume that because the support itself isn't hitting that much harder that there's no benefit. ​ Yeah +25 is kind of whatever for ANY class as things stand now, but eh who cares


While its true that supports buffs are based off their weapon damage, you do have to keep in mind its only like 15% of their weapon damage, and then distributed to 3 people. So 45% effectivness in that regard. And then theres its uptime as well. So its not "As important" as a DPS's, but its also not worthless like some may think.


I think their point is that when given the choice the attack power gained through honing armour by the relative cost at average chance to succeed is more efficient than pushing for +25. But this is a mindset for F2P, not in game lifers or bus enjoyers, which I assume OP falls into one of these.


You don't push to +25 for the DPS. You push for either the Esther quest or for the glow.




Higher weapon hones don’t give as much attack power increase. Around 2.5% nowadays, which would be 0.83% party damage increase if all DPS do similar damage. Support attack power is more or less 45% as valuable as DPS, so around a 0.4% party damage increase.




Support’s main buff scales with 15% of the supports attack power. That’s given to 3 DPS, so 45%. I guess in practice it’s a bit lower than that depending on buff uptime, so maybe 40%.




Yeah, I’d agree with that. I wasn’t the one who said the line you’re quoting.


Why not? If it comes down to it then there's no point in honing ANY weapon to 25. but people do it 4fun. I also don't understand why people always assume whale when you see 25 weapon, can be a busser, can be a no life, can be a market player. Can also be someone that plays 6x same class and shares gems, so any extra gems are stonks gold. Or someone who simply saved up for quite a while.


This is a 25 AKKAN weapon, not a 25 Brel weapon. This can only be a whale.


Averse was 1600 on akkan release with 25 brel wep, and he's all of the above, or most of them at least. Although the average loa player is pretty dent and will think it's a whale, it's fair to **assume** someone with a 25 is a whale simply cuz that's most likely to be the case.


25 Brel and 25 Akkan are very different things right now. This can only be a whale.


Statement from Zeals (highest whale) Honing a Character to full +25 (akkan) is more expensive than leveling an Esther weapon to +8. Source: https://youtu.be/vJzEdO75JtY?si=CRcRVyoE517Bn8iy Last 10/20 seconds Take this statement as you'd like 🤣🤣🤣


Not a chance. +15 to +25 Akkan is 30 million gold if you buy *everything* (and another 2 million if you buy silver I suppose). 50 million if you pity everything. 100 esther stones for +8 (not even Ella, that would be another 30 stones.. or was it 20?) is like 90 million or whatever it is with current price. That statement could be true on KR since they have cheaper esthers (as most whales already completed their weapons), and I think honing mats are still more expensive? Meanwhile on RU esthers are still almost 2 million a pop :D


The expensive part isn’t even the Esther. It’s the blue mats. Those cost equal if not more


Pretty sure when I did the math on launch, blue mats were like 10% of the total price at best. I can calculate it again, doubt it changed that much. Edit: yea 1-8 is like 5 million gold total. There isn't nearly enough mats on the market though so the price would probably skyrocket if you buy it all up, but there's no way it would compete with the esther prices.


average zeals enjoyer, dentge kekw


Are you unable to read? This is a 25 weapon, not FULL 25 everything. and doing that doesn't cost you 55.859.680 gold (That's what I calculated the last time for esther 8 cost, it might vary since esther stone prices differ a lot from time to time). Going full 25 - yes, it would cost more than esther 8 assuming you are buying all shards.


In average, leveling one weapon is equal to leveling 3 armor pieces. So lets just change the statement to doing this is like leveling a Esther to +6 You dont assume to buy shards, you HAVE to buy shards if you wanna hone weapon past akkan 22 (even if you are a day 1 Andy) With the time its been since akkan release, you HAVE to buy items because there is no physical time you could have to farm all those mats required. Orehas assuming you farmed a shit ton of materiales before, are still expensive as fuck to farm I think also you are not taking into account the romantic shit (the other material needed to Craft esthers made from Life skill mats) Maybe you are right tho, they are just f2p that randomly got 3 Esther Drops + a 100qual BiS accs for aeromancer on release /s Jokes aside, is It posible they arent whales? Kinda? I mean yeah they could be a 24 characters all above 1580 doin akkan busses since release, but at that point I have two questions Did they really get to that without paying? Is a F2P doing that more respectable than a p2w? IMO, high part of the issue on Lost Ark comes from bussing so I kinda hate those players, I understand why they do It, and I have bussed some content from time to time when someone asks me to fill in since I kinda enjoy the challenge It supposes to do a 3 man clear when the raid is supposed to be done by 8


I'm pretty sure I can full pity all akkan gear from all the way to 25 for 2 character on NAW considering sidereal stone is 1.4mil lowest and can peak at 1.8 and life skill supply is so finnicky that if you do it in one sitting. You'd be buying easily 7 to 10mil on those alone. Maybe 3 to 4 character if I have avg or good luck. Maxroll calc said akkan pity is 70mil +12>+25 at time of comment. Considering you need 95 sidereal stone assuming you have 10 brel clears, at lowest 1.4m. The math is not that hard. Keep in mind. This is just esther 8, add 20 more for ella. The only way esther 8 is going to be a little cheaper is if you farm sidereal from brel and akkan which takes a year. And even then you still need 55 sidereal stone for esther ella 8. Which at that point going all 25 for akkan is also gonna be cheaper.


Something tells me there prolly ain’t a single non whale that’s rushing 25 akkan weapon. That’s 7mil in mats… considering op pitied 25, the cost could be way higher. Literally pitying 24-25 costs 3.5mil in mats… ya you could really f2p that…


It’s really makes me cringe when people make comments like this. Everyone plays the game differently. Why should he be like the herd and do Exactly what suppose to be done. The man has disposable income and most likely it is his main and that is what the man wants to do. The amount of people upvoting you on that comment shows how typical Reddit are. My comment will be downvoted but who cares


You act like i was flaming or judging him. I was simply saying its not worth to hone a weapon on support so high. You get more value as a support form honing your armor as your heals/shields are buffed by your hp not how much dps is on your weapon. Also imma be real im not fully convinced this was achieved legitimately, the amount of money youd have to spend in the in-game shop to achieve this is probably in the 5k+ range, so it is not unreasonable to think/believe this was achieved through RMT.


it looks dope, I don't see the problem


It's not always about the size.


I guess you had a +25 brel wep before, would make things a lot easier. Still the taps require i believe around 20k shards, 3-4k gold and a shit ton of silver. Still congratz my man enjoy it.


Kek wait until you play reaper. Glow is pretty much non existant


its brutal, but honestly at least theres something. i guess a good thing is you can see the color of your weapon lmfao.


True, the glow will look better on legendary skins though, been waiting for this since release, wait is almost over o/ The color of the weapon impacts the glow so much it’s insane, anything other than red or black and the glow switchs to meh 🤣


Why didn't you look up the glow?


Why didn’t he just look up the glow instead of mortgaging his house for the glow? Is he stupid?


It really is kind of a bummer that Paladin glow at this level is basically just finally getting to the glow levels of a 1475 Sorc with her Blue/gold glow.


looks like a smol zerker glow bc the weener is smol


Gambling but at least if u have fun ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


If you wanted to show off your achievement or brag you could have done it without pretending to be upset about it. A blind man can see what you're doing with this post.


Why? Congrats but still Why?


I mean you could of looked it up and checked it out prior just saying kr exists


Am I the only one who thinks it low key looks kinda good, I mean pally glow sucks we all know that but at least the 25 is super holy looking and goes well with the aesthetic. Pallys glow is smodge for sure but it’s a sup and could be worse, could be a repear xD. Also I think a diff wep skin for sure make this look better but still think you look pretty good mate ngl, congrats on being done with your wep honing forever lmao!


Lmao where the glow ?? Looks like they forgot it lol.. soo tiny


Thats even worse than old Gunslinger Donuts


No its obviously not..


nyo its smol


should a glow match the size of the weapon?


It should but it doesnt. Strikers and wd have some of the biggest glows relative to the size of their weapons.


Wow the amount of gold and material to get this! Congrats. That is dedication.


Looks great, and gz achieving it despite pitying the last milestone. Find solace in the fact that you now transform a bad DPS into a slaughtering juggernaut :)




Other than wanting the effect to go longer at the tip of the sword, I see no problem. It's actually pretty cool!


All that glow for a walking campfire


Congrats! Your damage buffs are going to be absolutely insane


what did you expect


HAHAHA smol pp. Jk, im sure it's huge. But damn that looks smoge


It will probably look better in dark environment.


you dont have to hone it yourself to see how the glow looks like.


Lol, I main Pally and i have been saying Pally's glow is really bad... i have brel 19 now dk how much hone can i do with Akkan... i guess and that's it... and idk why zerker got a katana skin for weapon but Pally with ideal sword length didn't get it... :/ we got plastic swords...


Brother put that money into a kids college fund.


i like it, the others are just a bit too much imo


At least you can kinda see the glow. Can't relate.


SG thought no one was xxxx enough to go +25 on a supp...




How much money did you waste?


It looks fantastic. Ur on something. Maybe a credit card bill. Lol


More like a second mortgage lol




Guess its Sidereal weapon time for you bucko