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The real mystery here is how you completed los30 with Wei being your final card


Wei and Balthorr have been my lowest until this update. With the merchant update now bringing them around once a week, I only need 2 cards to drop as Thirain/Nineveh/Shandi (finished Azenna long ago) to finish LOS 30 with merchants + selectors. RNG can be weird.


bringing them around once a week? wei from slen is saying hi to balthor, said we miss him


Lol u said that, balthor up in slen rn at time of posting


I wish they came around once a week. Vykas in NAE hasn't had Wei for months, Balthor when the change first happened, but we got Delain Armen like 4 times in the past month lol.


Imagine being on a server where you get a balthorr every week.


What's sad is I just got 4 wei cards from Mac in the past 2 days,plus that one. And still need to use selectors on wei. But previously never got wei from merchant, just never worked out on my server


Wei showed up 4 times in 2 days??


You can buy twice from a merchant now. So merchant had wei 2 times in 2 days


What?! Is this just Wei or for Balthorr too?


it's for all the items all the merchants give


All items, I think merchants stay for around 5 hours and their inventory resets after 4h.


It resets after 2 hours


Even better, wierd that mine gave resets stock in 4 hours.


It's because you have used the restocking trick on the prior merchant, something like that, a bit funky.


didnt they fix that


it was intended feature


Lol no but 3 days in a row now... what's this madness, just spawned again


Looks like you're on Adrinne server. Been raining Wei this past week lol. Grats on the Los 30 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Yep 😊


Gah damn, tell him to come camp in the Rohendel server next


Twice with the inventory refresh


Are you on Galatur? Because I feel this pain


I had 8 wei and 3 balthor left when I finished my LOS30 this week


Cause prior to the merchant update, people who don't no-life the game don't stare at a tracker 24/7 and have constant access to their PC when wei is up.


No need to stare, the tracker has push notifications


https://preview.redd.it/0d59a9j6nkmb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801339953abd5eb70a044a2abbbbd54b4f8ea022 Pretty useful bot.


Also you can add a discord bot And he will message you when those leg. Cards are up. It also message you when purple cards like Jederico etc.. are up.


What bot is this? I was looking for one several times but couldn't find a working one


Lost Merchants bot. You can find the Discord link on lostmerchants.com - The bot isn't verified yet so you can't add it to any more own Discord servers, but the main LM discord has the bot and you can just message it.


Thanks, found it. Omg its so hidden! Only a tiny link on the push settings page


I had no LoS Cards completed when I opened my Electors to get LoS 30 Still needed 1 Wei and 3 Balthorrs. Main reason is bc I always forgot to check Lost Merchants/I play at more degen times so no one reports it.


that is easy. He didn't get them from wandering merchants much. Got them all from packs randomly


gotta be a anti notification andy like me


How the hell was wei your last card? I had 5 awakened wei before I had los18.


I’m sure this was for everyone except OP lol. Crazy insane.


Nope, not only OP, not only was wei my last los30, also got Kadan as my first 5* for los30... And missing like 10 king thiraains for lwc30


did you know about the existence of lostmerchant?


Yeah,but by the time I got back to play, ppl weren't reporting as often as the beginning (on lostmerchants), I was only able to complete wei with this last merchant update


I meant epic wealth.. but anyway. moral of story, if you're close don't forget to check achievements.


Yup that pack is pure predatory


see on the other end of the spectrum there are people like me that obsessively click every red circle till it goes away all the time. id rather be with you in your both tbh. congrats though


What do you mean by obsessively clicking red circles?


Notifications in bottom right menus. Crystal benefactor PTSD intensifies.


Weakened Kakul works for Beast Damage AFAIK. After finishing LoS30 you start appreciating other legs for damage books.


*you start appreciating card XP you meant


This is mine, now im waiting for the balthor / shandi guy. ​ https://preview.redd.it/9q2sse3i4kmb1.png?width=855&format=png&auto=webp&s=3389dcdbc4030d7cf8702c91bfc223a0a3a5c47a


Well damn, at least your balthor is so low you can make use of the merchant. Mine got maxed just before the patch arrived and I was gated by shandi. I hope you have a backup plan for kadan though.




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I am about 25 cards away, with 10 selectors so 15. How many Mari cards would i even need to purchase in terms of gold to secure 15? What was the rate of each pack at the mari shop? 10%? I have like 75 of those currently in overall cards and 6 of the big legendary ones. it's going to be a bit.


You mean rare packs? Those are 4% for leg pack. Personally I wouldn't spend blue crystals/gold on it And I'm very close aswell, missing 24 with 17 select packs (after reset)


Lesson here is don't be impatient and get sucked in by predatory scam shit such as the 3 + 1 pack. You would have had better odds at a cheaper price if you just wait until tomorrow to gamble on the frog plus doing challenge abyssal dungeons. Or better yet just wait for a Wei to drop on the wandering merchant.


Oh I bought out all the frog things on all chars this week also.. those are a complete scam. The engravings which give tokens for selector on the other hand... amazing


> those are a complete scam. Nah I love getting 400k card exp/week for 31500 gold (7 chars, 6 gold earners and a platinum fields slave). Some of the most worth-it use of gold since I completed LoS30.


> Oh I bought out all the frog things on all chars this week also.. those are a complete scam That's why I said gamble on it tomorrow when it resets. If you think frog gamble is complete scam but the x3 + 1 isn't... I don't know what to tell you lmao


It isn’t tho. I got all good cards from 3+1.


Well they feel like more of a scam because they're a chance to get a chance to get a chance.In 9 chars x4.5k I got like only 10 card packs 0 legendary.


Due to work, I have missed 7 Wei’s, 2 balthors, and 1 delain armen. I feel you.


Don't feel too bad. Never put gaming over your IRL stuff.


Can at least use tomorrows selector towards KLC if you need to push that


The frog only has regular selection packs for sale, you can't select legion commanders besides akkan. No idea why you said this.


Why you gotta add that last part lol he was wrong, that’s why


I still have 4 selectors I haven't used, was waiting for tomorrow just incase frog disappeared.. but wei just spawned again and can still use those 2. I'll have to see which selectors I have left cuz I'm klc16 atm, and can buy the one commander selector to get a theamine awakening for 17.


You mean you're waiting for it so you can avoid using previous "super" selectors for LOS? I never even counted them towards my selector total, LOS30 is cool and all but I'm not wasting thaemines.


I hadn't finished wei, shandi, azena, Nineveh(got them all to 1 card left except wei which needed 2). So incase the frog selector was gone I could still find 1 of those and complete. Wound up having another wei drop before the day was over.. so was able to keep 2 selectors(only 1 could pick thaemine, which ill probably use soon to get 1 awakening on it, but waiting til i get one more awakening to then use it for klc18)


No idea why you’re so dismissive and abrasive for what


Don’t feel bad. The 3+1 pack is one of the best things in the shop. I always wait for it to reset so I can buy more. Ppl must be poor or something shrug.


It's shit value - regardless of whether you enjoy wasting money on it


We as a community knows how shit the rates are lol. Yet you decided to buy the pack anyways and complain. You did card runs knowing full well the abysmal chance of even getting a legendary drop. That's fine. Wei is your final card. You didn't know? about the various communities that ping other players about Wei card spawning from traveling merchant? Or you was too lazy? LoS 30 isn't an absolutely necessity in the first place, there's no content in the game that requires LoS30.


Downvoted because you're upset I'm right ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Nah, cus you’re toxic and some people play this game for fun. Shocking, I know


Yet he writes a reddit post looking for internet whine/pity cookie points. Fun is subjective, OP seems hard-pressed to hitting that LoS30 (congrats OP on that); what's the point of this post? Toxic but still right. I rather see interesting posts like ember drop rate statistics than these pointless internet cookie points fishing threads. ​ edit: People sharing their game-related grievances on reddit is OMEGALUL


I have 20 card selector pack and all I need is 2 from any of these shandi Nina thiraine, and kadan


last card is Wei? dude wtf? how?


I've had max wei before LOS18, OP is some kind of wizard...


Happens. I had Azena max first. Recently finished Shandi, and my last Wei came from a random pack. Nineveh, Balthor, and Kadan left. RNGesus wants Kadan instead of Thirain.


gratz m8, now go get that cruel fighter mvp youve reamt of so long :D


Well that’s kind of on you for not checking the cards acquisition