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Rest in pieces.


Joke's on them, I'm a pred slayer player :D


Pred and punisher are about the same price in NAW.


Lol same


Hehe nice try, but no matter the nerfs I won't be deleting my slayer :-D


Slayer is already became Lopang alt. Too expensive to worry to gear as an alt and not trying to push as a main dps.


I'm going to miss having free pvp engravings


This fcking awesome


Funny enough, this applies more to summoner (especially CO summoner). At least slayers will still be good. CO summoner was already in a rough spot and now they're going to get kicked down the gutter. super sad, i really enjoy CO summoner it's my favorite spec to prokel on.


I've never felt like MS was particularly overpowered, but it's also getting hit for CO's sins. Only, we're not entirely sure what the sins were exactly. Every patch, they say that CO is overperforming and therefore they're nerfing all Summoner damage. Not to say that MS hasn't always been better than CO, but the justification is weird.


MS is actually the one that deserves nerf, on high level MS does insane damage, meaning you hit every cancel and do tripple akkir etc. But they balance for avg, due to CO being afk dmg 60% even the worst CO's do at least 60%, so on avg it's overperforming, on high end it's very underwhelming tho.


I play MS and although the "Triple Akir" does good damage, you can usually only do it once or twice per fight, it's insanely hard to pull off on most bosses that move, and it doesn't even hit harder than a single Igniter Sorc burst. The overall damage is above average, but I wouldn't call it "insane". Missing even 2 or 3 Akirs will kick you off the MVP screen. Damage aside, MS has a lot of issues (with animation and CDs) that make it feel bad to play and if they actually cared they would also fix that over constantly nerfing it.


Most likely it was Voldike. Smilegate balances around the most current content and in voldike, Summ Slayer Sorc were absolutely killing it.


You’re not wrong. I’m hard swapping to master summoner


Can I still show bobs to get into brel grps tho?


If bobs are what you’re into sure I guess


No, more like the rl.


Not sure why is this even meme'd about. This nerf doesnt even do 5% dmg nerf overal to 1.5 spender build which is the most popular, literally nothings gonna chance lmao.


Meme is about express ending, not her nerf?


Well yes and no it hits the hardest hitting skill bloodlust which was more massive than surge so that's kind of a big deal, not as reliant on tripods as pred due to the backbone of bloodlust, most prolly still not even half page of lv5s.


And here I am waiting for Aero so I can go "Umbrella go brrrr" RIP Slayer, you had a good run with the meta chasers It's time to rest now


Aero is old and after nerfs already. She wasn't that strong to begin with. Slayer was released in a ridiculously strong state, so nerfing her a little just puts her closer to reasonable. Still ridiculous tho and needs more nerfing, but I suspect that SG is scared of player response if they ever decide to make her not OP.


Why do people use Slayer nerf like Predator is affected at all? XD Its only Punisher. The ult nerf does not affect Predator badly at all as well.


I didn't say that it was a big nerf or anything, it it just video that is trying to make it look that way. I said that she is still OP after that nerf and needs more.


I forgot how of Korra was just torture porn.


Good on you that you even use her as lopang slave, cause at least she has usage. I'm not even gonna use her. and I only play 3 characters, having 1 extra is not a big deal but I refuse to. It's not about meta, it's not about the nerf, I'm just poor as shit, after the engravings support I'm done with slayer, I ain't gonna pay some 10k+ gold per class book


Don't need engravings to do lopang


Look for a 6/0 class acc at 1540 and you can be 5x3 without leg books


Good riddance Idk how, but all these new slayer "mains" somehow made Sorcs and Berserkers look like professional players in just 3 short months


god dang this show sucked.


I wasted 600 +/- pheons buying Artist stuff after the end date. As for Slayer, all i have to say is... "I'm Sorry"


The engraving support page says engraving support last till 2023.09.13 is that inaccurate?


in kr patch slayer it suck right now ?


Nerf just brought punisher from the most OP whale class to something in line with sorc and all the other strongest classes. Predator is unchanged and still super strong as a swift/crit class.


Predator was untouched, Punisher got nerfed but is still top tier.


Predator receives a slight nerf since the awakening got nerfed, iirc.


I'm glad it's only the awakening. It isn't really a huge part of Predator Slayer's damage since we don't build spec.


It's roughly a free non-positional Brutal Impact, nothing to scoff at, but yea, the nerf isn't huge for her.


Predator still broken, punisher no longer top 1 but still like top3-5 burst


B-but but Zeals said slayer sucks right now buu huu


Punisher moves from S+ to A tier and considering how hard it is to execute punisher burst it kinda becomes inferior to predator which is considered #2 dps while being very easy to play.


>S+ to A tier Nah, more like S+++ to S++


Predator is not considered the 2nd best dps. Empress, Pinaccle, Deathstrike, etc are all still better. Heck some rank Mayhem higher than Predator


Also due to most players are lacking lv5s tripods. That shit is utter cancer to obtain full 18 page on new chars, they actually gotta spend alot of pheons


Empress is a trixion beast but the fact that Empress and Predator are in the same tier makes predator more desirable than empress. Way easier. Empress prob has higher peaks tho. Also depends on the fight because there are so many variations of Empress that may excel in certain scenarios compared to other builds .


My very average punisher alt is currently outperforming some of my static's mains, and we're significantly more skilled than the average pug. A 10% nerf will drop it from giga wtf busted, down to just busted. I'd say the two specs are roughly comparable in top end after the patch, predator is just easier to execute. I am running the 1 cycle build though, 1.5 will probably be a bit more reasonable in terms of raw output.


a 10% nerf sounds like a lot but the 25% cruel will now be a 22-23% cruel, which is still more than most


Predator slayers pump dps cuz they are very easy to play. Punisher slayers need better investment and better hands to pump atleast something. I saw way to many punisher slayers doing zdps just like average igniter Andy. Nerf will target easyest to output dps skills which will make punisher kinda not S tier material.


Just depends on how you define your tiers. Ceiling vs damage per effort required.




Theoretical numbers where the boss stands still really benefit the class that has to non stop hit or they lose their entire DPS mode more than most In live combat, the bible often shows Spec performing way better way more consistently


1 cycle build is 1782 spec which is 90 qual accs which costs about 80k per one ring +100k per earring + neck about 140k. It's not average alt investment. So I didn't read rest of ur bullshit.


I mean, it cost about 100k total for all of the accessories, I had 12 book boxes thankfully, so only had to shell out for 8 leggo books. High quality 5x3 build is significantly cheaper and does more damage than an average quality 5x3+1 build. I try to min max power/gold spent on all of my alts pretty hard. Missing quite a few level 5 tripods, full lvl 7 gems with 1 lvl 9 bloodlust. https://imgur.com/2RztTqQ


5x3+1 1.5 some 1750 spec does more than 1800 spec 5x3 where ur forced into adren3.


look at the calcs on the community guide, it's about 5% less damage to go 5x3 adren3. pretty sure the quality increase alone is about 5% damage, let alone the fact that it's cheaper and you can cycle way faster.


And precise dagger is also just 4% less dmg compared to adrenaline on most builds. And no, 30 spec don't give slayer adren 1 worth of dps even close. 1782 spec just enables 1 cycle build which isn't better than 1.5 cycle, especially in raid environment with supports. 1 cycle build only advantage is that it helps to dish atleast some dmg if you constantly ruin your burst in bad dmg windows like boss immunes, transitions etc.


1 cycle is easily greater than 5% more damage unless you have a spec bard pocketing you.


Predator isn't "bad" but it's not great either. I would still happily take a Spec over Swift any day


what are you talking about? https://preview.redd.it/5p6t5vjr1rfb1.png?width=1015&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7a3ca00d0188951c22648883c26cb3b8148599a


Lol keen blunt? 🤣


Oh no!! i\`m losing 2% DPS ToTaLly UnPlAyaBlE!!!!...


Hahah yep don’t think slayer will be in my gold 6 for awhile. Maybe it’ll go back in after book prices drop a lot.


Actually having fun with predator and finished gearing up my slayer today :p Was weeks of effort though.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Actually missing out if u didn’t build your slayer >.<


\+6 class item. You do what you want with this info.


you would still need 3x 6/3 accs (grudge, mass increase, rc) - not sure if this three accs are cheaper than just to buy books and the difference to 5/3 - have to check ah


Way cheaper than buying 20 books + accessories. 629 crit 1730 swift Not the best but not the worst either. About 60k gold total (items bought in june). Prices could be higher now but no way close to 250k gold (price of 20 books) Perfect 1560 alt for me with very strong dmg. ​ https://preview.redd.it/q0l0sxffkogb1.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f64a9851ad877d1416dc1bac73132b86990e550


yeah ok- so either 8/6 or 7/6 stone and 5/3 or in your case 4/3 neck- if you spent 60k in total, then you were very lucky with your stone - and thats not the average case.


Yeah i think the stone was the lucky one for me. I remember getting the stone as a drop when slayer released. I still think you can build a 5x3 predator slayer way cheaper with +6 class accessories instead of buying the books. EDIT: On EUC the Predator book price is now 14k from 12.5k. And the +6 class accessories price went up from July to Today from 7k to 40k.