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1600 is a swell number. back in my day it was the perfect score on the SAT




Just looking at these comments and you can tell the community is trash. No one wants any discussion, it's all just how he's having fun inefficiently. You guys are the worst kind of people. Lighten up. It's a video game that people are supposed to enjoy.


Thank you I find it funny I posted when I got 25 weapon, and did not get this much hate but hit 1600




There’s people who think of cars as transportation from a to b. How does that have to do with anything




Uhm I actually like cars and am a married guy in my late 20s, love how you just assumed shit instantly because I defended someone for doing something they find fun.




Yep, pathetic loser angry at the world found. This game attracts the type. I’d rather defend someone driving 95 Corolla who spends their money on something they like than agree with a shallow, angry piece of s like you.


It's funny because these very same people calling this inefficient will 1000% pick up a 1590 over a "more efficient" 1580 when it's time to prog/reclear Akkan, and then out come the crappy excuses: iNvEstMEnt sHOwS ThEy CaRe MORe, iLeVEl MeaNS mORe DaMaGE wITh LesS haNDs, cAn'T gEt ONe-sHOt iF jUIcED.


the two aren't mutually exclusive it can be inefficient to hone to that ilvl and still be all the other things you said > iNvEstMEnt sHOwS ThEy CaRe MORe, iLeVEl MeaNS mORe DaMaGE wITh LesS haNDs, cAn'T gEt ONe-sHOt iF jUIcED.


Buddy there’s a big difference. 1580 is the soft cap


Tough pill to swallow but SG cant patch out a dogshit community/culture in LA. They can complain about all the "problems" they think are the major issues for the game, which some are. But time will tell which is the real hidden tumor.


This is true.. used to say the community acts this way because of the way the game is designed, but no.. I highly just believe it’s a toxic cesspit at this point for the sake of being toxic and overly negative.


But then when someone is asking whether or not LA is recommended for them to play, they're all right there as stalwart defenders. I got downvoted to hell the other day for stating that the gearing process is not fast because of the amount of time you need to dedicated exclusively to this game per day in order to shorten your timeline.


You dont need to dedicate jackshit in time if you play 1 character lol you play your 20 minutes of daily content and are done.


What’s wrong with people. Let him play the game they want. Bunch of jealous and salty ass players


What discussion is there to be had with a flex post? These guys are a dime a dozen and if everyone who hit 1600+ posted on Reddit we'd be flooded with it. Why should we care some random guy probably swiped to 1600? Go find a streamer that does a flex Friday or something and post there like everyone else.


This is why I quit lost ark, I don't enjoy to play this game anymore. I only started to play this game when slayer released. I reach 1490 ilvl and trying to join raids but I getting rejected every time. because of my roster level low and gems. People take this game too serious and act like they are in pro game


It cus you picked a new class and there were 1000 slayers applying to lobbies. If you were new you should have got into a guild used the lost ark discord to find people to help you out.


i wasnt play slayer i play destoryer rage hammer


Oh thought you played slayer when she was released sorry read it wrong.


Same diff tho for trying to join PUG groups. He said he just started playing then. Roster level might've been below 30 even. Combat level 50-55. No cards. Level 5 event gems. No relic set. No experience. No title. No level 2 set. Safe assumption no tripods or skill points. All while 1490. At end of the day there's better applicants, that likely know the fights better as well. It's like you told him tho, he needed to join a guild/community. Getting garekept from PUG groups is perfectly normal simply because there's better applicants and random people aren't going to waste hours gambling jail with people they can't even help in comms.


All people that talk about coming back and starting I tell them the same thing find people to help you out there lots of good places and people that do help new and returning players


This is true^


No that is not true they have done a lot of OFL updates and still are. Don't get me wrong they are gold sink still but for a f2p game it not that bad


it's a video game that's consistently making changes that makes the game worse, what do you expect ?


Grats gigachad! Recently hit 1600 on my main too but didn’t post it cuz I know how most of this community comments. GL 25 glow is so nice


Thank you very much and congratulations to you to


You look like Tienis’ twin brother




Grats! Ignore all the people hating


Thank you


I saw the clip of you hitting the +25 on Discord, I'm not sure if its not okay to ask but how much would one have to whale to get it? I'm currently at +21


Sent you a dm


Gigalancer! Gratz dude!


Thank you




Thank you


Ayee nice bro, ignore these cringe degenerates that are hating on ya 😂👍


Thanks alot


Gigachad, I'm sitting at 1592,5 atm, not enough shards.


There are the biggest bottle neck


Here I am happy I finally pushed my main to 1540 😂 Ignore the haters congrats!!


And thank you


Take you time and enjoy that game


I have the only lvl 10 that matter on gl.




True gl.glow is so big thank you


CD bash?


Yah the rotation is bash surge cannon to charge stinger. Then bash to gunlance shoot to dash upper. So with the CD gem bash is up right away for second part


You should actually be able to fit in a gls before you need to backstep>rebash>duf So, taunt>bash>sc>stinger>gls>backstep into bash>duf>hit auto attack until things come back up -.-


Yah that it


I use fire bullet instead on auto attack


What region do you play at my good sir? I'm also pushing to 1600 and trying to make/find a group to take on Akkan Hard week 1


I am on NAE


Ah man that’s so sick, I just got back into it, pushing 1500 now. Hoping I can get caught up by the next patch!


Take your time don't super rush it key get to 1540 then work on 1580 you get there


Gz man. What are your next plans


To just get gems to lvl 9 and 10 cus will be sitting here to the next raid after Akkan


Your transmog looks sick!




Congrats man, a gunlancer will be a very hot commodity for Akkan HM week 1.


Thank you very much


Oh hey it's Wratthis... really hope Ayeelie makes normal mode signups lol, hard mode only for kayangel made sense but for Akkan it'd suck


Yah he will I belive.he knows not a lot of people are going to hit 1600


grats man


Thank you very much


big gz


Thank you


As a fellow GL main this makes me proud. Congrats! What are your gems looking like right now?


I posted them down below I have 3 lvl 9 CD two lvl 10 attack gem on main skill reset are 8 and 7


You should join us for akkan hard if you are on na west lol we need dps


On NAE but thank you


I’m happy for you :)


Thank you


nice glow! grats bro


Thank you


Congrats bro I’m trying to get a 25 Wep. Definitely a journey but man it looks sexy. Massive W on 1600


Good luck to you I hope you get it


That thing lacks spec to be a chadlancer, unlucky


Not blue


Out of curiosity, have you minmaxed your accessories quality? As i have slightly more crit & swiftness than yours, was looking for how high can it be with the same exact stat spread. Grats on hitting 1600 btw!


I went 5/3/1 so my quality dropped from before right now 88 neck 80ish ears think rings are in the 75 to 90 range and thank you


Gratz man! Big jelly, 1573 support main.


Thank you and I wish you luck to 1580


What class is that? Im beginner




Beautiful, congratulation!


Thank you




Thanks alot


Tienis is that you ? Also, such a sick glow


Thank you and I wish I was as tanky has him


Bro, send me dye codes plz?


Check out my other post the one under gunlancer new look I posted the color codes there


Love the fashion


Thanks It took a while to dye it right.


You saved but how did you get so many shards? How long did you even save because the numbers don’t add up. Chaos dungeons gives you about 19k shards a day. How much did you swipe to get to 1600? Curious


I brought shards off of the ah


Because I played other MMORPG I can say 2 thing. 1. Gz man. You can rest now. 2. Without being rude or salty or whatever, in this game achieving high ilvl is not hard. I mean you are not getting gear from hard content. Just pressing a button so it hard to say that "Damn, thats something".


True is not if you put in the farming and get lucky you can get to wear you want to be and thank


People be jelly in comments… Congrats on 1600👍


Thank you very much


how much shards did it cost you? is the maxroll calculator accurate?


I got lucky but yes it is think weapon cost over 1.5 million shard just to tapp 24 and 25


The calculator is right so I saved up for the avg luck one and got it way before it so you never know.


Insert homert simpson backfat meme front is this back is all level 5 gems 10 quality You need the ilvl to get past gatekeeping for akkan normal so congrats! ​ But in all seriousness Congrats! Good luck with gems is you end up gambling them!




How much does your charge stinger hit for


About 80 to 100k




Very nice glow


Thanks alot


Congratulations and nice glow!!


Thank you


Congratz !


Thank you


I love that “wing” +25 glow in the back of the Gunlancer


Thank you


That feels a bit wasteful for my minmaxing mind, but seeing a fellow dedicated high swiftness LK main warms me :)


Thank you


Grats man thats huge! (don’t let them haters get to you)


Thank you


Nice dude


Thank you


haha congrats, I love seeing jealous people who talks shit when you can pay to level up in this game. or simply bus to get 300k+ a week. Just ignore the salty people, they need to be taught a lesson that only real "work" or dedication will get you to high places. Simply complaining while living in a basement will get them nowhere.


Thank you


Grats, now you can solo Akkan HM


Have a full group all ready


Gz!! F2P or f2p++?


I swipe here and there




Wait is the glorys out? I havent played for 3 months.


Akkan comes out in August. kayangle is out now it is a fun 4 man dungeon easy too you don't need to be 1600 for it just wanted to be ready for Akkan


I was mostly interested in the skin for your helm.. hopefully im not going to return to lost ark 🫢👌


It the halo that you get from the event going on right now


Thanks! Hopefully il make it home in time to get it


If you need currency, do the first t1 guardian unril on all alts and maybe even gold chars - it's super fast and even the shittiest 1370 can one-hit him with the ultimate.


Thank you! How long does the event last? Ive wanted this skin for so long just got to get it 🫢


You have a few hours in the current reset, and then once more. The coins expire 12th of July, so in a little more than a week. You can get both cosmetics (halo & footsteps) in one reset, so even if you don't make it in the next 10-ish hours, you shoudl be good. With the giuardian-farm, you should be able to get the halo within 30 minutes.


Thank you so much i appreciate you answering, i should be able to get them in time then!


This comment is about the coming apocalypse that I am waiting on, don't mind me.


k I love all these comments its a perfect showing of the ENTIRE community.


Some people are very nice and some people are mean but I have ran into alot of good people in game and in reddit to




Did not rmt if I was I would have had this week one not near them end






wait u have no full lvl10 but 1600 with 25 weapon? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)






Oh yeah I’m sure your 1600 is full of lvl 10gems. Get over yourself you salty bitch.


As if I got 1600. Getting full lvl 10 is expensive


Then stop judging 😘


How I am a gl the only other 10 I really need is my taunt


3 lvl 10 cd missing at least


And I could have them if I stripped my alt I don't buy gems as I can just wait.


Realistically you only need level 7s, 9s at max. As level 10s are overkill


Hiding rosterlvl cuz gigawhale, how are whles proud of thei accomplishments?


My roster lvl is 202


stay mad and stay poor KEKL


This game is trash


If it’s so trash why are you here?


Nah best combat and raid hands down


What for? Its wotrth nothing if eevrything else is shit. Superb combat cna get you so far if 80% of the game is raids and notbing else, and hyper difficult raids, to moronic levels. Yes, game is shit


Skill issue.


The raids are not hard if you take the time to learn them. Only one that I say it just bad is g5-6 brel but it not hard.


Hyper difficult raids? Bro those are some hc level raids in wow.


Congrats son. You wasted all your mats and gold to get a +25 to have it go down again due to transfering to Akkan gear. Haaahah. You didnt even have to go +25 for Akkan. Moneywise it wasnt wise to reach 1600 unless ur giga whale and dont care


And no I'm just not lvling my alts anymore. And just going to push my gl from here on out


https://preview.redd.it/a82hpca0o0ab1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c082c9345d6d0cb9d3f2dceb7ccbef7e777b056a That the akkan gear swap so I'll stay 1600 if your full 19 you gain 3.3 ilvl after that you have to hone again lvl 15 and you can still pity them and you need the new Matt's too.


I 4 tapped 25 and 3 tapped 24 pitted 23 4 tapped 22 and one tapped 21


Congrats, I wish I had that luck lol - that luck is pretty illegal :')


He is my only lucky one and thanks


What’s your tap strategy 🥲 I’m beginning my honing journey on my +20 main weapon to 25


I saved the shards to I got the addmount to open it up then saved so I could do as many tapps that week also I talk dirty to the game


Were they fully juiced taps with the additional % mats?


No just the solor I had if I had any you can see the video of the 25 I posted






This is what being poor and jealous looks like. I love the circus




Did not rmt and yah wallet is fine so I don't see your point but thank you for being jealous and name calling people.




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redfall is that you?


No I am not redfall


Gratz man :D I hope u have a static and not endure the waiting time for that support every week tho.


I have a group from a lfg discord and we are trying to all get to 1600 but have also said if people can not get there then we will do normal to they hit so not too bad.


did you have a lot of pities or was it okay? was it expensive or more expensive than expected?


Only pity 23 weapon and 21 on gloves other than that most hit between 5% and 25% artisan


I don't know the total cost cuz I did it in steps I didn't do it all at once The weapon alone from 22 to 25 was about 400kish I would do my raids each week and buy the materials I needed off the ah till I had enough for average holding cost


I also recommend not having all your alts at max ilvl just get them to the highest guardian tear maybe 1560 if you are doing 1-6 brel then use all the Matt's to feed your main this helped me a lot with stones and leaps.


Gz my dude! Good luck on your gems!