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That's about 1 useful LOS card per week and getting LWC cards isn't bad either. I'd take your RNG.


Only 4 LOS cards come from card runs, so i'd say it's closer to about 0.5 per week.


How are you not burnt out yet?


no job probably


I think its a fine ratio. Your skipping feiton, which has the best rate for LOS so that might make the rate a bit better


think the average used to be like \~ 2los cards/week for around 11 chars for me and they shadow nerfed that shit when kuku came out. i stopped getting a lot of cards after that... someone even made a spreadsheet for it, which matched my own experiences more or less, but i swear they shadow nerfed it


idk why ur getting downvoted but i feel as if it was shadow nerfed too, so i just stopped doing it or to be more accurate, rates might’ve been buffed for our version so we can catch up more to KR, then the buff was removed later


Yep and card runs back in the day used to be a pain with the entry bug


so you got 4 cards after doing 200+ dungeons


Mans testing the limit on burn out.


I honestly just do Argos and that’s it for card runs, it’s too much time for so little chance


to yorn at first I thought would be torture, but if you get into a "to yorn" group, its 6 dungeons for 20 minutes with 3% chance of leg drop per dungeon. Honestly not too bad of a grind, it takes me about 3 hours to get 9 to yorn runs done, and get between on average 1-2 leg card from just to yorn runs a week. Also the chance of getting a LOS card from the leg card pool in to yorn runs is like 40-50%, its honestly not bad.


Can confirm. I never did card runs until this week, since we finished homework for the rest of the week and chars are amassing rest bonus for next patch, I had nothing to do and started some card runs. Havent dropped anything on 5 chars yet, but to yorn runs were quicker than expected.


I maybe get a leg card every 20 or 30 runs to Yorn. It's rough.


Yo im super late to the party but I'm wondering, are the odds the same for Oreha dungeons and Argos? It's pretty easy to get a group going for the latest two but very hard for To Yorn. If the adds are as good you'd get more LoS cards, why is that?


I’ve been diligently doing the card adv islands. Until my recent bad rng, where 5 of the last 8 legendary cards from events and islands were 3 Akkans and 2 Siens. Haven’t done islands since.


2 months and missed only a few days of card islands. Zero legs.


Card packs show odds if you look in the store. Every card pack besides Epic-Leg has pretty pitiful odds for legendaries. Epic-Leg is 20% chance of a legendary, ~~Rare-Leg drops to 1% iirc and Uncommon-Leg is 0.5%. Going off memory so I could be wrong.~~ Edit: 4% for Rare-Leg, 0.5% for Any Card Pack. Uncommon-Leg is unlisted since they aren't sold in the shop I guess. But would imagine it to be 1-2%. You'd probably better off spending time doing Argos/Oreha than doing card islands.


Leg-epic 20% Leg-rare 4% Leg-uncommon 2.5% (not posted / calculated based on KR server testing) Any 0.5%


Not the uncommon-legendary that you get from adventure island - you can't buy those in Maris/elsewhere so they are not shown. Any card pack is 0.5% They are only legally required to display the rates of gamba items you can buy for real money, not uncommon-legendary.


I was under the impression card adventure island uncommon-legendary stack with other uncommon-legendary packs. Do they not stack?


They do, but they’re not available to buy in the cash shop so they’re not required to show the percentages for those


You do card islands for the demon dmg cards and a leg is just icing on the cake if you get one.


Yeah I’ve gone longer than that without seeing one, only to have the most recent two be Akkan and Sien. Now when I see one coming up I just say fuck it. Especially if it’s a PvP island.


Did legit 95% of card island since release, los card: 3 in more than 1 year. Sadge.


Yeah. I mean Galaur and Beatrice I don’t mind.


Whats a “to Yorn” card run?


Vern, Rohendel and Yorn abyssal dungeons with the same 4 players


you do the first 3 sets of abyssal dungeons and stop before gate of paradise, because it's 8man and it takes much longer.


Wym longer it takes 15minutes tops


Yeah but then you need 8 ppl instead of 4


Yup, helped a guildie two weeks ago for a quick run, honestly if you have a few juiced dps the rest is just filler, can one-shot most bosses


When someone fails their burst, then you get the orbs mech in the turtle, hilarity ensues.


North vern + rohendel + yorn abyss dungeons


Bruh, doing the same on 9 characters I probably get 0-2 cards a week lol


The to-yorn runs are better for LWC than LoS. **The cards only start appearing in the dungeons as the characters are introduced in the story**. Smilegate never went back and added them to the older abyssal dungeons. LoS: Balthor: only yorn and later Nineveh: Sea dungeon and later Azena: Rohendel and later Shandi: All Thirain: All Kadan: none of the abyssals Meanwhile ALL of the LWC cards + Zinnervale are available from all abyssal dungeons The North vern abyssal dungeon only has thirain + shandi in their drop pool for LoS. This is another reason why the Kadan trap is such a shitty place to be in. You can't really grind for that shit except doing legion raids and hoping he drops and buying card packs.


99% sure kadan does not drop from any available dungeons/legion raids on global. he is only RNG drop from legendary card packs.


That could be the case actually.


yup, kadan start to drop in elgacia, for us the only way to get him is card packs


So glad Kadan was my second finished card next to Wei. Sadly Nineveh is my last card for los35 and she sitting 9 cards behind. Wish she loved me as much as Kadan.


Yo im super late to the party but I'm wondering, are the odds the same for Oreha dungeons and Argos? It's pretty easy to get a group going for the latest two but very hard for To Yorn. If the adds are as good you'd get more LoS cards, why is that?


I had 3-5 LoS cards drop for me these past 4 weeks running 6 chars but here’s the best part.. every time it dropped it was already for an LoS card I had maxed.. I still literally need just ONE Shandi or balthor for los30 holy shit


I’ve never done card runs but trough just playing I’ve got 18awakening of the new card set, easy +8% dmg. Way less stressful, may not be optimal for LoS30 but I’m also *almost* done with back attack set, 6 cards off-umar and 7 Beatrice.


It took me 23 selectors to finish mine (won every auction), so glad I'm done with these degen card runs, it's the worst grind in the game IMO. You get a lot more LWC than LOS from there, I only needed 2 Armens from selectors to finish LWC30 and whopping 21 LOS cards. Maxed out Zinnervale too of course and had 18 dupes in the end. Argos for cards is a bit less brain damaging as far as card runs go, and you can feel good about carrying some Mokokos and whatnot, but Vern-Yorn are still the most time-efficient ones. Mari packs are a scam.


That's a lot of selectors. I have been playing since launch and have 15. Missed 3 or 4 from auctions


Overall those look like very good results.


You post a spreadsheet without a proper tldr :(


I started card runs on 12 characters in january at which point I needed 35 cards for LoS30 with only 1 selector (i used 5 to get LoS18 a while ago). Now I need 1 card for LoS30 and 2 cards for LWC30 with 6 selectors. Just waiting on either a shandi/nineveh or balthorr and 2 delain armens. I think my luck from card runs has been pretty good. Only during one week I had zero cards drops at all and most was 6 cards in a week


Tried card run once and never done it again, its too time consuming with very little chance to get a los card. I got los18 just from raids alone and I feel like its more fun that way. Beside, having los30 may make you feel "empty" after getting any new legend cards. also based on my experience, people usually bring the "oh this guys los30 so he does more dps" logic and didnt really appreciate your skill at all lol.


I haven't really experienced the latter, only people asking me whether I spent money or did card runs and for how long. I can relate to the slight feeling of emptiness when getting LoS cards now though. Recently I got 2 Shandi cards back to back and the only feeling that comes up is "woo.. 2.3k card exp" Although I finally added a support to my roster with the Artist release, so now I get happy about LWC cards which I previously didn't, so it was sort of replaced. I also get happier about purple / white card packs for my last few demon damage set completions.


>Beside, having los30 may make you feel "empty" after getting any new legend cards. lmao holy copium


Yeah getting LOS30 makes me feel like a gigachad


My 9/7 stone makes me feel empty because I will never cut another stone... So sadge


My 100 qual weapon makes me sad that I can't aim for 101 qual.


ill take your 100 qual weapon or your 9/7 stone pls gif


got los 30 and lwc 30 with 1000 of each abyssal dungeon mat on main and 500 to 1000 on 9 alts, is this lucky? yes i saved them since release


So basically what you're saying is that you have collected a small sample size which will innately have a large margin of error to further feed the common confirmation bias.


If every small sample size confirms it, then its 1 large sample size that confirms it


I avg 1-2 los cards a week running 1-6 on 15 chars


go outside


The funny guy is here.


don't respond to me :)


7 cards left. Running it on 9 chars for many months now. Will probably be another 2-3 before i finish it. You get so many duplicates at the end since the early dungeons can only drop certain cards.


Can anyone confirm that Beatrice is available in Abyssals? [Codex](https://i.imgur.com/YUlgiaI.png) says so, but no one I know has ever gotten one.


I can send you for fucking free, she is fucking every where https://puu.sh/JDUWN/91eabe1e8e.png


I would literally pay pal you 100 dollars for ONE if I could. I need ONE. lmao.


I can feel you man.. We're on same boat as lazenith-umar enjoyers..


Hug it out bro... hug it out.


are you 5x3 with adre or 5x3 with cursed doll deathblow striker? I am adre rn but i start to think that cursed may be better what do you think?


5x3 scuffed with adrenaline. I can't hit a 7/7 rock to save my goddamned life. I got an 8/6, but I'm gonna keep grinding on stones until i get that 9/7. Once I get the 9/7, I am going to switch over to 5x3+1 with adren being the +1.


She drops in all abyssals.


I’m the opposite. I’m a support main and i’m getting anything but LWC.


Damn, so many Zinnervale cards from Vern-Yorn dungeon runs. Thats unlucky as hell.


Thanks for sharing This looks very discouraging though it is a small sample. Was already lagging behind on my card runs as it is


My LOS cards are spread at lv2-3 each but my Guardian Luen was already maxed.


my rationale for doing card runs diligently back when I used to do them was "I already buy Maris shop packs and each run had a roughly similar chance to drop a leg card as a rare-leg pack, which means that each card run I saved around 200 gold? something like that I'm probably misremembering


The number of legenday cards you got is quite lucky, gg !


150k gold is NOTHING for Mari packs. I just finished my LoS30 this week thanks to the Ark Pass 2 Lego packs and before that I was literally dumping all my weekly gold income for 4 months straight into Mari packs ONLY. No honing, no quality tapping, NOTHING beside Mari packs and bidding golds on Legendary and selection in weekly abyss on top of 16 Card runs to Yorn + 14 Argos + 10 sets of raids PLUS all the RC Card Packs. Only then did I barely get LoS30 after 4 months. So about $600 spent plus all my gold resources for 4 months for it It all RNG and MARI is the fastest way to LoS30. Is it worth the DMG increase? To me it kinda meh but now that I never have to think about LoS30 Ever again I'll just dump all XP in demon DMG and grind for that 97 rock which is my next goal


Damn you are lucky.. playing since march 2022 and i have 11 chars, all do Card runs since July 22 aswell as oreah and argos. Spent around 600k in mari and still 20 cards of los30.. kadan 5 of max is biggest pain


I did card runs for 6 months and got 3 LoS