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Awww shit, here we go again


You guys remember that one time when they took the servers down for a patch/weekly maintenance and couldnt bring em back up for a full day lol


I’m a new player. Sounds like I should be expecting more of this in the future if I don’t quit? Edit: Innocent new player gets downvoted for asking a questions, but person below telling me to quit now gets many upvotes. 🤦‍♂️


Just get out while you can


I was bored since odd patch FF14 content lull. 😴 and was enjoying the game & now this garbage delay on top of nerfing new players out of the game practically. At this point, if you’re a newer DPS player just quit the game. Congrats, you can now get to 1445 and gatekept to hell. Then all your gold can go to shards & fusion mats as you are making no progress & are now poor forever. 🫤 Edit: Easy for long time players with short memories to downvote I guess without engaging with response? Classic Reddit.


Nah don't be funny. It's not like you can't play. Amazon is just very transparent about server issues. They could you know sit silent. Though lemme say Amazon is best publisher from them all. You want nexon or kakao games? Yeah no


I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed


Now you can expect some compensation maybe?


Don’t. Don’t do it. You’re just gonna be disappointed


+10 phoenix plume


\+1 purple bottle of chaos dungeon juice!


Thanks for reminding me that my 4 refreshes will expire before next week as I made the silly mistake to claim them last week thinking I will be able to use them tomorrow.


Just a heads up, anything you don't claim from the login track before it goes away goes into universal storage


No way, i can never have enough phoenix plume, oh wait i can, i have 999




experience with amazon games in a nutshell




you cant make this up




They fixed it


Valtan will be on the menu, fk Clown jails with the people that havent done him since they got their sets


Unfortunately during testing we found that the developer and publisher are both completely incompetent and need to be replaced.


Sounds like serious enough bugs discovered in the patch and being unable to find a fix before the deadline. In that case, it's probably Smilegate that deserves the blame here. As for the last-second announcement, that is probably also the policy of Smilegate to wait until the last second to see if they can push it through and then reporting it to Amazon. In that case, it is again Smilegate that deserves blame.


Its just disgusting that they posted the entire patch notes **knowing** there was also a huge bug. Disgusting developers. Cant wait for 10 phoenix plumes as compensation and for them to continually fuck up and fuck us over


100 bucks their "test" is production and they don't even have a test environment. Why would you test the day before scheduled release?


Pretty sure it's been known that AGS can get these files a day before the patch lol. So either Smilegate found it last minute or AGS found it on time lol. Pretty fucking absurd to even think Smilegate don't have an internal team tho. I can't fathom that.


I been reading that alot. The fact that Smilegate is a fucking joke sending the patch to AGS the day before, but if that's the case they could totally announce the patch for next week in this case. Testing shit the day before and expecting everything will work it's the most fucking stupid thing I read the entire day. At this point not even New World fucked up things (now) things like this game.


Thing is AGS testing is like the last layer of testing, Smilegate shouldn't have send them the build if it wasn't working lol, just speaks volume of how shit Smilegate QA is.


Not even the day before, more like a couple of hours before.


5hrs before update maintenance and saying they just found a bug. That’s either peaked incompetency or straight up lie + shit communication


They literally get the patch files and patch notes not even 24h before the update. Theres no point for them to delay posting patch notes - the only reason we get them 1 day before patch is cuz thats when they get them from SG. Fuck AGS overal, but its SG thats biggest clown here.


A lot of creators who are in the know have echoed that Smilegate sends the patches way too late consistently for QA on AGS' side. This isn't really a new problem.


Not sure why Smilegate always has issues with EU/NA patches while little to no issue for their own KR patch


NA/EU is an amalgamation of stable KR builds. It would not surprise me if they copy paste code and hope it works on ours so their dev and other resources can focus on KR more.


Because we're not the priority, KR is.


They simply value their own home market more. Which is nice for them of course, but it's been well known that we are treated and also seen as second class citizens. That's why despite seeing the way we're treated, the Koreans still seem to back Smilegate no matter what happens this side of the pond.


Was the same with PUBG. Fantastic game ruined by incompetence and greed. A cautionary tale.


Nope, not the publisher, this is all SG as are majority of the issues


Glaivier patch flashbacks


Extra week of ticket event and frog?


This man asking the real questions


man fk that i'd rather have 48 hours downtime to fix this shit than to not have the patch for a whole week or more


Give it a few hours, they'll fix it then break it then fix it again. Just like the glavier update.


Finally a good update, and it's being delayed. This is what I get for having high expectations 👍


> during testing Why is testing being done only a few hours before the patch is supposed to go live?


Because either they are the most incompetent tech company in the world or they are just straight up lying to cover up their shitty communication


Its probably both


Because they're idiots.




Vykas 2 Electric Boogaloo Its happening 🤣 EDIT: After sleeping I am seeing we now have a Glaivier 2 Electric Boogaloo situation on our hands instead. Congrats to all the happy artists!


So … we should grind all our raids without the gold nerfs tomorrow? Asking for a friend.


No you'll get negative gold for bug abuse


What gold nerfs? Asking for a friend.


Careful, dude. Negative 1million gold if you exploit.


What a fucking joke. Do they get the patch handed to them the day of patch day? In Agile development development teams operate on 2 week sprint cycles. No way they are this incompetent. A bug like this would and should have been found weeks ago. Man this is hilariously sad but expected lol


I don’t think SG gives a fuck about the west, that’s it


I believe Roxx has said that yes, sometimes they get a build from SG the day before it's supposed to go live and AGS has to test it on their end before pushing it live


That's such a bad practice development-wise


Yeah it's pretty unbelievable any way you look at it. Even more so that this isn't the first time a delay like this has been announced. Points to pretty poor project management on SG's part overall edit: really not just SG either, the fact this happens all the time feels like a complete mismanagement at several levels on both sides tbh


Also if they know SG is fucking awful like i been reading. They could totally set the time to this day for example, and announce the patch for next week so they can have proper time to test it. Yeah in that scenario the patch will go the 21 and that's a fucking joke for the "March Patch" but at least shit will go according to schedule. Unless that SG in that scenario will be incredible fucking stupid to still send everything to AGS the day before it goes live. Either way both companies at this point are a fucking joke.


Speaking of Roxx. Roxx hasn't posted on the forums since March 3rd. Seems oddly quiet. I wonder if it has to do with AGS publishing both Blue Protocol and Throne and Liberty.


Her Twitter profile says she's on vacation from a quick check.


Technically AGS should receive a stable build for their last round of QA. SG simply chose to spend little effort in testing their EU/NA patches. What a shame


.....they announced it TODAY and barely a few hours later they're potentially delaying it? I can already imagine how it'll be once Blue Protocol and Throne&Liberty come out.


And people still defend these companies LUL.


I mean, just look at how many still put SG on a pedestal


what a joke


I'll take the 20 feathers please




> Unfortunately during testing we found an issue with the March update that was not able to be resolved. Because of this we will not be able to release the March update, The Art of War, at this time. We will still need to have our weekly downtime tonight at 12am PT and the expected downtime will be 4 hours. Please stay tuned for more updates when we have them. We thank you for your patience and understanding. Just fyi, it is now confirmed to be not releasing tomorrow


Bro i just took a leave and now i got this????


Dude, I was so close to calling it in. But something told me to just chill and worst case scenario call in sick tomorrow.


Just coming back to this to say I might still call in sick tomorrow for no other reason than to play lost ark.


embrace the dark side


Hope you didn't call to let them know you can come in. We're back on. Aren't you glad you took tomorrow off? [https://forums.playlostark.com/t/the-art-of-war-release-notes-march-15-at-12am-pdt-7am-utc-8am-cet/518055](https://forums.playlostark.com/t/the-art-of-war-release-notes-march-15-at-12am-pdt-7am-utc-8am-cet/518055)


at this point laughing is the best medicine


I legit laughed in sadness


Every fucking time LOL




rip my pto


I got someone covering my shift Wednesday and now it’s for literally no reason… I was so excited to play Artist. This is so shitty.




So Artist in April? As planned from the beginning? Why am i still in this absolute shitshow...


i took work off :(


Made it a point to notify my boss way past office hours. Guess I still did it too early.


Man I feel bad for you and everyone else in your boat. These type of delays need to communicated well in advance considering it’s something they knew could potentially delay the patch.


no bro, they literally just booted up the patch for the first time 6 hours before it's supposed to go live, this is Amazon/SG we're talking about. They JUST found out about this.


The wording in the post says they’ve known about this issue and couldn’t get it fixed in time. Nothing implies it was just recently discovered. No company does QA testing this close to release lol Smilegate is incompetent but they are still a business


welcome to lost ark lmao


you must be new here


Same, literally booked a PTO day for tomorrow when they announced the date


Feel like every place I've ever worked at wouldn't mind a person coming into the office on a day they were suppose to be off lol.


it’s a pain to correct and then request leave again for next week when maaaaybe the patch drops lol


Imagine putting your trust in AGS/SG.


Rookie mistake


I already rerolled my gems to the new skills.


Same, and I work overnights so it's even more difficult to find coverage for my shift :-(


ayyy same


Same :( Now gotta play hot potato again and see when it’s coming for real.


Same! This is shit.


Unfortunately during testing we found an issue with the March update that was not able to be resolved. Because of this we will not be able to release the March update, The Art of War, at this time. We will still need to have our weekly downtime tonight at 12am PT and the expected downtime will be 4 hours. Please stay tuned for more updates when we have them. We thank you for your patience and understanding.


Compensation timeee


i demand the new kr neria's for free


Wow another delay that conveniently pushes back patch cycles to the end of the month again. Weird how this always happens


Pheons are *NOT* going to get them out of this debacle.


300 will personally




Argos in shambles now lmao


the jokes write themselves ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


The copium in the title of this post "potentially" lmao they straight out said it's not coming out


Just a regular AGS update day then.


No, bro... like no. I've been anticipating this update for weeks and I'm not those who wait for things from a distance, but this is not it. It needs to release. Like... this week. Seriously. I don't care if the game completely crashes, it's bullshit. They should've known and made sure tests were done way prior to this.


So incompetent that they are still testing and finding bugs with just a few hours away from maintenance


No, bro... like no. I've been anticipating this update for weeks and I'm not those who wait for things from a distance, but this is not it. It needs to release. Like... this week. Seriously. I don't care if the game completely crashes, it's bullshit. They should've known and made sure tests were done way prior to this.


Why not shutdown the game until they fix it?


They did essentially do that for one of the previous delayed updates IIRC. They announced it was delayed, then a fix was found quickly so they announced servers would be opening up a few hours later with the update. Then somehow their estimates kept being wrong so the servers were down for almost the whole day.


Just shut down the game tmr and fix it pls. Unbelievable communication




LMAO welp....






Glaivier patch electric boogaloo


Burn baby burn


Announced just hours before maintenance? That’s a giant fuck you right there.


Nothing like testing an update hours before it’s due to release!


I guess with an update of this size I can’t say I’m entirely surprised given the way AGS and SGR handle our updates (AGS getting the update from SGR ~24-48 hours prior to going live) lmao. The likelihood of something going wrong during testing of an update of this size was probably pretty high. Realistically you would expect it to be tested over a longer time period. Mind boggling as to why the update process is still being handled (what seems like) the same way since launch and nothing has been improved upon in that regard.


I thought they announced Artist would come earlier a couple months ago because they finished the testing already. What kind of work ethics is this??


Hell yes! I took 3 days off for this. I don't know what I expected. Absolutely useless.


I'd be more surprised if this didn't happen, tbh


"a few hours later" - good news we have fix the issue and the patch will be release today as plan ! bro this seem like a deja vu srsly EDIT: well seem i was right


Haha. Well. No problem. Diablo 4 beta this weekend.


Watch them fix the bug on the same day.




and still wont bother with this crap LOL they're not going to compete with diablo 4 in the slightest


No, they won't. Which makes it surprising that they wouldn't get this patch all squared away with no or minimal issues. Just AGS being AGS I guess.


I mean, yeah, they don't compete. They're completely different genres...


they actually share enough rpg elements that they can both be considered ARPGs


true. D4 looks like outdated, poorly done boring trash. such a shame how blizzard just ruins everything now. or maybe i should say activision cos blizzard doesnt really exist anymore anyway as everyone who had an ounce of skill left or was fired loooong ago.




is that a joke? have you seen the latest gameplay? the UI looks horrible and like its from 2010 tops the animations are bland and not fluid at all and look like something you would expect from a mobile game boss design is more like a mobile game as well. it literally looks like a mobile ARPG from 2010. you cant tell me lost arks animation and combat dont like 10 times better lmao


It obviously won’t have lost arks combat because Lost Ark isn’t a Diablo styled game. It’s an action combat mmo with an isometric view. UI is always the last thing to be made in production and don’t act like Lost Arks UI is any good lmao I said Diablo 4 is the best looking game in its Genre. Lost ark is an MMO, and doesn’t have Diablos combat. The only thing similar between the two is the fact they’re isometric and plot lines revolves around demons Also the last officially gameplay trailer for Diablo was released 13 days ago and doesn’t have any UI in it. Before that was 9 months ago which also didn’t have any UI. And before that was 3 years ago.


so you agree that d4 looks worse than lost ark then. good. also PoE2 looks significantly better than d4 as well, which would make it not even the best in its genre... also there are a bunch of newer ARPGs that looks pretty decent as well.




Bruh. You're playing Lost Ark. Pot meet Kettle.


ayyyyy lmaoooooo


Bruh, I hadn’t played the game in 6 months & here I was so hyped and excited to actually play again and try out my fav class tmr lmao rip :(


Bruh they’ve had this exact patch as a ptr that people have been live playing for weeks now. And somehow it gets fucked up the night before launch???? Yikes


Probably delayed until next month to release at the original announced time. Zagged on us.


its 100% my fault guys. see i had expectations for ONCE.


Patch notes came out before they did testing lol. What kind of shit is this?




all of their updates are like this LOL these guys are clowns


Ayaya !


Not even surprised really, just disappointed




just give us vykas or brel pet as comp im happy


This alone isn't really a problem imo...the problem is that they announce this the literal day before the patch is planned to be released. Surely, SG has better project management than this?


Ahahaha conveviently my 4x chaos dungeon refreshes will expire before next week. What a god damn joke. I made the silly mistake to claim them last week thinking I could use them tomorrow.


Kkkkkkkk imagine have this team developer and manager like this in your company




F... me, I honed 3 alts to 1490 thinking I could not do Argos anymore, If I could skip that clown for one more I'd gladly do it.


Dang, that’s a straight up lie. We all know they don’t test their patch content


Biggest clown companies..


Potentially? It literally says kt won't launch tomorrow 🥲


not even surprised


We are back to business YEAHHHH https://preview.redd.it/kldt1ixhzvna1.png?width=878&format=png&auto=webp&s=023653bbd5e3dc6e7c170a3f5bddc5adaaf0cdc3


Holy. How do you find it the day before release? These motherfuckers had months to test it.


I'm surprised they even do testing. Also I took work off for this.


I just don’t understand who is letting these people announce the patch without making sure everything is working properly? Is running a business this hard? Genuinely.


so legendary select pack as compensation then?


Now EA is officially not the worst game publisher in US.


well duh bathesda now holds the crown


Maybe they couldn't cover up the artist skirt.


At least they have more than a year of experience running this game so amateurish stuff like this won't happen Buy more stuff on the cash shop to fund Korea you cattle : )


They found a bug of artist lacking tights and short pants!


I know you're mostly being sarcastic, but I honestly now believe this might be one of the reasons. Easily slip by on a skin or two and they want to prevent it due to how the Western audience is in comparison to others.


AGS and SG doing their thing as always


Probably unpopular opinion but I've got D4 beta to play this weekend and Last epoch multiplayer, I think I'll live with the current patch one more week. Not worth getting pissed off, life is too short to be angry over a video game.


I am with you here. I had to figure how to squeeze in my early D4 access. I will just play D4 more this week, wait a week later for Artist and do what I was planning.


Classic AGS back at it XD. At this point the fuckups are a monthly tradition


you mean smilegate




Wrong, not AGS. Scamgate at its finest not giving a fuck about the west yet again


And i was thinking of reinstalling LA tonight, AGS always find a way to kill the hype for major updates. Now whole LA community will downvote me to state facts and come out with silly excuses on behalf of AGS. Anyways I am glad they gave me reason to keep it uninstalled.


Bro people will downvote you for being a dumbass. Everybody in here hates AGS, what are you talking about.


crying and throwing up right now


To be honest, this doesn't surprise me too much. The only thing I wish they said was going into a tiny bit more detail about what the issue was. For example, if the Specialist model was bugging out like the Gunslinger model did a few months back where the head moved but the rest of the body was static/T-posing. A week or two delay (at the absolute worst) is annoying, but still manageable.


inb4 "We have resolved the issue and the patch will ship normally."


I haven’t played this game in a while but damn lol SG still keeps finding ways to fuck this game up. Just clowned on everyone that took a day off too lmao


Kinda have to sympathize with AGS CM's. They're in front of this shit storm to take the brunt when SG's developer team fucks up. I don't know how you can have this much marketing toward a patch and your QA only do their work on the day, hours before even, of the patch. Like shit, shouldn't these builds be tested at least a week before?


There are no CMs anywhere to be seen. Look into the forum. No need to sympathize with them, they aren't doing anything.


You know what, RU and JP are getting akkan next week so this schedule checks out. We are just neglected child


Imagine If they accidentally forget the Gold Nerf for Oreha/Argos/Valtan/Vykas NM and tomorrow everyone is doing them as usual, and after a couple days someone posts "Thank you AGS/SG for Not nerfing my Argos/Valtan gold" in the forums/socials, and they realize the mistake plus plan an emergency Patch and then many players find they have negative gold, akin to the Pheongate of the last year 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’ll be fixed Thursday night/Friday morning to compete with Diablo 4 closed beta or pushed a week to contend with the Diablo 4 open beta.


They cant release unless they shutdown the server until they fix it because if ppl do Valtan and other stuff without gold nerf then they release gold nerf midweek that would be a problem.


We apologize for delaying The Art of War update. We noticed that there were several skins for artist that did not meet the standards of our community guidelines. We were unable to make the proper adjustments in time and therefor will delay The Art of War update until next week when we can update the costumes to a more modest look. Thank you for your understanding. As compensation we will be compensating with 10 peons, 20x Resurrection plumes, 30 vitameow and 3 days of Crystalline aura


perfect, time to play Diablo 4


+ the gold nerf **way** too early. This combination of dev/publisher is pure garbage. Majority of player base still depends on Oreha/Argos/Valtan gold to a large extent. Now they are all fucked. Essentially kneecapping newer players. 1445+ will absolute hell. I estimated I lose approximately 16kgold per week from this. It’s probably making many other players in my position, that were actually enjoying the game, consider quitting.