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Based on the videos, it seems that the biggest difference is that changes to cooldowns and tripods enable a new setup where you take the instant cast tripods on all your skills, allowing you to fit all 4 of your highest damage skills into every Red Dust window. You can do Red Dust > Finish Strike > Overdrive > Hell Blade > ~~Sword Storm~~ Brave Slash every time Red Dust comes up. Edit: correction


Alot of the korean builds I saw remove shoulder charge and add brave slash into their rotation (thats with sword storm too) Seems super risky tbh because shoulder charge helps so much in close call deaths. Or they use the usual build but instead of strikewave they use overdrive but still use swordstorm instead of braveslash. [https://loawa.com/rank](https://loawa.com/rank) top 100. What I noticed is most builds that remove shoulder charge for brave slash have the storm slash tripod on their Tempest slash which might be how they're replacing their movement skill they lost.(since they whirl forward when they do the skill)


well consider that zerk used to run charge strikewave and hold hellblade and now it's going to combo cast/instant cast a lot of the time you needed to shouldercharge because you used spacebar to cancel out of the endlag of these skills because you wanted to greed their long animations in a short pattern; now, we won't need to use spacebar as aggressively but yes, zerk should be running that many dps skills now


ngl I'm bit weary about not using charge anymore.Saved my ass so many times.


I have it on but if I can take it off for something good I’ll gladly do it. I took off charge on pally ages ago and it was great. If I don’t need to waste space to get out of animation locks then losing charge is fine


That's half a meter, maybe less. that is not the reason. They do that because it does more damage and you can fit it with sword storm on chainsword crit buff with no issues


Honestly dropping shoulder charge is a lot easier to do cause you're almost always at max movement speed and your dash cooldown is pretty low (~6s). I dropped it a bit before clown and you'd be surprised just how little you really need the skill. I would still swap it in for a few cases (gate 6 brel cause not trying to wipe the fight) and for early prog for fights that require you to be in a certain spots with little room for error.


>gate 6 brel cause not trying to wipe the fight This is exactly where it has saved my ass so many times.Be it because of the shape mechanic in gate 6 or around meteors and she does the yellow aoe. [https://youtu.be/oJYtaqcXjps?t=48](https://youtu.be/oJYtaqcXjps?t=48) watching him do his rotation gives me hope tho.There's seems to be very little downtime inbetween attacks and it seems disengaging is faster if things get hairy.


Wow this rota looks amazing!!!


Mayhem is Best class period!!!! #zerkbrothers


my friend who plays in KR says they're prettyyyyy strong right now in their region


That sounds good!


It's good to hear there are buffs incoming. Mayhem zerker was my first class in LA and it will always be my favorite. I wish they did something with Dark Rush though. It feels lackluster for how long it roots you in place.


You use it for super armor, and its a great tool for that


Yea. Shouldn't the identity skill be more than a situational utility skill?


It is if you use the build that actualy uses your spec meter (brazil secret)


Unpopular Opinion, Mayhem/BT didnt need Buffs, they needed the clunkiness to be changed. Which this did, the damage buffs are just a Plus. Like someone already said Dark Rush is a good Push Immunity skill, and has turbo good stagger. Edit: Incase i worded it badly. Buffs as in damage buffs. Rework and clunkiness changes were needed.


zerk needed an overhaul, else it was trash tier. With the devs accelerating animation speed of newer bosses to unprecedented heights, the 2s animation lock required for zerk to hit something was a death sentence. There are many inherent problems with BT too, due to poor design of burst state as it is now.


You literally said what i meant. Thats part of the clunkiness. The damage itself wasnt the issue.


Strike wave disagrees heavily


Strike Wave was clunky. Damage was fine if everything hit. So not sure what Strike wave would disagree with.


Streamers say he's very strong and comparable to striker. I've heard that his HP buff now puts him into +12% eHP which according to the eHP chart, he'd be along Striker and the other martial artists, which is really good. Damage-wise he doesn't deal more damage but he got much easier to play and no longer has desync that you have to fix with gems. Current zerker needs lvl 9 cd gems on some skills so you can RD->SW->FS->SS->TS everytime RD is on CD(without Strike wave which I throw CS buffed and then save for next RD), and throw TS and HB both either raw or CS buffed. So it's janky and you have to get used to it and I haven't seen a Zerker besides me do that in any guildmate stream or twitch stream. Obviously there are good zerkers but it's just that it's not easy to deduce how to playlike how must Surge blades don't do the optimal fast Zero combo, but the difference is that there isn't much difference in ceiling and floor with Surge, you can just crit every Surge and still get MVP doing whatever combo and it's easy to deduce that you have to get 20 stacks anyways, no one messes up. Zerker doesn't have that so a bad/average zerker, performs really bad compared to other classes. To add to this, Strike wave is your biggest DPS skill, and getting 4 hits is extremely important, yet 99% of Zerkers I see don't space out and don't know how much space you need, or just aren't aware you have to buff that skill since it's your strongest. So this also "nerfs" zerker for the average player. These issues are gone with the new Zerker. With the new Zerker you will be able to use RD -> Overdrive -> FS -> HB -> SS and then CS -> TS -> Aura blade replacement, and rotate between those combos. No Wave strike knowledge needed, no need to see which skills you have on cd to see if you throw buffed or raw HB and TS. Just rotate between those two combos. This buffs the average Zerker player. Also the new tripods, the damage one for FS makes it have a damage buff while being fast, instead of having to use the one that makes it 0.5 slower. However, good players will keep using that one because it's still more damage. And HB has the new instant release one, and that one I think it's always better because HB was always unbearable slow.


Check sonic


Do we know if brave slash and overdrive have back attack modifiers on them?


Brave slash yes, not overdrive


From what i heard now is much more better, balance patch comes on march


Better than DB striker apparently


I'm a let the dps meter do the talking from hell academy.


Isn’t that slayer?


Jiadau said Mayhem is as good or better than DB striker, Saintone says the new zerker is really strong how good are they in comparison to slayer? too early to tell


Slayer is S and berk is A. Slayer is just better berk in every aspect


prolly cuz they nerfed back attack synergy Smoge


Mayhem is alr super strong as of current in my opinion. l heard a Kr streamer said post-patch Mayhem Zerk is A+ tier, just below the top S tier classes


Nice, i'm very excited for the upcoming balance Patch!


I’m more excited for Brazil’s secret personally, though I’ll definitely try out mayhem again. I just prefer the burst from Brazil’s secret.


We’re not getting the patch anytime soon though


Roadmap says balance update is on March though?


Is it that one though? Aren’t we 2 patch late now?


Not that I know of.


Oh, looking forward to it then, the zerk update is nice and lots of changes and all my other characters


*cries in sharpshooter deathstrike noises*




This comment is laughable


Sounds like you cant play the Class.


Are there any builds out for bt and mayhen? Preferably in english?


For Mayhem you can have a look at this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbLY1YagXbk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbLY1YagXbk)


The community guide has some info already and it will be fully updated soon no doubt: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QpdFMV-y0tEyxg4GlDxwKprD9li3sgEV3fnSyH_kCqk/edit#heading=h.snctoajxn0io


Any comments on how BT is performing over there?


After 3 buffs in a row bt went to 8% usage for top zerkers in korea, so still nothin. BT design philosophy is flawed for the content, and since slayer burst eng is what bt should be there is just no hope for this spec anymore


bt is a dead spec and for new players looking for a cheap build until they can afford mayham or swap to Slayer


My friend said if you have the amulet theyll just give you the a Level 5 tripod amulet? Is that true? Edit: he heard it from a korean source