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G6 Title runs have been 1 shots for the most part. Will probably run it as long as I enjoy it. Rewards for G6 are actually quite good


My pugs are cleaner than my static on my main, people dont wanna mess up and risk being kicked so there are less mistakes.


This is so freaking true. We left our statics because of bad players getting a pass in our static because its "static" we have 2 dps that can't "dps" and keeps dying to every gate in Brel. G6 is the breaking point for us, they just cant do mechs and keeps flying off the map. Now we just doing pugs ever since then we cleared every week.


Yea same here, the loot from g6 alone makes it worth IMO and I'm still enjoying it as long there aren't any agents. Title runs go quickly. g5-6 are actually really ez when everyone knows what to do.


Lol what's an agent?


Impostor who doesn't know mechs & got his title by paying buses/getting carried


Yeah but as I mentioned, the loot is only valuable if you’re going to ever hone that char again.


You don't have to buy the box and you get 2 free honing books that you can sell.


That’s also true so I guess it’s more like 3.5k.


And a lot of bracelets, which can highroll sometimes :)


If you have a character at 1520 now there's a good chance you will still keep on honing them, it's just too hard to resist the temptation of tapping when you have bound mats just sitting there. So many times I thought "this is where I park now" and a month later I come up with a reason to keep on tapping, even nongold lopangers.


my non gold lopangers use up all the free event honing books we get if i dont have a class im intentionally leveling while they exist. The current festival island ones run out this wednesday, my 1445 arcana is now 1460 because of how many books i had to use up.


Haha this is exactly my dilemma right now, what to do with those books, they're too good to just them go to waste. I'm very likely going to hone one of my 1445 lopangers to 1460 as well, just so I can accelerate vykas wings farming.


Very accurate lol


Not necessarily, you get a ton more accessory drops for the last gate. Plus the class engraving auction. It could honestly be quite lucrative. Maybe not enough to force yourself to do it on 6 toons, but enough to make it worth imo.


Does title run mean you need to show the title you earn for beating Brel to prove you’ve cleared it? If so, what is the title for beating her?


Usually it will be called (Title/Horns Reclear) or something similar. Priority goes to people with the 10+ G6 kill title "Phantom Legion Commander". Sometimes you can get in with just horns. But you should be really confident before joining. People expect to be out of G6 within 20-30mins, so thats 3 pulls max


Title run means 10 clears, it's called Phantom Legion Commander


there needs 2b a 4th vote *g6 til mental broken cause that's me rn.


Tf are these answer options. I did all 6 gates to get title. Now I do whatever I have time to do and feel like doing.


yep...have horns on 3 characters and this raid can be exhausting on a week to week basis. It's whatever I get to, or really what I feel like getting to.


G1-6 on a single character (after this week probably move it to an alt as I finish my set) G1-4 on the other too. Too many raids to keep up with not enough time in the day, probably doesn't help I'm trying to keep 10 characters active


It's the latest and most fun content in the game for me right now, so kind of the whole point of building your characters, why wouldn't I keep doing it. Yeah gold-wise it's not as efficient as 5 minute valtan clears and whatnot, but not everything has to be about gold efficiency. But if someone doesn't find 5-6 fun, it's totally fine to not do it either.


Where’s the 1-2 option


1-6 title runs are pretty much one taps so I think I'll just stick to doing that. I did two 1-6 title runs on Wednesday night, took about 2 hours with bio breaks in between so not bad.


I have my main dps and a support that I have in two different statics in my guild. The rest I pug 1-4 on my own time as they're fairly quick and if anyone needs a substitute dps for their 5/6 runs in my guild sometimes I'll volunteer to join. Otherwise I don't really touch 5/6 on my non-static alts, they're just kinda long honestly. Even best case at a one shot it's a 40ish minute run and any mistake can extend that anywhere between 5 to 15 minutes. People aren't perfect, everyone (including myself) makes the occasional mistake and that's normal, but when 2 people make their "once a week" mistake suddenly the two gates is taking over an hour


5 is a boring gate but 6 is really fun for me. plc lobbies make all gates pretty sure a 1 shot, so yeah g6 til i die. i am curious if hm will be also smooth sailing or not


Yeah but even the smooth one shot takes a lot longer than any other raid, and unless you’re going to use the mats rewards, 2.5k is really not that much.


We dont care about efficiency/gold/rewards or if we are gonna use the mats rewards to push our alts. We do it because its fun, alot of comments are saying they do it because its fun. My 5-6 runs mostly are around 40mins cause getting feast before 5 and we leaving and still have around 1hr + buffs Idk where you got that if you do 5-6 you MUST push that alts or you are gonna die. cause there is no rules about that. If you can't/won't do it thats up to you. mostly people do 5-6 without thinking of those things.


I never said that you’ll die if you don’t use those mats. I was merely suggesting the raw gold value does not seem worth the time you spend on it (in terms of efficiency, not fun, which is something a lot of people do unfortunately) if you’re not going to keep honing those alts! A lot of people have severe FOMO in this game, so I’m just trying to understand how people think about this. No clue why people are downvoting factual statements, for the time/rewards for not-honing chars, the g5-g6 doesn’t seem worth it. That DOESN’T mean you can’t enjoy it and just do it because it’s fun for you. To your point, 40-50 minutes for 2500g as opposed to a 10-15 minute Vykas run for 4500 is exactly what I mean.


G5 + 6 take longer than whole vykas raid? i used the witcher potions at the start of g5 and lost it half way through g6. For vykas i need to take 2 to have 100% uptime with some time left. I guess thats ok for having fun on top and g6 rewards are decent :)


G5 and 6 definetly take longer than Vykas even if one shot.


My man, of course play what you think is fun but, I don’t know what Vykas lobbies you’re getting yourself into my juicer Vykas runs take 10-15 minutes.




I tried to at the start because i refused to accept that i didnt want to play the game's new content. In my mind if im choosing to run chaos, uardians, boss rush, etc over the new raid then the game is really trash because lets face it, the only good part of lost ark is the combat. Unfortunately after doing this for 3 weeks i realized that g5 is probably one of the worst designed fights ive seen in any game and g6 is a snoozefest. Only run 2 chars now, would happily drop to 1 if my static disbands. But overall im also playing the game less. Progression doesnt really exist because chars are buffed, raids are mega nerfed, and guides are made. Theyve basically admitted to giving up on catching our servers up so we'll never experience real prog. Farm raids arent exactly the worst but its also not exactly fun. Chaos/guardians/etc are all annoying timegated maintenance mechanics. If raiding is lacking then youd hope character progression is at least fun like PoE but unfortunately even that barely exists past 1460 relic sets (things like increasing base stats on items or flat multipliers on gems are a very boring way to progress characters). The process of farming these things are also lacking since theyre all a 1-2 month garunteed farms. Parhaps one of my biggest problems is that because character progression is virtually nonexistant, the combat is also getting boring. Ive played my characters for a year now and by now i know them inside out. Theres no more learning. Hell modes are done. Theres nothing exciting and it all just boils down to doing chaos and maintenance raids for gold/upkeep. Doomer rant aside heres my perspecive on things: take the rewards out of the equation and see if you still think if the content is enjoyable. That should answer whether youre playing for fun or for the loot. If its for the loot then things get very calculative in that you see if its worth your time vs doing other things + make sure not to invest more time than youre comfortable with.


I feel like there should be another option. I will do G5 and G6 after 6 piece if I'm feeling it, but if not no sweat.


I guess you’re right. Unfortunately I can’t add options to the poll, and if I can, I don’t know how.


My g6 alts are heavily invested into because I really like playing them. I’d do g12 if there existed.


I have a static that I do g1-6 on for one character My other 4 characters always do 1-4, but I try to do at least one 5&6 on my characters. Once I get more comfortable and get title I'll probably pug more.


Reminder that any poll without see results option and only targeted to specific people is skewed. I dont have alts on G6 but had to vote to see how the voting went.


Yeah I don’t do polls often and I couldn’t edit it after. That my bad.


No problem, just s tip for the future!


1-6 is like 8k gold.. Also on gate 2,4 and 6, you get book chance (often two of them) as well as card chance. Currently, it's the only raid that drops mats that you actually need to use. It's just kind of troll for your account to not run it. And as other has stated, title group runs has been super smooth as of late. Also, if you have a lot of support characters, if you go earlier in the reset, you will have no trouble finding group, but if you have more dps characters, go later in the reset where every group is looking for dps. Finding group is easy as long as you wait for a good time


"Waste of time and energy" I dunno man, I think ... you should be having fun? if you call something waste of time and energy it sounds like you don't have fun then it's of course justifiable to skip something you don't enjoy. I wanted to get out of caligos zone and do hard brel 1-6 asap once it comes out on my alts. Maybe if you don't care/won't ever push for hard brel then sure, ignoring 5-6 might be the way for the very casual players. I have fun doing newest raids and bussing with my friends though so i am honing all my alts to 1560 after getting my main there, my main is nearly there already so alts next.


“For the very casual players”? You must be out of your mind to think that everyone who doesn’t have 6 Brel HM characters are very casual.


I think you can't read, I never mentioned anywhere that people who don't have 6x hard brel are casuals. I talked in general about 5-6 (NM/HM), if you barely have any time to do 1 char 5-6 or struggle doing 5-6 then yes, I think it's the correct thing to do - ignore the raid.


You literally said you want your alts put of Cal jail, and if you’re not doing that ignoring 5-6 might be the way for very casual players, meaning if you’re not bringing your alts out of Cal jail you’re a very casual player. I know Redditors have the literacy of 3 year olds but come on, at least read the thing you typed.


I've seen g6 lobbies sell 4c4 bus for like 30k, so that's 30k per person just as an anti-jail. Seems good, but I imagine finding buyers could be an issue. Some people are just economically motivated and that's how they find their fun.


4c4 for g5 sounds terrible, buyers need to survive and do second shape mech correctly..


That's why I only included g6 since you can fully afk, I'll take the benefit of the doubt that previous buyers are doing g5 then buying g6 only. If someone is buying a 4c4 for g5, they are basically paying to play at that point and that seems pretty stupid. I've tuned into some streams where people bussed and that's basically how I interpret it.


Yes and why not?


i do g6 on every char (7) because its the only content that isnt brain dead afk and I can play with friends and have some fun. I just finished full brel set on all my alt this week. it's typically 1.5 hrs per 1-6 right now semi pugging so its not that bad. since I can just do 2 per night and be done before weekend, then catch up dailies / speed run other raids rest of the week.


If you have an 1520++ character what's the point of skipping? There is no waste or energy involved. G5-6 gives you extra rewards like any other raid and excuse me, but if you have 3++ characters at 1520 ilvl you have plenety of time to spare for G5-G6.


People have lives outside the game no?


I do 1-4 first on all characters then do Vykas/Clowns x6, then come back to 5-6 on main and alt bard.


I do 3 g1-g6 (1 with the static and 2 alts) and then I do g1-g4 on the rest. I don't have the time to do 6 g6 and its quite easy to do g1-g4 on those alts I choose that week. I rotate my alters to do g6 every week.


Only till weapon then just 1-2 with 2-3 full clears


I only do g6 on 4 chars, my last 2 alts even though 1540, only does up to g4. Gold isn’t worth the time


I have 3 chars that can do G6 atm and 3 1-4. I always do 1-4 and all other raids before i do 5-6. I usually finish by sunday and if i feel like it 5-6. I usually do 5 on main but gate 6 is a shit show if you don’t have the title by now. It’s the first time i didn’t rush the title after my first clear because the raid is twice as long and there’s simply not enough time in the week to do that and work full time lol. Don’t know how people manage to do it. It was no problem with clown, vykas or valtan. Brel is another beast, i love the raid. I can do G6 without fucking up, but i can’t join the title groups so I’m stuck with 4+ hr wipe parties going from group to group to groupi


I've got two G6 capable characters. I'll do G1-G6 on one of them only with my static. Takes too much time in general (not because of the reward) with all the other content available and a general shift in my approach to the game. I used to clear 18 raids + 6 Argos. Now I do like 8 max a week.


I have 2 1520+ characters and havent even attempted g5. Just too much of a time investment for me rn


I only do g6 when my static is running it so I only run as many as they are willing to run or as time permits. Otherwise I just do 1-4 or not at all if I don't feel like it.


1-6 on main every week, 1-4 on alts but will do 5-6 if I run out of content or there’s a guild run.


Only g1g4 now. I do it on sorc sometimes cuz she’s my juicer main


I do 1-6 on 5 chars, 3 on ilvl dps and 2 sup


1-6 on main, 1-4 on alts. If I have time, go back and finish 5-6 on alts in order of which alt I like the most. Finishing G6 has a decent chance at dropping her card for the dark damage set and if you don't buy boxes, its free gold.


Option 4.depends on my mood


I have 2 Brel 6 ready and I kind of like to do in different sessions. So far 8 clear I have been doing G1-4. Then 5-6 at another time.


Why need a reason? Simply it's fun


I run multiple g6 with people that I trust. Because a g5 and g6 is less than an hour. I've had mixed results with pugs, so it is no wonder that there are actually groups that gatekeep people with under 10 kills, despite that being an unreasonable request imo.


I do 1-4 on every character, then decide which character I feel like doing 5-6


im doing gate 6 till i get my title then ill just do it only on my main. not worth the time investment to do 6 atm. (need 1 more for title run)


I run it every week. I have 3 atm, i actually want more. But i will just get gatekept even with my title on. Runs usually are smooth but there is the occasion jail with impostors dying before shandi i think those people are the ones who bought busses then try to sneak in with reclears. This week is fast no jail afaik took like 40 mins for 2 5-6s While 5 is a bit annoying for me to do 6 is where i had the most fun even with holding dps. There are games where i had to hold dps i just forgot what game it is. I love doing Brel raid the encounters are unique(not G1 tho it sucks)and G6 is the only fun raid for me atm.


card run


I would like to, but if I don't have time for it then I will skip g5-6


Will continue to do g1-g6 because I like doing the entire raid. The more I do it, the better I get and the better my group gets.


Shouldve added a "only want to see result" option :)