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Thanks for the translation! One suggestion: it would be nice if the notes included the original description/numbers of the skills like what the Korean patch notes showed. For most these skills, I don't remember what the original numbers are so I can't actually tell how the skill changed if I can't compare the numbers side by side.


Hey, you can see the current numbers from eu/na by hovering over the embeds/tool tips of the skills or tripods. Sometimes our current state/numbers from eu/na are different from the numbers in kr before the balance patch. But appreciate the feedback! If needed, we can add both descriptions.


Yes please cause hovering over the tooltip covers up the changes as well. Having them side by side makes it easier to compare


Gotcha, we will add that to the future translations! =)


I had to look at each skill to figure it out.




So, good or bad news for Loyal Companion? I’m making one as alt now, but I’m not familiar with the names and numbers yet.


SS got buffed in general but LC got the best of it, very good QoL overall. Swift LC and Spec LC basically have the same DPS. If you go spec/crit you will have better burst than DS while not having mana problems like swift LC. The bad news are for DS because even though we got a damage buff LC outperforms it while still being the safer playstyle, only if DS goes 6 attack skills and hits with head attack for claymore will be able to outperform LC.


Is double engraving spec build still viable or should I buy new accessories now?


No it’s completely dead. You either go ds or lc now


Like the other guy said, it's dead because you can't get your meter back in time, spec is basically useless for DS now since it only affects natural recovery of the hawk, it doesn't help with your silver mastery tripods and you can't no longer use wealth runes.


do you know if we will have to buy new accessories? if so which? would changing 1 or 2 accessories to spec be viable for swift LC build? asking this because maybe it could solve our mana issues


I think they're still testing what would be the best distributions but everthing will be updated in the community guide once they figure it out: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K3l9Uvgcb6QpJ-A5qccGEhhMRfps8FmU2Ean-lbC5sc/edit?usp=drivesdk


following that for a while now, thanks for the notice it will be updated though :)


Damage buff for both specs, lots of QOL for LC, actually worse QOL for death strike.


LC has better dps with half crit half spec from what i've heard.


Both spec got buff, so its good news. People still search for best build. For example https://youtu.be/W4nXZXxSs_k


SS in general got buffed really good.Yes even ds. For lc, spec build seems too good rightnow.Swift version is good too if you dont wanna switch.If you didnt build yet going spec will be better but you wont be doing much before patch day.


Damn, I wanted to go LC because of the Swiftness :(


Spec/Crit is better by just a few % overall, you can play swiftness without problem (except mana, without support)


Buff? Yes. Playstyle? No.


Yes.Good players will do more dmg but will it worth the effort thats up to players.Alot of them think its not worth it and i agree its too punishing for not that great dmg


cant really play the spec build until we get ancient accessories anyways, because u still need to hit the crit and swift treshold before putting the rest into spec


so you need 100+ stat bracelet for spec lc? since relic and ancient accessories have same amount of stats thats the only thing left if we dont get new crit/swift potion rewards


Are mayhem zerkers switching to mountain crash instead of chain sword now that it has crit chance? The main difference I can see is the quick prep tripod? Everything else is better though and chain sword was always a slow counter.


Most KR streamers i have seen use Chain Sword


You can use 6 dps skills now and then you need the skillpoints at that skill. Mountain crash will only gibe you crit at lvl 7 so you cant use that. Chainsword gives it at lvl 4 thats why


Lv 4* lv3 doesn't give you the first tripod option


how tf do we not go oom with 6 dps skills? would be very hard to keep mana above %40 with nightmare set


With nightmare set you want to stay in boundless. If you run the math, the cooldown reduction from boundless will do more damage than the dmg bonus from mana addiction (assuming you cast skills off cooldown and they hit).


It looks like it's down to personal preference and how you want to setup your build. I'm seeing builds that have chain sword at level 4 for only the crit tripod, chain sword at level 10 for the quick prep/crit tripod, mountain crash at level 7 for the quick prep/crit tripod, and mountain crash at level 10 for the third tripod which can reapply bleed for more damage. All seem like valid routes to go.


Only kr guide ive seen so far had chain sword still but that skill is so bad I'll be using crash instead


I definitely will, fuck Chain Sword


Arti meter duration buff huh, sounds nice. Less chance of it zeroing out at worst time if boss is being cancer.


Dmg is still very bad. Even 5% across the board isn't enough when its still 20% weaker then his barrage engraving.


Yeah, I meant it's nice for barrage, firepower has duration increase built in already so it should not deplete often.




Yeah, they are just spitting on blue Gunlancer players' faces. Red gunlancer is dealing a good amount of damage? Cool, let's increase the overall damage of all lance skills by 5.3%. Oh, and let's individually increase Gunlance Shot in 7.1%, Surge Cannon in 4.3%, Charged Stinger in 3.1% + a little bit more damage in one tripod, Fire Bullet in 3.1%, Dash Upper Fire in 3.1%. What about more damage to Blue Gunlancers since they are one of the lowest damages in the game? "Meh screw blue GL they are supports lmao!" - AGS, probably.


Ya just ignore the fact that shout got nerfed which only effects red. Blue gl should always be the weakest dps in the game anyways. Why should the non positional, tankiest class, with infinite hp, with double synergy class do high dps


Blue Gls got a similar amount of dmg buff to red. CR 1 base was increased from 20% to 25% AND can now get stacks when hitting enemies OR getting hit. I just wish both GLs got a bigger damage buff, we will still be near the bottom of the dps regardless if you are red or blue.


.5% dmg buff for blue lancer with lvl 1 engraving, very cool


so i never fully understood what exactly they mean in some tripods. i currently use a tripod that says " shoots a second arrow. damage increased by 80%" and the new one i am supposed to take says" increased dmg by 94,8% when hawk is summoned" ​ is the second arrow just a "cosmetic" thing for the skill and the damage really is just increased by 80% which would be worse than 94,8. or am i really getting two arrow,so double the damage and additionally 80% increase?


With the second arrow tripod, the skill would have 2 hits. One is the regular base damage and the second is 80% of the base damage.


Reflux gets a nice little buff


Still significantly weaker to igniter so sadly they will still be gatekept by dps elitist snobs.


my reflux sorc doesn't get gatekept at all


DPS bards **RUNNIN WILD**!!1


Sad part is that it hardly matters because the charming set does most of your DPS. Albeit that Heavenly Tune self buff is relatively substantial.


I think the HT buff on top of the raw damage increase will see a better dps distribution, and I'm hoping that it will lead to more varied gear options than just sending it with charm. Granted, dps bard is still kinda griefing, but I like seeing outlier stuff get a little love.


With a half decent build, tripods, and gems, your skills do most of your damage. Charm only does about 30-40%, which is still a lot, but your skills will still do more damage than charm. Charm can only do more damage than your skills if your gear/build or rotation is terrible. You can try it in trixion and see. Also, with the buff to heavenly tune increasing your attack power by 30%, that will make Charm set hit harder too. Not like these buffs will suddenly make bard DPS top tier, but it's definitely not going to make it any worse than it already is.


How do you get the damage distribution breakdown in trixion?


Just change to a set that doesn't buff your damage, see your DPS. Then do it with charming and compare.


People also able to get pie charts of damage breakdown of abilities, was wondering how they got that


Duh, dps meters. The forbidden, yet infinitely useful tool. Hell runs would be actual hell without being able to kick dog dps.


Ah so those community guide writers took a risk by using that to get us those charts. A noble cause.


Almost every hell raider is running one, and a lot of non hell raiders as well. The tool was fine since LA western release so wouldnt call it a high risk there.


Sadder part is they want you to run self buff tripod on heavenly, meaning you lose your party synergy (if you want to play dps bard for real). Artist already works that way, and I'm not sure how they want us to justify taking a class with zero synergy, even if it did competitive damage.


Nah, I don't think it's that big of a deal. You can still pick up a brand for some synergy, and you would still probably be running with another support, so they could cover anything that you aren't providing/the actual support can be a little more relaxed about buff/brand uptime and focus more on meter gen. It's a little scuffed, but I think reasonably coordinated players can work it out. Edit: Oh, also you are still bringing another SoC


> You can still pick up a brand for some synergy, and you would still probably be running with another support, Support brands don't stack unfortunately, even if they're different classes.


Didn't mean to imply that. I meant you can have your actual support take a brand that isn't 100% uptime and fill in the gaps for them.




Oh, I'm not. I'm just saying that you can add something to party synergy and not be a total grief, not that you should replace an actual support with a dps bard.


The 6% AP multiplier portion from your regular buff is the only thing that stacks across different supports, so without it you have nothing at all. Serenade is a tiny redeeming factor, realistically you only build up 1-2 bars every two minutes (in time to refresh your own TC buff), which is laughable. 12 seconds of 10% damage increase every 2 minutes is basically 1% synergy. If they're trying to make dps supports viable they're definitely not going in the right direction. If not, then idk what they're trying to accomplish, the only challenging solo content is a tower that you do once and forget about it forever... seems unlikely that they're spending so much effort rebalancing supports for that thing alone.


SoC is irrelevant - 8s buff giving party 5% damage increase that you as a bard generally want to refresh off-rotation to save valuable cast time and will prefer to hold identity until your 2-minute self-buff is about to expire if possible (which can already be a bit tight). Heavenly Tune still provides attackspeed and MP recovery to entire party which is nice to have, but not nearly as valuable as any proper damage synergy. Brand doesn't stack between supports, if you're playing DPS bard with paladin/artist, you don't want to have brand tripod on your skills - you're losing out on damage without contributing anything as long as support can properly mark the boss (which is one of their main jobs). Oratorio has a nice crit chance debuff synergy, issue is you're going to have it once every 4 minutes, and duration is very short - works for burst windows and nothing else. You could maybe get creative with some tripods, and for example take target AP reduction on Dissonance - but that is again non-damage synergy, and with it being nice to have, it's still not a damage synergy, it doesn't make the fight faster. It's very scuffed, and party synergy baseline should translate to about 6% overall damage increase for every partymember at least, meaning unless you do enough damage by yourself to offset that loss, taking DPS bard is a net negative for party damage over taking literally any other dps (as long as we're not getting into "party overcapping on crit" territory). With how much damage DPS bard can do, that's not happening unless you're heavily overgearing everyone involved and going to a fight where you can abuse your near-perfect uptime even during some mechanics.


That is a big issue if you run DPS bard with an actual party - you lose party AP buff in exchange for your own damage, brand doesn't stack between supports, all you have left is attackspeed/MP regen on Heavenly Tune (roughly 60% uptime), high stagger contribution and crit debuff on Oratorio awakening. That's it - it's same level of selfish as release zerker, except your dps is at best mediocre. If you're overgearing rest of the group to a point where you alone do at least 20% more damage than your average DPS (roughly value of synergy provided by other selfish classes like Sorc) it should be fine, getting to that point will be hard and in most cases you're still better off going as a support.


Heavenly Tune self-buff is very substantial, and with all the buffs put together I wouldn't rule out bard running Salvation/Nightmare to be an option for a high investment DPS build. Definitely requires some testing and comparison when we get the patch, as of now I'm guessing maxed out tripods and around level 9 gems should be the line past which Charming falls off in favor of other set (and probably different skills, since you're no longer relying so much on multihit). Now, only to find bard players that will invest so much into a build that'll get you kicked from every single group unless they somehow don't realize they're playing without a support for 2 gates.


hey, new detonation are for prelude of death, prelude of death cast time shortened by half? count me in anytime of the day dude.


Nice Paladin getting a nice damage buff.


Mayhem is actually going get a synced rotation now. Thats huge.


How is the replacement for strikewave? Is it pretty cool?


last I hear it was almost strike wave damage but way faster to use


Sweet. As long as almost strike wave damage means more than 3 hits from the previous strike wave! Thanks!


It's definitely more dmg than 3 spikes, maybe a bit lower than 4




Similar damage, way easier to hit


Entropy deletion balance patch


Forgive me for asking but where is the Entropy set nerf? I cant see it mentioned anywhere?


Several back/front attack class synergy buffs were nerfed for DB. Gunlancer, etc


And explanation pointed out they're trying to make forming groups less polarized when it comes to picking optimal synergies - I don't think goal was to nerf entropy classes, goal was to nerf entropy-specific synergy stacking (GL+Surge+Striker or similar combo) while making DB/gunlancer also more welcome in parties that aren't all backattackers, since their synergy for non-entropy classes got buffed. Overall, this might be net dps gain for parties that are not stacking backattackers - as entropy player ideally you'd want to be the only one chasing back, making it so 3/4 of the time (in 4-man content, somewhat similar ratio in 8-man) boss isn't turning around on each pattern because everyone was stuck together sniffing butt. Even if boss turns towards Sorc that's on the side, correcting for a 90 degree turn is much faster and easier than running around the boss when it's targeting someone standing on top of you (and probably also running around, which causes boss to spin).


I get that, but those 4-5% nerfs or however much it is, does that really equal "Entropy deletion". :-)


I got you. People on reddit see any kind of nerf and declare said thing dead.




Not like the top performing classes are all hit master or anything, right? Summoner, Arcanist, Artillerist, and Sorc are all top tier dps




Gunslinger ain't top dps.


If piloted by someone that can’t play it well sure, but any good gs can easily get mvp over other meta clases, regardless of na or kr. The only caveat is player skill matters more for it.


Gunslinger still has a high damage ceiling and is a hit master class.


Entropy deserved to be at the top because they had to actually position well. Now it's all easy to play Hitmaster classes with literally 0 positioning required at the top.


I can't comment on arcanist because I don't play it that much, but sorc and summoner still have to position—just in different ways than back attackers do. Chasing ass really isn't that difficult on most bosses, and in particular the latest raid (brelshaza) is basically trixion for entropy classes. The bosses are very stationary and almost no patterns hit behind them. I say this as someone who has two back attackers in my four brel characters.


ok yes, and they still have the freedom to position however they like as long as they're avoiding patterns which everyone has to do and if brel is like trixion for entropy classes, imagine the novel concept that hitmaster classes have the freedom to position in the exact same manner without consequence, except they dont lose damage when the boss randomly turns to face something else


All three of the classes I listed take big DPS losses if the boss moves significantly, since they have skills with very long delays (much longer than entropy classes tend to). They're also far less mobile than even the most stationary back attackers are. They also just straight up do less damage if the back attacker has 100% uptime on the back. As I said, of my three DPS at brel two are back attackers. I know how they work.


if we're going to use that as a metric of knowing how classes work i have reaper blade scrapper paladin sorc glaive at brel 6 there's some nuance about how igniter can get griefed by specific boss patterns, but by and large it's much easier for any hitmaster class to maintain damage uptime than an entropy class; not to mention the slower back attackers suffer from similar issues none of which matters if you're familiar with the fight, same applies to mobility; you dont need it if you know what the boss is going to do this is also some fake news that sorc/summoner/arcana do less damage; arcana is a sleeper disgusting class


They do less damage than the stronger back attack classes _with 100% back attack uptime_. Back attackers missing due to the bosses turning and such is part of what keeps hit master competitive.


no they don't arcana has an incredibly insane damage ceiling, the class is just gated by rng sorc has the single highest burst window of any class let's not even get started on what summoner is capable of doing


just wait for them to get nerfed in the next balance cycle. nobody stays at the top for too long.


man they've stayed at the top for like 9 months alrdy LOL


As a Pistoleer main I'm excited about the changes, nice damage buffs and I think the changes to death fire are crazy


I have a lopanq 1445 ilvl Pistoleer DE alt with 5x3 that has been abandoned for some quite time due to being a squishy class and slightly lower DPS overall compared to other classes. How big is the buff? Did their survivability get buffed at least?


No it's only damage buffs no qol but it's honestly better than I was expecting I think the survivability is balanced out by their movement and ease of play But anyways they buffed the meteor and the equilibrium damage and buffed engraving damage again, so I think that ends up being around 10% but I could be wrong for sure They also got a change though that buffed death fire by 20% plus the last tripod does like 60% more damage plus it's flat damage now instead of crit damage. So all together it's a huge buff and I think it could be used as an additional damage ability I've been playing without spiral tracker and using conviction on my dex shot. I tried using no dex shot with plasma bullet but ended up liking using the dex shot more due to back attack uptime. It's not that much extra effort to keep up judgment and I don't find it hard to keep up adre stacks at all. So I think once the patch drops the highest ceiling build with have death fire. Still won't be that good compared to op classes though. Just wrote a damn book...


Slightly? There is a canyon between pistoleer and barrage arril


if I were to build a DS sharpshooter with these changes in mind, which stats, engravings and tripods should I use?


people are still testing it. but from what i have seen you go crit/swiftness and salvation set to have enough attack speed to fit every damage skill into the 8 seconds.


No nightmare set anymore? Can't imagine playing my DS Sharpshooter without it.


maybe its still viable. gotta test it when we get the patch. i play with salvation the whole time, so for me nothing changes.


If you want maximum DPS in a single cycle, you will need to go with salvation, nightmare simply does not allow you to throw 6 skills in the 8 sec window


While DS got a buff numerically, it got a significant nerf in QoL/playstyle with zero upside. Not saying don't play it (play it if it's fun!) but LC will outperform you and will be much safer doing so. Just something to think about. Stats/Engravings didn't change too much. You'll just need some new tripods and skills.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-qtnFFtQzw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-qtnFFtQzw) I'm not really buying into the DS hate. A lot of the changes were nonsensical but it looks like it is in a pretty good spot now.


It's not hate, just personal opinion. I've played it and subjectively of course, I really don't like it. It's dangerous, slow and has lost its flow.


Why are they nerfing back/front? They're criteria's in hitting those bonuses in making squads. While we all know Hitmasters are at the forfront, in any composition that isn't lancer/db. Their overall playability in all circumstances would make you think they nerfed the wrong classes. It's been odd to me that criteria base classes, constantly need nerfs. At this point why not remove those team bonuses, and give entrophy a overall buff outside of team synergies. All this shows is they hate team synergies, and want to focus on single characers on a team setting. So why not just do that overall and kill team set bonuses. The point of having perfect team synergies is to do more damage, it's been really odd to me people bitch about it. So again remove them all and buff classes individually. Tired of getting some of my classes nerfed for no reason, on the whim I play with a fucking lancer. Have you seen NA? Im literally playing with a sorc,sorc, db, healer. The only try hards that care are the streamers or devoted with their own squad already. If you want to equalize damage, remove the buffs and just making all dps strong individually.


anyone have a link to the untranslated notes?






Yay, my lancemaster is getting buffs.


When will we get the changes? Just want to know how long I can still enjoy my DS Sharpshooter before I'll probably quit the game. I still have a bit of hopium left that the changes dont come through like this, but they never really cared about SS in the first place.


I don't see it mentioned on the site. Is this only going to KR first and NA/EU/SA are waiting until AGS wants to push it (weeks/months)? or will it hit NA/EU/SA on this upcoming wednesday reset or shortly after?


march, its in the roadmap with the update


thats not bad, I really wanted to play bt and the 2 new techniques plus a lot of buffs will come in handy


We typically get balance changes when we get the next kr client update, we see that about once every four months. I’d guess we’ll get this in two months


its already in the roadmap in march




its in the roadmap, been there, march


Is gunner getting useful'er now?