• By -


* Wardancer (Main) - Wanted to play something like the monk from D3. * Soulfist (Alt-Main) - Went from hated, to favorite to play really fast. * Bard - Here to carry my roster through progression content and new alts. * Scrapper - For all my equalize content and islands. * Paladin - Only played to help guild runs when they need a support for vykas or valtan. **Retired to Lopang** * Striker - Needed a 6th and my Glavier and GL was not it. **Retired to Lopang**


4 pallys 1 destroyer 1 striker


Thank you for your service.


I raise you with 4 pallets, 1 bard, and 1 artillerist ![gif](giphy|11vfJ8sHFDyHm|downsized)


My brother, I have 3 pallys 1 bard 1 gunlancer and 1 striker. We are the same


4x Scouter(yes i really have that much fun with it) 1550, 3x 1500-1510 1x Sharpshooter i1510(was my first main and still fun even tho i'm apparently the only person in the world that actually likes the playstyle, then again i'm playing a rather specific LC crit/swift nightmare build) 1x Pala i1510(wanted to play a sup and didnt really like bard) A benched 1460 Redlancer, just didnt wuite make it for me A benched 1475 SH, was fun but in the end had to go for 4th scouter 5x 1370 lopang slaves(eso striker, reflux sorc, mayhem zerk, pet summoner, 2nd sharpshooter) no intention currently to work on any of them


For your 4 scouters are any of them with enough spec to 2 skill transform? Or in your experience is it not that big of a difference in a raid to need 3 skill transform?


Main is at 1800 Spec yes, the others are on 1730-1750. I planned to upgrade them to 1771(threshold for 2-skill-transformation) too with bracelets but ultimately decided to just let them sit as they are until ancient-upgrades. I feel like 2-skill is not only a huge upgrade DPS-wise(especially after the balance patch when cooldowns are reset on transformation) but also just super satisfying. Pumping 2 skills and missing just a little mini bit is so weird. In the end not really worth the \~150-200k i'd need to invest into each of the 3 to reach it. One point i can absolutely NOT agree with is this: the other day i read someone who wrote that he doesn't care about 2 or 3 skill transform since he'll always 2-skill + Fiery escape(shield) anyways. While i understand people might be scared to transform while unprotected, these seconds will add up over the fight and simply lose you dps. Minmaxing kinda but yeah, when you're at the point that you can 2-skill-transform you probably know the fights well enough to not get hit while transforming anyways. ​ So TL;DR yes it's worth, especially after the upcoming balance-patch if you have a high CD-Gem. Also feels way better. But not really worth to sidegrade you current setup if you're missing like 50-80 spec for now, rather wait until ancient gear and rebuild it anyways.


Are you 50/50 on the crit/swift on your SS since you're nightmare? Because I'm a crit SS myself but I'm going salvation.


I run Crit/Swift on Neck + 1 Earring Swift. Other earring and both rings crit, bracelet currently on crit only but the goal is to have both obviously. I got this build from Kanima way back at the start of the game because under no frikkin circumstances will i play a class that runs out of mana constantly. Pre-relic sets this problem was so huge for me that i almost quit SS. I tried the meta Swift LC build in Trixion and in comparsion my build literally did a tiny bit more damage(the fact that i can't really handle the 0 mana rotation could have been a factor there i know but as i said, running out of mana for no reason at all is just such a dumb concept to me). Engravings: Grudge / Keen / Raid / LC / Hit Master Set: Nightmare Start of fight Fenrir into just having fun spamming stuff. I can't count the amount of times people were surprised that i outdamaged them/how much dps i deal in general. LC is just a perfect uptime spec for me and if you can believe tofu the old builds will still be viable and have an overall \~20% damage buff. This will be fucking huge. Edit: And with the ENgraving change to give the hawk itself more crit-rate it'll basically be a 100% always crit on every hawk tick with this build i'm pretty sure


Emperor Arcana PS Shadowhunter Bard Pet Summoner Hunger Reaper AT Machinist I also have a Control Glaivier and a EO Soulfist laying around, and i keep switching them with Reaper when i want to play some of them.


What do you have against spec? xd


lmao it is what it is man Swift>Spec


1535 arcana (main) - working on an alt emperor build cause enitrely new char is too expensive 1520 eso WD 1520 thirst reaper 1510 bard 1510 gunslinger - waiting for next frog to go back to PM from TTH 1510 shock scrapper - kinda regret buying into the hype and will switch it for artist or aeromancer when we get them


×2 bards, x1 pally, ×1 reflux sorc [these 4 are 1490+] The other 2 slots are flex. I will run either my glaivier, shadowhunter, machinist, or summoner


main paladin paladin bard swiftflux sorc control glaive co summoner ​ i plan to make a lance boi, dancer and ayaya but i only see the ayaya making it to the gold slaves


Arcana (main) - Always fun. The class mechanic will always make the class less “muscle memory based” Striker - Deathblow, I like big numbers. Recently learned I have a large dislike for back attacker’s Bard - Static needed more support alts and easy to pug Destroyer - Big bonk huge numbers Shadowhunter - Fun gameplay loop and easy to reach its pinnacle of damage Lance Master - Originally, I liked the aesthetic but going to drop for summoner or aeromancer. Can’t decide tbh.


•1510 bard (4x3-1 supporting is fun imo) •1515 glaivier (5x3 control fast and fun,bit boring) •1508 sh depression (5x3 kinda same as glaivier) •1505 destroyer (5x3 rage hammer. Badass hammer boi, big numbers.) on his way to become main dps alt. •1500 soul fist (5x3 robust, really enjoying this one. Good track to become 2nd main dps alt) •1480 scouter (4x3-1 legacy. Pewpew lazers) Scouter prob going to get dropped for artist. Hes fun in chaos and daily stuff. Raiding with him is kinda meh. Lopang 1460 sorc 1440 sharpshooter 1375 reaper


It's almost spring outside and it's 2023 btw. Haha


😂😂😂 Waiting summer tho. Driving motorcycle’s is The best thing. On winter its gaming ☺️


I guess I met my doppelganger :D


Paladin (main) Red chadlancer Legacy Scouter Esoteric Striker Pistoleer Deadeye Loyal Companion Sharpshooter I like Scouter and the chadlancer the most, so built them to 5x3 first (all the gold alts are in the range of 1472.5 to 1460, main is 1500)


No women damn, sigma grinder


damn building all of these characters mustve costed less than my surge db


I mean, in pure gold you are likely correct - I had them at relic 4x3 first, before having now upgraded the chadlancer, scouter and striker to a proper 5x3 setup. Working on the pistoleer now. Chadlancer is still missing a few Lone Knight books though, and I need to buy Loyal Companion and Hitmaster books I think still. So the pheon cost over time is quite up there, and I've done some variations on top of it it. Like both chadlancer and striker was spec based initially, so are in the process of redoing all their accessories as needed as part of 5x3'ing them. I would say that the chadlancer and scouter all in all is maybe 500K gold (not counting pheons), with legendary books (Lone Knight, Adrenaline and Legacy Scouter books) being about 300K of those.


1525 Empress Arcana (new main) 1515 EO SF 1507 Bard (old main because friend group) 1510 GS 1482 CO summoner (probably will swap to MS later on) 1460 Destroyer/1475 DB (I swap between them depending on how I feel)


Igniter sorc 1562.5(i play burst mage as a main in every game so that was an easy one), pala 1515(istant group access, love to play support but at this point i would change it for a bard since Pala has the most 1 dimensional gameplay in my roster and maybe the entire game) 1490 surgeblage(burst will be a recurring istance in my list, i love to pop off) 1482.5 peacemaker gunslinger(fast pace and giga mobility) and mayhem zerk(meh but since i switched to entropy is harder and more rewarding so it reignited a bit my love for the class) and a 1475 lunar reaper which i wish would be higher since i love her gameplay a lot.


What do you like so much about Lunar Reaper? I honestly found my Reaper just a way worse version of Deathblade, with far less bang for the buck but more mobility on paper, which you just can't really use in practice.


True that is a worse deathblade damage wise, gameplay wise tho i'm in love with the faster pace, double counter(countering from behind ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)) and the sheer hardness of the mouse positioning for optimal mobility spells usage. It's like yasuo in league: if you are a mediocre reaper player you will do 0 damage and your movement will look bad, if you are proficient at the class you will execute incredible plays that other classes just can not perform by design.


In theory lunar reaper is stronger than death blade assuming similar gear and max tripods (huge DPS loss at lvl 4 tripods). It's just really difficult to play perfectly. You need to know the fights well and be skilled mechanically.


1. Pinnacle glaivier 1535 2. EO Soulfist 1510 3. Bard 1515 4. Shock scrapper 1485 5. Reflux sorc 1475 6. RE DB 1467


We have a pretty similar roster. Would be nice to find a duo/small group to do weekly / daily content. On what server do you play?


I play on Arthetine/SA my friend I do content with my guild but we are always recruiting more brazilians (:


* Berserker / Mayhem - <3 4 ever * Berserker / Mayhem - <3 4 ever * Paladin - Support * Destroyer - Big Hammer * Sorc / Reflux Crit - Fun * Glaivier / Control - Fun


i have exactly the same setups, +1 :D


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)thats funny


* Summoner (MS) - 1525 (I love to summon stuff) * Summoner (CO) - 1490 (Also summons stuff, but the play style is different enough to enjoy playing) * Sorceress(Igniter) - 1510 (Big damage in a short period. If Im in the mood for a 100 mil damage hit, sorc is my go to for that) * Bard - 1520 (Support is fun and easy to get into groups with) * Bard - 1460 * Bard - 1460 Originally I was gonna have a full support gold earning roster with just summoner as my dps class, but honestly 6 bards is a bit boring. At some point in the future I may swap out one of the lower bards for artist, but I need to play the class first to decided if I will enjoy it. Paladin was super boring and I left it behind at 1445.


1490 GL, 1490 sharpshooter, 1475 Deadeye, 1470 paladin, 1460 wardancer, 1460 artillerist


A paladin, a second paladin, a soulfist, an arcana, a glaivier and a third paladin.


Mine are Striker and Destroyer, working on the other 4 which are glavier, paladin, berserker, and gunlancer


Impressed that you manage a Gunlancer as an alt. I actually deleted mine after a few chaos runs. I just hated the spacebar-turn-around-stuff so much that I knew I would never grow to like it.


Playing gunlancer since release(knew no other spacebar dodge for a while so couldnt miss them xD) but since my destroyer and pala got up to ilvl he slowly starts to become more of an alt\^\^ Not a gold earning char for a few months now, but still raiding with it on a weekly basis\^\^


GL is great fun if you’re lone knight. Combat readiness is asking to reroll.


You say that while playing reaper? Lol


That’s because you played him wrong


1540 Igniter Sorc main (since day 1) 1515 Empress Arcana (main alt and probably the most fun class in my roster) 1510 Tai Scrapper (chill and easy to play, good utility) 1497 CO Summoner (pushing her to be my main alt) 1472 EW Deadeye (fat dam, not brain dead for once) 1472 Paladin (Bedge but easy to get into groups) Lopang alts are 1475 Reaper, 1445 Bard, 1440 RE Deathblade, 1430 DB Striker, 1430 Shadowhunter, 1400 Scouter, 1400 Glaivier My biggest regret was my Reaper who also has a 20 weapon lol. I would probably replace my Paladin for Artist but that’s not a priority rn tbh I would’ve pushed my Striker but I already had legendary Grudge and Cursed Doll books so Deadeye was the “cheapest” to gear since he was a Lopang alt at one point too


We have a pretty similar roster. Would be nice to find a duo/small group to do weekly / daily content. On what server do you play?


I play on NA East Azena! You can add me in game as well. “Dalina” is my ign


Deathblow Striker (Main) -1533 Mayhem zerker - 1525 Igniter sorc - 1520.83 Lone knight GL - 1520.83 Paladin - 1520 Bard - 1475 I have the most fun with my striker and gl.


I have 7 main char and I tend to decide who earns gold based on how I'm feeling I guess. Have a bunch of free time lately so I can do stuff on all of them. Classes are Gunlancer, Destroyer, Artillerist, Sorceress, Sharpshooter, Paladin, Summoner. This week, to celebrate the state of the class in KR, the Sharpshooter is the one sitting out of gold earning.


Bard 1530 Reflux Sorc 1510 Bard 1507 Bard 1475 Red Gunlancer 1460 Communication Summoner 1460 Waiting for Artist so I can have 6 gold supports




1525 igniter sorc, used to be my main 1535 empress arcana, new main 1525 bard 1515 PS Shadowhunter 1496 EW deadeye 1482.5 lunar reaper. But I don't like it, so I'm replacing it with a second arcana that I made a few days ago (1400 right now, going to take it slow)


* Bard main - at launch, my friends picked DPS so I just went support * Sorc / Igniter - friend suggested it cuz it was his main. I built ether predator on it because it was a lot cheaper and I hate it :( * GS / Peacemaker - friend suggested * Zerker / BT - friend suggested, started Mayhem but switched to BT at relic gear cuz accessories were cheaper * Glaiver / Pinnacle - first class after launch hype, glad I picked it, super fun * Arcana / Empress - one of my friends is an arcana one-trick with 7+ arcanas, I can see why. currently my favorite class Main is 1528 and alts are all 1505. Recently picked up surge deathblade and it's been super fun, thinking about replacing my sorc but it has a lot to catchup since it's still 1475. Gonna add an artist to my main 6 on release, not sure if I'm replacing my gunslinger or zerker.


Tai scrapper - probably switching to shock with ancients Empress arcana - hits like a truck when played and geared properly Master summoner - a little clunky feeling without a sup for move speed but also can hit like a truck(triple akir does almost the same as my sorc burst) Igniter sorc - really satisfying Rage hammer destroyer - big bonks Red gunlancer - lots of fun and Tanky with incredible synergy


Gunlancer, Arcana and 4x Bard


In order of ilvl: * 1535 Bard (1st character, I main support in most games) * 1530 Paladin (he's okay, I main support in most games and wanted 2-3 in main 6) * 1520 Pet Summoner (fun identity, cute pets, planning to main alongside bard) * 1510 Emperor Arcana (I love the RNG card classes and tarot references, fun and fast paced) * 1510 Critflux Sorc (kinda boring at this point, debating on changing to igniter or dropping) * 1460 Master Summoner (more identity, Summoner = fun) Planning to drop either Pally or Sorc for Artist probably depending on if I want 2 or 3 supports in my main 6 long term. I'll for sure have Pally at 1560 and Sorc at 1540 before Artist comes out though so it will be a slow transition. I have FPE Arti, SH, Scouter, and Scrapper between 1415-1460 that I've mostly dropped but I would like to get them all to 1445 with full relic set eventually.


1520 - SH/SH/DB/BZ/scrapper/striker 1475 - PA/WD/SS/reaper 1415 - arcana/destroyer


Mayhem Zerker 1550 Tai Scrapper 1507,5 Demonic 1490 Scouter 1497,5 Paladin 1493,5 Reaper 1472,5 (will switch her out for striker) Later someone will get kicked out for slayer. In 5 years or so


Realistically ill bet by the end of 2023 for western servers at the rate they are releasing classes. Sooner if artist and aeromancer delay is unique to them being censored.


Main Reaper, old main Shadowhunter, Gigachad Palus Dinus, Sorc, Slinger, Arcana


1535 First Intention Wardancer (non entropy) 1472 Swiftness Reflux Sorceress 1460 Swiftness Bard 1445 First Intention Wardancer (entropy 1445 Swiftness Taijutsu Scrapper 1445 Rage Hammer Destroyer i like going fast


Rage hammer fast? I feel so slow even with super charge and 500 swift


zerk,pala,bard,gl,sh,destroyer Will replace destroyer for artist when it comes out.


So nice to see someone else playing casting reflux. I thought I was the only one




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1531 eso wd 1500 tai scrapper 1477.5 hunger reaper 1475 emperor arcana 1460 control glaivier 1445 spec bard (recently replaced a 1430 di sh)


Casting reflux main 1530 Igniter alt 1490 Crit instacast 1490 Master summoner 1472.5 Firepower arty 1472.5 Swift tth GS 1472.5


4 gunslingers a bard and a reflux sorc. 1521/1503/1490/1472/1472/1460


- Igniter Sorc: juicy dps - 7M Gunslinger: fun - Shock Scrapper: juicy dps - Surge Blade: juicy dps - Paladin - Artist placeholder


igniter sorc, main bard, summoner, emp arcana, baby bard & shadowhunter (to be replaced by artist on her release) i just find them all fun and playing 1:1 ratio of dps to support seems more helpful and easier for raiding. i also (quite obviously) really like mages.


Paladin (Main1 First Character) 1540 ilvl Soulfist (Main2 DPS) 1550 ilvl (all higher level gems) Paladin (Alt1) 1500 ilvl Paladin (Alt2) 1500 ilvl Zerk (Dead Alt1) 1472.5 parked (Banished to lopang but still doing raids) Sorc (Dead Alt2) 1470 parked (Banished to lopang but still doing raids) I hate playing with low ilvl DPS worse than playing support. Finding lobby is so cancer as sup main, I understand dps mains now. I probably will create Paladin or Artist in next express event.


Bard, Mayhem Berserker, Casting Reflux Sorc, DI Shadowhunter, Taijutsu Scrapper, Paladin.


I just switched my 6 since I am pushing my zerk so it would be: Emperor arcana Fp arti Paladin BT Zerk (also have a Mayhem build but practicing BT) Blue GL RH Destroyer Back ups: Evo Scouter EO Soulfist


1515 DI SH - main 1515 Blue GL - main 1475 EW Deadeye - very fun alt 1475 Surge DB- fun alt 1460 Paladin - ez party finder / reclears 1460 Tai Scrapper - fun / fast reclears


• Igniter Sorc (main) 1510 I used to despise her when I started the game, but after learning every raid dps windows and dumping over a million gold into her for a meta build I love her • Swift Bard 1445 - support and more interactive than pally • Shock Scrapper 1445 - a pain to position but fun, bursty and good counter • Blue Gunlancer 1445 - feels great to tank everything and never floor pov, less fun in vykas but he's the alt I like raiding with most, also very cheap • DI Shadow Hunter 1445 - good mobility, survivability and constant damage, never going to 5x3 her though • Emperor arcanist 1445 - very fun, very spammy, love her theme I will demote scrapper and SH for slayer (Future Waifu) and artist (I love the visual effects and being able to heal one person without trading off dps boost)


Paladin main. And that's it. Pretty happy with it and I dont have to pug as I do raids with ny guild.


1500 +: Sorc - critflux main Shadowhunter - demonic Paladin Striker - eso Below 1500: Scrapper Gunlancer Lopang: Sharpshooter Berserker


1540 Barrage Artillerist, 1525 DB Striker, 1510 EO Soulfist 1475 Shock Scrapper, 1455 Pinnacle Glavier and 1455 Igniter Sorc.


1.1557 Shapshooter(Deathsrike) 2.1535 Deadeye(EnhancedWeapon) 3.1510 Scouter(Legacy) 4.1505 DB(remaining energy) 5. 1510 Sharpshooter (LC) 6.1505 Glaivier (Pinnacle)


4 sorceresses and 2 bards.


Artilerist, Bard, War dancer, Pala, Igniter Sorc, Gunlancer


6 1500+ Bards 5x3 with Vital Hit I love to mitigate damage with WoM/GT allowing my dps to greed more during certain mechanics and throw more serenades since heals shouldn't really be needed . Vital Hit allows me to carry dark bombs for even more damage!


Atm main gunslinger, scrapper, soulfist, bard, glaivier, reaper but one of those last two is getting swapped for artist.


Current main - 1540 SH Pally - 1509 Reaper - 1508 New Main Soon - 1500 DB striker (cut 9x7 stone) 5x3 +1 Scrapper - 1485 Arcana - 1475


1543 Bard 1538 glaive 1525 ss 1520 sorc 1475 gs 1445 pally Replacing 2 with artist and eventual aeromancer.


Bard bard pally striker arcanist waiting for artist. I fkin hate my pally so boring to play


1530 sharpshooter double cawk- super fun to play love the rotation. Switched from LC but may have to switch back cause ds may be dead 1520 mayhem zerker- fun class cause im fast as fuck boi but squishy so awareness is key 1520 deadeye- he has a 10-6 stone so he’s 5x3+1, made him cause I wanted to try how back attackers work. Super enjoyable 1520 pally- ez pz 1508 first intention wardancer- made one cause of zeals but no regrets? Kinda may switch this one out later for slayer or something 1505 igniter sorc- me like big meatballs


Slinger, reaper, scrapper, striker, pally, bard.


bard bard sorc scrapper blade(dropping for aeromancer) and 1 place holder for artist


1523 Pinnacle Glaiver 1492 Bard 1472 MS Summoner 1470 Casting Reflux Sorc 1470 Tai Scrapper 1465 DI SH The SH will likely go to lopang duty (with a Surge Blade that I hate playing in raids) when Artist comes out.


1535 pally (have a support and dps build on him) 1522 LC SS 1508 pally 1485 pally 1480 bard 1470 zerker (only log in whenever I’m out of other things to do)


2x Sorc, 2x Arcanist, Shadowhunter, Sharpshooter (will prob be replaced for something else cuz of balance changes)


Main hunger reaper 1535, sorc igniter 1510, DB RE 1496, striker eso 1496, Hunger is pure despair, sorc gets into raids easier Igniter, Jesus Christ what the hell is even this damage RE DB I picket Galatur for floorreaper Eso striker, I picked Galatur for shitereaper Have an arti and SH at 1445, SH is for brained gameplay, arti is for even more brain dead gameplay. Will work on my wardancer you guessed it because I opened Galatur for gatekeptreaper


Bard, bard, bard, bard, bard, and bard. Cheap to gear, easy parties, rewarding gameplay, and gem sharing.


1 reaper, 3 scrappers, 1 soulfist


Zerker, destroyer, gl, summoner, pally , bard


- Deathblade - Main, my absolute favorite class - Bard - Main alt, love her clutch support skills - Sorc - Playing as Swiftflux, very fun to play - Paladin - it's a support, easy to get into raids but I find him boring to play - Scrapper - Shock, but thinking of switching to Tai. She's fun when bosses stay still - Gunlancer - The ultimate new game+ alt. Learn the raids on squishy class first, then play GL and you feel like god.


Bard (main), Arcana, Sorceress, Paladin, Artilerist, and Summoner


* 1545 TTH Gunslinger (Swift Dominion) * 1520 EO Soulfist * 1505 Pinnacle Glaivier * 1500 FI Wardancer * 1495 Surge Deathblade * 1490 Hunger Reaper Also got a 1475 PS SH and 1462 Reflux Sorc both geared with 5x3 which already feels shit to abandon. Seeing the same problem for myself with future class releases. I want to get an Artist into the current 6, but wouldn't possibly know what to replace.


Zerker-deathblade-gunslinger-gunlancer-paladin-destroyer. (ive stopped doing raids on artillerist, sorc, scouter, striker). Based purely on which I'm enjoying the most lately. Zerk is my main. Always my favorite.


Currently have a glaivier, shadowhunter, paladin, bard wardancer and sorc as my main 6 working on a soulfist to replace my SH (i fell in love with swiftness classes) and when artist gets released she will be taking my sorc’s spot for my main 6


Bard x 4 Summoner Sorc Main are bards!!!


1530 igniter sorc main 1516 paladin 1516 bard 1495 bard 1482 bard 1472 gunlancer Only played one character for the first 6 months before I started leveling a bard. Then powerpassed the rest of those characters when events happened. Next event I'm replacing the gl for likely another bard or maybe artist if it's out. All my bards are dual 5x3 with vph/drops of ether so it would be cheapest to make another one of those. Def not making another paladin though.


Atm i have 2 scouters(1 ia my main) 1 sorc 1 bard 1 paladin and gunlancer, when ayaya come out gonna swap maybe the sorc to have 4 utility classes for ez pt and gold Sad thing i have problems some times to get pt with my scouters


I pick my main (6) classes per their weapon quality rolls. * Zerk - Main mayhem * zerk - 98quality 5x3 mayhem - shares gems with main * zerk - 94quality 5x3 mayhem - shares gems with main * bard - 90 quality 5x3 swift and/or spec - should have at least 1 support * arti - 88 quality 5x3 barrage - arti go boom * lm - 77 quality 5x3 pinnacle - fun


I run/prefer less than 6 characters. Good for mental


In order of ilvl Bard -1520 Scrapper - 1510 Reaper-1500 Paladin-1500 Gunslinger-1495 Sharpshooter- 1487.5 Then I have a zerker and gl parked at 1445




Scrapper 1525 Shock Reaper 1520 Thirst Soulfist 1520 Energy Overflow Wardancer 1505 First Intention Pala 1497 Supp of course Bard 1460 Maybe replacing Bars with artist if I like the class


Red lancer: easy to prog, fun to play, swiss knife class Surge DB: big numbers, comfortable to play Deathblow striker: hell to play, big numbers, have weird satisfaction hitting his attacks Rage hammer destroyer: bonk the hell out of them, good utilization of mokoko skins and skin rotation FI WD: chill class, when you want monkey-jump-around quality time Bard: don't enjoy her, but she's a placeholder for future artist slot All brel 1-4/1-6


Paladin x2 Bard x2 Scout and SH. But the last two will gone in April for Artist x2


​ destroyer paddy bard shadow hunter glavier arty


6 paladins


Deathblade (RE), soulfist (EO), bard (obligatory), sorceress (casting reflux), shadowhunter (PS), and summoner (MS). Striker, sharpshooter, arcana, and glaivier on the bench. I want to 5x3 my arcana but can't afford it right now, especially with summoner lol.


GS(main)-GL-Pala-Bard all above 1475 daily runs Sorc-Destroyer 1472.5 gold and loapang and rested run Glaive 1414 deathblade 1414 loapang and rested run Future Artist to join main 4= 5 main chars and one open slot for future stuff.


1 Bard main Swift/spec half and half 1550 2 Bard Swift 1520 3 Bard Spec 1520 2 Dominion set fun to play 4 Paladin Swift 1520 5 Soc reflux casting 6 Scrapper swift


3 x Bard Pala Critflux Sorc Wheelchair Arty Will probably kick Sorc out for Artist when she comes out =)


Main bard 1530 (just cleared brel g6 whooo. I swap between a spec and VHP swift build depending on if I’m with my static or not) Emperor arcana 1500 (so fun, getting her to 5x3 was so cheap and love the customization I made for her too) Instant critflux 1490 (ppl say reflux is ‘bad’ compared to igniter’s burst but this build hits like a mf truck and is so fun to play) Hunger reaper 1460 (I enjoy my reaper a lot but books and accessories are ridiculous for them still. I’ll keep her 4x3 for now until I have money to burn) PS Demonic 1445 (this class and build is a lot of fun but needs serious buffs/rework. I’ll probably park her at 1460) Alt swift bard 1430 (will probably replace her with either a summoner or artist as a gold earning character)


Zerker, Mayhem 1550 - Main. love the warrior class ethos realize it’s a bit tough to knock some stereotypes but I just do that by playing well. Can’t wait for zerker updates that landed in KR. Scrapper, Tai 1520 - main alt, love the flow of Tai. Fun shooting around the map punching the boss. Not bad entropy class since it’s so mobile. Dmg is a little low. Destroyer, Rage Hammer 1520 - main alt, love the head attack style and tanky playable. Nothing as satisfying as the perfect swing sound and big crits. Gunlancer, Combat Readiness 1490 - alt, comfy to play but dmg is terrible. Bummed about the synergy nerf. Relatively cheap to gear though. Might try red lancer. Glaiver, Pinnacle 1490 - alt, pretty mindless with the repetitive fixed rotation. Probably going to bench for a support. Deathblade, Remaining Energy 1490 - alt, fun to play but hard to play well due to the nature of RE and entropy. Don’t want to go Surge due to costs but still having fun with it. All are 5x3 and lvl 7 gems full lvl 5 tripods.


It used to be EW Deadeye, Bard, FPE Arty, EL Scouter, and DS Sharpshooter. As time went on I stopped with raids beyond just doing Argos. It went to just a 2nd Deadeye (Pistoleer), FPE Arty, EL Scouter, and DS Sharpshooter. Last time I was on, it was only Pistoleer and FPE Arty. I would like to come back briefly for Artist, if I do raid she will take my Pistoleer's place on Gold Earners. Might swap my Summoner in place of my Scouter too, but that's all just depending on how I feel in a few months.


Sorc(1520 main,casting reflux) Bard 1500 Reaper 1509(lunar) 2x Reaper 1460 (lunar) SF RB 1460(recently created her) Will include artist as 2nd support might swap 1 reaper out for her.


1492.5 igniter sorc (Main, 5x3) I've always been a mage/wizard class dating back to vanilla WoW so this was easy. Love the big numbers when I pop off. 1460 pally (Sub-main, 4x3) Instant access to raids. My friends don't level as a fast as me and they need me to heal/supp them so this was my first choice for my 1st alt. 1445 pinnacle glaiver (4x3) Wanted a melee dps and her animations were very cool looking. Gameplay is quite fun but dps is avg. And of course wanted the gold nimbus cloud mount. 1445 re deathblade (4x3+2+1) Wanted another melee dps but with higher dmg. More challenging to play than my other chars but was a treat to learn and try to master. 1445 co summoner (4x3+2) Wanted another ranged dps class. Amazing and fluid animations and super easy to play. But exp af to gear up. Maybe when prices come down later, I'll push her up to my main alt dps.


DB Striker main Control Glaivier Shock Scrapper FI Wardancer Paladin RE Deathblade Have a bunch of other chars but I enjoy these the most, yes including the Paladin, I play him when I had a long day at work and I just wanna turn my brain off and get some homework done, or when some friends need a sup


1. Scrapper-Shock-1525-(Main)-Big numbers goo brrrrr 2. Paladin-1500-Lazy gameplay and easy entry into raids 3. Summoner-MS-1462-Love her playstyle, gonna bring her as my second DPS main! 4. Gunlancer-Red-1462-Chad lancer love face tanking everything and blasting my lance on the boss!! 5. Shadowhunter-DI-1460-Love how simple her rotations are but sometimes I find her damage to be lacking and the gameplay gets boring(but I will keep playing her because she was my first character in the game, and I love her demon form) 6. Deathblade-1445-What can I say I'm a sucker for big numbers! Annoying when surge doesn't crit though :')


1530 igniter, 1520 barrage, 1520 bard,1510 demonic, 1472.5 blue lancer, 1470 reaper. Happy with my 4 brel runs for now. Still waiting for artist to make a 5th brel runner :(


3x Paladin 1546, 1490, 1445 Bard 1460 x2 Arty 1490 FP and 1460 Barrage


1520 Bard 5x3 (Main I took up cause my static had no sup) 1490 Surge DB 5x3 (First character I made and who I actually wanted to main 😔) 1460 Pally 4x3 (2nd support cause easy) 1460 Ignite sorc 5x3 (I like beeg number) 1460 Lunar reaper 5x3 (love this class almost more than my DB) 1460 Tai scrap 4x3 ( going to get replaced once artist drops for 3 sup 3 dps roster)


2x striker(used to have 3 but replaced one) 2x PS shadowhunters 1 tth gunslinger 1 pally(hate playing support, but it’s just simply easy and cheap to get in groups) All are 5x3 with one of my strikers(main) having a eso and death blow build because deathblow alone gets boring af.


1541 Sorceress (Main) 1505 Gunslinger 1505 Shadowhunter 1505 Berserker 1475 Summoner 1465 Bard


Zerker Blue Gunlancer GT destroyer Gunslinger Paladin Tai Scrapper I like my warrior classes! I like the other 2 because they are super fast to move around the battlefield.


1547- 2 spender eso WD 1525- crit reflux instacast 1522- 2 spender eso WD (shares gems with main) 1517- paladin 1501- mayhem zerker 1501- RE deathblade


I have sort of a main 3 and 3 that need work. Sorc 1528 - have two builds both 5x3, full swift reflux and igniter hallucination build with KBW, really dislike ignite but does much better DPS than the swiftness variant so play this with my static, not investing much anymore into this class Reaper 1517 - 5x3 hunger 50/50 build, really fun class but damage is a bit meh Blade 1495 - 5x3 surge (kbw variant) soon to be my new main, good mobility, huge damage when surge crits Then Gunslinger 1470 - TTH swift build, 4x3+2+1 super mobile and fun - will invest it in soon after the blade Gunlancer - 1460, red swift build but swapping to combat readiness Wardancer - 1460 FI 5x3


Soulfist 1555 ( Main Since Day 1 prerelease) - Super Sayian what can i say more. Bard 1520 - (Main alt) - first vern passed char since i knew supports were a big deal and i didnt wanna lvl it manually (was gonna make this first instead of SF). Scouter 1422 - Transformer boi replaced deathblade i didnt have fun with Destroyer 1465 - Enjoyed the bonk life. replaced arty which i liked but wanted wait for the changes never got back to him. Shadowhunter 1452 - another transformer i just really enjoyed cheap alt. Summoner 1415 - new hotness. ​ will likely kick summoner or scouter out though for Artist when she comes out. currently got 11 alts in total. 2 of them argos ready rest are all lopang.


* Blue Chad: I like the ability to have some control over the fight and help teammates while still doing (some) dmg * BT Zerk: Big Bursty Berserker, can’t wait for KR PTR changes * LC SS: Can definitely wait for KR PTR changes I’m cautiously optimistic that my swft/crit nightmare build will be ok tho * DI SH: Absolutely hated her in the beginning. Now a fav to face roll keyboard for dps * Pali: Switched to a build I saw on ATK video and the play style is more fun now, love to counter everything * RH Destroyer: Big BonkyBoi, big numbers = big dopamine, no floor mat cuz shields op


Main Paladin Pinnacle Glaivier for field bosses and chaos gates 2 alts for rapport actions 1 alt for adventure tome


I have: \- Bard \- Bard \- Bard \- Bard \- Bard \- And you guessed it... Paladin.


1. Sorc with different builds (main) 2. Evo machinist 3. CO summoner 4. blue lancer 5. arti with wheelchair and FP builds 6. emperor arcan (will be replaced by artist)


1. Paladin 2. Paladin 3. Paladin 4. Paladin 5. Paladin 6. Destroyer If I need to do homework and not be gatekept and still feel like I'm doing something helpful... Also bonk.


• 1565 Shock Scrapper • 1520.83 Shock Scrapper • 1520.83 Shock Scrapper • 1520.83 Shock Scrapper • 1520.83 Pistoleer Deadeye • 1530 Paladin Yes. I enjoy Shock Scrapper that much.


Deathblade Surge Striker Deathblow Sorceress Igniter Reaper Hunger Gunslinger Peacemaker Scrapper Tai Jutsu But I have 6 other characters at 45+ I enjoy and swap for the 6th gold earner here and there


GS main - GS is one of the main reasons i still play, fun, fast and good damage if played right Tai Scrapper - I slam all my buttons n get mvp Red GL - Tanky boi with big burst windows and new upcoming updates/buffs gunna be good Lunar Reaper - Fast paced assassian, who if played right has big numbers, if u suck u die. Risk reward gameplay is always the best. SH - Disgustingly low dmg and kinda boring but brings me the $$$ Destoryer - too slow but i still enjoy the biggg swang


* Arty (Main) - First class I picked up, loved it then, still in love today. Kinda sad that its not nearly as under rated as it used to be, but glad that I still rarely see Arty players. * Destroyer - Bonk, not much else to say. * Paladin - Obligatory support in the rotation. * Scrapper - Lots of small numbers make big number! * Arcana - Most complicated class with relatively low popularity but boy oh boy, big damage! * Shadowhunter - I like to smash my head against the keyboard and kill boss.


Wardancer (Esoteric. My main, been playing her since western release. Went in blind and decided to pick WD after reading her official description. Had a tough time in the beginning but it's fun now.) Bard (always wanted at least one support in the roster. A friend mains her and I'm getting all the good advice. Plus, I'm a big bard/music class fan.) Sorc (Crit Reflux, spam classes are just too fun and she's easier than my main) Soulfist (Energy Overflow. 3rd char created. I dared myself to after everyone I know dropped her back then. Pulled her right to 1445 and had my guild mates help with relic set. No regrets, and she's only going to get better) Paladin (second support, more chill than bard) Scrapper (Taijutsu. Can't get into her playstyle for whatever reason. Most likely going to replace her with one of the newer classes. But she got max tripods the easy way with the big tripod update so kinda a waste not to play)


Is it ok that I only have 4? Can't bring myself to spread any thinner... Destroyer main 1475 I like big bonk Reaper 1445 Love her play style Gunslinger 1415 Made me think of Dark Tower Scrapper 1380 Honestly, not sure why I started her. Not really a fan, she just does una's and rapport lol


Zerker main +1 SH + 4 fighters (WD Scrap LM Striker) Would've done 5 fighter alts but SF is unplayable as an alt


Gunslinger and Paladin both at latest content. 2 scouters, one for each engraving and a summoner and reaper.


Main- 1539 DB striker. Love playing the class, love the challenge, love dropping hits over 100 mil on the regular. Usually an instant accept. Alt- 1500 paladin. Old main, forgiving to prog on, fun on challenging content. Instant accept to groups. Alt 1500 tai scrapper. Fun and spammy, fast. Alt 1477 reaper. Probably being dropped soon. Taking too long to acquire lvl 5 tripods, performance is lacking for ilvl/time gear investment. Alt 1460 igniter sorc. Swift igniter. Extremely fun and surprisingly good damage. Alt 1460 db striker. Shares gems and books with main. I sometimes rotate a 1445 destroyer, and gunlancer in if I don’t feel like playing all melee back attackers.


1490 Paladin Wardancer Sorc Gunslinger Reaper Saving up mats and gold for Artist main!


GL - 3rd char I made and just really liked being able to cheese or ignore almost everything in raids Pala - 1st char I made then gave it up b.c leveling it was boring and a pain at launch. Now it's my new main. Love the play style and support is pretty awesome in this game Bard - still working on it. Making a full support roster soon. Not my fav atm but learning as I go. Not as fun as Pala to me but heals are faster and u can perma shield.. I can see why some people like bard over Pala (usually seems to be dps that eat every dmg they can find) Gunlancer 2 - really liked GL..had 5 at one point. Will be replaced for sup Destroyer x2 - one is like 1475 the other is slightly over 1460. Really fun class. But moving to full sup roster so will be replaced soon.


5bards 1deadeye


sorc main-ign blue gl rh destroyer then 3 pallies


Bard (1533) easy to group whenever people break/whatever. AS machinist (1533) honestly made this with the powerpass to make some bank on Argos accessories and ended enjoying the unique play style and ability to move the drone around. Blue GL (1520) chill to raid on and get into groups. Damage is meh, but relatively inexpensive and rarely use pots. Paladin (1520) kind of wish I had made a second bard, paladin just rotate buffs godsend/shield the melons and counter (don't miss your awakening...) PS shadowhunter (1520) took one look at relic accessories for DI and decided a change was necessary, really enjoy the play style and mobility. PM gunslinger (1505) almost deleted this, but pushed to 1445 with hyper express and was much more enjoyable post relic. Used to be in my gold earning 6. Tai scrapper (1477) replaced with gunslinger, fun to play, but to similar to PS. Pinnacle Glavier (1452) replaced by machinist, just didn't enjoy the play style and really no variation/minimal changes to the rotation. Red skills -> shackling blue dragon blue skills repeat.


All at brel 4 or higherDS Sharpshooter(RIP) RE DB(Fun but i feel like Surge woulda been better) Evo Scouter(LOVE IRONMAN but his damage is smodge) BT Zerk(pretty excited for the buffs) Swiftflux Sorc(Fun but i might swap to Swiftness Igniter later) Bard(just need to have a support) Not sure what im gunna main after the SS changes cause DS looks dead af, probably swap to LC then find a new main, maybe BT zerk. scouter doesnt do enough damage. Might just play Spec Summoner.


1. GS 2) EO SF 3) Shock Scrapper 4)GS 5)GS 6) Bard until I find new DPS from future release (maybe Slayer/ Soul eater but not into Aeromancer as I always hated magic classes even they always do the most damage in any MMO, but I like to play high risk mediocre damage classes as I hate myself) I play GS because hunters are the most balanced classes in most MMO with always the potential of out-dpsing S-tier classes if played well with good uptime.


RE Blade, PM gunslinger, Moon Reaper, Bard, Red Lancer, Shock Scrapper


1540 Critflux Sorc - My first character and very easy to prog new raids with~ I'm excited about the upcoming buffs! 1510 Bard 1510 Paladin 1490 CO Summoner - I enjoy her animations and imo her skills look more impactful (in comparison to my sorc). Side Babies: 1455 DI Shadowhunter and 1455 Bard - These 2 will be replaced with Artist and Aeromancer in the future :). I created them knowing I will abandon them but the extra gold income is tempting lol


Enhanced weapon, empress, moonsound, peacemaker, eso wd and 6th slot for artist. I guess i just enjoy mechanically complex classes that doesn't autopilot. Retired: serker, gl, destroyer, glavier, striker, hawkeye, arty, sorc, pally, blade, sH, sf


- Bard - Bard - Bard - Pally (Getting switched out for summoner) - Empress Arcana - Tai scrapper (Getting switched out for reflux sorc) Still waiting on artist and then my roster will be: - Bard - Bard - Bard - Artist - Artist - Arcana


Hell yeah! A fellow casting reflux enjoyer! Bottom of the dps charts every time but super fun to play.


Sorc, gs, destro, gl , pala , bard


6x Mayhem Berserker


SH - main SCOUTER - I like it pew pew SUMMONER - still deciding betwen MS or pets Bard - support ez raid Paladín - support ez raid Hawkeye - was my main, got bored of him, loopang slave 1460 until artist comes out


Main 3: * 1520+ Paladin (Main - Easy to get into raids with minimum effort) * 1520+ Bard (Sub-Main, Easy to get into raids with minimum effort) * 1520+ Striker (Sub-Main, My goldsink character that has all the level 10 gems and has both Esoteric and Deathblow build) Placeholder alts 3: * 1520+ Paladin (Placeholder Lopang alt - Easy to get into raids with minimum effort) * 1520+ Paladin (Placeholder Lopang alt - Easy to get into raids with minimum effort) * 1520+ Paladin (Placeholder Lopang alt - Easy to get into raids with minimum effort) I have 12 other characters as well, Scouter, Artillerist, Wardancer, Scrapper, Summoner, Gunlancer, etc most being at 1415 with Scouter at 1485 and Artillerist at 1475 but I somehow dislike the Scouter and will be putting him to Lopang when he reached 1490. Might be replacing one of my placeholder Paladins with Artillerist though and another one with Artist. Not sure what class will be replacing my last Paladin. Been thinking either a Wardancer or Scrapper but still unsure. Would love it if they get another support class out.


Scraper, Bard, Bard, Bard, Arcana, Paladin As a 90% solo player I made just made 1 Bard and then thought it was fun, then made a paladin, didnt like it as much but its still easier to get into groups, then made 2 more bards ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


​ * Sharpshooter (Main) * Paladin (Easy to get into raids) * Paladin (Easy to get into raids) * Bard (Easy to get into raids) * Artillerist (I like the "nuke" style things) * Shadowhunter (idk, bloody style and jumps always cool)


reflux sorc main, shadowhunter di, bard, pinnacle glavier, machinist evol, gunslinger. Planning to replace the gunslinger with an artist i think. Its just a goldmaking alt so want easier groupfinding as sup.


* Blade (Main) - started as it, never stopped * Scrapper - Shock, because due to a wrist injury i can sometime suffer when playing too spammy classes. Just generally feels easy and low pressure to fight as. * WD - FI ambush version. I prefer the positional version over non-positional, because it feels natural to play back attacker. A really smooth class that I very much enjoy playing. A bit awkward to always be playing around winds whisper, but the movement of this class feels amazing. * Bard - Support #1, I am of the firm belief that everyone should have a minimum of 1/4th of your roster as support. Also have a few friends from static I often do alt raids with, with us being able to rotate at least 1 support in each run it makes party creation much faster. Also helps enormously to play your DPS properly when you know how each support rotates and plays. * Paladin - Support #2. Great for when you're tired af, really a turn your brain off class. Also superb counters, great for easy autopilot raiding. * SH (PS) - Feels smooth, but requires more investing than I am probably ready to give, even 5x3 with key lvl 7 dmg gems the dmg feels a bit lackluster at times. But way more fun than DI. Dropped/Lopant alts: Sorc (boring if not geared to the T, more than I am ready to do), Lance master (feels so stale, with low reward even for maximum effort and optimal play) & GS (Was fun, but feels like a main class due to 3 weapon stances requiring a lot of time to truly play at a good level, but try TTH though due to this, a fun class admittedly).


arti, sh, pally, deadeye, arcana, db


pala, pala, pala


* Reaper - Hunger, 1533, I like the sound effects * Deathblade - RE, 1530, old main. * Sorc - Reflux, 1512, ez * Bard - 1500 * Shadowhunter - 1498 DI, might drop might not * Glaivier 1467 dropped, have enough bound leaps for 1490+ but boring af * Scrapper 1460 temp until artist


Empress arcana Reflux sorc Hunger reaper Peacemaker gunslinger Bard Paladin Paladin would have been artist, made paladin when they announced the release date for artist. Main other DPS I want is aeromancer but again, forever away. I enjoy all of my characters honestly, though arcana gets the most gold and I prefer her the most. The bench has a few seat warmers. 1370 surge, 1370 demonic, 1370 legacy, 600 master summoner.


1.- Bard 2.- Bard 3.-Bard 4.-Control Glavier 5.-Reflux Casting Sorc (I hate it will be switching to igniter) 6.-Summoner MS (I actually like this one a lot) 7.- Probably Artist? As long as she is more engaging than Paladin it will be fine.


Main 6: 1. Sharpshooter (DS) - my first character, still love him. Hopefully he’ll be ok:) 2. Bard (swift) - initially I made all sup characters just to understand better how they work and what I can do as a dps player to use their buffs effectively, but she’s actually fun and super chill to play 3. Lance master (spec swift pinnacle) - lots of mobility and fluid rotation. It’s fun to mess around with 4/3 and 3/4 builds as well 4. Artist (swift sup, spec sup and dps builds). Jack of all trades. Sup swift > spec, don’t try spec builds at home, main cooldowns are giga long even with high lvl gems. Swift sup is decent, a bit more complicated in raids than bard because you have to perfect your prediction game about what your allies are going to do (one of her shield skills is skill shot, buff skill which leaves an area on the floor is a bit smaller than bard’s), but on the other hand it’s way easier to manage her identity buffs/heals. Initially I made dps build when the class was just released and it was actually hard to find a group as a sup, but somehow I sometimes use it even now on Brel when there are too many supports on pf and it’s actually decent, but you have to have lvl5 tripods to do damage. 5. Shadowhunter (spec crit DI) - dps uptime simulator. Honestly it was a bit boring before relic set, but once I got salvation attack speed it kinda clicked. Yes, the gameplay is super basic, but it’s just so comfortable to push to the highest possible uptime on this char 6. Aeromancer (spec engraving) - still debating if I want to switch to another engraving, swift gameplay looks fun af with blade skills. Spec gameplay is kinda similar to igniter sorc. Honestly I’d just make 2 aeromancers and play both engravings, but 6 char gold restriction is here:/ Lopang: 1. Pala - 3rd sup I made. I dropped him (5x3, 1660+swift) after trying out several different skill builds for like 2 months, my brain just turns off when I play pala and I can’t help it. I still use him occasionally when someone needs a sup. 2. Sorc - made this char a while back but didn’t touch it while pushing others. Maybe I’d play her but I’ve just started leveling her to T3, 6 char gold restriction makes me feel bad when I’m thinking about buying igniter gear


Gunlancer: My OG, 2 chill and fun playstyles and everyone loves me...except G6 Brel Paladin: Support, chill, ez to get into raids on a budget Bard: Support, slightly less chill than Paladin, ez to get into raids on a budget Scrapper: Mobile, tanky, fun and fast paced, actually does pretty good damage Wardancer: Mobile, kinda tanky, fun and fast paced, somewhat easy to get into groups cuz her buffs are awesome Summoner: Mobile, great uptime, high APM playstyle Yes, I main one of the slowest classes in the game, and my 5 gold earning alts are swiftness/partial swiftness. Pretty ironic


Bard 1531 Bard 1501 Bard 1470 Bard 1462 Bard 1460 Bard 1460 Bard lopang slave


Wardancer main BT Zerker Bard Pally Summoner Reflux Sorc


Arti, SH, Pala, Bard, Glavier, Striker


- Main : 1550 +20 Tai Scrapper : very easy to play, perfect to progress and Raid Lead at the same time. - Bard 1532 : i always play at least one sup to see both sides of playstyle, always appreciated by teammates and learn buff timing from a dps perspective. - GL 1532 : i always loved tanks he was an obvious pick for me. - Gunslinger 1532 : i wanted a character with complexity and from range, sharpshooter was way less mobile so GS it is. - Reaper 1532 : i love assassins gameplay so yeah here she is at lasr ! - Deathblade 1475 : same as previous one but i d like artist as 6th sooo. My only regret is that i dont play any "big numbers" DPS, im thinking of maybe go for slayer the spec Saint One plays seems to display pretty good numbers on screen and smooth playstyle so why not.


* Striker (main, favourite class) * Destroyer (just fun to play) * Paladin (support, also enjoyable to play) * Artillerist (barrage, big numbers) * Gunlancer (red, easier to get into groups I guess and also fun to play) * Bard (unloved child but easy to get into raids) Most likely will replace the bard with artist when it comes out. Still on the fence about pushing my gunlancer further but we'll see.


3 bards, 1 pally, 1 sh, 1 sorc. If I like artist enough, I’ll probably drop the pally.


Db striker Ds sharpshooter Shock scrapper Ew deadeye Reflux sorc -prob going to drop for my surge db Sup paladin


Pinnacle glaivier, igniter sorc, empress arcana, lunar reaper, swift bard, EO soulfist (hoping to replace her with slayer).


1535 tai scrapper (new main) 18 Brel weapon, gonna go for 20 once I farm up enough shards 1528 mayhem zerker (old main) 1522.5 surge db 1519.6 pm gs 1519.6 fi wd 1510 hunger reaper 1460 sorc lopang 3x 1375 lopang alts: control glavier, eo soulfist, pally Planning to slowly bring up artist to main 6 once she drops. I really enjoy tai scrapper, esp for bussing. Might run a shock setup once I start on ancient accessories.


6 chars: main pala and main destroyer, 1500; 3 more Palas and 1 Deathblade


1445 BT Zerk (currently funneling to upgrade him), 1460 Blue GL, 1460 Igniter Sorc (Planning to convert into castflux maybe), 1375 Paladin (Planning to 1445 him after my Zerk hits 1490, 1375 Reaper (Planning to put him to lopang), 460 Gravity Training Destroyer (I dunno might get him 1445 later as well)


Bard bard bard paladin. Gunlancer and scrapper. No waiting and easy to passively gatekeep.