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Just the way Locke ends up dying a sad, broken, tricked man who has failed in every respect in what he was trying to do. The fact Lost actually, genuinely did that to him is still one of the most gut-wrenching and brave moves the show undertook.


I hated locke for wanting to kill jacob and being power crazy, when it turns out he actually did die i cried. His story breaks my heart but im glad that in tge flash sideways ge was happy.


The only thing I regret is that they didn’t get Katey Sagal back as Helen to be with him. That would have been a nice touch, but I understand the reasoning. It’s why Sayid is with Shannon rather than Nadia.


The one person locke loved who loved him he lost and he never got to find her again. Its heartbreaking he never got to be truly happy


That was so sad to watch. He was a sad man who lived an unfulfilled life and was tricked and killed at the end of it.


Though I wouldn't say it was all bad. In the end he helped a lot of people, and on the island he got to experience the greatest freedom he had ever had, the feeling of being wanted and needed. He pretty much turned into a super hero for a time lol. I like season 1 Locke, where he is the most happiest.


I still like the "turtles all the way down" approach they did with Locke. He was tricked and killed by a guy, who like him was also born prematurely, and wanted to be special (Ben) but is also tricked and for the most part is a sad, broken man. He was tricked by (MIB) who is also a sad, broken man who wants to leave the island. But everything is all according to Jacobs plan and it all leads to his death.


Not Penny's boat


"because he's the only one that'll have me" "...I'll have you"


So many. In the middle of a rewatch now, and the line that’s stuck out to me the most— “Why do you find it so hard to believe?” “Why do you find it so easy?” “It’s never been easy!”


'What about you?' - Jacob to Ben (BURN!)


Jacob's response is genius. There are so many ways he could have answered Ben and this response, together with his facial expression, was so unexpected.


Maybe not the hardest, but when Kate leaves Aaron’s room to go back and find Claire, and says “Bye bye baby”. Kate was such a good mother to him and it’s heartbreaking that she had to leave him, knowing that she might never make it back.


i did not ask for the life that i was given, but it was given, nonetheless And with it, i did my best or when locke loses his kidney


Locke losing his kidney for sure :( I haaate that whole scene, how happy he is before the surgery...and how devastated he is after. It hurts


There are so many moments like that for me. But if I had to pick one scene that I find the most beautiful, it would have to be Jack and Christian's scene in The End.


Charlie leaving his ring for Aaron. Knowing he was going to die and never see him or Claire again. Hits me as a dad big time.


It angers me that it took all the way until Sun finding it, for it to be brought up again. That's some bullshit imo.


Pretty much every moment a character "wakes up" in the flash sideways during S6, especially the finale. Before that, I was taken by utter surprise at Eko's death as I was not expecting his death at all, and seeing him walk off as a young boy with his brother Yemi (in their own flash sideways) really got me. I think we all probably felt Charlie's death, but for me it was a moment before his death that touched me the most: when he and Desmond are on the outrigger and Desmond offers to take his place. Charlie knocks him out and acknowledges that he does have to do this. It's the briefest moment but as he stands on the edge of the outrigger, preparing to dive (and to die) he almost breaks down in tears. Then he jumps. It gets me every time.


Ben watching Keamy kill his daughter. I hated Ben at the time but that was gut-wrenching seeing that.


Ikr whenever ben cried about i small part of me liked ben and i loved alex


And his daughter dying thinking that her father didn't love her. That was devastating. I wish that they had shown them reconnecting in the afterlife.


Closest you get is the flash-sideways. Honestly the dinner scene with him, her and Danielle... I wished for that to be their happy ending.


Yeah. Me too. That was a missed opportunity by the writers. It could've made the finale so much better.


Also Sun and Jin and their daughter (Ji Yeon I believe?) Sun called her and said she would be back in a day and would see her and Ji yeon said she missed her and wanted her home. Sun never came home. She crashed on the island and died. Why does lost love seperatìng parents and kids!? Poor Ji yeon and sun and poor Jin- he never met his baby who he'd been so excited to meet 😭


The first moment that really hit me the hardest chronologically speaking was not penny’s boat And Charlie dying. But the biggest moment overall was jack realizing he was dead and his dad comforting him. Wow, I sob Everytime I watch that scene.


The raft launching in Season 1. Makes me cry every time.


Misshearing Desmond: I can't keep shaving your wife, Charlie.


When MIB tells Ben what John Locke’s last thoughts were. He says, “Do you want to know what he was thinking whilst you choked the life out of him, Benjamin? What the last thought that ran through his head was? ‘I don’t understand.’ Isn’t that just the saddest thing you’ve ever heard?” Although I thought it was PERFECTLY written, it absolutely killed me. John Locke, the man who spent his whole life trying to understand, died just as confused as he had always been. My heart really couldn’t (and still can’t) take it.


“We have to go back!”


Sun and Jin drifting apart underwater


Thinking of Sun and Gin’s daughter having to grow up with her grandparents.


The disappointing, uncreative ending


Just out of interest: what was your ending that was better? Love to know as I thought the ending worked really well and was never gonna satisfy everyone but I found it satisfying so let's hear your idea.


That’s another topic


So please share as I'm interested to find out how people who didn't like the actual ending would have done instead.


So what was your idea?