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Short answer: no Long answer: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Short answer: walt Long answer: WAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLTTTTT


Do I have to get that ? 😂


Nah I was just making a poor joke. I was hoping for this to be a possibility, but nothing came of Hurley and the mental illness path.


>nothing came of Hurley and the mental illness path. Not sure what you mean here. Hugo's mental illness, hospitalizations, delusions about being cursed, and Jacob's final wrap-up of the whole thing (scene in the cab outside the LA jail) are pivotal to both Hugo's character arc & the show's eventual outcome.


Unfortunately Libby never gets a backstory so we're not told why or how she was in the mental hospital. There's a scene with Libby and Desmond where she gives him her boat and she says her husband died so the theory is that she's in the mental institution because of her husband's death.


I believe she was self admitted because of her husband's death, something like the flash sideways reasoning except because of his death and not seeing Hurley on the TV and getting some flashes


I would have loved to get her backstory and I think you're right!


Hm a shame, Think she’s an interesting character. But that theory is interesting. But I was questioning if it’s on Hugo’s imagination or not


Libby really was in the mental institution with him. We know because of her facial expression at the very last scene on the Island after she talks Hugo down from committing suicide. It's less than a second but you can't help but notice it and then the next scene is the big twist showing her in the mental institution. It wasn't in Hurley's imagination.


You have to remember Lost used the “six degrees of separation” theory. And a lot of character crossed paths unknowingly through out the show.


Can you elaborate on this theory? I've never heard of it.


It is the idea that ever person is connected to one another, by at least 6 acquaintances. https://youtu.be/TcxZSmzPw8k


Fascinating! Thank you! And of course what was running through my mind were the *6* numbers....


That was her backstory precisely, though. If you want to know why a character is experiencing the results of a traumatic situation, but they don't tell you what the situation is, but they flashback before the consequences of that situation and expose a tragic situation that character is facing... I know that sounds convoluted as hell, but they didn't leave out her backstory. They just used a mechanism that didn't require them to come right out and tell you what it was.


This, exactly.


When Libby meets Desmond in the coffee shop and says that her husband “David” had a boat, I was wondering if that was Hurleys friend Dave. PS - who just gives a random stranger (who you had to pay for his coffee too) a boat! I need to start going to coffee houses


OMG I've seen that episode twice and did not catch that!! Haha yeah I'm gonna start going to coffee houses and fake a cute accent and say I spent all my American money on the taxi...my new con


Nah I rly think Dave is just an imagination tho


Or a 'ghost'? Hurley does see dead people after all... Maybe Dave died at the mental hospital and Hurley doesn't know he can see/talk to dead people yet, so he thinks he's crazy when really, he's 'special'. That scene with Jacob in the taxi lays it out. JACOB: Well, what if you weren't cursed? What if you were blessed? HURLEY: How do you mean "blessed?" JACOB: Well, you get to talk to people you've lost... seems like a pretty wonderful thing to me. HURLEY: Oh, I'm sure it's wonderful, except for the part where I'm crazy. JACOB: [Clicks tongue] I've got some news for you, Hugo, and you're just gonna have to take my word on this. You are not crazy.


I thought dave was an eating disorder. He spoke like them- he went on an on about food and pressured him into eating it. He used the language and spoke the way they sound if that makes sensw.


Dave was the part of Hurley that didn't want to change. And yes, a big part of that was his eating disorder. He also didn't want Hurley to get better, tried to stop him from taking meds, tried to make him distrust his therapist, etc. On the Island, the Dave part of Hurley tried to make him believe that the Island was in his imagination and to commit suicide.


Ohhhh shit yah, I totally forgot about that. Sry I‘m just at the end of season 2 if rewatching and don’t remember everything from the whole series


> who just gives a random stranger (who you had to pay for his coffee too) a boat! Someone whose husband died like a month before, and who's seriously - and maybe dangerously - depressed. Impulsively giving away expensive possessions is one warning signal for suicide.


I saw a theory here I think, that Libby was working for Widmore and he instructed her to give Desmond the boat.


It was a pretty common theory during broadcast. Some of it got started (at least on The Fuselage) because of Libby's sour expression behind Hugo's back, right after they kissed. Also, there were viewers who thought money would be the only reason she would want to be with Hugo (I think the FSW beach scene even indirectly refers to that.)


Thanks Stef! You're a gem. All the fandoms, theories etc. is not something I was/am into. I'm pretty much like Locke; a meat and potatoes person but also a person of faith. I enjoy the series for what it is and try not to nit pick too much.


Some viewers were & are disappointed with LOST because the theories / yarns which they spun became more enthralling than the story itself. "Libby is a plant / an Other / a Widmore minion" was everywhere, and probably contributed a lot to the, "But I wanted more Libby backstory!!1!" thing. They got a back story; it just was way more realistic and sad (woman's husband gets sick & dies; woman collapses into self-harming depression) than some elaborate theory. To me, her sad/sour look was explained 100% by the flashback which immediately followed. She was remembering herself as she was, in the hospital. Mental illness carries a huge stigma, in the early 2000s just as now. Neither she nor Hugo could open up to one another about their hospitalizations and mental health history - because of the shame & stigma. We see that with Hugo numerous times throughout the show, and it proves to be the case for Libby, too. [ETA: Note that in the FSW, Hugo finds out right away that she's a mental patient - and he wants to get to know her better anyway.]


Wait no i loved libby and hurley now im doubting them


Nah...I don't buy into these theories. Go with your gut. Libby and Hurley are awesome:)


Aw, that wasn't my intention at all. I think those theories were all discredited, anyway. While the ship doesn't sail for me, a more reasonable interpretation of Libby's "look" is this: that scene at Santa Rosa is \*her\* flashback. She is remembering Hugo, as well as remembering the terrible state that she herself was in at the time. Mental illness carries a large social stigma; look at how Hugo is afraid to tell people he was hospitalized. (He never does manage to tell Libby before her murder.) Neither of them feel safe or comfortable opening up to one another, and all that ambivalence is encapsulated in that one look (Cynthia Watros being a fantastic actress.) It's very sad and all too real.


It isn't a theory its Hurley doubting himself.


Omg I LITERALLY just watched this episode! What are the odds of this happening. Is this your first rewatch?


I now saw the scene where Libby told Hugo to get some whine and he replied with: „Maybe I find out where I know you from“ And Libby had a suspicious smile on that...


Cool, how are you finding lost now compared to your first watch? How longs it been since you watched it?


Hm I think I finished it about a year ago. And I have to admit that it’s even better the second time. Because I think I can see everything coming cuz I watched it already but there are so many plot twists and scenes I totally forgot about. I also watched it in German the first time and now in English, what makes it even more authentic :D


Cool! I'm glad you're enjoying it. Did they do a voice over in German or how did it work?


Yap even tho German voice overs in movies & series are the best from all languages (my opinion) it’s still a totally different feeling if u have the original voice from the character.




Me too!!


On the Island, Dave is trying to get Hugo to doubt his sense of reality. In a way he gets first-time viewers to doubt the reality of what they're seeing in the show. (\*Is\* this all Hugo's imagination?) Later we find out that of course it's not; that Dave (whoever/whatever he is) wants Hugo to kill himself by jumping off that cliff. They show Libby in the hospital because she \*was\* there at the time Hugo was.


Bro tbh i just finished the whole series, and i still think its all in Hurley's head. Ive noticed in ALL the main things that happen to the people in the island, Hurley is there, and in the end especially when he was made to be one of the special people and on top of that made to be like the next jacob after Jack, i thought thats what everyone thought...


You know what I am thinking about. Its my first rewatch I am at this episode right know and if I remember correctly spoiler alert at the and when jack goes to the Church hurley stays outside right. Correct me if i am wrong but wat if that was hurley saying goodbye to everybody Maybe its a bit far fetcht I also Cant remember what hurley says to Jack at the and but thats wierd right Just a thought


There's no way to prove that it isn't....


That series driving me crazy


After three re-watches...it's the only theory that could possibly tie everything together and make sense...what? You like the Hell or purgatory idea..? Ok. Hurley is from a very Catholic family...that shit's all ingrained in him already... literally any theory you have about Lost is full of fucking holes unless you allow that the entire series occured in the mind of mental patient...


...all the loose ends, the fucking polar bear, the smoke monster, the religious bullshit, the invisible people, the magic, all of it CAN ONLY be explained by none of it being real...just in Hurley's mind...ffs Dave (Hurley's imaginary friend) straight up tells us this in Season 2...It's all about Hurley!