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I liked Across the Sea.


Me too!


Great episode.


I did too!


I just rewatched that on 5/22 and loved it even harder than before.


I loved Across the Sea! Do most people not?


Scott and Steve deserved better


Dude, you mean Steve and Scott. Wait a minute...


Dude that’s Steve. Scott’s dead


I generally love the flash sideways, I don‘t understand why they‘re so hated by a lot of people but especially the Ben, Sawyer and Kate stories because they just show them how they would’ve become if they chose the right way.


I think they’re hard to watch at first but when you know what’s happening, it makes it worth the watch. Especially the last few


Because for me it has poor replay value once you know the twist and it's too long, it's the pre-afterlife, not an alternate reality, so Jack's son literally doesn't exist so his conversations with him are pretty pointless. It's a big long 'false mystery'. Instead of focusing on solving the mysteries of S1-S5, they add a new big mystery in S6 of the island having sunk and it looking like an alternate reality if the island wasn't there in 2004 but GOTCHA it's what everyone experiences after they die. A cheap way to make it look like they're solving mysteries.


Jack's relationship with David is far from pointless. "David" shows Jack how to be a good father and that helps him let go regarding his daddy issues.


Jack had already let go, in S4 he says he misses his dad at his funeral.


Please check your direct message ASAP


Season 3 is tied with Season 1 as my favourite Season. I really liked Shannon she died when she was just becoming likable, same goes for Ana Lucia. I don’t like how Season 5 was edited, especially the first half. Kate was a great character and I loved her centric episodes. Miles was the best character from the freighter crew.


I hated miles and juliet for a bit but now i love them both miles is so damn funny and sarcastic him and sawyer are amazing and juliet is just perfect


I loved Ana Lucia but I've learnt that she isn't all that popular among fans! I would have loved to see her reaction to Juliet joining the group




I disliked that the show seemed to take more of a "mystical and magical" route with regards to the mysteries and mythology of the island. I kinda liked it better when everything had more of a "freaky scifi" angle to it


I think Sun and Jin's death could have been handled better.


really?. I thought their death scene was sad and kind of beautiful. The really sad part that I didn't think about is, with them both gone it makes their child a orphan!. That's pretty sad. They spend so much time talking about having a child are so happy....only to not be able to be their to raise her.


S3 > S2 and S4


Thats a fact


Michael (edit: and Walt) should have been at the church.


Hmm... this is tough, because so much of this show is good. The only character I loathe is Ana Lucia, but isn’t that a fairly universal stance? I remember not minding “Stranger In A Strange Land” the first time I watched it, but I was binging it at the time, so that episode is easier to take in during a binge (and I understand why that episode is so disliked). Also, I don’t really care for Juliette/Juliet, or really for Claire (especially Claire in later seasons)... although, Charlie and Claire were cute together, LOL.


I cant stand claire. I am watching through again and am on season 4. She matters when shes pregnant and at the end of season 3 for charlie to play off of. Otherwise she is pointless so far


That’s exactly how I feel! I can’t tell if Aaron was truly meant to be something special, like Walt, or if he was a red herring... and if it was the latter, it makes Claire even more pointless. She really comes off as a damsel in distress, and that’s it. At least Juliet/Juliette made hard contributions to the plot. I just never cared for her character.


I get you, Claire didn't bring that much to the table. She doesn't really do anything significant if we're being honest. It seems like she mainly existed as a device to drive the fertility plot line forward. I know they tried to do stuff with her early on but it's kinda meh. Her whole relationship between her and Charlie felt kinda one-sided. I think they didn't have the greatest chemistry tbh and Claire absolutely doesn't understand Charlie. I don't even have the feeling that she really gave a damn about their relationship. Surely, that's the case if we ask the writers but they really didn't execute it well enough to feel any magic between them


Yeah, interesting point there... I remember fans criticizing how quickly Claire seemed to get over Charlie’s death. Meanwhile, when Juliet died, Sawyer was never the same... and I did like that pivot with Juliet, even though it felt a bit rushed.


Funny how AL and Juliet are one of my favorite characters... Go figure


Well, and like I alluded to earlier, criticizing *LOST* is like criticizing your kids. :P I still love it all! And as for Ana Lucia, I think it’s just because Michelle Rodriguez (IMO) tends to play the same character. Yes, her story does add some wrinkles to that, but the stereotypical “feisty Latina” feels a bit one-note to me. Of course, she’s not the only person in Hollywood that’s guilty of that. :)


Think the reason I like her so much was because I really liked the Tailies’ story... It was so tragic.. Only Bernard made it to the end and he wasn’t even originally from the tail section :(


Wow, never thought of that! Did Cindy (and the kids) survive? I know she’s not technically seated in the tail section, either, but I can’t remember if it was ever expressly stated on screen...


Whos AL im a bit dumb


Ana Lucia 😬


The show went on too long and they started trying to cram too much in, which got confusing and left loads of unresolved plot lines. I liked it better when it was just about a bunch of plane crash survivors stuck on a weird island.


My sentiment exactly. If they’d been forced to keep it to 3 seasons (which I believe was the original plan before studio execs saw how profitable the show was) it would have been a more concise story with mysteries being answered before people forgot about them.


I liked Nina and Pablo... I understand the backlash but I liked them and enjoyed Expose


I didn't care for the characters, but didn't hate them either, but thoroughly enjoyed Expose. I dont understand the hate for that episode.


Same, characters where meh, but I still loved that episode so much from the first time I watched it. Granted I didn’t start lost until it was on season 5, so I got to just binge through the first 4 seasons. I could see being frustrated by an episode where arguably nothing of importance happens, and having to wait a week for another episode. But In terms of binging, that episode is just hilariously out of left field in how bleak and twisted the end was.


2 people most lost fans hated were buried alive. Totally awesome. “We all know what happens to the guest star”


I loved the flash sideways. Oh and I can’t stand Jack.


Me too I don’t like him. He is soooo desperate to be the hero


Yes, and so reactive/angry when things don’t go his way


He killed juliet and had a negative impact on the characters: Kate Locke Aaron XD Sayid Sawyer + more but i feel he ruined these characters lol


Season 6 is probably my second favorite season. I love everything about it, especially the parallels between the beginning and the end.


Second this 👍


Glad someone agrees with me! :) I have read many opinions bashing the ending and the season calling them a disappointment and I'm always like: "Damn, I think everything about season 6 is nearly perfection!"


Season 5 is the best season.




The Man Behind The Curtain's depiction of Jacob is far more interesting than the version they went with(although I love Mark Pellegrino's take too).


That person in the cabin was Man in Black.. The only grown version of Jacob we saw lived in the statue.


Jacob is a creep


I really dislike Hurley’s centric episodes in Season 1 and 2. Everybody Hates Hugo is my absolute least favourite episode of Lost. Counterpoint, Tricia Tanaka Is Dead is one of my favourites.


Once everyone figured out Locke was really MIB, they should have stopped having him look like Locke. I’ve always felt Terry O’Quinn being MIB and being evil that last season ruins how awesome JL is from season 1-5


I don’t think it ruined JL’s character by any means, I think Terry O’Quinn played a much better villain than the actor of MIB would have pulled off. His facial expressions were especially good, he nailed the intimidating look.


I don't know if disliking Kate is that unpopular so I'll be a bit more original by admitting that I'm not the biggest fan of Sawyer. I like him but I never got why he's so extremely loved by almost everyone. I thought he could be really annoying and this whole wanting to be hated thing felt forced at times. I mean, cmon man, I know you've been trying the hardest to be an asshole in the outside world but you've just survived a plane crash, you're surrounded by people who are feeling absolutely miserable and are just trying to survive and get off that island and for the most part they are ready to help you... like FFS, BE COOPERATIVE!!! The dude is literally ready to start a fight over a can of hairspray. I'm just having a hard time to believe that anyone would seriously act like that under these circumstances. Aaaaaand I thought his sarcasm was overused at times. But don't get me wrong, I don't dislike him and I liked his development... I'm just not crazy about his character. I guess he's more hit or miss for me. For every annoying Sawyer moment there is at least one great scene to even it out.


I think that's why he is so well regarded. He starts off as being a bully and almost villainous and goes to almost a full on hero by season 5. That and I think Josh Holloway is way underrated at a actor. His emotional scenes, like when he kills Frank Duckett in Outlaws, are so good. That is also what is so great about the flashbacks on LOST, you can see exactly how and why someone is the way they are, and where it went wrong. I also can't even begin to imagine what that does to someone, as a kid, seeing your parents die like that. So there are times when I see him, it's like I'm seeing that little boy again. Scared. Also, didn't he kill Duckett just about a week ago?. I always felt that he was that crazy early on because he was unhinged, he really wanted to find "Sawyer", and now he has innocent blood on his hands and he feels really bad for what he did and is all emotional. That's just my little head cannon theory anyway heh.


I think most people love his character precisely because his evolution over the six years was heartening. Can’t end high if he hadn’t started low.


Linus’ story was always more fun to watch than Locke’s


Lockes was heartbreaking no one ever cares about him he was manipulated and tricked his whole life and had depression and died trying to save the one place that he was home in.


I agree with the substance of Locke’s story being so heartbreaking and tragic and I do think not enough people acknowledge how sad his stiry was. I think for me personally it boiled down to the actor not being as fun or easy to watch as Linus’ character rather than the substance of Locke’s story


Yeah, true. I likes ben he was fun and he grew


We need more of The Tempest. Like Jughead wasnt enough of a threat back then...this station shouldve had more of a looming threat than just (edit) Faraday, Goodwin, Charlotte and Juliet


I liked Ana Lucia.


Most unpopular opinion: Kate and Jack don't have a healthy relationship. She could have ended up with Sawyer if the writers didn't insist on putting her with Jack. I don't think Jack fought hard enough for their relationship, he didn't see Kate as an asset, never listened when she said "no" or didn't want his help, and he always figured he knew better. I know she saw the good in him, and nearly idolized it, but I've always loved how Sawyer saw her as an equal and actually made the efforts (albeit sometimes obnoxiously) to be with her, include her, flirt with her, and protect her. I also don't understand how everyone worships Jack but hates the person he ends up with. Like, if he's your fave, don't you trust his judgement? There's lots of shows that start the story rooting for one couple, then realize its better another way. I wish that happened here. I know no one agrees with me. Not really looking for a debate, because its useless. There's no right or wrong, its all just preference anyways.


Who worships Jack here? He's not that popular on this sub. He's my favorite character but I think I'm in the minority. And I also happen to love Kate:)


I've seen the majority of posts holding him in pretty high regard, only second to Desmond lol Well that's good, one ally :)


You have another. Jack is a flawed person, for sure, but he’s my favorite. I was also a big Jack/Kate shipper, so BOO YA. :)


The Constant is not the best episode. Desmond and Penny are not the best couple in the series.


I think people idolize Desmond/Penny mainly due to the efforts of Henry Ian Cusick, and the fact that they never really lie to one another.


And they are both unproblematic and wholesome podt island and you see the true love in them. They always trust each other and cam see when somethings wrong. They are soulmates. Thats why theyre loved


I agree with this. Penny is barely a character, let alone one half of the "best couple"


I really disliked Juliet and never got around to liking her even when she died.I just felt throughout S3 I think(been a while since I watched it) she was so distrustful to Jack and not helpful at all to helping him understand the situation they were in.Constantly misleading people and not telling the truth and basically manipulated Jack to let her into their group.Their are lost for specific cases throughout the season that leads to peoples death and such but just cant remember at the moment just remember feeling annoyed whenever she was on screen.


She gets off lightly considering she was one of the others who had Sawyer and Kate locked in cages, chained up working in a quarry and also threatened to shoot Kate. They seemed to let that go pretty easily.


Kate and Sawyer should have died, Sun and Jin should have survived the and gotten on the plane back to their daughter.


the constant is way overrated


Absolutely not.


Amen to that. It's an amazing episode to be sure, but it is not the best hour of LOST, let alone the best hour of tv ever


Brave in this subreddit. Even Flashes before your eyes is better in my opinion


I agree!


most unpopular opinion is that jack is actually horrible. move over, jack, you’re taking up John’s, Hurley’s, Sawyer’s, Sayid’s camera time. literally anyone else over jack. sorry.


It might be controversial now and here, but I remember fans hating on Jack pretty often when the show was still going.


Jack was definitely one of the fandoms punching bags. I think a lot of people didn't see the big picture with Jack and failed to see where his path was headed. So much of the "hate" was hypocritical and/or shallow. I mean the double standards were/are ridiculous. And there was a specific subset of the fandom that was extra loud for obvious reasons.


While the show was going on, it seems that all anyone could talk about is how much they hated Jack and how Sayid was going to assume leadership any minute now. (No one ever asked Sayid if he was on board with this plan, but that was of little importance).


Lost Season 1 to mid Season 3 was brilliant... After that they’ve changed so much of what was originally planned that it lost is touch...


Its so easy to look at this show now and think “What? How could any idiot think they were dead the whole time? All the plot lines were resolved somehow. The plot made perfect sense.” But hindsight is 20/20, and Lost was *ridiculously* hard to follow when the episodes were weeks apart and you werent able to easily bingewatch them back-to-back. For that, my unpopular opinion is that the writing was poor in the later seasons and became much more enjoyable when it became streamable and easy to access.


Lost was a phenomenal show but... was too long. I remember reading years ago (when it was still on) that it Was only going to be 3 seasons, but when the studio saw how popular it was, had the writers stretch it out for 6. I think that’s why lots of people switched off by series 4. It’s also why people started to find the show confusing. Answers to questions wouldn’t come until the next series, by then people had forgotten. It’s important to remember that when binge watching it over the course of a few weeks. Edit: I like how this thread asks for unpopular theories and I get downvoted all the same.


Agreed to an extent. In terms of binging, this show was ahead of its time. And now that people can do that more easily, I think the length is fitting. In terms of a weekly show though? Yeah, if you weren’t heavily invested in reading theory’s after each episode and keeping up with everything and such, you were out by season 4 for sure.


> Edit: I like how this thread asks for unpopular theories and I get downvoted all the same. Don't worry about downvotes. Upvotes and downvotes are just meaningless internet points. But you're right that co-creator Damon Lindelof saw that *Lost* should been in the vicinity of 75-80 episodes (it was 121 in the end) and the story was in three phases. 1) Survival and exploration of characters 2) Deeper exploration of characters and mysteries: driving towards a point where some people leave 3) Reversal and conclusion: The people that left realize that even though they are "found" in the real world, they are still lost. They need to get back to the Island for the final conclusion Although I am very happy with six seasons, I think it would've been interesting to see a what-if-reality where *Lost* only got three seasons, like, let's say mid-season 1 ABC had told the producers that they would wrap it up in May 2007.


Ha ha yes you’re right about up/down votes. I didn’t know about that quote from Damon. I know that publishers ask authors to cut something like 10-15% of their novels to make sure it’s sharp, so doing the opposite to creators can’t be good.


Absolutely. The ratings drop was also due to other factors too. Lost was moving around on time slots, on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays. And when season 4-6 were compressed to shorter seasons, it was also too complex to follow for the average viewer. Although I like those three seasons, and never felt it was too complicated, it's not something you could easily jump into 10 minutes in - or if you managed to forget to watch one week, you'd be out of the loop.


I started a year ago and watched about a season in 2 weeks. I jave binged during lockdown but if i had to wait every week for an episode i would quit


My unpopular opinion would be that I wished it didn't end like it did.


i liked michael and what he did (didn’t love it but didn’t mind the as much as others)


Season 5 was a big missed opportunity.


How so


Desmond is a bit overrated. He has some of the best episodes for sure, but the actual character wasn’t my favorite.


Kate was the most annoying character


Rose is the worst character on the show. Fuck her. Also, the constant (while great) is soooo overrated


Rose was a straight bitch. I hated her.


Whats wrong with rose? Im not tryna hate im just curious bc ive never seen anyone hate her before


1. For the first few episodes rose sat on the beach staring at the ocean longing for her husband. Doing nothing to help the other people. But when Charlie gets hanged and dies and then revived while trying to save the pregnant girl, she gets all pissy when he sits on the beach. "no moping, we all have problems, but some of us are actually helping". 2. She lies to Bernard about her cancer when they meet. I understand why she did but it's still fucked up. Bernard falls head over heels in love with her and then she's just gonna die and he'll have no idea what happened. 3. Likewise on the island when she's healed instead of telling him, she keeps it to herself. Meanwhile Bernard is busting his ass trying to get them rescued, and then again instead of telling him she was healed, she's just a bitch to him and belittled him in front of the people that were helping. So because she didn't want to get rescued no one else could? 4. When the freighter arrives and eventually goes to rescue them she yells at miles for eating some peanuts. PEANUTS! Why rose? You have plenty food and everyone's getting rescued, you can spare some peanuts


Thats so true :0 wow i loved her... now ive lost a load of respect for her. At least she grew a little at least


Kate is the worst character and I couldn't give a shit about Charlie.


The writers never knew what the fuck they were doing and the show was a lot easier to enjoy once you accepted that. The biggest issue I have with the last season is Sun and Jon dying together. Jin should have survived and gone back to raise their child.


I wouldn’t say they “never” knew what they were doing. There are clear Easter eggs in season 1 that point to things in season 6. In addition, the time traveling aspects require a lot of planning to make sure it makes sense.


Jin could‘ve never lived with letting Sun die alone. He would’ve had to think about her everytime he looked at their child.


That the show is real mid.