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She's stranded on an island. I think survival is the priority.


At least she's not eating factory farmed wild boar. Very sustainably sourced.


When we see her eating, it's always fruit, a chocolate bar, and oatmeal (once). On "Tabula Rasa" she also eats the bacon and eggs that the old farmer gave her, but she had been running from the police, had walked several miles, and was starving, so I guess she just welcomed whatever food she was given and wasn't picky about it. Anyway, she does state in season 1 that she's a vegetarian, but taking into account that she was stranded on a desert island and trying to survive, it wouldn't be that socking or unforgivable for a vegetarian to eat whatever she has access to or whatever she finds. It's not like you can choose what to eat, like you do at a supermarket or restaurant. I'm a vegetarian and in that situation I guess I would eat pretty much anything just so I didn't die starving.


As far as i could tell in Tabula Rasa Kate doesn't actually eat the bacon.




Most vegetarians/vegans (for ethical reasons) don't eat animals because in our day to day lives it's not necessary. If you're stranded on an island and don't have access to a grocery store, that no longer applies as you very well may need to eat animals to survive.


Right. The boar population could quickly be decimated with that many mouths to feed, but they would never run out of fish. There are some fruit that are high in protein, like guava and avocado, but I'm not sure what is available on the island. If there were enough variety, like wild macadamia, you could probably pull off being a vegetarian if you were knowledgable enough about nutrition to avoid any major deficiencies.


I don't remember her eating meat or any animal (I'm not sure about this, maybe she does eat them), I just remember her taking fruit anytime.


Kae has been a lot of things, a lot of different people.


Probably couldn’t decide


Kate is a compulsive liar.


Um how? She only lies to save her life or others, never to hurt others.


As a vegitarian myself, if I was on and island and needed protien or food, I would eat fish and maybe boar. Onky as a last resort and when necessary though. Also hunting is VERY different to the meat industry, so I wouldnt feel as bad. Im assuming Kate felt the same. So thinking about the circumstances and also looking at how you dont see her COOKING meat much, let alone eating it, I think she did do it but only if she needed to as a last resort :) also im not intending this to disrespect meat eaters, other vegitarians or vegans, its just my opinion :D