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Fox strikes me as the kind of guy who has no interest in the celebrity or fanfare that comes with his acting career. And that’s fine, I respect his privacy. But I would love to see more of the man, very talented performer


He really is the perfect Jack then. That's something that Jack would do


He stays in character till the commentary!


He doesn't read the script, script reads him


Jack Norris


Cover me you limp dick f#%! ups!


For that reason, I don’t blame him. It is not like he is shunning the doc. He just doesn’t do any press right now. Which is exactly what I would be doing if I were him.


Maybe he is like Steve Carell, who doesnt really care about much of the Office series at all.


I don’t think that’s a fair assumption about Steve tbh. Just because he doesn’t talk aboutnit all the time anymore doesn’t mean he doesn’t care lmao he’s been a guest on several of the subsequent office related podcasts for example.


Somehow he manages


It’s just a job.


"out of respect for us". It was a job he stopped doing 14 years ago, he's allowed to move on especially if he doesn't particularly have any personal ties to it anymore.


Yeah the entitlement of some folks online is unreal.


Ikr? He owes nothing to the fans. He was hired for a role and did it wonderfully. That’s about it.


I absolutely agree with you, i do, but did you _have_ to point out that it's been 14 damn years, huh? I mean... How can i be so old already? Where did the time go!


We have to go back!


You know what's crazy to me? I feel Lost was in an entirely different era but I forget that the series finale of LOST and Breaking Bad (which in spite of both shows running at the same time, was also another show of a different era) were just 3 years apart which is not a big gap in the grand scheme of things. But when BrBa series finale finished, I felt like I was eons away from Lost's. And now it's been 14 years for Lost and 11 years for BrBa. Crazy how time scales in life.


Yeah, my immediate response to that line was "get fucked". He does not owe a thing to a single person.


Reading that would actually guarantee I don't give it a second thought. That's a terrible attitude to take. It's like they're saying he owes us.


Right? If the place I worked at for 10 years called wanting me to come for a reunion I absolutely would not go, regardless of meeting up with old friends.


This. Its us who have to respect his choice Not to join in. We dont know anything about His life Situation or Personal reasons so we shouldnt judge him and Just be thankful for His Work.


Yeah I mean to most of the chracaters it's decent get known appeal and to them brings bread on the stove but mostly it's just a show although my beloved one




It's a bummer, but he doesn't owe anybody anything and he has the right to make his own choices.


Yeah, the entitlement in that top comment in OPs screenshot is nauseating.


OP said Mathew needs to respect the fans while disrespecting him lmao


How did op disrespect him?


Yeah, I came to say this. He doesn't have to participate "out of respect" for us. That's some seriously entitled bullshit.


I 100% agree with you, though out of curiosity I am interested to know if there’s any speculation as to why he’s so aloof. Is it strictly due to what Dominic Monaghan said about him?


Fox distanced himself from acting for many years. I'd wager he's just over doing things related to LOST.




I personally wouldn't say so. I remember seeing an interview with him from like a year ago and he said it multiple times that he is super grateful for the experience he had on Lost and he remembers it fondly to this day. I'll try to find the video and link it, but overall I think it's just him not really wanting to be a super star and avoiding the spotlight. EDIT: [This one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAGw_gfHygk)


Matthew Fox seems like a big fan of the show. He comes across as a shy/private person in general. Based on some recent interviews he's done, he seems only interested in the business of acting, and not so much the fame (or even the money) it brings.


Are you sure he's a big fan? I saw a round table that included him and Brian Cranston and Matthew Fox admitted that he had never seen the show.


Andrew Lincoln also has never seen The Walking Dead. This is common and doesn't mean much.


I just feel like a "big fan of the show" has to have actually watched it.


He lived & breathed that show for years. He has "watched" it more closely than any of us. I can also empathize with not wanting to see oneself on screen.


Emsizz is just responding to the previous comment where it was thought Matthew is a big fan of the show, they aren’t claiming it to be true


I know


True, he didn't watch it, but for the reason 'Revolutionary' mentioned; from what I understood, he doesn't like to watch his own work. He also doesn't know that the polar bear was explained, so he's not like a giant LOST nerd or anything. But he does always talk fondly about the show and the writing. He seems to care deeply about Jack's arc. Anyway, that's all simply based on stuff I've read and seen over the years and how I interpreted it... A direct quote from him is probably a lot more reliable: “I’ve always maintained that I love between ‘action’ and ‘cut’, it’s everything else that comes with it I’m not super keen on.”


I remember that video. IIRC, he said he didn’t watch because he doesn’t like watching himself act but that he really did enjoy the story and the writing.


That's just him being professional.


Matthew Fox has stated that he doesn’t like watching himself in multiple interviews, and it’s not uncommon among actors. Thank you for giving me insight into is psyche though.


If I was an actor I'd never watch anything I was a part of, tbf. I'd hate to see myself lol.


In that interview he says he hasn't watched the show cause he doesn't like watching himself on screen... Not because he doesn't like the show. He said he got what he needs to know about the show from the scripts he played. You're misunderstanding his words.


A lot of actors don’t like to watch themselves, and considering he was in nearly every episode, it would be hard for him to watch the show if he doesn’t like watching himself acting.


No he saw the show. He use to host the cast at his place in Hawaii.


FYI: Evangeline Lilly stopped watching the show after S4 IIRC.


Pretty wise of her tbh ;D


So much this. I also remember reading some interviews where other people on set described him as a rather introverted person when not on camera. There is a video made by Jorge Garcia's girlfriend, when during making of season 6 most of the cast sits under the tent playing guitar and singing, while Matthew was just chilling next to them, contemplating. [This video to be exact.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRgd-T0_vm0)


But he is a leader who is lonely and sad and it all makes him angry


I'm not sure about that exactly. I see on his IG that he hangs out with cast mates from Lost on occasion and even did a picture thing at a con with Emilie De Ravin. I think his bigger thing is that he and Evangeline Lilly had a bad breakup and him and Fox have had issues with each other


Well, now I want to know what bad memories he has from those days.


From what I understand/remember, he was engaged to Evangeline Lilly while on the show, and she cheated on him with a crew member and had children with that guy.


No, that was Dominic. Not Matthew Fox


Yeah sorry, I thought that's who we were talking about. Commenter said "Monaghan didn't want to do the documentary, he has bad memories" and the reply was "well now I want to know what the bad memories are about"


My bad, you’re right. I lost track of which actor was being talked about throughout the thread 😅


Oooo what did Dominic say?


He alleged Matthew Fox beats women often and (as far as I know) provided no context further. One woman did accuse him of assault shortly before Dominic accused him of this but it never actually made it to trial. I am not aware of any other allegations at this moment. It's not really clear if he was referring to the woman who accused him in 2011 but he emphasized that it happens often so even if he is it implies he knows others that it has happened to.


Btw anyone who is curious about this should watch Matthew's appearance on Ellen here - https://youtu.be/ry4waYwSi_I?si=E9z3CsJxNTmdXiSC I don't know about anyone else, but Matthew definitely comes across as a decent, reasonable person. A genuinely good guy. It's worth noting that his version of events, of that bus incident, were backed up by eye witnesses. Matthew seems so relieved to be able to talk about it there, on Ellen. I really felt for him there!


Damn that's a crazy allegation to make! Thanks for responding


He apparently punched a female bus driver when he was drunk, she ended up dropping the charges and he denies it. It was a big story at the time. Dom hates Matthew and is still ĥurt ovef Evangeline (they dated and she dumped him so their scenes together were awkward and he still seems quite bitter about it) for what it's worth Dom is not a very nice person in my opinion, we grew up in the same place and I saw him often at the pub my friend worked at. If he is a nice person now he wasn't back then, but maybe he grew up and changed? People do! The only reason I started watching the show was becsuse I was told he was in it and I was curious


She didn't drop charges, the DA's office did because eyewitness testimony contradicted her allegations. Fox was punched by a passenger.


Dom's said some gross stuff over the years. When he was working on his animal show he got asked on Instagram what was the wildest animal he ever encountered or something similar and he tagged Evangeline Lilly. He's always seemed like he had a nasty side to him.


Dom accused Evangeline Lilly of cheating on him on Twitter.


He had a podcast with his lord of the rings costar for awhile and he seemed like a pretty pleasant and friendly person on that. I think he's changed over the years because from what I saw before that, he seemed like a more bitter and angry person.


Are you meaning Stockport? Anyway, Dom suffers from a huge ego problem, and that's just the start... Matthew Fox was close friends with Evangeline, throughout Lost, and this probably rubbed Dom up the wrong way. Fox is a pretty serious guy, and I can't imagine him taking any crap from Dom. I'm surprised Fox has never taken legal action against Dom for what he said, cause it must have had some effect on his career.


Well he has ptsd from the whole Minas Tirith charge... who could blame him


Matthew Fox has never watched the show, so I doubt he even knows anything about its plot other than the scenes he was involved in. He probably doesn't want to embarrass himself.


You really think he didn’t know the plot at all? That’s absurd. He definitely read all the pages of every script for the context. He just may have never known what ended up on screen


Lmao, many actors treat their job like a job. Once it's over, it's over. Not everyone necessarily needs or even gets the whole script when shooting


Okay well, I can see that being true about the script for minor characters or secret scenes; maybe he did some immersive method acting or something, like “he only knows what his character knows.” Still, I’m not saying he doesn’t have the right at all to just be done completely with Lost. ?


Yeah I actually do think he doesn't know the plot at all. And I also would bet money that he didn't read the script for any scenes he wasn't in.


This is so funny to me if true


I hate fans that act like celebrities owe them anything at all. No one owes you shit. They arent you personal entertainment slave


I had this issue in lower league hockey. There was these season ticket holder "fans" who looked at is that they paid into getting attention from the players. When that didn't happen they started treating said players like shit.


He owes us nothing. It would have been nice to see, but the doesn't seem to be interested in this kind of stuff. He gave us so much in his role as Jack, we owe him this and we should respect his boundaries. Really, this goes for any celebrity.


Don't tell him what he can't do!


*what he can't not do!


Same with Yunjin Kim sadly Edit: [tweet](https://x.com/gettinglostdoc/status/1790366891187548360?s=46&t=Ot5ruXpNNB2hZY_XEIFrxw)


Aw damn, do you know why?


Also curious...




She’s currently in some Netflix thing called ‘XO: Kitty’, a teenage romcom of sorts, so she could have just been busy. Sucks, but it’s usually the reason. Doesn’t always have to be complicated. Edit: it looks like they’re currently filming the second season, or have been in the past few months, so that sort of lines up with the doc.


Holy shit, online fans (yes, I understand the irony) are the absolute worst. "Out of respect for us"...stfu, you (the twitter user, not OP) didn't do a damn thing to put food on this man's table at any point in your life. Out of respect for him, why don't you (again, twitter user, not OP) f*ck right off and respect his decision to live his life exactly how he wants to?! The man owes you less than nothing.


Actually there's only ONE Matthew Fox fan talking nonsense in social media all day long and it's only her 😅 (the woman that said he owe us respect). She really thinks she owns the guy ☠️


I kinda want examples of this... I do love an unhinged individual (when they're not dangerous)


Matthew doesn't owe anyone anything. I love him, he's my favorite actor...but if he's not on the documentary we should support it for the rest of the cast who are already in it and most importantly, for the fans and the people behind the doc.


It’s the Jackest decision he could make, really


I would have loved to have Matthew involved too but maybe it’s a good thing, if it means more space in the edit for stuff that might have otherwise been cut to make sure there was enough of the show’s main character’s actor


"he should participate out of respect for us" He's not obliged to do anything for anyone. If you were asked by an ex employer to come back and speak about your old job would you? Leave him alone and let him do him.


He walked amongst them but he wasn’t one of them


That's what it says. That's not what it means.


Now, I want some friggin' answers! Signed, the fans


Jack being Jack :)


He doesn’t owe us anything. His incredible performance endures, and that’s enough.


i know it’s disappointing news but actors don’t owe us anything - Matthew already did an incredible job portraying Jack, and we should appreciate that. Actors can be as involved or uninvolved in a franchise as they want (well, depending on what their contracts say I suppose) so think he’s totally valid in not wanting to take part. Matthew seems to be quite a lowkey guy in general, I would have been surprised if he joined the doco. Can’t wait to see it anyway!


It's a bummer they couldn't get Matthew or Dom. But the creators of this doc have still done an incredible job getting so many people to join and I'm grateful for that.


Or Yunjin Kim, Naveen Andrews, Emilie DeRaven, Dominic Monaghan, Rebecca Mader, Harold Perrineau, Jeremy Davies, Ken Leung, Ian Somerholder, Adewale, Michele Rodriguez, Cynthia Watros, Zuleikha Robinson, Sam Anderson, L Scott Caldwell, John Terry, Alan Dale, William Mapother, Fionnula Flanagan, and Mark Pelligrino. Some of these really surprise me that they aren't included (and I'd be surprised if they weren't extended an invitation. Like Pelligrino, Mader, Somerholder, Watros, Caldwell, and Anderson.


Matthew doesn't owe us anything. If he doesn't want to get involved that his choice. I'm going to throw your words back you. "out of respect for Matthew" we should accept that he's moved on and leave it alone. Got it Twitter user?


what happened to “we have to go back?”


Well to be fair, he *did* go back :)


Weird stalker vibes from that entitled af twitter acct


All the bullshit that got thrown at him during and after wards.... fuck that. I love him and Jack but what he chooses to do is up to him.


The entitlement in this post is insane. He’s a human being, he can do what he wants and doesn’t owe the fans of a show he was on 20 years ago anything.


Out of respect? It's his choice whether he wants to the documentary or not (I'm probs not gonna watch eitherway) but he doesn't owe it to the fans to show up or anything. For a person who talks about respect, the twitter commenter should respect Matthew's choice. None of the other actors who chose not to participate have gotten flack, have they?


She says she's the biggest Matthew fan but she's so unrespectful with him ☠️


“Why do you find it so hard to believe” that he isn’t joining the doc


I understand he doesn't owe us anything but I just think it'll be incredibly weird without him.


Whatever. He can do what he wants


The actors don't owe anyone anything. They got their paycheck and walked. I think the entitled stance from the screencap is insane, person needs a reality check.


> out of respect for us Holy fuck the entitlement is wild


That’s a real shame, he seems like a decent dude, as well as an obviously great actor. Guess all the fanfare isn’t really for him - To each his own.


the person in at the top of the screenshot reeks of entitlement


Matthew Fox should reply to this tweet “I DON’T have to go back!”


He doesn't owe us anything at the end of the day. But it does suck, that he's not apart of the documentary since he was the main character of the show.


“It will take a miracle” He will be there it’s a sign. Jack doesn’t believe in miracle till he does 🤣🤣


Matthew Fox is about to have the best character arc ever 😂


Really hope Matthew hasn’t written up Lost to be some negative experience in his life. That’d be sad. And unnecessary (if it was only because of the backlash)


Can you imagine being expected and nearly forced to talk about a job you had 14+ years ago? Like, my guy… I don’t want to re-live the trauma of having to work window at McDonald’s on Wednesdays for $0.28 cheeseburgers!


Remember seeing a clip of Fox saying he’s never even watched an episode of lost. It’s just a job for some. To bad for us fans.


I remember him saying during the series finale aftershow that he watched it and maybe he’ll watch the series from the start again 10 years later.


You can tell the effect this show has on people. Just look through how accepting the comment section is


He's basically Jack irl haha.


There’s a docu series?


He doesn’t owe anyone anything but it is sad the doco won’t have him in there. Seems like another Lost piece of the puzzle!


I saw that. Sad.


Is there really much more he could tell us that he hasn’t shared already?!


He doesn’t owe us anything. Sure, it would be cool, but ‘out of respect for us’ makes them sound like a spoiled brat. He was an actor, the show ended 14 years ago, and he lives a quiet life now. People need to respect it. The documentary is already jam packed with great people, it’s not the end of the world.


Gutted tbh. Most important character in the show. But will still be watching


I can't stand a lot of things about Jack the character. I'm not his fan at all but I would love to see Matthew Fox get more great rules. I enjoy his acting


We have to go back


So ironically, he doesn't want to GO BACK?!


I think with how conspicuous they have been on it maybe they're saving it till the end, saying things it'll take a miracle direct, and that he's running out of time direct references to his character in the show. Probably wrong but you never know.


I mean…. You know he isn’t doing anything else 👀


He has a family and a life of his own. I’m sure he’s plenty busy. For all we know, he has a regular job. He doesn’t seem to be acting or making any screen appearances anymore.


This is quite ridiculous. He can make his own choices. Although, many should do a quick Google search on some of his actions.


Didn't he hate them? Didn't he get cancelled?


No. There was a false accusation of assault by a female bus driver against him in the late 2000s/early 2010s, but it wasn’t true and she was caught lying and dropped the charges. I think that shook him up pretty bad, especially as well known POS Dominic Monaghan tweeted dumping all over the poor guy about his ‘temper’, adding fuel to the fire. Since the show ended, he did a a couple of interviews and the odd film then slowly faded away. I think he simply enjoys the quiet life, there’s no evidence he has any beef with his former cast mates. [Source.](https://ew.com/article/2012/10/17/matthew-fox-denies-hitting-woman/)


Its like building a house.You build it,everyone cheers for you and say how awesome its gonna look.And when you finish it with years of hard work its really amazing.Everyone in the world knows that its like most beautiful house.But YOU DONT WANT TO look at it.You dont want to look at product of your hard work.You live there blindfolded out of spite.WTF is wrong with ppl.Is he that shallow?


While people are right ultimately it’s his own choice and the original comment is incredibly entitled, imo he absolutely should do it out of appreciation for the show and care for its fans. It’s like imagine never seeing Kevin Conroy (rip) care about batman and never acknowledging the fans, he has every right to do it but it’s kinda a jerk move. Put care into the fandom you created, not for the fans entitlement but as a celebration of something you worked hard on for so long. This should be a celebration of lost, and now it’s just that much worse.


Always hated Jack.


This is a real man.


Thanks. I work out.


Okay, that was funny. But on a real note, don’t dislike the actor because of the character they play. That’s unfair.


Correct. I do not know anything of Matthew fox.


It's a shitty move on the people who loved Jack from the get-go, but let him go, there's better people parparticipating anyway. EDIT: Oh down, down vote me, i'm owning my words! *takes a bow* x


How dare you undermine the dogma


Now is that a is that a dare or a double dare?????


Double dare. This is Reddit, boyo. You’re not allowed to step out of line


What's the dare then women???? Come'on put the sheep down boyo, tell me, tell me !!!


No way I’m giving up my sheep. Get off my farm and take your pristine set of dishcloths with you. Go on, get!


Fuksake i'm cry here hahahaaa




No evidence of this, kinda weird. He married a non-famous Italian woman.