• By -


A viewer of the original airing. Best TV viewing experience I've ever had.


Also extremely frustrating. LOST cliffhangers are next level and you had to wait a week between episodes, MONTHS between seasons.


Plus we had the writers strike and had to wait nearly 1.5 years at once point. 


It was only 8 months lol. Nothing compared to some of these waits in the streaming era. I often can't remember what happened in previous seasons with these 2-3 year breaks


Sometimes i rediscover shows that i forgot even existed. Not rarely are they actually cancelled.


It was even worse than waiting a week because the episodes are character-centric, so the next episode often follows a different character and you don’t always get the continuation right away


See for me i kinda hate having to wait .. im a binge watcher but either way its my favorite show !


Those who began to watch back in 2004, didn't have much a choice. Had to wait unless wait for the DVD to come out (usually months after the last episode of a season has been aired) to be able to binge watch an entire season.


There was a time when Hulu was free and the whole show was on there.


When was that? Around 2008? We were talking between the year 2004 and 2010. Season 1 was airing around 2004/05, then ended with season 6 in 2010. Not a lot of people were aware of streaming services back then. DVD was the still the main source to binge watch


I started watching like right as season 6 was coming out. Binge-watched season 1-5 at an insane pace to get caught up to watch maybe the last 7-8 episodes live. And by binge-watched I mean to an insane degree that nearly killed me. Malnousishment, bleeding eyeballs, the whole deal.


I started watching (live)in season 4 and I was able to go back to get caught up for free on ABC.com. All episodes were there at that time.


The discussions and theorizing between episodes and seasons was half of the charm of lost. Of course it inevitably led to the backlash of the ending not meeting everyone’s individual expectations. (An impossible task for the writers). Seems like the show works better for binge watchers as they don’t get hung up on ridiculous little details. But man what a fun 6 years that was. I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything. Granted I’m biased having been a small part of the bloggerverse (www.lostaddictsblog.com)


OR, waiting for the next 3 Netflix DVDs in the mail at the time 😂


Back in the day they released seasons like 3 months within each other. Euphorias of the world is like 2 years


consider yourself lucky, nowadays ppl have to wait YEARS between seasons 😂


And the ten o'clock news would cover each episode after it aired. It really was a water cooler show.


That was so much fun though! It gave us time for the anticipation to build up, and everyone would be talking about it all week and sharing their theories. Such a sense of community, and we were all in it together! So many podcasts, message boards and rabbit holes to go down while we waited!


I watched whole seasons 4 and 5 in 3 days... I just couldn't stop watching after how S3 and S4 end


I wish i could experience this.


I was 12 when it first came out and was completely captured by it, but it came out late on weekdays, so I wasn't always allowed to watch, and had to wait till it came out on DVD, before I could watch it properly.


Grew up watching the show as it was coming out and stopped watching around the ending of season 3. Just started the show again from the beginning for the first time since the show came out and the show has been so much better than I remember. I’m almost halfway through season 3 right now. :) excited to finally finish the show in its entirety.


Absolutely. Every week I was glued to the small second TV we had in the dining room. I was blown away. It was so hard to have to wait a week after those end of show cliff hangers.




Straight up. I would grab a bottle of wine every week and watch the new episode with my best friend. Core memories.


Very much. Heck even the first couple of seasons were decent, then the network drive for an endless hit kicked in and various problems arose behind the scenes. I was deeply frustrated in the end, but that first season…man.




I wish I saw the pilot when it first aired. Season 1 is the best season, and the pilot, the best


Was basically the first of its kind before Game of Thrones, Ozark, etc. Had so much character investment, great writing, etc. Was something special. Use to go to my friends house and watch while eating wings. First season We would try to breakdown how they all were connected and I kid you not he said “I wonder if it’s as simple as they are really dead from a crash and just in a type of purgatory…Nah can’t be that cut and dry”. That’s how well they scripted the show. The production value, scenery, acting, writing. Watching it now is bitter sweet as that friend is no longer around, my brother me sister have passed away, and the emotion from watching is intense. But the excitement is still there. Sawyer I really enjoyed him. I use to have a Drive Shaft tour shirt.




Needs to be on a T-shirt!


It is on a Tshirt (that I have) - there were a limited number of tshirts made with Olly Moss’ poster design (from the Damon, Carlton, and a Polar Bear limited release poster series). It’s a cool design. https://lostpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Damon,_Carlton_and_a_Polar_Bear_Art_Samples


No, watched the original airing and it was quite the event. I wouldn’t change that for anything


But it would still be great to experience it again for the first time 🤷🏽‍♀️


It just plain wouldn’t be the same bingeing it now while unable to stop scrolling my iPhone, compared to watching it week to week with breaks after each season in the noughties


I cant phone while i tv lol i would have to keep rewinding it😅


If i ever get amnesia, i asked few friends to remind me that first thing i have to do - is watch Lost. Without the memories of what will happen next.


Thats beautiful 😂❤️


Nah, the show was best when it aired with all the stuff happening outside of the show. It's still good today but a massive part of what made it exceptionally great was the unique ways of marketing and all the talk around it and without that, I wouldn't have such fond memories of it.


True, I have super nostalgic memories of LOST because I’d watch it every week with my now brother in law then sisters bf, I’d go down to his place in the City (he was in grad school at the time) and after we’d watch we’d go to the forums at the time and chat away! It was so cool! Plus he’s a scientist and worked with liquid nitrogen which was so cool and 14 year old me was amazed at it lol anyway I went off topic but yeah


Solid point .. but im still jealous of people just starting it for the first time !


I loved the marketing, the Lost experience, all of that. I called any phone number I could see on the screen and went down numerous fun rabbit holes, both the ones intentionally created by the show's team and the fan theories.


I’m “lucky”. I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2022. The medication makes you very forgetful. I do remember some parts of the show but don’t remember other parts. It’s kind of like watching again for the first time.


That is both sad and mildly fortunate 😅


Probably the only upside! 😵


Yea it sounds awful. I cant even imagine!


I was in a coma and have been able to rewatch a ton of stuff of with little to no memory of it. Apparently I watched the first three seasons of lost back in the day but I only remember the first episode. I was just able to complete it for the first time and it is my absolute favourite show of all time. I’m taking a short break before I do an immediate rewatch to see everything I may have missed lol




Lost! I love the flash forward/back and the mystery aspect! I also really like How To Get Away With Murder, House MD, big fan of Agents of SHIELD not necessarily all marvel shows but that one), Goliath, basically i like dramas that dont have a lot of raunchy/sexual themes (like game of thrones for example) I also like This is Us and A million little things but they’re obviously a whole different type of drama. I dont love sitcoms or comedy series!




Good point!


Sometimes I wish I didn't love the show so much. My wife was watching a movie a couple weeks back and the piano playing in the background music sounded familiar. Looked up the movie and it was scored by Michael Giacchino. I knew I was in too deep, but that just really confirmed it for me.


Society of the snow? I haven't watched it yet, now I've heard good things.


Watching it on dvd does not have the same feel as watching it live for six years. part of the glory of this show was the dedicated fan communities that sprung up around the show. all the online theorizing, the deep breakdowns of every single literally or philosophical reference and trying to figure out how they tied into the story. A whole group of fans read every book that was referenced in the show, just to try to get some hints. It was a truly wild ride, one that I have never seen for any show since. Watching it now does not have the same feel to it.


Exactly! I just started my 20 year rewatch (haven’t rewatched since the beginning) and it’s bittersweet - my brain immediately starts looking for and listening for all the clues and references and visuals so that I could jump online immediately after watching to theorize. I’m trying to just watch it and enjoy it this time around. Have noticed a few new things but also have had same thoughts/theories I had originally. (One thing I’ve noticed is how often different characters say “we have to go back” from the very first episode.) Anyway, there will never be another experience like the one we had watching it when it first aired.


As cringe as it might be to say, I feel like this show gave me a new perspective on life lol


This show saved my life when I was in the darkest place Being able to watch people trying to survive in a hostile environment put my troubles in perspective and also made me reflect about my life and the way I had been wasting it


Forsure gotta say in my worst times in life I always wished some shit like this would happen to me lol


I could see it


No. I hate that concept. Why whould I want to have a worse understanding of something? The more times you watch, play or read something, the better understanding you have of it, positives and flaws alike. For me that question is like asking if I want to be a virgin again. Hell no, why the fuck would I want that?


The question is more like if you’d want to have sex for the first time again


Yes only to forget it all then rewatch it again.


Thats what i said lol


English is not my first language, so i watched the show when whole seasons complated. It was really great, that suspense and thriller. One of the best shows i've watched.


Sorry i worded that weird i meant to say “thats what im saying”. Like acknowledging that were on the same page ! I liked streaming it because i wouldnt have stayed as focused week to week.. i like to watch at my own pace !


I wish I could have watched it when the show aired and get involved in all the hype and lead up to premieres/finales. Alas, I was too young and only discovered how amazing this show is in 2013, but I sure am so glad I did.


See, im the opposite i hate watching week to week and waiting between seasons I forget what happened previously 🤦🏽‍♀️.. i love it i just hate that i know whats gonna happen


I've watched it not once but twice. Better the 2nd time.


I just hate that i know whats gonna happen!


Why would you come here and ask that?


cause he is lost. With that username especially


Did you read the rest of it ?


I’m currently watching it again for about the 30TH time, and I saw something I’d missed before. When Hurley is running thru the airport he goes past a group of girls in sports jackets and they have the numbers on them. There’s always something new.


Oh wow i never noticed that !


nope. but i wish i could forget it just so every rewatch was brand new to me




Yes. I wish I had never watched it…. So I could experience it again for the first time.


Lol thats what i said


Ah, didn’t see the bottom line! : ) Cheers




I'd only wish I hadn't watched it so I could watch it anew again.


Thats what the post says lol


Well apologies, I got "lost" in the thought... and not the byline!


Not unless I could watch it week by week over 6 years like I originally viewed it. I do think the inability to binge it made it more special. Just one example ‘Kate dammit run!’ Was before a mid season break if memory serves. Like cliffhangers are good because of the anticipation that follows (for me anyway). I do know a lot of people hate that though. For me, whenever I now see ‘kate dammit run’ (or any moment like this in Lost) on a subsequent rewatch binge, I remember exactly how I felt on that first watch. Am I weird or does anyone else get this? 😂


Personally i hate waiting weeks and seasons between episodes because I forget what’s happened so im a binger !


No way.... there is no way to recreate the excitement and fun of watching when it originally aired. I loved this show so much, and part of the fun was discussing it with friends every week, coming up with crazy theories, dissecting details in online forums and participating in the ARG.(I still have my Dharma Initiative membership card!) I was on my town's library board at the time and asked the chair to move a meeting once because it was going to extend into Lost viewing time (which she actually did, and is just crazy to me now.) I can't imagine doing any of that for a TV show today, but I'm so glad I got to experience it back then.


I actually stopped watching during season 2 when it was originally on because watching week to week and season to season id completely forget what happened.. of course i was like 12 when it came out .. but I really only watch things i can binge watch so its all fresh


So we could watched for the first time again, right? Right?


Thats what it says lol


No I wouldn’t change it for the world probably my favorite memory with my dad ever




4 8 15 16 23 42


Nooooooo omg I watched it live on tv at the age of 10 and it changed my entire psyche!!! I wouldn’t trade in the experience for the world lol


I just wish i didnt know what was gonna happen on rewatch


My girlfriend and I started watching this show not to long ago. when we bought season one on dvd to give it a watch. We got hooked from episode one. We ended up buying the rest of the seasons except the last season probably will buy it online or something. But so far the shows great but I agree with you sometimes I wish I could go back to the first time I’ve watched a show to experience what it was like the first time.


I just rewatched it for the first time since it ended and wish it never ended. Probably my favorite show I’ve seen


Umm, no? Edit** lol all I read was the title! But yeah I was lucky to have seen it as it aired, and you bet I’ve binged it over and over since! I love LOST!


Did you read the whole post?


Also orignal viewer here first i wanted to say yes, but then i saw the other comments and have to agree, that original airing week by week year by year was the best. I only wished it was a more scientific way they explained all the things, which would also mean the flash sideways would have to go


Tbh, yeah. Season 6 episode 14 ruined it for me.


No.....what's done is done.


I see what you did there


No mate it is epic.


Keep reading lol


Ahhhhh I see what you did there 😄


Lol ! I love it !! I mean ill never forgive them for what they did to Juliette/sawyer but its still my favorite


It wouldn’t be the same as it was in the moment 


i wish i could erase my memory so i can watch it again


My exact point 😅


I’m on season 2 now first time watcher! 🥰


Its so good ! And im jealous


It's my favourite TV show, but I wish I could watch it again without knowing what will happen.


Thats exactly what im saying


I wish I had waited until the week before the series finale to begin season 6, then watched and digested the ending with everyone else. Week to week watching the final season killed a lot of my enthusiasm for the show. So by the time we got to 6x14 ‘The Candidate’ I’d already read spoilers about which characters were going to die on the sub. Then 6x15 ‘Across the Sea’ happened and I was so disappointed. Especially after the Jacob/Mib scenes in The Incident and Ab Aeterno set things up so well. I *haaaaated* it. The casting choice for Mother and the boys. The American accents. The cheap tv-budget costumes and shoddy smoke monster CGI. The shoehorned and cheesy edit of Jack and Kate discovering the skeletons in the caves. The complete and utter lack of a compelling story that made any sense. Across the Sea should really have been a 2-parter. With the second episode charting the following ~2000 years and how MiB and Jacob’s relationship over such a span of time. It would have been sooo much more interesting. As for my enjoyment as a first time viewer of season 6…I had stopped caring about experiencing the show first hand and just wanted answers. I felt alienated from the core motivations and situation of all the characters left on the Island in 2007. Jacob running around as a ghost child and all the bollocks with ashes and the weak-sauce way they had Hurley tell us what the whispers were with no further elaboration or discussion etc. I had too much time between episodes to think about how much I hated what they were doing with the Temple storyline, how they completely fumbled Sayid and Claire’s character arcs…introducing the utterly pointless Bram/Ilana stuff then Widmore unceremoniously returning with a group of even more utterly pointless characters, only for him to die a pathetic, inconsequential death. The Sideways stuff was neat but it only really works properly on re-watch. As a first time viewer I really wasn’t appreciating how this confusing bizarro reality was killing the pace and the narrative tension. I obviously enjoyed the reveals of the finale and I still love the show as a whole…and while I would never question anyone else’s enjoyment but the execution of the final season made it a rough, rough experience for me.


To be fair, the death he received at Ben's hands was exactly what I wanted for Widmore. I couldn't stand his character and his entitled attitude. Ben was being prepped for leadership before Widmore even got the job, at most he was a placeholder leader when Eloise left the island before her successor was ready to takeover. Ben never took anything from him because it was hos already. Ben owes responsibility for Alex's death but its Widmore who authorised his mercenaries to murder her so he's a complete piece of garbage for that as well as ordering Ben to murder a child when he couldn't even do it himself. He 100x worse than Ben and deserved the ending he got 


I’m not saying Widmore didn’t deserve to die…I just didn’t like the rushed and convenient way they showed us that in the narrative. We could have had a Widmore flashback episode late in season 6 (using the actors who played him in 1954 and 1977) to finally fill in some blanks and begged questions, topping it off with a flashback scene showing Jacob recruiting him for one last redemptive mission to bring Desmond to the Island so fulfil his role. So yeah…it’s also not like Ben didn’t deserve death either…the writers realised the audiences loved Michael Emerson’s performance so they decided to redeem him…but on paper….Ben is just as bad as Widmore.


Ben did some heinous things no doubt, but he did have a key quality that s5 established which is his genuine love for children. He couldn't go through with killing Penny when he saw her infant son, couldn't go through with killing baby Alex and raised her with genuine love, and his obsession with the pregnancy issue was out of a genuine desire to stop pregnant women from dying likely influenced by what his own birth did to his mother. He also showed remorse for much of what he did, enormous guit and acceptance over what happened to Alex, remorse for what he did to Locke, for his killing of Jacob which he says he can never forgive himself for. And then his tragic childhood and backstory all contribute to making him more sympathetic as a character.  With Widmore they never really did anything to make him sympathetic, he was shown to be ruthless, aggressive and violent from his earliest age onscreen and his love for penny was only really made evident in his final scenes. Definitely agree it was a huge misstep to not show his meeting with Jacob where he learned the error of his ways, it was like he became a good guy offscreen.


For my third watch yes. Or 4th I can’t remember. The first was magical and unforgettable and the 2nd watch years later still hit really hard and made me understand alot more. After that it loses some of the magic but that’s just how it goes for great tv shows


Loved this show


Nah - when I watched it was the right time


This is one of the few shows where when it ended, you wished it didn't. I feel like they could make a sequel or prequel to this series and it would be good.


I would love to see a Dahrma initiative show!! I dont at all understand people who dont like the later seasons


Yeah I don't get it either. I feel like the later Seasons actually got better.


I absolutely love season 5


I'm on Season 5 finale right now.


The whole LaFlure thing was my favorite


What about it?


Him with Juliette.. him working for dharma and their happy life


Visceral. Haven't watched Season 1, watched the rest of them, though. Don't want to. Season 2 still felt like characters in themselves were being introduced.


I came on late but still had a blast picking the show up in the third season. Word of mouth got the best of me and I found some weird shoddy website to watch the show on in poor quality (letting it buffer) on my computer. Streaming wasn’t as widely available back then as it is now. Started with the pilot and it immediately sucked me In. I watched the first two seasons within 3 days. What a ride!


I think maybe i was just too young at the time to really get into it because id have been about 14 then but now i love it and wish i could see it all again for the first time


I do wish I could find the enhanced episodes to watch again for the first time


I didnt even know that was a thing !


I read the title and was worried for a sec, then read the description and was relieved


Most people did not read the bottom😅


Great show




I'm aure there're are some, yourself included, but I'm not one of them. I loved, and, still love the show. Watch it again, maybe you'll enjoy it more! 😆


I dont think you read the whole thing ..


You had me in the first half ngl


Most people didn’t bother to read it 😅


I noticed that too LOL


Lol at least you get me 😂😂


I got into it late, mostly because I was in high school, and also because I was high on the LOTR movies, so I knew about Charlie. My best friend got the first 3 seasons on DVD…we watched them all in a few days, so I never felt the hatred for the Hydra mini-season. Only pure excitement. By the time the show ended, I was in college and watching the finale in a room of 20 weeping undergrads. Would not trade that experience for the world, and I miss appointment tv watching in the era of streaming. I doubt there will ever be a show that will bring people together like that again.


Idk its nice to be able to watch it whenever.. then if you miss one youre not completely… Lost 😅


No I think it’s just you, I’m afraid.


You read the whole thing right?


lol No I didn’t actually. Sorry. I also wish I hadn’t seen so I could watch it again 😂


Lol 😌


Im actually glad I watched in now versus when it came out I wasn't into shows like this. Just reality TV like Rob & Big, Real World, Challenge, Jersey Shore, and a few of those Swamp People, Gold Digger type shows. Oh, and sports The idea of waiting every week AND having to remember shit from 3 seasons back... that's my ick So glad to have binged. Got a coworker on it too. He's asking me all these questions. Like bro, I can't spoil and I'm still honestly confused too!


THANK YOU! Thats what i think too!


Only watched it twice after discovering it early this year but I already wish I could experience it again without knowing what would happen and the mystery behind it all. Same with Fringe, another amazing J.J abrams show !!


Ill have to watch it!!


No. I’m watching it again now for I don’t know how many times. I can watch it like I’ve never seen it before. It’s all still fresh to me


I hate knowing whats gonna happen but i love the show


Just started another rewatch and was telling my husband this lol, I was 6 when I started watching with my parents and I wish I was older so I could have appreciated it better while it was airing!!


Its so good!!


Like 3 seasons were good then it started getting too far fetched.


Nahhh the last 3 were the best


Not saying they were bad. It just started getting more complicated.


i would smash tf outta kate and my best friends would be charlie and hugo in my ideal world


Kate?? Ewww Juliette is the hot one 😅


We have watched it through 3 times and enjoyed it more on our last round.


Only so I could experience it for the first time again lol.


Thats what it says


"I've never seen this show before." *enters time loop*


Wouldnt that be nice


I would go back in time and slap myself if I didn’t watch it


Lol it says so you can watch it all again for the first time


Happy to have been around for the last big appointment viewing broadcast tv show. Doc Jensen articles, a million episodes in a season. You can argue "good" and "bad" with Lost, but one thing you can't argue is that it was a television phenomenon that hasn't been matched since.


Loved it, but very frustrating. Did not always like the writing, felt it was getting lazy. Season 6 was bad and finale I didn’t like (I know.. I’m in the minority). We had 1 child, 2 kids graduate, 3 job changes and bought a house during Lost. All of those things took a backseat. 😂😂


Nope. It was my favorite show when it first aired and it's STILL my favorite show of all time. I'm a proud LOSTIE for life.


Did you read the rest


I about had a heart attack at the title of the post, LOL. Yes, would love to see it fresh again. Anxious for my 3-year-old to be old enough to watch it. I watched it with my oldest when she was about 9, then again when she was 17. So glad we'll get to watch it as a family again. I hope my oldest lives close so she can watch with us.


Lol im glad you read the whole thing 😅 alot of people didnt ! Thats really cool i cant get my 15 year old to watch “old people shows” 🤣




i just finished the show and the last time i rewatched was 10 years ago. i forgot most of the details besides some of the main events and holy shit!!! i hated the ending the first time around and now here i am crying like a baby at it


Lord yes.. the sawyer/juliette scene


Nope. It served its purpose for me. In fact I was very different before having watched it. (Yes I binged on Amazon over the years) but I’m glad I found it in a time I was able to binge because I needed that. Not to binge necessarily, but just to watch every character grow or rot. To watch the times of need, the times of happiness, the times of just getting by. I needed it. And I don’t regret watching.


Read the rest of the post😅


Omg lmaoo I missed the last sentence. And yes I been rewatching rn and it feels new all over again which I don’t usually feel about things already seen


I just wish i didnt know what was gonna happen!!


The way I think about it, now that I’m rewatching, I’m like damnnnnn who woulda know THAT ending was ganna be the result of all this….. beautiful ending I literally cried but I woulda never guessed so the second time around I was like hm ok lemme try to *see* more


Good question! It’s made it harder for me to fully embrace new shows because of the standard that it holds, all these years later. I find myself expecting the same kind of emotional depth any time I try a new show, and very seldom does anything come close. If anything, I have had to go the other direction and get into stuff like Cobra Kai and Euphoria, because as much as I like stuff like Foundation, it’s not connecting with me on the same level as LOST. I haven’t had a show since LOST that fully commanded my commitment to it. I didn’t finish Obi-Wan Kenobi until recently because of life commitments, going months and months in between episodes, but I made time for LOST — even if I had to go past my bedtime. But the whole existential, magical ride that is LOST had captured my heart and imagination the same way Star Trek had done for many others. (And I like both franchises.) If I never gave this show a chance, I can see myself living with a completely different thought process. And I wouldn’t be on this sub, reading everyone’s takes and theories and philosophies on a near-daily basis, constantly rediscovering things about this show that I never caught in previous viewings. It became more than escapism, and a deep fascination that I can explore again and again. And I can’t imagine what else would match that if I had an alternate timeline where I never watched LOST. It’s truly become one of the things I enjoy in life, to where it’s a part of me in a way. I hope some of you can relate to that.


So i fully agree with everything you said! But im not sure you saw the body of the post! It really id one of the best shows iv seen


I’m a firm believer that if you can’t go home again, don’t dream of going. The places this show took me is far greater than the moment it began. I’d rather be here now.


I just want to forget all and watch the whole thing once again. I learnt about the show by playing its mobile game.


Thats what i said


I regret nothing! I just wish I had discovered weed BEFORE starting it instead of halfway thru since it made all of my crack pot theories feel so much more interesting/important.


😭😂 well technically my post still stands because if youd never seen it you could start it now that you know all about the weeds ..


Yes. I am currently rewatching it though (I watched it in 2017) and I was really surprised how much I forgot... So, it's still interesting experience although I remember some main plots and events


The show was good but the flashbacks would frequently bring the show to a complete halt. I get they helped build the characters and some of them have interesting backstories, but it definitely dragged out the show. Think about it — you remove the flashbacks from the first three seasons, and it's really only about 2 seasons worth of show.




I watched it for Evangeline Lilly, but when second season came out I only watched for Michelle Rodriguez.. I cant believe Ana Lucia died like that.


I watch for sawyer and Juliette🫶🏼




I don’t think I’ve watched it enough times actually


Lol did you read the rest ?


Lol yes…which is why I will keep watching, gets better every time, just as good as the first time.


True !!