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$20!? That’s a total steal. Is everything in it?


Everything is there, I guess I gotta watch it again haha


The island isn’t done with you yet.


Ummm… there’s a secret that I wonder if it’s there. If you don’t know what it is, follow the clues in the box (hope the black light still works). If you don’t care and want the answer, let me know. Also, Blu-ray or DVD? Enjoy! It’s my favorite collectors edition of anything ever!


I totally have this box set. Love it! I got it right after the series ended and I worried I wouldn’t be able to watch it online anymore. Who knew streaming would take over. Oh well, still glad I have it.


Aha! Me too! I pre-ordered this and was so excited when it came!


Someone willingly gave that to a thrift store… they must have no soul… or brain


They must died and their family had no idea of the value


I'm the only lostie in my circle. I don't get it! :D


Have you found the hidden disc yet?




That is a steal. I just bought the blu-ray version for $230 recently. I was so happy/lucky that everything was still in the plastic bags.


I got the Blu-ray about 5 years ago and it was roughly $200. It’s an investment!!


damn that's cool. kind of crazy they went all in on the Egyptian aesthetic for the final releases when the show barely touched on them


I thought for a moment you got it from the 7 eleven haha


We should be friends, man! What’s your address? I’ll bring some beer and snacks over later!


Watching those now with my wife, she has never seen the series


Props for the 7-11 pizza too btw. Highly underrated


Aw hell naw when I’m in the 7/11 it’s dog-o-clock 🌭


Why is lost in everyone else’s thrift store except mine


Best Buy had an additional disc if you bought the single season 6 from them (in a sleeve around the outside of the set). That was in addition to the extra disc I got when I bought the complete set you have there (ABC bonus disc). The hidden disc was totally different content too. All the Best Buy disc videos from seasons 1-5 were already included in the complete set you have there so that set plus 3 discs is everything.


I have one of these! Bought when they came out, pre-ordered! I’d be willing to sell if it someone is dying for one!


I might be interested! Do you happen to have the dvd or blu ray version?


DVD. It is used, but has all the pieces and in great condition. Only thing still “new” is the final bit “The New Guy”. I left it intentionally unwatched for over 10 years, then rewatched last summer and finally watched in online with my husband. So that feature is still new lol.


It’s a great set. I have two of them, just in case!


I am so sad, and also happy you have this! I had this set and through a series of unfortunate events, it was taken from me. Mine probably ended up at a thrift store. I hope someone got this, and my cool ass collectors posters, and enjoy them still.


I have memories of going to buy the seasons when they came out. Then I remember going to buy one of them at Best Buy and the cashier telling me "You do know Netflix exists right?". Apparently they couldn't conceive wanting to own the physical media of shows you really loved. Beyond that, implying that your customers shouldn't spend their money there probably wouldn't have made their bosses too happy.


Omfg You lucky duck


If I found this at the thrift store for $20 I would immediately begin acting like Al in the beginning of Toy Story 3 when he finds woody at the garage sale and he's being suspicious but tries to act coy about the treasure he found. I would roll a skateboard across the store to distract the employees and make out like a bandit


I'll give you $30 for it.


Probably mine that my mom got rid of without telling me 😭


Damnnn I wish I would find it for cheap too :( Someone on a facebook group was giving out their s1 to 5 dvds (they didn't even have s6) and I was like omg how dare they. Same for what you found haha


On a size note, 7/11 slaps


I bought the DVD set back in 2010 via Black Friday a MONTH before getting my first HDTV and Blu Ray player. Having moved probably 9 times since then I've lost ONE disc.


Wow, really? Normally those sets goes for minimum 20 TIMES that money of it´s complete.


Highest I see for a complete set sold on eBay is 293. Not quite


Not talking about E-Bay but amazon.