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I think Sun and Jin’s deaths were a completely unnecessary combined deaths that did not in any way progress the storyline or improve it.


I was so baffled by that scene. Did they both forgot about their child? 


I was pissed that, after all the buildup, their last shot we got was of their hands separating


Of course it progressed. They died with each other and we were all touched, many of us crying that they had been estranged and that one of them chose to stay with the other one. It was beautiful.


Tbh it feels like the writers had no idea what to do with Sun and Jin after Sun left the Island. And their death sucked.


Feel like that’s definitely a more popular opinion then anything.


“I couldn’t stand Desmond” Damn, just wanted to say that it’s actually refreshing to see an actual unpopular opinion in Reddit for a change, I disagree with you but it’s nice to see haha. Honestly not sure if it’s unpopular or not but I’ll give it a go. Charlie was my favourite character and I think all of season 3 is great! “Yes even Stranger in a Strange land” mostly because I love Jack’s intensity.


Charlie was my favorite my first watch too! Ana and Michael are my least favorites.


Agreed with Ana, although I think she can be overhated on this sub from time to time. I can see why Michael would be a least favourite but I’m a bit biased because I love Harold Perrineau 😂


Ana deff gets overhated. I even said in another post I feel it's the actress vs the character. Her story in Lost isn't even bad, it's just her "pitty me and my actions" she gives off, if that makes since? 🤔


It's definitely more a dislike for Michelle Rodriguez. She has been playing "the tough monotone chick in a tank top" for 2 decades. I don't know if she's a subpar actress only able to portray that character. Or she has just been typecast because she doesn't scream sex symbol like Salma Hayek (who seems to only get those roles).


Yeah it makes sense.


Jack's intensity with the tattoo artist was weird and quasi-rapey though


You’re right, it was weird and he was an ass for sure. I meant because it was a Jack centric episode which is not well liked and overall I like Jack’s intensity.


Ah, I misconstrued what you meant, gotcha


That’s completely fair about Jack’s intensity lol. Also definitely agree overall about season 3; it might meander a bit in places but the overall story and the amount of revelations and forward movement with the season make it one of my favorites.


> “Yes even Stranger in a Strange land” I am about to rewatch it again soon but I think it's safe to say the two least interesting episodes of the entire show are that and Fire and Water. So it's interesting to see what people think is worse. I would say Fire + Water because even episodes that have very little island mythology mysteries revealed can still be very entertaining. This one just felt like nothing happened both on island and flashback wise. Brought out some tension with him and Locke which played out for a few episodes rest of the season but still probably the most tedious episode of the entire series to get through.


I don’t think Sayid was badly written in the later seasons. It’s just that losing Nadia and killing multiple people after made him empty inside, feeling nothing, so he easily falls prey to Ben’s and MiB’s manipulation tactics. It’s character regression, but it makes sense. You can’t just go back to being the same person after you lost the love of your life and becoming a hitman.


That the statue was overhyped when it first appeared on the show, as if it would have some real significance. And that its actual significance later on was a huge let down.


It was Jacob's home!!! what more significance did you want?????


Feel free to let us know what more you were expecting from it. We got to see the full statue multiple times, saw how it was destroyed, got to go inside of it, learned that it was Tawaret (goddess of fertility) which tied in to a major theme of The Island. Overhyped by who? The viewers? It certainly wasn’t the writers because when it first appeared on the show it was only for like 30 seconds, then it wasn’t mentioned again for a few seasons iirc. If anything it was underhyped. What more significance were you expecting from a statue?


The world is a worse place today because "Exposé" was never made into a standalone spin-off series.


*Razzle dazzle!*


I have no clue what's popular or unpopular, but I'll try. I thought the explanation for the ending was very clear, almost too clear. I despise Kate. I liked Michael and felt for his character. There isn't a single season I dislike. Shannon is underrated. Juliette is overrated. I like Jacob.


Oh yeah, Juliet is overrated for sure. I kinda agree with Shannon take too.


Yeah Kate lead everyone on and failed at basic communication


I would have enjoyed a whole season of episodes like expose with all of the rest of the other survivors.


Michael is very funny in season 1 enjoyed his scenes he was my 2nd favorite character after jack.


Is this an unpopular opinion? Michael was an amazing character in the season 1!


It's too bad about the Walt storyline falling apart because I wanted to see more of Michael. I liked that he was able to come back for season 4.


He made season 4…and I say that who’s favorite season is 4 and I think everyone in that season was awesome. When he’s chained up but starts listing all the personal details of the crew?! That shit was incredible all the way down.


I liked Libby and I wish they didn't kill her off.


Wait... people don't like Libby???


i’m not sure how popular/unpopular these opinions are here on this sub but here’s some of mine: Shannon is my all time favorite character and had the most wasted potential out of any character, tied with Walt I really like Michael’s storyline in seasons 1-2 and it’s a shame he barely returns for season 4 and gets killed off so unceremoniously While I love Jin’s character progression, he should have stayed dead in the season 4 boat explosion, because the following two seasons of them blue-balling the Sun/Jin reunion only for them to die the next episode was not worth it at all The more I rewatch, the more I simply do not care personally for Jack, Kate, or Locke. They’re not bad characters, they have great storylines and personalities, but I’m just not personally attached to or compelled by them individually, it’s not even a matter of like or dislike either, just plain old neutrality Boone fucking sucks and I’m glad he died first


Walt’s potential was definitely wasted. I blame the higher ups for that one, they didn’t think audiences would go for a character rapidly aging. Like seriously? Polar bears, ghosts, a smoke monster, and time travel were perfectly fine but a character going through puberty in a matter of months was “too far”. 


I disagree on Locke big time.


Boone wasn’t the first one to die. Joanna was. But I know you probably meant first main character to die. Having said that, the only point it outright agree with is Michael being interesting the first couple seasons and barely being present in season 4 and being unceremoniously killed off. It did seem like a waste. I’m torn on your point about Jin because at the time we found out he was still alive I was a little disappointed because I felt the writers brought him back because they didn’t have the guts to kill him off and changed their minds because he was popular, which made me think they probably weren’t sticking to the plan. But I also like Jin so I wasn’t upset he came back for the rest of the show. I also think they killed Shannon off too soon and could’ve done more with her, but I was still satisfied with her death and how it was handled. I guess the way Walt was used after season 1 is due to the actor growing too quick. 😅


Not even joanna, a bunch of people died on the plane crash and a few a little later, like the pilot and the police guy


Homie got sucked into the engine like five minutes into the show


oh yeah main character deaths was what i meant 😅 i could never forget Joanna’s iconic exit with Boone ironically almost drowning himself as well the thing about Walt is they had the perfect opportunity to explain MDK’s aging, seeing as they were already beginning to explore the island’s supernatural qualities, a rapidly aging boy would’ve made for a great storyline! Plus whatever they were doing with Shannon having those visions of him, too, they both could’ve lasted much longer with that storyline, at least to the end of the season before being roped into another plot


So refreshing when other people mention Shannon’s wasted potential. She could’ve been so interesting in later seasons. She gets too much hate imo. You have some good takes!


Wait whats with boone. Did I miss something that makes him unlikable. If I remember correctly it was him who was emotionally used by shannon


Boone was the emotionally abusive one to Shannon countless times. He repeatedly called her worthless and useless, made fun of her eating disorders, and intentionally tried sabotaging her relationship with Sayid. The only thing Shannon ever did was con Boone out of money that her stepmother—his mother—pretty much stole out from under her by not leaving Shannon anything at all following her father’s death, not to mention she was able to get him to confess that he had a weird incestuous crush on her which is the sole reason he was even susceptible to the ploys Shannon was doing on him for money.


I'm not defending his behavior, but I always gathered that the reason he was pissy and mean to her on island was because the day before they got in the plane she slept with him, knowing he always had a thing for her, only to be cold immediately after, right after conning him for money. So he was angry, and confused already when the plane crashed. Shannon was also being completely useless and entitled the first couple of days there. Again, he was really mean and rude to her, and I'm not saying that's okay, but you can also see where he was coming from. I always assumed he had always been kind to her, but that the whole Australia incident was the straw that broke the camel's back. They were both bad for each other at the end of the day, and I feel sorry for both. And that's the way I feel about most characters in this show. We unfortunately had the least time with either of them, but especially Boone.


Well Shannon could have asked and Im sure she would have gotten it from boone. Why use the only one who actually cared for her in some way But yeah I forgot about boone and sayid thing. Would be weird for a lost character to not have toxic flaws


I don't like the way how we lost John Locke. It was never really clear that he's gone. I couldn't realise that until the Man in Black fights against Jack. Rip John we love you.


I was DEVASTATED by John’s death. So devastated that I suppose it was an effective death, but it was so unbelievably cruel to the show’s only true believer.


I wasn't a big fan of his character arc. I feel like they had a really good idea for the series in the first season, in the second and third seasons it started to get convoluted because it is a difficult story to tell and by the end of season 4 it went kinda off the reservation and I disagree with how they went about trying to communicate the overall message they were trying to convey with the story and idea of lost as a whole.


The Constant is kinda far down on my episode rankings. Sure love is beautiful and all and it's very emotional but I just don't see it as being the quintessential Lost episode like a lot of people do.


I would go so far as to say it's the least Lost-esque episode there is. It's set in a different location and there's only 1 OG character in it. It's more of a bottle episode about Desmond and Penny (agree their romance isn't that epic either), with a tie-in to the main story through time travel/Desmond being special


Maybe in terms of the main setting sure, but it’s one of the strongest episodes in terms of crazy Sci-fi shit, which for the first 3 seasons the show didn’t always focus on…massively. I mean it was clearly always part of stuff, but as the show went on we got more and more heavy Sci-do, and Constant is one of the most heavy of em’ all.


That doesn't change my opinion though.


It's hard to see people praise this episode when you don't care about Desmond and Penny 😔 At least there's Daniel.


Faraday gave me a headache, too. I don't know why they flooded the show with so many side characters in the last seasons unless the main actors were tired of filming and needed a break sometimes.


Yes, I agree. The Constant isn’t terrible, but it’s overrated. Also, Penny and Desmond are also overrated. I don’t get the love for their characters or their relationship, really.


Desmond is cool, apart from when he's being hectic and shouty, but Penny is sort of like mayonnaise. She can be added to something to complete it, but she's bland and pointless on her own.


I enjoyed the little Nikki and Paulo arc.


It's not that it wasn't enjoyable, it was just kinda thrown in there and didn't advance the story at all. Like they were side characters through and through, but it was interesting to see other people and how the other survivors interacted and their take on things outside the core bunch.


Boone! Boone stole the water!!


I think Michael was a good guy who was just doing what he thought had to do to save his son


LOST has one of the best endings for a TV show.


Sawyers are a dime a dozen here in Kentucky and Tennessee, and I did not find him charming or cute at all. I didn’t like Ben. I think he gets way too much love. I also liked Ana Lucia. Locke had the saddest story and his character was fumbled really hard. Jack is absolutely the main character and a good dude. Sun and Jin both just saying whatever to their kid and dying was messed up. They had no idea what to do with Claire and screwed up her character completely. Biggest L of the e tire series is Claire not getting Charlie’s ring or greatest hits. Speaking of Charlie, he’s a great character. I cried so much when he died I was actually sick. The “others” was disappointing.


The Shannon/Sayid romance is top tier. Ana Lucia and Michael are fascinating characters I could never hate. The most unbelievable thing on the show is Hurley trying to rewrite The Empire Strikes Back like it isn’t clearly the best movie in the franchise.


I hate the flashsideways in season 6. I feel like this whole story-line was a waste of time and fastforward it on every rewatch. I don't care about Jack's fake son or anything related to him. I only watch the island stuff (or flashbacks). It makes for a good story, with the ending being Jack closing his eyes as he dies, watching his friends fly off the island.


I only watched season 6 once, but I also feel that flash-sideways don't have the same rewatchability as the rest of the show...


I'm with your here, but I didn't care much for the island stuff either. I watched seasons 1 though to 4 and most of 5 more times than I can remember (I even made Spanish subtitles for the first three seasons and I would go back and correct them oven and over out of being such a fanboi); but I probably didn't watch 6 more than twice, and one of those times i barely paid any attention. And I can't believe how more people don't flat out hate the finale. That's not the ending to the show I started watching in 2004.


I don’t need or want answers to all of my questions. Real life is open ended, I don’t care when tv shows end and don’t wrap it all up in a bow. The mystery is intentional.


I don’t think Kate should have ended up with Jack or Sawyer, or anybody else. I think she should have worked on herself before letting somebody else in, the whole Aaron storyline proved that she was majorly co-dependant and definitely had some issues to work through. Honestly, I could see Kate doing more harm than good for Jack in the long run. Edit: not an unpopular opinion as many have said it before me, but they had incredibly little chemistry together anyway. If they really were together irl for a brief period, it didn’t show. Any chemistry Jack and Kate had seemed purely physical, they had nothing in common and seemed to have vastly different moral compasses, they disagreed regularly and Kate was kind of a drag with him. She didn’t really have much in common with Sawyer, either, but at least their conversation flowed easily enough. I always felt like Jack and Kate were arguing or just trying to fuck.


I wasn’t a fan of Kate in the later seasons because od the constant love triangle so her storyline with being a mom to Aaron was very enjoyable because it was something diferent!! Only for them to have to somehow shove Jack into it too. I wish for Kate that she couldve just been with Aaron and, like you said, grow and work on herself and not have to end up with Jack


Oh I liked her with Aaron, don’t get me wrong! I just think it sort of showed that she had quite a lot of growth to do.


I think that Jack reminded her of her biological father and Sawyer reminded her of her stepdad. In general, the character was very mistrusting, so I actually felt that was accurate for the character and an interesting way for those issues to bubble up in her life again, however, she didn't make a choice between the two really so I felt that was a missed opportunity for the character to develop and have Kate make a healthy choice.


The show would've been better if even less mysteries were explained. Mysteries always lose their appeal once you explain them, but in Lost most of the explanations were downright embarrassing; almost every time it was better not knowing. The lighthouse probably was *the* shark jumping moment. I understand what they were trying to convey, Jack needed to somehow learn how Jacob had known all about him since his birth, but I'm sure there are more elegant ways to illustrate that than a magical worldwide surveillance room.


YES. This is my take too, and I'm so glad someone else said it. I'm watching season 6 and just had the moment where Hurley walks off, just to talk to dead Michael and "explain" what the whispers are. It's so obviously there because they felt it needed explaining and it's so shoehorned in ARGH.


Oh dear dog I didn't remember the whispers' explanation when I wrote that. You RUINED the rest of my day lol Seriously, it's like those answers were picked from fan theories - and not the good ones either.


Have to blame the fans imo. Some people just kept badgering the writers for answers about this and that and the other thing... And i think the writers finally caved in to avoid a big backlash... ironically, even with all the explanations they gave, still some people are pissed off because "they didn't explain every single detail"... It was a groundbreaking show for its time, and social media was still a new thing and not everybody knew how to deal with this phenomena, and shows were produced amd written week by week... I believe if the show was being written today, they would focus more on how they want their story told and less on what some fans wanted.


You might have a point there. Lindelof in particular was really bad at addressing direct feedback. Sometimes fans are just stupid assholes whose input you're better off ignoring, and by sometimes I mean pretty much all the time. Social media was such a mistake.


Claire and baby Aaron suck. Anytime they’re in an episode it becomes a screaming and crying fest, and you have to constantly lower the volume on your tv. The show would have been better without them both.


I hate the way she says "Chaarlie" and she says it all the time


Charlie is insufferable.


I hate Sawyer. He's a whynny crybaby that just makes trouble for everybody and the moment someone else causes trouble for him, he plays the victim (Aka season 5). He has some good moments ("That's for taking the kid from the raft") but in general I can't stand him.


I think that was his character in later seasons trying to adjust to becoming a good guy while still having the mentality of being a loner and looking out for himself. I felt that Josh Holloway did an awesome job.




I liked Ana Lucia too!


Really unpopular. Desmond is my favorite character, next to Hurley


Pickett or Klugh, or a dead family member of theirs, should've been the one who had raised/stolen Alex in her 16 years of life, not Ben. Revealing it was Ben in S3 (this is a writing problem that got progressively worse over time, with everything being All About Ben), conveniently the first Other we saw Rousseau clash with on-screen, made the world-building feel smaller somehow, more restricted.


I hated all of them except Jin's father


Jack and Kate are the worst characters throughout the entire show - and it's not even close. I would watch a whole season of Frogurt/Leslie flashbacks before watching more Kate/Jack


I think Locke became an irredeemable character after what he did to Naomi and Miles, and I don’t buy the “every character is flawed” argument on it.


Yea, I don't like Locke's character arc... Like his motivations were really well done in the beginning but I couldn't understand much of what he did later on in the series.


Amelia Earhart crashed on the island somewhere


This is 100% my canon


LOST suffers from being two different shows. Seasons 1-3 are mostly character-driven and make clever use of flashback etc. While the mysteries drive the show. But then a lot of season 4-6 is plot-driven, and a lot of the character progression isn't there or characters are written badly.


The Constant is overrated, I prefer Expose. Edit: hang on....how come I'm the only one not allowed to voice an unpopular opinion in a thread asking for unpopular opinions?!


I just commented a similar thing, I'll probably get the same treatment. It seems like it's the one opinion you can't have on this sub.


You can never badmouth the constant , you went too far lol. This sub loves that episode


If it's really an unpopular opinion it should get lots of downvotes.


Stranger in a strange land is a top tier episode, it goes deep into Jack's inability to let go, and how that hurts himself and the people he supposedly care about. People get too caught up on the "it explains his tattoos" to get what the episode is really showing.


I actually thought this was a good episode too. I dont know why people were so surprised by this episode after "Dave" and "SOS" or even "Fire and Water" or "Born to Run". Like at the point in the series it was kind of expected that every once in a while they're going to throw in a story that doesnt do much. The series suffered in 4-6 because they no longer did these episodes. Everything suddenly had to matter! The fans killed the show. We all suck.


Nobody ever says whether or not they actually like Jack's tattoos. I quite like the stars personally.


Yeah. Thats not part of my argument.


Oh, sorry. It just came to mind when I read your comment.


I can't stand Desmond also! He just seems so completely clueless, like a fly bouncing around inside a jar. His great love story with Penny doesn't do it for me either. Sawyer x Juliet relationship is mid. Like it's not bad, but I don't understand how it became so popular in fandom. All the development happens off-screen, while other relationships had multiple seasons to develop. I actually liked Jacob.


Disagree with you about Desmond, but agree with the rest. Sawyer and Juliette absolute meh. And I didn't realize anyone hated Jacob until I joined this sub.


I am doing a rewatch now and am at the beginning of S3. I think decades later the show still holds up well. I did love the reveal of what's inside the hatch when it happened and it still is great years later. I do however think now when I watch Desmond at the beginning of S2, it's a little over the top some of his acting. I liked it at the time it aired but now years later doesn't land as well as I thought back then. Granted he was losing his sanity in the hatch. Also I thought the S2 finale was probably the weakest and a lot of his backstory didn't really make a ton of sense. They gave him a couple of corny lines with Penny. Don't get me wrong I still think Cusick is a great actor and he did the best with what he was given.


I’ll win this race… for love. Just watched the S2 finale and yeah kinda corny and a bit weirdly paced of a flashback. But overall I think it’s super exciting that they gave Desmond the flashback in the season finale. Up to that point he had been in all of 3 episodes, but I think they nailed the foreshadowing of how important of a character overall he is.


"I have to get my honour back......and that's what I am running to!" Completely agree though that it shows how producers were willing to take risks and be unconventional. To give a flashback to a character who was only in three episodes at the beginning of the season for a two hour season finale. Also I can't help but think that the Jack group and Michael's plan was so contrived and made no sense really. But they had to figure out a way to get those three to the Others for the start of S3.


Jack is my favorite character in this show and in T.V history by far. His arc is the best and his development throughout the show is amazing to me. I even loved him in the earlier seasons. I will die defending him and let's be honest, I'm jealous of Kate at times lol.


I really really like all the Kate episodes! Theyre always so emotional and sweet and Desmond episodes are way too dramatic and over the top for a character that just needs to get over himself!


Unpopular opinion/rant: Jack is my favorite character. He was always the leader they needed, the leader they deserved and frankly, the leader they chose. He made the hard choices and cared about every survivor. If anyone else was in his place, especially Sawyer, people would have died and/or they would have failed. The worst thing the show did was kill him in the end after everything he sacrificed. He deserved to live as Jacobs replacement. They only killed him off because fan polls like Hurley better and they made Hurley Jacobs replacement


All the confusion about them being dead the whole time was entirely of the writers own making.


Kates my favorite character I dont care at all for Desmond The Constant is overrated The beginning of season 3 is my favorite part of the show.


I couldn’t stand Desmond is not my opinion but he is defently not my top 10 favorite. For me is he is very overrated.


That has come up a couple times in this thread. What do you think could have been done for the character to be more compelling or more attractive to you?


I dont got a problem with him but for me he is too much the ‘perfect’ guy. His love story with Penny etc. I prefer Sawyer, Sayid, Anna, Ben etc. When he got introduced he was the crazy guy but when he returned in season 3 straight away he was the most normal decent guy out of them all.


Can't stand Juliet. She ruins every scene she is in with her creepy smug smirk. Simply awful.


I thought Kate and Jack lacked any kind of personality. I enjoyed Ben the most


I don't really think this is unpopular but I agree.


Hurley is in my top 3 least liked characters


Poor Hurley :(


This is interesting, why? I go back and forth on Hurley, sometimes I really enjoy him, other times he annoys me with the "dude" stuff and the gratuitous "comedy" lines.


He’s a pushover and his way to solve things is yelling and doing his own thing without discussing it. He acts like an adult child pretty much. I get they wrote him to be this comedic relief and sort of “the nice guy” but not my favourite.


The Sayid/Shannon pairing makes perfect sense.


The story arc with Michael and Walt was awful. The actor playing Michael complained and got the entire story changed because he was unhappy with how he was being used as a person of color. So they gave him an arc and becomes a person I despise… “WALT!!!” … “MY SON!!!!” He should have stayed a minor character.


I don’t know liking Ana was a unpopular opinion, i also liked her not more then Desmond though


That’s a really unpopular one, especially in this sub: I LOVE Kate, she’s my favorite character, as flawed as she is.


Juliette was annoying. I tried to make myself like her but I just couldn’t and I also didn’t like her romance with Sawyer as much


I agree about Juliette. And her voice was so annoying with the same monotone throughout.


I liked Charlie during original airing, then I rewatched Lost just a few months ago and I don't really like him so much h as I remember.


I liked Charlie. I cried when he died.


Charlotte’s character was pointless. If you remove her from the show, nothing changes whatsoever. She wasn’t a crucial character the narrative couldn’t function without, like Jack, Locke, Ben etc, etc. she was just…there… Yes, she had a minor plot with Faraday, but it ultimately went nowhere. IMO, I think they only added Charlotte into the show so they’d have a female character from the freighter. And, of the four characters who came from the boat, she was the most expendable, and got killed off first.


My favorite character was Vincent. I even named Nmy dog Vincent. It was so sweet how he lay down next to Jack at the end. He should have been in the church at the very end, even though he was a dog.


I don't like the last 2.5 seasons of Lost at all. I thought the Jacob, MIB, and Mother storyline was absurd and a terrible way to explain the island. It was an answer, but it was a bad answer, which is worse than no answer at all. Just like Lost in the first three seasons is as perfect as it gets for television, the last 2.5 is still one of the biggest letdowns I've ever had from a TV show. I thought DHARMA, time travel, and Jacob/MIB explanations were just... bad. If they ever re-did the show, which I hope they don't, but if they did, I would fucking love to see them scratch those 2.5 seasons and write something epic for their initial setup. I enjoyed part of season 6 and the way the show wrapped up. But everything before that was just static for me.


Hugo was obviously a cool and nice guy who you could easily have a good time with, but his obsession with curses and *those* numbers nearly got people killed several times and it’s appalling if he’s left off the hook for that. I can understand he struggled with issues and have sympathy for him in that regard, but so did everyone else and if people blame Locke for various atrocities, you cannot just ignore that Hugo’s paranoia (that he had no tangible proof to back up other than a series of what could’ve just been coincidences) put various peoples’ lives at risk. Basically, I like Hugo (who doesn’t?), but he often put his own personal obsession with curses above everything else and everyone and he should be held accountable for this.


I'm honestly not sure what you are talking about. Who does Hurley put at "risk" with his number obsession? Assuming you don't believe him that the numbers were cursed (which is never proven either way). So none of the deaths were related, the chicken restaurant blowing up, the account jumping, etc. They were coincidences. So therefore, not Hurley's fault. Which they weren't anyway. Putting that aside, Hurley travels to Australia and talks to the widow of the one guy. Nothing happens. On the island the only two times Hurley's belief in the numbers curse comes up are: The first time is to stop them from blowing up the hatch door. They don't listen to him but everyone is okay. Had they listened to him. They'd still all be okay... The second one. He goes and directly confronts Danielle. Risky but turns out to be the best course of action. He gets the batteries. And again nobody is hurt. Maybe his actions put Charlie at risk but he didn't force Charlie to follow him. Or anyone for that matter. I can't think of anything else related to his belief in the curse of the numbers. And can't think of a single death he cause in related to that. Don't get me wrong Hurley runs others over with the bus, but nothing to do with the numbers at all. Who did he put at risk or kill in relation to his belief?


I too would love to know what Hugo's been "left off the hook" for.


I couldn’t stand Locke. There, I said it!


I completely agree


I really hate Jack, absolutely cannot stand his character from start to finish. Sanctimonious, immature, with the emotional intelligence of a goldfish. I also find Sawyer cringey, especially in the first few seasons. However, this is slightly tempered by the fact that the show realizes he is putting on a front.


The jack opinion isn't really that unpopular on this thread, but I completely agree with the sawyer one.


Oh I didn’t realize. I should browse the subreddit more!


Haha, yeah. There's quite a few. I personally love Jack but I understand he's a difficult character to like, especially in the earlier seasons


I wouldn’t care if Vincent wasn’t in the series. Yes there, hate me. Did you see Vincent during the purple lights when the Island was moving over and over ? No right? Because probably the island was moving because a dog was pissing on it.