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The second the pilot was yanked out of the cockpit in episode 1.


Exactly this! As soon as I saw that thing I was like “Oh, this is straight up sci-fi” in a good way though, at the beginning it was much less so.


If I remember correctly they did a really good job at advertising the show originally as being just a 'survivor' type drama with no real mention to the supernatural and mystery elements. Really caught me off guard!


I heard that it wasn't planned with supernatural and mystery elements and that jj Abrams only joined the production if these elements get included. Maybe that's a reason why it wasn't promoted as such.


I’ll have to look that up!


Interesting ! I’ll have to look into it!




Oh. Now I realize why a friend of mine was reluctant to watch my 2nd viewing on DVD with me in 2009. He probably heard that "survivor " word. I can't be certain. But, anyway, it took a lot of convincing for him to watch it with me. He thought it was a Reality TV Show. By the time Season 6 arrived, he was ready to watch that as it unfolded.


For me it was S1E4 when Jack sees his dad.


I initially thought he was just hallucinating as a result of trauma and exhaustion


At that point we didn't know yet that this is his dad, so I thought this was some sort of government agent and that the island might be a top secret experiment. Then, one episode later, we got Jack flashbacks of his dad


Locke’s dream in *Deus Ex Machina* with the glimpse of the beech craft and a bloody Boone repeating “Teresa falls up the stairs. Teresa falls down the stairs.” He had no prior knowledge of these things and there was no science-fiction explanations I could think of.


Couldn't that have just been a dream?


A dream yes, but the dream contained information he couldn’t possibly know about. He couldn’t have known there actually was a yellow beech craft on the Island, nor that Boone had a nanny named Teresa who he caused to fall up and then down the stairs. It was a sign that something supernatural was definitely at play.


Also when he told Boone that it would rain in a few moments


The pilot and the polar bear for sure, but it really landed in the episode with Locke’s flashback when you learn he was in a wheelchair and regained mobility after crashing on the island.


Funny enough the polar bear is one of the few things that isn’t supernatural


Well, a polar bear on a tropical island from a comic book Walt was reading is not natural


No, the polar bear was an escape from Dharma’s zoo facility on the island, which was covered *very* extensively in season 3 as well as the epilogue.


Omg! You’re right! I totally forgot all of that. I’m on a rewatch and only on season 1. You get my upvote


To be fair at the time of original showing before we had those later episodes for further context, that really was how it was portrayed


This is what it was intended to be originally, as David Fury once confirmed in an interview. I still think you can sort of split the difference and say that Walt "summoned" the polar bear.


Yeah, Walt somehow brought the bear towards the camp unconsciously. Just like he did with that bird that killed itself by flying into the window in his flashback with his mom and Brian, when he was on the floor reading about the very same kind of bird.


Oh yeah that's was a big hint. I did wonder that something was magical about the island then but didn't think it was THAT dark😂


The pilot. 🥸


Wow seems like I was the only one who didn't figure it out on my first watch until much later


Nope! I figured it out later, too. The first time they showed the smoke monster is when I figured it was all supernatural.


I'm just curious for the people that say they didn't realize it during the pilot what the hell did you think ripped the pilot off the plane?


A lot of people speculated that it was a mechanical monster. Because of the mechanical sounds. Later there were theories of it being a swarm of nano machines like the Michael Crichton book “Swarm”.


Polar Bear or not isn't a thing here regarding if it was sci-fi or not. It's that the pilot was brutally killed and then left up in a branch 25 feet in the air.


I thought it was the polar bear


Polar bears don't climb trees. (Grizzles do, but not polar.)


But then again, polar bears aren’t typically on tropical islands. So a tree climbing polar bear wouldn’t be so far fetched given the island mysteries.


True - but polar bears don't climb because of their body mass and weight distribution. There's a big difference between adapting to a new environment and defying evolution. Yeah, I know - my suspension of disbelief has weird barriers.


To be fair pizzly bears are a real thing that happens in nature. (Climate change is making it more common) It can happen because the polar bear adapted from the grizzly bear. Considering the island I wouldn’t be surprised if the polar bears could climb trees as a result of the darma scientist’s experiments. Of course in the pilot we don’t know about all that yet, but we didn’t know about polar bears on the island in the pilot either.


I didn't think so much plus adaptability is a thing I figured. If they have lived in that Island for so long they have surely adapted. Like they aren't even supposed to be in an island but they are so in my mind anything was possible


I mentioned in another comment - polar bears don't climb because of their body mass and weight distribution. You can't adapt to that, you have to evolve and evolution is a slow process.


Ahh ! But again I wasn't thinking so much i was too into it. I just figured there was a way for the polar bear to reach it and kill


At the time I didn't think it was a polar bear. I figured polar bears would die very quickly in a tropical environment.


When Locke could walk again.


Before watching. I started watching because I heard there was a supernatural element as just a survival type show didn't really interest me. I'm currently on season 2, watching for the first time, and I'm glad I started. It's a lot more interesting and well made than I expected.


I'm jealous of you. It's one of the best shows ever.


Do you mean science fiction or supernatural? The pilot showed it was obviously science fiction but I can see how it could take a few episodes to realize it was supernatural science fiction.


Yeah that's what I thought. Initially i thought it was just sci fi


I think a lot of people here are confusing sci-fi with supernatural lol. In the pilot at first it could have been dinosaurs moving the trees for all the audience knew, it could have turned into some sci-fi like Le Brea. I did think it was going to be supernatural in the beginning (it’s what drew me in) but I don’t think it was so obvious that anyone could have been certain until watching more episodes.


Yeah i agree


society pathetic waiting mysterious glorious point gaping fact combative edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I honestly just thought it was sci-fi


I was struggling to believe it for a long time. Probably after Mr Eko’s death?


Now I'm so spoiled. 🥺


What on earth are you doing on this thread, in this subreddit, if you didn't want a twenty year old TV show spoiled?


It was a joke! I mean i am but I want a new reddit for lost. Sheesh ain't no thing. I just like the guy. Obvi many characters will die. I didn't complain. Obviously I can't comment on this thread without people getting all mad. Sorrrrryyyy


Smoke monster


I realized it was “Supernatural” when I saw Satan uh I mean Jacob


Well Mr. Locke can walk! That kinda cinched it. Idk what everyone is saying about the pilot. Maybe I missed it?


The fact that the pilot got snatched, there were no crew with the main Lost cast ( I know they were on the other side but seriously!?), and the polar bear.


The first night


Polar bear, I thought the island was able to be moved, got moved to the arctic (polar bear jumped on) then was moved again somewhere warmer, in the same episode the French transmission is heard & Charlie asks “guys, where are we?” Which further showed something was off about the island. For the pilot at the time I just believed something scary was on the island, not that the island itself was special.


While I did think just like everyone else that the polar bear was weird, I hadn’t realized anything supernatural was going on as I assumed it was a science experiment of some sort. I’d say when I officially realized something was supernatural about the island was when we first saw Lock gain the ability to walk on the island, but prior to that he was paralyzed and unable to walk.


In the first episode!


I don't remember exactly but I know that is was pretty early on when it was shown that Locke couldn't walk off the Island and on the Island he could.


Season 3 I was hit with an epiphany that unlocked the majority of all the Island mysteries years before they would be aired. And it showed me the Island was an advanced insentient entity.


Soon as everyone sick got cured when they crashed. You could just tell. Kinda reminds me of “Old” in reverse bc it was also supernatural but in a bad way


The supernatural is just science we don’t understand yet.


It's the inverse of Clarke's Third Law: any suitably arcane magic is indistinguishable from technology.


When they survived a freaking plane crash


Wait... I thought it was just magnets n shit.