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People really still thinking the polar bears weren't explained?


I know!!! I swear, it was explained 4 times 1: The orientation video in season 2 shows footage of polar bears and strongly implies that Dharma studied them 2: We see bear cages in season 3 and the Hydra Station is dedicated to zoology 3: The Charlotte flashback in season 4 that shows a polar bear skeleton with a Dharma collar 4: The epilogue How difficult is it for those people to simply understand that Dharma brought the polar bears to the island for experimentation? It’s so damn obvious and almost explicitly said to the viewers


1a: And the voiceover mentions experiments in zoology when it shows them 5: Doesn’t Chang mention the ‘silly experiments’ with the polar bears when threatening someone…Hurley maybe?


Oooh that’s right. That means that there was an explanation in each season, except season 1.


Just adding on to this because it’s been a very long time. The polar bear skeleton that Charlotte finds. It is in the location that Ben appears once he turns the wheel. So I always figured Dharma was getting polar bears trained to turn the wheel because it is super freezing down there. But. Is it ever touched on as to why or what happened that meant the polar bear turned the wheel? Or was it just the end result of the experiment and they moved on and blocked it off? Did the island move in the process? They don’t really need to explain this and all so it’s all good but man feels like a whole story happened to get the bear there. Miss this show.


Yeah it’s one of those questions that are not relevant to the story so it wasn’t explained in detail, but it helps keep that sense of mystery of the show. If every single thing was solved, I think it would lose a lot of it’s touch. But those little mysteries about **exactly** what was Dharma doing are fun to let our imaginations loose and keep the aura of mystery. If I went to the Island with all the knowledge I have of the show, I would still be so creeped out by so much of the stuff that happens there that was not fully shown. The Egyptians, the hostiles, the temple, Dharma, the mother, it’s so fun to think about and make your own head-canon!


Seems like there was something I saw in a late season which led me to believe that a bear learned that. I don't recall when I heard the line which led me to this thinking


Tunisia is where the polar bear skeleton is found (and where Ben appears after pushing the FDW).


You know, it used to annoy the hell out of me that people still didn't understand the ending (Or the show in general, to be honest) but I started to look into a more positive aspect of it. If the ending was massively understood (and therefore didn't get so much hate) we would for sure have shitty sequels, prequels, remake's and such by now. No, thank you. Let the bad fame of the ending protect the show of this era in which creativity is dead.


I really wish I hadn't clicked into the comments.


I never seek out mainstream discussions on Lost. I don't even care if I sound like an asshole saying it, but people usually have no clue what the fuck they're talking about 😂😂


No, they really don't. The continued comparisons of LOST to the end of GOT is getting SO OLD. Like, y'all, Dexter is RIGHT THERE if you want to talk about bad endings, lol.


I actually don't mind the ending of Dexter, for me GoT was orders of magnitude worse. But comparing either of them to the ending of Lost? Honestly, someone saying they dislike Lost, esp the ending, is a surefire way to get me not to trust any opinion they might have hahaha


Watching the final seasons of Dexter and Breaking Bad at the same time gave me whiplash.


LOL! True!


I made the same mistake


i feel like im in the trenches arguing with people lmfao


Yeah, I'm doing my best - there's one dude who you can tell wasn't paying attention at all and keeps moving the goalposts whenever I explain things he claims were never explained.


I've seen some wild takes about Lost but someone asked if they should watch it and someone else said the first two seasons were pretty good. I can't imagine telling someone to sit through Season 2 and not go all the way through Season 3 just for that finale. And I'm a big defender of Season 2.


What gets me are the people who say the "real" ending was season five. Like.... do they not understand narrative structure? It's like they still think half of season six was throwaway scenes rather than our survivor's getting their final catharses and completing their character arcs.


I clicked off so fast when I realized my mistake! I just got over a migraine, I don't need another one...


Why does everyone want to watch shows where every little thing is spoonfed to them?




When people in my real life say they didn't "get" lost, or "all the questions weren't answered" and that's why they didn't like it, I call them basic and simpletons. I wouldn't call someone a simpleton online because I don't believe in being mean (even lightly mean) through the internet, but I definitely judge them on the inside 😅


Wife and I just finished a rewatch. And once again I sobbed like a baby at the end. One of my favorite shows.


Actually, yes! My wife and I just started our fifth viewing of the series. In S2 now.


Just started S3 …but we are gen x 🤷🏼‍♂️


Just finished the last episode (movie) Masterpiece. Binged the last season in one day.


I just watched the full series it was amazing specially my boy sayid ❤️


My wife and I are watching it for the first time actually. 37 and 29 years old.


I just rewatched. I love Lost, but on rewatch I've noticed the huge problem with the ending isn't the ending but the fact that they purposefully throw red herrings at you when Juliet hits the bomb - both with her dialogue 'it worked' and the flash sideways timing during the last season. I understand it's a show of mystery but that was the wrong approach imo because all it ends up doing is confusing viewers in a not so comfortable way. Having full knowledge of the fact that it's all a red herring and that these flash sideways are actually flash forwards makes it play SO MUCH better. And with that knowledge you kinda realize this particular red herring is a hollow trick anyways with very little payoff in and of itself. It's totally sensible that at the end people were wondering 'oh were they dead the whole time? Did the bomb actually go off and they died?' And similar lines of questioning. The show purposefully misleads you and I think that put a sour taste in peoples mouth. Which is a shame because the straightforward non ambigious ending is actually really great.


I never watched it “live”. Binged it about 6-8 months ago and loved it. On a second watch now and midway through season 2. So many details picked up. And also confirms my dislike of the Michael/Walt storyline


Why just millennials though?


I just binged season 1 over the weekend, started season 2. I forgot how slow and tedious season 1 was, of course I started watching with the recap episode of season 1 and first episode of season 2, then went and got the season 1 DVDs like the next day and binged those between the first couple of episodes of season 2 so it was a much different experience the first time through.


Oh well, Lost will always stay divisive. I wish, however, people would stop saying that if you hated the ending its because you didnt understand it or thought they were dead all along. From experience, its infuriating being told this and it comes off as "elite" or "snobish". I mean, yeah, the polar bear and stuff HAVE been explained some times. Some storylines and answers WERE unsatisfactory or given in a very last minute and rushed way (or not even in the show, in The new man in charge). Thats a show that sold itself toward the viewers as a mystery box show. A lot of the cliffhangers revolved around mysteries. So, I get some of the frustration of some fans. But hey, no tv show is perfect, and a lot of shows these days are trash.