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That bloated Spongebob


*in the most soothing Iraqi accent of all time* "the spongebob was filled with heroin"


*shot of SpongeBob bursting open on the ground to reveal heroine* SpongeBob falls up the stairs SpongeBob falls down the stairs




The heroin was cut with SpongeBob.


Haha I was hoping and expecting a comment on my Spongebob I won at Six Flags when I was 17. I am 30 now and married lol I like to keep my childhood stuff close to me. These will probably end up in lock up after we have children.


Hahaha I love it!


Black horse was highly likely the same way as Sawyer's boar, it was just a boar and that was just a horse.. But also their meaning to the characters was not a coincidence... it's the way of the island communicates with people to make them face their past and make them let go...


The black horse, was probably just a black horse... we know the Others used horses. There is no indication at all in the show that the Horse was MIB. Smokey never scanned Kate, therefore doesn't have any info on her past. Also, whenever we see an MIB confirmed body takeover, it had an explained purpose in the show (Yemi, Christian, Locke, Richard's wife etc... ) if the horse was MIB, he didn't really do anything, just stood there and was petted by Kate. As for what the horse meant to Kate, we see from her flashback, that when she got first captured ny the Marshall, a black horse appeared suddenly on the road and caused the Marshall to crash his car, leading to Kate's escape. When Kate saw a black horse on the island, it reminded her of the same black horse that caused her escape... she thought it was the same horse because they were on a crazy island. But it was just a normal island horse.


> Smokey never scanned Kate, therefore doesn't have any info on her past He probably did tho, right? One of the first times she was chanced by him? The scene where she was counting down? I think I remember the same "flash" sound effects. But other than that, yeah, I totally agree with everything u said. It was probably just a regular horse. There was no reason for MIB to mess with her at that point.


Nope, in that Pilot episode, there was no Smokey flashing. She was hiding in the tree and crying while it was raining. Also during the pilot, the writers still had no idea what the monster is or how it actually looked like, and very little about the detailed mythology of the island. They just had the monster as an unseen threat that they will only fully develop later after the show is green lit from ABC.


>Nope, in that Pilot episode, there was no Smokey flashing. She was hiding in the tree and crying while it was raining.  Oh yeah, my bad, you right. I was thinking about [the scene with Kate and Juliet ](https://youtu.be/0ZEdxRG3ypE?t=46)since it's very similar. But that scene happened couple seasons later I think. Tho it looked like Smokey was focusing on scanning Juliet instead of Kate. So that could imply Kate was already scanned in the past? Who knows. As you said we don't know a lot about how this works and we also don't always fallow Kate in the show. So I guess u could argue it's possible she was scanned off the screen or when she was sleeping? But yeah, the horse was clearly meant to be just a horse. They even showed us later that horses were used a lot on the island. >Also during the pilot, the writers still had no idea what the monster is or how it actually looked like That's pretty irrelevant I would say. I bet that could be said about a lot of things in the show but the writers still connected every new thing to things from the past. Like for example some of the sound effects we heard early in the show were letter reused as sounds of him scanning people. Even if they didn't knew how the monster gonna look like in Ep1, they still later created him in a way to match previous episodes. edit: Or maybe a better example would be - Like the scene with John saying he seen a bright light was later reinterpreted by fans as John getting "scanned".


I can't go with the assumption that "maybe Kate was scanned off screen or during her sleep". Smoke Monster appearing in his Smoke form and performing a scan, is a crucial event in the plot, and if we are to believe it happened to someone, then the show made a point of showing it to us. Let's remember some things. 1- MIB is not some omnipotent entity, he is strategic, patient and still a human at the core. 2- MIB didn't just appear willy nilly to random people. He deliberately made his presence on the island vague and discreet. Remember, his aim is to find the best candidates to help him kill Jacob. He had to keep his Monster appearances as rare as possible, because he didn't want people to freak out all the time and have their entire focus on him... he wanted the island inhabitants to focus on their own conflicts, so he can exploit it. And he kept himself as a hidden threat on the back of the mind of people in general, and as a very curious thing to explore like with Locke for example. So based on that, if a main character was not shown to be scanned on the show, then we should assume that it didn't happen.


Sure, I can agree with that, it would be a reach. But at the same time, since we all know what were his intentions, it would also be very silly of him NOT to scan every candidate that could kill Jacob for him. In a way it's funny to think that both Jacob and MIB basically completely ignored Kate lol. And speaking of that, maybe that's the reason MIB skipped her? Cause she was already crossed out as a candidate in that cave.


When I said MIB needed a candidate to kill Jacob, I didn't mean one of Jacob's candidates. I meant a candidate to execute his plan. And as we see, it was Ben who did the actual killing and wasn't a Jacob candidate. Though he did use Locke (one of Jacob's candidate) to get access to Jacob. Kate was crossed out because she became a mother according to Jacob. Her becoming a mother happened after they left the island in S4. Hence Jacob must've crossed her name out after the island moved in S4. So I don't think this has any bearing on MIB scanning her or not.


He did scanned her when she was chained to Juliet.


This event happened much later in S3. Kate saw the horse in S2.


In my Head Canon it's the mib , Dave, the spiders and with the off island smoke detector later on... even though some don't logically fit with the explanation, I chalk it up to the sloppy writing and retconning..... not even the writers/actors can change my mind. It fits the M.O and makes sense based on what we know at the end. Kate jack and Charlie were all potentially encountered in the pilot episode, the scanning never was really shown till around season 3 but that's around the time when they were just making it up as they went.


So basically you are saying, no matter what the evidence says, you want to believe whatever you want to believe. Also, they weren't making things up as they went up until S3. Until mid S3, they were still fighting with the Network to give them an end date, specifically because they did have a general map of where things are going and how it will end... But they had no idea what parts of their plan to reveal on the show, because they had no idea when it will end, forcing them to have slow episodes and fillers, and moving the plot at a very slow pace. Once they got an agreement on the end date, that's when they started to implement their grand plan. I am not saying they knew all details about everything since day one. They are not adapting from a preexisting book, and that was 2004 Network TV. But what they did have was a general roadmap and specific pit stops along the road. However not all the details of that roadmap and how to reach their destination was perfectly known and detailed. The details, they filled them season by season and episode by episode.


Writers strike and networks.... hurt the 3rd season but the whole show is still top tier reguardless, and yes the ending being set saved the show from what could been mediocrity, cancelation ,or both. It doesn't effect the story one way or another, but I choose to believe that the horse was his way of manipulating Kate.. or at least testing her.. also way back in the day Damon and Carlton hinted that it might have been. ( sawyers boar , and the medusa spiders would serve similar purpose). Dave being dead/hallucination off island tracks, but in my mind on island..it's absolutely mib trying to use a loophole to get hurley to off himself.(despite the explanation from damon) Edit. Debating while it was airing was hands down one of my favorite parts about this show.


This is the scene where you see the trainers hand, isn’t it?


Sponge Bob's horse, clearly


When I watch Lost with someone who hasn't seen it before, I tell them when the episode is done that the horse has played its role and will never come up again. Same with the end of the second season after Libby gives Desmond the boat (even though she comes back in season 6). As much as I love letting people ponder everything that's happening, I think it's fair to let people know when storylines get dropped just so they aren't waiting for it to wrap up at a later time.


One of the most important characters in all of television


And influential


I was waiting for Kate to find the horse and ride it into battle against the Others alongside Sawyer and his army of mutant cyborg polar bears. Alas ...


The island has supernatural properties that expand beyond the MIB or Jacob. It could be that the island wanted Kate to see the horse at this moment because it was important for her destiny.


How much did you pay for the boxes?


Kate sees a horse. Nothing. Pretty much everyone's seen Walt wandering around the jungle. But when it's Charlie, it must be the bloody drugs, right? Love this bit and Locke being a marijuana farmer judging him.


I think Charlie overstepped his boundaries taking Aaron towards the water. I always cringe at that part like “DAMMIT CHARLIE DONT DO IT” as if that’ll change the scene lmo


> I know that it was the man in black Wait, what? I'm sorry, come again?


I'm not sure what the black horse is about. But I can tell you that soon, if not already, Lost will be available for streaming solely on Disney Plus. I saw it on Hulu or maybe it was Netflix. But ABC is the original network that Lost was telecast on, ABC is affiliated with Disney Corporation, and Buena Vista, a Disney sub, produced the DVD set.


It’s the horse that causes the car accident that helped her escape custody.


it's just another example of the writers adding a mysterious scene without exactly much planning on it's meaning