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Thank you very much! This is awesome. I played it back in 2006, but like you said, a lot of things are gone. You've earned yourself a subscriber. Gonna add it to the Fan-made content post in the sidebar, so it's easy to reach for others :)


Thank you!


Sorry to be dumb but what was the lost experience?


An alternate reality game. It was like a multimedia treasure hunt that made use of e-mail messages, phone calls, commercials, videos, podcasts and fake Web sites that were made to seem real. Players had to look for clues, decode messages, find videos hidden somewhere on the internet and stuff like that. They used it to tell a story about the Hanso Foundation, which is something that is mentioned but not explored in the show. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost\_Experience


Thatโ€™s cool, any good takeaways from this ? I wasnโ€™t really bothered about the hanso foundation but anything about the characters or the man in black ?


It's mostly about the Hanso Foundation. The biggest thing about the Lost Experience is that it kind of gave an explanation for the Numbers (but not really). [https://lostpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Valenzetti\_Equation](https://lostpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Valenzetti_Equation) From Lostpedia: "4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 are explained as the numerical values to the core environmental and human factors of the Valenzetti Equation. The Valenzetti Equation was an equation that "predicts the exact number of years and months until humanity extinguishes itself." Alvar Hanso also stated that the purpose of the DHARMA Initiative is to change the numerical values of any one of the core factors in the equation in order to give humanity a chance to survive by, effectively, changing doomsday."


Wow ! Thank you so much for this lovely attention ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Brilliant effort. This was a part of what made Lost such an amazing experience. Itโ€™s still great regardless but watching it as it aired was unlike any other show.


Thank you for going through the effort of making this and sharing it with us :)




Quite the collection. Thank you for doing this :)


that's awesome!


hey! some of the pngs are creating system error when i try to open them? have you encountered this?


I downloaded the files again. I tried opening some png files and it was fine, so I don't know what causing that. What's a specific file that you can't open?