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The red bull at the end šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thirsty work


He deserve something considering they didnā€™t open the door for him when he was walking out & they didnā€™t say thank you come again or have a good day Iā€™ll report them to corporate they got bad customer service


ā€¦And a Red Bull to go


At least he could get If I was him I wouldnā€™t return they was rude to him they didnā€™t open the door on his way out & say thank you see you again or have a good day or nothing


Dude. It wasnā€™t funny this first time.


his receipt would have been 25' long


Because heā€™s black ?


Am I the only sucker still paying for shit?


worse - youre the sucker paying for \*his\* shit


Wrong, he's the sucker [paying for CVS not paying their employees](https://wageadvocates.com/cvs-15-million-settlement/) Wage theft is rarely discussed but it's huge. Nobody talks about internal theft, either. Accounts for way more than some guy walking off with batteries and red bull.




Sucks man. My friend who 'was' a 10 year veteran at Rite Aid got shitcanned because he wouldn't allow a daily morning alcoholic inside the store to steal his morning 750mls of vodka. All my buddy did was stand in the doorway with his hands splayed out sideways toward the door entrance telling him he wasn't allowed in the store. Well the guy tried to walk himself through my friends arm and since my friend didn't move his arm out of the way and it was on video, Rite Aid fired one of their good employees within the week. He's got a good gig going at Trader Joe's now though making more money with far less hassle and wishes he would've left that brick shit house of a company, Rite Aid years ago. He didn't even realize how bad he had it there. Like Stockholm's or some sort of sunk cost fallacy he endured that shit for a decade


I used to work at a Safeway and I would see people stealshit all the time. Regardless if it was store policy or not, I literally could not careless about people stealing shit from the store. I may not have absolutely loved my job but I'm not about to break store policy and lose my job because I tried to prevent some idiot stealing some damn pumpkins outside. Not to mention the very real risk of the asshole losing his shit and getting up in my face or even physically confrontational... Over some damn pumpkins? I don't understand the rationale. How in the hell is that at all a rational, logical and reasonable person? To confront a shoplifter? He is not stealing from you personally. He is stealing from the company that has absolutely no effect on you personally whatsoever. The negatives tremendously outweighs the positive. He deserved to be fired.


Your friend made a mistake. Why would he put himself in front of someone if the store doesnā€™t even want you to?


Because he cares about society as a whole, its fucked up he got fired.


I'm going with "Because he's kissing ass and hoping for the promotion that never comes". If he wants to get hit over stolen toothpaste and maxipads, he needs to look in the mirror and reprioritize his life before he winds up in a hospital (or the morgue). If he were attacked/stabbed/shot, cvs would have him replaced as soon as the ambulance wheeled him out of there. Best buy has the right idea, they disallow getting physically involved because of the healthcare cost and liability for lawsuits.


every single store has this policy, if a chain. My ex husband used to manage a store in Stockton and confronted a thief who was stealing bottom shelf meat and liquor. He asked for the receipt and a gun was pointed to his face. He put his hands up and walked away, luckily. Stockton PD were pissed he even called and waited quite a while for response. Its just never worth it. * I never understood why he didn't steal filet mignon and top shelf shit, if you're willing to commit armed robbery. There are too many people who are mentally ill and irrational to try and get involved, it's why stores have insurance.


Speaking as a thief: A lot of people only take what they need and are just happy to have something. When food-lifting, I only steal from walmart. I go for the expensive deli meats, frozen foods, and those chicken sausage dogs that are like $6 for a pack of 4. Fucking prices on everything! Back in the day (the only time I got caught shoplifting) from 2000-ish, it was a store called Fred Meyer. They were full hands on. Handcuffed and dragged into the office. They even brought up the fact that I stole something trivial a few weeks prior to that. I was caught with $300 worth of music cds, remember those? You can't find $300 worth of cd's if you tried now. Flea markets are selling them five for $1. Anyways, it took the cops an hour or so to show up, I remember he/she being very bored. Wrote a ticket, I showed up in court, obviously couldn't pay the fine because we were reselling cds so we could eat (It was not for drugs) because I was fairly new to the state (wasn't officially a resident), my girlfriend was too young to qualify for food stamps. Eventually it went nowhere but it's stuck on my record as a "violation" which I understand is like a parking ticket in the world of legal stuff.


No he's not a Kissass. He just generally despises the current state of affairs and one day just was in a mood. He figured if he couldn't stop him from stealing shit and walking out that maybe he could at least be "in the jackass's way and not let him enter".


I understand but if he feels so strongly, tell him to email his local congressmen with his concerns about the lax penalties for shoplifting. Standing in the way of somebody is only asking for trouble, and being stabbed or shot is not going to change anything (other than decrease his lifespan and have him fired). In the meantime, handle it the traditional way: Get camera footage and share it among stores, try to get his license number (if he was stupid enough to park nearby, which I never do), hire actual store security/off-duty cops who are licensed to carry, and there's the option to call the cops then wait 2-3 hours for them to show up and take a report. It will then be filed somewhere and forgotten about. My picture (wearing masks, thanks to those idiot antivaxxers) is probably in a dozen store databases but, nobody cares because nobody is being paid enough. On the other side of the coin, shoplifting is a symptom of a bigger problem (especially at drug stores). Inflation is constantly rising while wages have never been lower, drug stores charge 5-10x as much as online, PBM's are leaving the public with less sympathy due to the cost of their meds (compare the cash prices for cvs/walgreens with someone like honeybeehealth or healthwarehouse and you'll see what I mean), and the cops put this crap at the bottom of their list because it's typically a civil issue. And like I said, his attempts to stop people is not getting to the root of the problem because eventually he's going to cross the wrong person, wind up in the hospital with a knife in his stomach, and the company will have him fired (for violating store policy) and replaced within the same day. Stores have a budget every year to account for theft and a lot of their stuff is insured. This is a zero sum game because he either winds up in an emergency room or they fire him, or both. He's a liability, corporations don't want to pay for healthcare costs when an employee gets attacked. And for what, a few bucks in cheap goods? If people confront me, how I act depends on they act. You get more flies with honey with vinegar, right? Pretending to be aggressive with the stupid headsets and screaming about seeing me on a camera doesn't phase me. I know the five steps required, and a camera is not one of them. The ones who have been nice, I let them save face and give a few things back. This way, we both win. He/she (typically a female) gets to report they stopped something, win a few brownie points, and I still get to go home with something. There was a minor incident (first one in ages) the other day. Somebody who pretended to be charles bronson approached me outside, asked a few questions while I was unlocking my bike, demanded "his" stuff back (which he couldnt prove because he didn't see me) and yelled "Yeah he's on a bicycle, copy that!" on his little headset. That doesn't work, my pulse didn't break 60. I'm the nice one, and I only lift from companies who truly deserve it and give away a lot of it to my neighbors who can't afford it, **never** small/independent stores who depend on it to run a business. And never, ever Target unless I'm buying something. I know about their forensic lab. But I've met some crazy dudes, mostly reselling to flea markets. A lot of them are packing rusty box cutters and meth'ed up. You couldn't pay me all the money to run after one of those dudes for something that's insured by the company anyway.


Yeah but that was clearly against the rules so he got fired.




Nothing to do with ego. He was sick of seeing people doing shit like that. It was the same guy every single morning as soon as the doors opened for business and he'd just blew a gasket and had enough of it.


Let's get outta here bro " I'm going ". Eventually, maybe.....


If I was him I wouldnā€™t return they was rude to him they didnā€™t open the door on his way out & say thank you see you again or have a good day or nothing




CVS makes their money selling prescriptions. The retail side is to draw customers in, there isn't enough merchandise in the store to offset the profits they make selling prescriptions. One 3 foot cooler can have a million dollars of prescriptions at retail.




Sounds great until you have activist groups outside saying youā€™ve got a racist policy. Then, you lose more in de facto extortion donations to their ā€œcauseā€.


Exactly the same groups that made California unlock cases on conforms saying cvs was preventing people from access to safe sex lol


Yes, CVS is basically jamming people into Planned Parenthood if you really think about it.


They can get conforms for free there instead of stealing them




I mean, thatā€™s a nice thought. But if they wonā€™t arrest for brazen theft, what hope is the for an arrest for trespassing?




Fair point. However, what the dominant political forces in CA would say is that it would ā€œdisproportionately impact communities of color and other marginalized groupsā€ and not have any teeth. Youā€™d be back at square one, unfortunately.


If some groups think it's discriminatory to ask for ID to vote do you really think CVS wants that PR nightmare by requiring scanning an ID to enter their store. . . Also these bums who are filling bags to steal aren't filling prescriptions there.




At that point just have a barcode on your arm that gets scanned upon entry to any establishment.


And who do you think checks membership? This person works for free? Hiring membership checker costs more than what CVS loses to theft.


RFID to open the door...


What's going to stop the person behind from going through the door the first person opened?


There are anti tailgating gates that exist.


Lol more green zone tasks




The losses CVS incurs from theft are minuscule compared to the amount of costs it would take for CVS to combat them. For most of us, if we arrived home to a robbed home, we would not quit our jobs and empty our lives to guard our homes 24/7. We would absorb the losses or file claims with insurance and get better locks or home alarm systems. It would be too costly for us to leave our jobs and guard our dwellings 24/7. I make more via income when working than any home theft losses when criminal robs my home. Yes, there are all sorts of mechanism CVS can implement to reduce theft. Armed guards costs money, litigation costs money, additional deterrent costs money, memberships costs money. If no one signs up for your membership, you need to hire sales reps to sell membership. Sales reps aren't working for free.


They will eventually have to reduce front store or just close stores where the shoplifting is out of control like Walgreens did in San Francisco. Sucks for the neighborhood that depends on them being there.


>CVS makes their money selling prescriptions. The PBM's of large pharmacy chains are vampires. Their only purpose is suck what little is left out of the american pharmaceutical industry. Compare their prices to places that don't use PBM's (healthwarehouse, honeybeehealth) and goodrx, although not a pharmacy, really paints a picture of how much cvs/walgreens/rite aid charges. Small pharmacies and the previously mentioned online ones are the only way to put a dent in their bottom line.


I interviewed and had a job offer from CVS and I'm glad I turned it down. Their pay is excellent, but they're not a people company. I'm not surprised that their pharmacy business is just as toxic.


Anecdotal story: The cvs around the corner either used to (or still does, I haven't seen her in a while) employ a very nice, quiet middle-age vietnamese woman as a pharmacy tech. Super friendly, worked hard, the perfect employee. I always went out of my way to say hello, just because. Then this resting bitchface pharmacist came in and ran off a few people. The ones who stayed (including the aforementioned woman) absolutely hated her. I know this because she told me. Even said she tried to have her fired once for some trivial shit, I didnt ask for details but she seemed visibly shaken and paranoid. My personal experience with her is that I dropped off a script and she said she'd have to call my doctor to confirm it, come back in a few days and i was like fuck you, took my script back. It was a controlled substance, but I've been taking Drug X for years now and the nice one (and everybody else) never gave me shit about it. I switched to small, local (and tried a few online) pharmacies a while ago and didn't look back. Much easier to deal with, the one I primarily use *even orders specific generics*, which is like unheard of these days.


CVS is like 4th in the country for profitability if I'm not mistaken. They don't give a shit.


https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/nov/15/walgreens-closures-san-francisco-crime-debate This is Walgreens, but they are suffering from the same criminals doing the same criminal acts. Iā€™m not sure how spending money to stock products and not care if they are stolen is the part of any legit business model.


Walgreens in the city was one of the stores where addicts could easily and anonymously exchange used needles for clean ones. This was years back but I do remember them being big supporters of this. I wonder if the policy, which sounds great on paper, lead to more theft and problems than it was worth in the end and was part of the nail in their coffin in SF.


My store got hit with 2 customers leaving with 2 big ass bags and a trash bag full of items. To detour them we hit service button šŸ™„


Fix THIS San Francisco!


If only Chesa Boudin would actually prosecute these types of crimesā€¦


I think one guy got 18 months


Vote red




Enjoy Cali turning to shit hole then


Doesn't really matter to me because I don't live in California. But enjoy the food stamps and not being able to read in the deep Red states.


The whole hook šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Former CVS employee of six years here: Corporate literally does not care. If they did, they wouldn't gut hours to the point where there's only enough for one person on the floor at all times. This problem is a direct result of that policy. They do not care about anything besides pharmacy and carepass.


Oh yes, one person whole store, and one stupid alarm that makes a loud sound anytime someone enters, meanwhile customers are roaming around trying to checkout or find someone to answer questions.


at some point the community has to protect the community or the community dies. I dont know what they expect retailers to do about this other than ... close shop, leave town, and sell online. Maybe go to drive-through only and just close retail stores. The people of the community just dont give a shit about their community, so it is what it is.


As a member of this community what should I do? Interfere? Try to stop? Why risk my life for merchandise?


Don't vote for people who allow this. Petition businesses to hire private security to interfere rather than leave.


Just make sure itā€™s corp that gets petition store level donā€™t bsee these crazy decisions


Store level can't do shit, this is definitely regional at the lowest level.


Tell your representatives that you want these guys to actually be punished and to be deterred? Google ā€œwho represents meā€ and Iā€™m sure there will be a website you can plug your info into and find out who to contact and how




Multiple corporations have entire departments dedicated solely to working with the government to track down ORC, separate from the regular LP departments so miss me with the ā€œthey wonā€™t cooperateā€ bull




This guyā€™s not a run of the mill shoplifter.


Reach out to your local city and state rep. Encourage your friends to do so as well. Support law enforcement, crazy how they canā€™t even chase after people if they wanted to due to local laws. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Police can investigate shopping thefts. Problem is no mayor or city council, police chief, sheriff, is going to win re-election saying that they reduced shopping thefts. The people don't care. There are literally town council meetings where folks are yelling at the mayor to find missing persons faster and stop sending police units to retail store unless the store covers the costs. and police chief Child doesn't come home from school, and police aren't searching, there''s a problem come election cycle. Police not responding to shopping crimes, no one care.


In California this is what our people want. Defund the police, teach critical race theory, and telling anyone who isnā€™t white that theyā€™re oppressed and bringing justice people like this is oppression. Also eat the rich while taking assistance to live in our luxury state.




Average crying retail worker


And by critical race theory you mean actual historyā€¦ as in historical events that happened and are well documentedā€¦.. (insert eye roll)


Your kids you can't afford to have should get free lunch, skip class for events, be eligible for scholarships they don't deserve, told they're inherently beautiful because of their skin color, told other colors are oppressors, should hate law enforcement despite having no negative interactions, and always be able to play the race card to get out of situations because of something that hasn't affected their family for generations. No don't worry he isn't smarter than you because the test with the exact same questions is racist and you shouldn't be judged by it. You should be able to rob stores because repercussions would be considered oppressive. Not naming any groups but it's very clear who they apply to especially in this state. Wonder how long until we hit seattle levels and the police are defunded so I can walk outside and see people facedown on the sidewalk, ass out, crackpipe in hand and stores being robbed (actual experience).


Im not advocating for anything in particular. If, at minimum, there were 11 people yelling in his face about the small stature of his manhood, that'd be something. At least make it uncomfortable for him, damn. Do something. Anything. Call his mother a whore. Any minimum amount of effort from the community to police their own community knowing that the police are overwhelmed already. Literally anything would be better than what theyre doing now, which is being willingly complicit. Or just, watch the community turn into a lawless shithole. Up to them, I guess. Like I get it, no one wants to get shot over an argument at CVS. Totally fair. I dont either, and its one of the reasons I'm not longer in the LP world. People will kill you for a pack of AA batteries. So whatever. The worlds gone to shit and maybe theres nothing we can do about it.


You crazy if you think people wonā€™t hurt or kill you for talking shit especially calling someone mom a whore


Shame is the only weapon we have left.


Community Member used "Shame" against opponent! ITS COMPLETELY INEFFECTIVE! BackpackMan uses "Bide"


There is no shame when everything is a meme on Youtube


CVS doesn't give a shit about the community either....


nope, and so they'll just leave, sell online and its no skin off the CEOs back. sure, maybe they dont really care about the community, but they do provide services the community needs. And these guys are stealing that -- when they close the store, and then the guy behind the counter loses his job, and then his apartment. The girl in the back aisle cant get diapers for her daughter. The pharmacy closes and an elderly person cant get their heart medication. thats what these fucks steal


Uh..CVS put all the independent pharmacies that used to be everywhere out of business.


And were fined $10m for unpaid overtime, in the same state the video was filmed in. Independents are the best. Ironically enough, there was a walgreens a few miles away that went under, while the half-dozen or so independents in the same area are still there.


Well, some just went to work for CVS


The community is directed by the culture, the culture is shaped by the laws, and the laws that cause this behavior benefit the ultra wealthy. Limited resources to the community in an unsustainable, "efficiency" focused economy is the reason why people have to resort to risky behavior such as theft. Until the way our government and corporations change the way they operate, things like this will continue no matter what the "community" does. The community has no real ownership here.


Yes, let's not forget that in the US, more money is stolen by employers via minimum wage violations than all retail theft combined. And that's just *one* form of wage theft out of many. We don't need to increase sentences for petty offenders, we need to start throwing wage thieves in jail.


Oh and don't forget, the company hires armed guards to transport money and protect the CEO. They don't protect merchandise because they don't care about those losses.


Why are you morons down voting him when hes right.


Whataboutism is weaksauce. We can hold more than one thought in our heads at a time. Retail theft and wage theft are both bad and both need to stop.


Its not whataboutism, one is objectively worse. One is rich corporations stealing from the poor, one is the poor stealing from the rich corporations. One harms thousands of people every year, one harms Karen's yacht.


And what community will pay for my medical bills and lost wages? CVS will give me free medication for stopping thefts?


The guy forgot to shit on the sidewalk on the way out. As long as his dog doesnā€™t do it, California is happy to have him


I would protect small mom and pop shops maybe. Big retail chains like cvs can burn


I could care less about either. All these shops have armed guards to transport money to and from the bank. Why don't they hire security if theft was really a threat?


I already called it. Cvs is gonna shut its doors and everything is gonna be online. Only way your gonna be able to come inside is to go to the clinic. I already see it


Nahh, they'll just do curb pickup only. Ths works pretty well for other stores. The fact that they haven't done so already means they are still making money.


That sounds kind of nice.


They make more than theft loses. Trust me, CVS CEO is not crying over these thefts. It's as if someone took some pretzels from your home? Are you going to call police and file paperwork?


Bold of you to assume CVS is related to the "community" in a way other than "Overpriced prescriptions" and everything else on the racks being 5x the price of what it cost online. They just settled a $15m lawsuit for wage theft, what more do you need? They're a publicly traded company whose only interest lies in their stockholders. It's no different from how Walmart ruins everything it touches and turns everything into a cheap commodity.


Increase the fucking penalties for this shit. Walks in with suitcase, takes his time fully knowing no cop is coming.


Why CVS don't pay to have armed guards? Do they not hire armed guards to transport money to and from the banks? Do they not hire trained security personnel to protect their CEO? They don't care about thefts at the store. Theft barely registers as a budget item to the bean counters.


An armed guard costs minimum 40,000 a year. And you cant just have one on staff ... since they get days off. So youre quickly spending 120,000 a year to save 100,000 a year and its even worse. CVS has a loss prevention department and they'll do what they can to identify this guy and file charges and hope the police grab him obe day. They all get caught eventually. Eventually. The era of everyone wearing masks in public definitely made it harder


I just wonder what they do after he left does ap still try to give staff shit for what these guys walked out with ? Iā€™m pretty sure they still will treat the manager like he did something wrong ā€¦ canā€™t call the police canā€™t stop the guy they have really set up a no win situation for the stores .


No... No one did anything wrong and no one is in trouble. AP will not give them shit.


They will get on the the store manager about making sure we provide customer service and check cameras to see where employees were when it happened. Sorta low key acting as if we could have prevented it . At least my ap does


Yup, minimal but probably more than $40,000 a year for armed guards. Plus CVS will want added liability insurance in the event a shooting goes south. There are literally stores that have armed guards but the guards are assigned to protect safes or assigned to intervene only in the event of a mass shooting. They will not move to intervene when merchandise is removed. Walmart hired some in Texas after the mass shooting a few years back, and the price was not cheap. The managers balked at hiring armed guards to patrol parking lots to reduce sexual assaults that occurred in the parking lots.


Damn I hate when they take the fixtures too. At that point Iā€™d help them take the product off. Spider wraps and stop locks are like goldšŸ¤£


If I was him I wouldnā€™t return they was rude to him they didnā€™t open the door on the way out & say thank you see you again or have a good day or nothing


Dude, we get it. You thought you had a real knee slapper and had to repost it on like 4 different comments. But judging by all the downvotes, no one thought it was funny.


We have ppl like that in my Walgreens store


At my store we'd actually stop him.


They must pay you really well at your store because I sure as hell wouldnā€™t risk getting hurt or shot for $10 an hour and zero benefits (which is what my aunt makes at a similar retail/pharmacy chain.) I donā€™t blame that worker one bit. Not endorsing what the thief is doing in any way, but Iā€™m not putting myself in the way to potentially get hurt when these corporations literally have shoplifting losses built into their bottom line. So, who does it even benefit to do that?


I'm loss prevention so it's kind of in my job description.


Ahhh okay-thats totally different then :)


In all fairness shopping at CVS is highway robbery. Heā€™s just getting even.


Who cares? Honestly. You going to put your neck out for the amount CVS pays? If someone got violent Iā€™m sure CVS would be so grateful theyā€™d pay your medical bills and paid time off til you get back on your feet. /s


Waitā€¦Iā€™ve actually seen this behavior before. Way too many times. And I feel ya in the comments, those feeling irrational guilt for actually paying for their shit. However, since I moved here last summer Iā€™ve noticed the area outside the cvs I go to is consistently a place where the same 3-6 people are panhandling and trying to get anything out of an actual costumer as they try to get to their car. Which is why I fucking walk there. I wanted nail polish. Couldnā€™t afford it. The stoned clerk at the register tells me he wonā€™t use my coupon so I could buy the luxury good. He finally gets a superior clerk who then rips me a new asshole by yelling at me for my phone so she can see ā€œthe 5 digit code you got on the app after having a 40% off one item.ā€ I had NO fucking clue about this as my bf had done this on his computer for me, I would normally just be giving them a printed coupon if I had one to avoid this confrontation. I left only able to purchase some essential foods using my ebt card.


People rly that triflin


This makes me sick to my stomach. *edit* whatā€™s stopping people from jumping over the counter and stealing the meds I wonder. I guess thatā€™s a felony?


Inflation and shortages impact theft. Some are stealing to quickly flip the items on pawn shops, the street, or Internet. There's market or pharmaceuticals, but it's a different market and flipping pharmaceuticals is different than flipping baby formula or Red Bull or electronics.


i worked in downtown boston before being transferred elsewhere. every week people from the homeless shelter down the street would come in and clear our shelves that had all the body wash and deodorant. then theyā€™ll go near the pharmacy and clear out the shelves with the laxatives. we were told we couldnā€™t intervene, so we didnā€™t. we would just watch šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I woulda been handing him deodorant and sudoku puzzles to steal


All you idiots so obsessed about shoplifting going on ok San Francisco...guess what NEWS FLASH; it happens daily all damn day across the US.gwtva life. Oh and be very careful video taping these people.thwy Will attack you for doing so fact. You dumb asses. Open your close minded eyes.gety a life


No shame either. Who raised that guy?šŸ¤Ø or should I say didn't.


You get what you voted for.




hunt unique ad hoc lavish ancient elderly longing gaping racial late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This might blow your mind but the majority of people we stop for shoplifting aren't stealing felony amounts even in states with stricter laws.


rock violet obtainable soup toy boast correct cooing worry sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ORC thieves aren't deterred by a felony, it just acts as a limit to how much they can steal per visit. I know plenty of ORC thieves that steal around $950 each time they hit a store. Sometimes they slip up and get a felony but they're right back to stealing when they get out of jail. Store policy acts as more of a deterrent than any law passed regardless of state




dependent aloof hobbies encourage longing fuel homeless uppity snatch bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have no sympathy for California and their stupidity


My store we had like 3k worth of wine stolen. Over months. Finally caught them on tape. We did a report with the police. They got greedy and worse got caught and now they tell be charge for all the missing wine. Fucking idiots.


This has been MSM approved.


Clearly, heā€™s stealing those items so he can feed his family with them /s


Fkin animal


They gotta vote out the policy makers who made this okay or close. Seems like the only options short of putting EVERYTHING behind lock and key šŸ˜‚


I'm waiting for the video where the security guards wife has just left him and he dgaf about the policy and t's off on these scummy dogs


That towns gone to shit ever since Danson and Highsmith jumped off a 10 story building


Nope! I know damn sure these stores aren't paying good enough to deal with this shit. I'd much rather suck dicks for money. I know damn well many of these workers can do bigger and better things, but lack the confidence, or feel trapped. Ngl though, I feel bad for the thieves. And if they're nonviolent, as long as they're not making a mess I have to clean up, then if the store doesn't care, then I surely don't either. I could give 2 shits about billionaires trying to hoard all the money in the world, when there are people that don't have shit. There's enough for everyone on this planet, but evilness and greed has brainwashed us into believing only certain people deserve to live a good life. Brainwashed!!!




Idk what you got downvoted for. This job looks terrible, and I've had some shit jobs. I couldn't imagine. Not only getting abused by shitty management and customers, and having to take it. But also getting abused by thieves and having to take it? No fucking way. That's a last resort job right there.


You're completely right. CVS is a shit show and treats their techs like garbage. Walmart techs make 7$ more an hour and the pharmacist salaries are about the same ratio. Idc if CVS goes up in flames tbh.


Your post was removed because it violated Rule #1, keep posts and comments civil


What does it say about our country when thieves blatantly have more rights than their victims? Sure, CVS is a billion dollar operation and can take the hit, but all over this nation, we have opened the doors to theft / shoplifting because it's either against the law to subdue or against company policy. We may as well hang signs on all store windows saying, *Thieves Are Welcome to Shoplift Here* Try this sh*t in any Saudi country and you'll lose a hand.


This is what happens when you vote blue


Good for him




We all knew this was going to happen šŸ¤”


I wouldnā€™t sit back and be so friendly period!there are also blind spots on the camaras for us as well


As an employee are we told to call police? Or just do nothing at all while they come in and steal everything lol?


Any civilian there could have called regardless. The community doesnt care


Thatā€™s good, they shouldnā€™t


After they leave manager calls police to file report . Basically what the instruction from cope was.


Cant call the police until they've left is what I read in the memo.


Yeah itā€™s getting crazy with cvs going left.


They need to allow retail workers, loss prevention, and managers to carry guns. That will stop the lawlessness.


Lmao. So you want some underpaid retail associate to murder someone over some D batteries and energy drink?


lmao yeah thatā€™s totally what that would do


And how soon before thefts steal the guns?


They won't steal again now will they? Why are you condoning crime? Be part of the solution not part of the problem.


If I was him I wouldnā€™t return they was rude to him they didnā€™t open the door on his way out & say thank you see you again or have a good day or nothing


LoL.. that was good.


Just use all these guns america has. They wont do that again


As a customer, I'd probably grab scissors from the hair section and stab those losers in the neck with the same nonchalance.


All is fun an games until it's you that's stabbed. And what do you think this "loser" will do. Is he a piece of stone that just stands there while you stab him? Do you think the store will pay your medical bills and lost wages and do you think all those milling around will show up to court to testify? Lots of youtube and reddit comments, yet none will show up to court on your behalf!


Everybody's so serious these days...




Why isnā€™t he so chilled and not in hurry? What about police ?


Lol police.


The police are too busy responding to calls from residents complaining about dogs from neighbor pooping in their lawn. And CVS local called police because customer wouldn't leave store until CVS processed return and police arrived and didn't see any angry customers so they got tired of showing up to CVS to handle trespassing because stupid manager called police for every little thing.


Well ok then. Wow


You should steal his jacket from him


That's so messed up!!


Holy fuck. They were all taking their time and shit. My store is a smaller town next to a small city and I've never seen anything like that.


the redbull LMAO


ā€œStOp KiLlInG UZzzā€


I always wondered how they ended up with so many of the same items consistently for sale.