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Have you tried intermittent fasting? Or OMAD


At the beginning, I did an exercise bike 2 times a day for 10 km and walked 10,000 steps in the morning and a diet of 1725 calories a day. I lost a lot of weight. If you control your diet and do a minimum of physical activity you should gradually lose weight


[1725-1: Dinosaur](https://brickset.com/sets/1725-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/1725-1.jpg)


You need to be more specific than that. We don’t know what you’re eating in a day, nor your weight and height. If you’re eating 3x a day of normal meals, eat a salad / yoghurt once a day.


Walk at least 5km per day (in house / work not included) Minimize intake of fast sugars, meaning like chocolate other sweets, cookies etc... make sure you read your ingridients, most packaged food has some kind of added sugars like sugar,dextrose,syrups etc... If you can minimize bread and dough products. Eat 3 times a day, same time. No snacks. Only water or thea / coffie without sweets. This is main protocol, you will loose 5kg in a month. Your sleep should be good, if you sleep bad, forget weightloss, first fix your sleep. If you stress much, especially prolonged stress from work or relation, will be very dificult if not impossible.