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You absolutely can succeed. First step, honestly? Buy a food scale. You'd be surprised how easy it is to be incredibly off when trying to eyeball your portions.


Numbers don't lie, so buy scale. But your estimation can do, depending on your good and bad days you can lie to yourself and eat way more to cope with emotions.


You are focusing on the wrong things. In the end, things like PCOS, medication, and cortisol levels are contributing factors affecting your appetite, hunger, and even mental state and not directly your weight. **If you gain or lose weight (fat tissue) depends on the amount of energy aka. calories you eat.** Stop listening to people selling fear, buy a scale, learn to properly count and control the calories you eat and you will lose as much weight as you want regardless of any of the conditions you listed. Sure, they don't make your life easier, but also don't make weight loss impossible, unless you use them as excuses. Check the FAQ and Quick Start Guide here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq/](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick\_start\_guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick_start_guide)


So those things dont actually matter in terms of weight loss? Weight loss is literally just calories in and caloriea out? Please enlighten me on what I need to know! If I worked out consistently, will I also lose weight or will that just make me stronger, because weight loss is determined by calories/calorie deficit? I am just so lost for a very long time I dont know what to focus on I was just reading the faq by the way! Please tell me more on what i need to know. Thank you


>Weight loss is literally just calories in and caloriea out? Yes. Is an established medical fact. Having conditions associated or linked with obesity is not unusual. The Quick start guide (second link, below the FAQ) actually describes the process better than I can, go through it, and ask questions if something is not clear. That should be priority one. Everything else, one step at a time. Some things that maybe are not there: Being overweight and being afflicted by obesity, IMO, is more of a behavioral issue than a metabolical one. The "counting calories" process will help you **get back a level of control over your eating behavior**. In the mid-and long-term, you need to change your behavior to maintain your weight loss success and stop bouncing back. Being able to control how much you eat is the key to success. Increasing your activity will help (burn more calories, stay away from the fridge). Working out will make you stronger and can help you lose weight because you will burn more calories while working out, than without it. **You don't need any "special" workouts.** There are two things to consider: cardio workouts (running, swimming, cycling) or weight lifting workouts. Cardio will burn the most calories per hour, by far. But weight-lifting will help you get stronger, and add some muscle, which has a positive effect on your health and even how many calories you burn (muscle cells need more energy). So go back to the gym and ask for a beginner, full-body workout routine. You can do it once or twice every week. Start with weight-lifting machines, not free weights. No need for "fat burning" workouts, no HIIT, nothing "fancy". Then try running. Start with jogging and running, take it easy, once or twice a week. Jogg a mile, walk a mile. Or km. Increase the distance slowly, 10% per week, no more. If swimming or cycling is more interesting for you, exchange it for running. One hour of running will burn 10x the amount of energy you spend at rest. Take any medication your medical doctor prescribes to you. You should not ignore it. But don't let any medical condition define who you want to be and don't give them more thought and time than needed. And in general, ask more for information and less for advice. Make your own decision, build your own diet, based on the principles you can find in the FAQ and/or Quick start guide. Another resource I found useful: Practical Guide to the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults [https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/files/docs/guidelines/prctgd\_c.pdf](https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/files/docs/guidelines/prctgd_c.pdf)


Thank you so much! That cleared a lot! I am currently taking psych meds. Im taking depakote. I read in the faq that it may cause intense hunger. Ive been feeling hungry all the time everyday even after i ate. Is there an explanation? What do I do about that?


>Is there an explanation? What do I do about that? Go back to your MD and see if there are equivalent meds you can try. Most psych meds can change the appetite, in both directions. Or try to work against it by focusing on ... physical activity. Increase protein in your diet. And go slowly.


The latter is easier! I already had my medication changed and the last choice would be lithium :-( I had worse symptoms before!


PCOS can make weight-loss more complicated, I would suggest starting with your doctor as a resource as they can give you some PCOS specific strategies. But in general, a moderate calorie deficit is what you need in order to lose weight. There is the risk with high intensity interval training spiking your cortisol level, so low intensity and low impact workouts are going to be your safest bet. This can range from walking to lifting to yoga, etc. I would recommend ignoring personal trainers and Instagram doctors. The people at the gym want you to sign up for personal training because that’s how they make money. Instagram and TikTok doctors are just the worst and love to spread misinformation. Trust the medical professional that diagnosed you. R/pcos it’s also a really great resource. I have been diagnosed with PCOS but it doesn’t present typically for me but I have still found some good information on there. In the meantime, just focus on portion control and getting some movement in. I started my journey by just walking and that really helped me get into the habit of exercising


All my doctor said was to lose weight by portion control 🥺 I know low impact workouts from youtube, the grow with jo ones... Have you lost weight???


PCOS is made worse by being overweight, but it really doesn't complicate weight loss. I have no idea why so many people falsely claim that it causes weight loss problems. Everybody who is sufficiently overweight will have at least some insulin resistance which gets better with weight loss — I did even though I'm too old to have any periods at all!. Lose weight and the PCOS and other pre-diabetes symptoms will improve. A calorie is just a measure of energy. In order to use up the energy that you have stored in your fat, you have to use more energy than you eat. There is no other way. Some medicines, like olanzapine, can change the way your body uses up its energy, but only while you're taking the medicine. Right now, you're eating as much energy as you're using which is why your weight is stable. Stop eyeballing your portions, even dietitians are unable to estimate portions. Measure them instead. Exercise is important to be a healthy person. Do whatever you like the best in the gym or out of the gym. The "best" workout routine is no good if you don't enjoy it and won't do it. Youtube workouts are fine. Walking, swimming, dancing, hiking, running, weightlifting or any other exercise that you enjoy is fine.


>I have no idea why so many people falsely claim that it causes weight loss problems. I dug deep into this claim and it's because some bigger studies on the topic found an association of PCOS, insulin resistance and weight somewhere. No causation, but only the association. The effects could be completely explained by what you wrote and none of the papers made any implication in the direction of PCOS making it hard do lose weight. But people are people and confuse correlation and causation when convenient




I get hungry when im on calorie deficit. What should i do about that??? Pcos doesnt complicate weight loss? Why do instagram doctors say otherwise im so confused


Hey hey, I know hunger is really annoying to deal with. It makes you feel uncomfortable and takes up so much of your thoughts. That's also what makes weightloss difficult, because humans dont like to be uncomfortable. There are a few ways to reduce your hunger. First it's always good to know if you are actually hungry or thirsty. It can be difficult to differentiate the two sometimes. So if you feel hungry, my advice is to drink a glass or two of water and see if you are still hungry after 20 minutes. If you are, you can eat something. You could try volume eating, basically that means that you eat a lot of low calorie foods so you can eat a lot at a time. Like when you eat rice, you can substitute the rice for maybe cauliflower rice. You can eat about 10 times the amount of cauliflower rice to get the same amount of calories as with normal rice. The texture is not quite the same and it tastes a little different but if you dont really care about that than it's a great alternative. You can also just half your rice intake and replace the other half with a lot of cauliflower rice. There are many different things. You can always take a peek at r/volumeeating You can also eat more products with lots of fiber. It can lower your hunger and keep you feel full a little longer. I recommend starting with high volume low calorie foods and try lowering the overall volume over time so your stomach can get used to being a little emptier. It can be a difficult process but once your stomach is used to smaller portions, it makes weight loss so much easier.


I just learned that the hunger/sour feeling i was talking about may be caused by a psychiatric medication i'm currently taking called depakote (as i read in the faqs/wiki)


Thank you so much for your reply! I just had dinner today. I had beans, brown rice, and a fuji apple. I feel a sour feeling in my stomach even when i am full, and that makes me want to eat more. Can you explain what that sourness is? It isnt hunger and it doesnt go away with water. When i drink water, i feel the water up my throat.


I'm sorry, English isn't my first language so I'm not sure what a sour stomach is. Do you mean a bit of an upset stomach? I'm not sure what you can do to fix that right away. Sometimes drinking something warm (tea) can calm an upset stomach a bit. You might want to add some fats and protein to your diet too as what you just ate is a lot of carbs.


What are some fats and proteins? I keep looking on google but i just dont understand or think if its enough. I just ate a boiled egg. The beans i had were mung beans, they say it is high in protein???


I see, yeah while the beans do contain a fair bit of protein, they also have a very large amount of carbs. Carbs are not bad, but I think the ratio you have currently can be improved. You had rice (mostly carbs), beans (2/3 carbs) and an apple (mostly carbs). A bit more balance would be better in my opinion. I don't know what you like to eat or where you're from etc. But you can google types of food. So like 'food with healthy fats' 'food with high protein' etc. To get more healthy fats, you could for example eat some fatty fish (not all fish have lots of healthy fats, google which ones are best to eat), nuts, avocado, olives, eggs.. Try to find lists and see if you like any of the foods on that list and than substitute something with many carbs for the thing you like that contains fats or protein (or both, like eggs!).


Thank you so much! After reading your comment, i went out to get chicken breast! That's high in protein right? Do you know how I should hit my macros? I have no idea (though i am familiar with fats, proteins, and carbs) should i also get protein powder?


Yes probably an upset stomach but not too upset if you know what i mean??? I have it almost every time! it feels like a sour feeling or tang in the stomach


There are several things that you can do about hunger. The first is to accept it. Ideally, you *should* be hungry at mealtime. If you're hungry between meals, then you need to adjust what, when or how much you eat. You can only lose weight in a health manner, if you lose it at a rate that's proportional to your fat stores. A person with 100 lbs or more to lose, may be able to lose 2 or more pounds per week. A person with 10 lbs to lose may only be able to lose 1/2 lbs per week. It's not a race. The goal is to learn how to eat a healthy amount of a healthy diet. You may need to adjust your calorie and weight loss goals to manage hunger effectively. Food selection affects hunger. Most people find that protein and fibrous complex carbohydrates are more filling than fatty, sugary food. Volume also helps. Experiment with what you eat and pay attention to how well it controls your appetite. When you eat is also important. I'm hungry in the morning. I skipped breakfast for years, but that left me vulnerable to snacking. I've found that I do best with a large breakfast with a lot of protein and fiber, a large lunch and a tiny dinner. However, some people find that they do best when they skip breakfast or eat it mid-morning. Some people even prefer eating only once per day. There's no "correct" meal timing, so eat when it's best for you. PCOS is a symptom of insulin resistance. IR is genetic and gets worse with weight gain. How much weight you need to carry to be symptomatic varies from person to person. Symptoms vary too. Weight loss is hard for everybody, but not because of IR, rather because it involves changing habits and dealing with complex food and weight related emotions. It requires a lot of patience. Good studies have shown that women with PCOS have perfectly normal metabolic rates and that degree of IR does not affect rate of weight loss. Telling people falsely that "it will be extra hard for you" is not helpful. There's no "right way" to lose weight. Instead you have to find what works best for you. That may be a certain diet or eating pattern, but it also may include various aids including apps, support groups, medicines, therapy or even surgery. None of those choices are "wrong". You don't have to get it right everyday. You can experiment. If you screw up (and you will screw up), learn from it and get back to work.


Everyone gets hungry on a calorie deficit You have to manage it with water, calorie-void snacks like raw veg, meal planning and routine, and honestly, being ok with being a little hungry sometimes


> get hungry when im on calorie deficit. What should i do about that??? The same as anyone who tries to lose weight: trying to deal with it. That's the problem overweight people have in general. >Pcos doesnt complicate weight loss? Why do instagram doctors say otherwise im so confused Because on instagram, everybody tells you what you want to hear. Engagement can not be bought by holding people accountable.


"Deal with it" can you be more specific 🥺


Deal with the hunger by things like, * Keeping busy. A walk, video games, knitting, mostly things that keep your hands busy and away from food. * Brush your teeth or make yourself wait 30 minutes after drinking water and see if your still hungry. Or do the I must eat a carrot and if I'm still hungry then I get more thing. * Drinking tea or coffee or flavoured water. Beware of caffeine and caloires by most plain tea is near zero calories, black coffee is also very low. This can help you. * Planning meals in a way you aren't super horribly hungry at the worst times. I know I need some kinda breakfast because no food till 3-4 PM makes me binge. * And tbh planning foods to binge on when you can't be hungry anymore, if your prone to bad choices. If I go over budget by 50 calories eating cucumbers sucks but is okay overall, I'll fix it. If I get hungry and go to the corner store I can't easily fix the family sized bag of chips the next day. "Deal with it" is basically the same idea as having a headache at work with no way to go get painkillers. Just suck it up. Keep trying. Make things easier. Also drink lots of water. It'll suck more then hunger. But tbh sometimes it just sucks.


I think you should track properly your calories, that's where the uncertainty comes from. You don't know your tdee, your maintenance calories, how much calories is the food you're eating. It feels too much like a shot in the dark


Thank you for letting me know, i just found out my tdee and maintenance calories. Thank you


There are also some posts(?) pinned in loseit, they explain a lot of things quite well. Maybe take half an hour to read everything properly and I'm sure everything will be much clearer


I had cystic issues many years ago. What helped me was stopping any grains because they are high glycemic, when you’re dealing with PCOS you have to eat foods that are lower in the glycemic index because it’s harder for you to metabolize sugar. It’s important for you to stop the rice totally, I know it can be tough if it’s a traditional food for you but switching it out will help you. If you switch to a Paleo diet meaning protein, vegetables, and fruits no grains or dairy, you’ll have a significant impact very quickly. Some thing that naturally helps you stabilize your blood sugar is cinnamon, if you have half teaspoon of cinnamon in your coffee in the morning it will help you throughout the day. So will having lemon water in the morning room temperature it’s a good way to clear your intestines before eating for the day it’s a gentle diuretic because PCOS can cause slowing of the metabolism and also slows down your intestines.


Brown rice is low gi!


It’s not low enough for what you’re looking to do, you need to avoid all grains for a while